Chapter 30

"I'm on the ground again"

"It seems so"

Erza stared up into amused red eyes. She did indeed learn of how skilled Archer is with a katana. She's very skilled. Erza couldn't touch her. She really felt like a beginner when it came to handling a blade. It really didn't help that Archer found amusement in her struggles. She had to look away from those eyes when she felt embarrassed by her lack of skill.

"Are you alright? "

"My confidence took a very hard hit"

"That's because I'm so good with my Katana" Archer chuckled at her words. She couldn't help but feel as if she was suggesting something very perverse. It seems Erza might of thought so as well because she soon turned as red as her hair.

"Please don't say it like that. It sounds very weird"

Archer nodded. She had to agree with the redhead, while at the same time she couldn't help but laugh at what she had said. It would've been much more effective had they not been ten year olds. She should try that again when they're older. She wondered if Erza would remember it. If she did, it would be even more laugh inducing.

"Need me to help you up? "

"I would appreciate your help if you weren't enjoying this too much" Erza sighed. Accepting help from an amused Archer wounded the little pride she had remaining. "But yes, I need your help"

Archer hummed and easily pulled Erza to her feet. The redhead stumbled, but miraculously regained her balance. She stood unmoving for a moment, not trusting her feet yet. After a minute she took a step and immediately regretted it.

She fell right into Archer's arms. Archer chuckled, so very amused, as she picked the redhead up.

"Wow, just one round and you already can't feel your legs. I must be better than I thought"

Again Erza picked up on the hidden message there and again her face was super red.

"Why did you have to say it like that? What is wrong with you? "

"I'm just very amused and these jokes just popped out of nowhere" Archer admitted as she managed to open the back door with her foot. "I think Erza's had enough for now, care to come back later? "

Athena nodded after a moment of thought. She did work the child to the bone and Archer did a number on her as well. It's best she let her rest for a few hours. She remained silent as Archer carried Erza into the house, making another crude joke as she did.

"Apollo would respect her jest" Poseidon said with disdain at the mention of his fellow deity. "I hope she takes a long while to find that fool"

"It amazes me that you can hold such a grudge. It has been over a million years" Athena sighed.

"He's not the forgiving type, you know that Athena" Demeter said with her everlasting smile. "I'm not surprised he hasn't forgiven Apollo yet"

"Poseidon" Athena started seriously as she looked ay the blue haired god. "You are a bully aren't you? "

"Woman! How dare you!? "

"Such a bully" Demeter teased. "Are you still bitter about Cecrops choosing Athena over you? "

Poseidon scoffed and walked away from the women. Demeter loves to rub his failures in his face. Yes he was still bitter about it, but was trying to work past it. It was very hard when Athena can come off so arrogant. Or maybe that's just his imagination.

"It seems we chased him away" Demeter said with disappointment when Poseidon faded from before them.

"You chased him away" Athena corrected as she sheathed her sword. "I'll be taking my leave as well"

"Oh, what will you be up to? "

"I've started observing the life of a child named after me" Athena admitted with a proud smile. "I must say, I find her to be deserving of my name"

That's some high praise. This child must be very impressive.

Athena said her goodbyes and disappeared soon after. Demeter was left alone. She stared at the sky with little thought in mind before fading from the world as well. She should find something to occupy herself with.

Maybe she'll grant the wishes of sweet children.


Erza was very happy when she found cake in Archer's fridge. She could hardly care about the loss of energy. She just needed her cake and she found a way to get it. She was enjoying it so much that she hardly noticed Archer return into the kitchen. The redhead chose to ignore the raised eyebrow. Archer can tease her all she wants, she just needs her cake.

"I knew I shouldn't have left any in the fridge" Archer chuckled. "Are you sure you should be eating that? All you eat is cake. I doubt it's very healthy"

"I don't care"

"Well, I suppose it has little affect on your body. Must be because your so young. When puberty hits you, you might not be so lucky "

"Whatever you say" Erza munched on her strawberry, already wondering if there was more to be found in the fridge.

"I'll make you something to eat" Archer slid off the barstool she had placed herself on. "And it'll be healthy"


Archer worked on gathering all needed ingredients . The main being strawberry since it was an obvious favorite. She already had an idea in mind and knew Erza would love it.

"Today I shall serve you the best. It'll be something you can find in the fanciest restaurants" Archer grinned. "At least I hope so"

Erza liked the enthusiasm Archer showed and was very interested when Archer pulled on an apron and chef's hat.

"You'll be served an appetizer, a main dish and a sweet desert "

"You're really getting into it, aren't you? "

"I promised you the best and that is what you shall get"

Erza was content with watching Archer prepare her appetizer. It really didn't take long. The girl had gathered two juicy looking strawberries and cut them open only to fill them with vanilla cheesecake cream. She filled the strawberry to the brim until the cream was standing beautifully on top. When she was satisfied she found something unknown and sprinkled it right on top. Erza didn't get to see what she had added to her creation, but she was sure to find out.

Archer was in front of her in little time and presented her masterpiece.

"For your appetizer I have served you cheesecake stuffed strawberries " Archer spoke proudly. "Enjoy"

Archer didn't stick around. She found a pan and a fire was lit as she got to the making of the main dish.

So Erza was left to try the delicious looking appetizer. Without much thought she took a bite.

The delighted moan that left her spoke for itself.

"Well, good to know you like it" Archer quiped

Erza nodded with a happy smile as she enjoyed what she had in her mouth. Turns out Archer had sprinkled cracker crumbs onto her stuffed strawberry. It was perfect.

"This is amazing" Erza complimented as she moved on to her second strawberry. She took to watching Archer prepare her next delicacy. She seemed to be mixing a salad of sorts. "Citrus? "

Archer nodded as she expertly mixed the ingredients she had gathered while she had a piece of steak on the fire.

"Healthy yet delicious food, my friend"

While all of that was going on Archer was also making a drink. Strawberry lemonade if Erza had to guess.

It only took a couple of minutes for the genius to cook up her main dish and place it before an awe struck Erza.

"I present to you a citrus steak salad, with some strawberries mixed in of course" Archer beamed. "And for your beverage I give you a strawberry lemonade slush"

Erza had sparkles in her eyes as she gazed upon her food. Archer was a gift from the gods. She was sure of it. Who else would be so kind as to cook such delicacies for her. All the while adding her favorite fruit into the mix.

"You enjoy that while I work on your desert"

Erza did enjoy the salad presented to her. She savored it. Archer really was amazing. She was sure the odd girl could do anything if she wanted to. Where did she even learn to cook like this? She could put the best chef to shame and she's only ten years old. Erza was in heaven as she watched Archer prepare her desert. Archer would make an amazing girlfriend and wife, Erza realized. Who would've thought? She doesn't even come off as the type but apparently she is.

Erza wondered how Archer made her food so quickly. Are her oven and stove enhanced or something? She saw her put something in the oven and it only took ten minutes to come out. Maybe whatever she had in mind didn't need much time in the oven.

Apparently Archer made cookies. At least that's what they looked like in front of the curious Erza.

"Cookies? "

"Strawberry shortbread cookies. I love these" Archer took off her chef's hat and motioned for Erza to try her creation. "They're amazing, I promise"

Erza took her word for it. Archer is almost never wrong.

Archer chuckled in pure amusement once Erza took a bite of a cookie. She enjoyed the redhead's reaction to her food. It was funny and flattering.

"These are amazing" Erza moaned with sparkling eyes.

"Told you so"

"Why are you so good at this? "

"I take care of five younger siblings" Archer said blankly. "Most of them eat a ton. Plus I like to cook"

Archer could not get enough of the blissful look in Erza's eyes. Seriously, it was funny to her.

"I love this"

"Glad you do"

Archer really is amazing. Erza will have to come over more often.

"Will you cook for me if I'm around?"


"Maybe I should live here" Erza muttered to herself. She could get top quality food everyday if she moved in with Archer. She could see it now.

"You can do whatever you want, it's not like we don't have room"

It was decided. Erza found the perfect person to ever exist on the earth. Archer was perfect. Absolutely amazing. Her food is awesome. And she's so nice about everything.

"Archer, marry me"

Archer raised an eyebrow, completely amused.



At the guild Mira had a feeling in the back of her head. It made her smile brightly, a glint in her eyes. Cana caught on immediately, looking at her friend in question. What's with that frighteningly sweet smile on her fac? It almost scared Cana. It most likely would have was she not used to her friend's horrifying nature.

"Mira, you're scaring our guildmates" Cana pointed out. "What's with that smile"

"I feel like one of my ships took a step in the right direction" Mira giggled. A giggle that sent chills down everyone's spine. "Oh, I bet it's Archer and Erza. I wonder what they're up to"

Cana sighed, not bothering to offer any form of commentary. Only Mira would spiritually pick up on something like that. She's so dedicated to her self given job that it's almost admirable. Cana went back to playing with her cards soon enough. She doubt Mira would go all the way to Archer's house today. She would ruin the moment or something like that.

"Hey Cana" Mira called with a playful voice

"No Mira, I do not have a crush on any of these idiots here"

"Don't lie to me. I know you like someone. You have to like someone even just a little bit. It is impossible to not like someone! "

"On the contrary that is not an impossibility" Cana corrected with a smug smirk.

"I don't care, you have to like someone! "

Cana shrugged and casted a look at Mira. The look was devious.

"What about you, huh? You keep going on about who others like and you never once told me who it is you like "

Mira's face spoke volumes and she turned away from a victorious Cana. "This isn't about me"

"Oh, so now that the tables have turned you don't feel like talking? "

"It's not like that"

"Sure looks that way to me" Cana grinned. "Who do you like Mira? "

"No one"

"Aren't you the one who just said that it was impossible not to like someone? "

"And you said it wasn't "

"And you said you didn't care"

"Damn it! Don't be so smug"

Cana only laughed. "Well, if you're not willing to admit anything then there is no point in me admitting anything" Cana said with a winning smile. "It's only fair"

"You're no fun at all" Mira sighed. "Why can't you just tell me? "

"Why can't you just tell me? "

"I hate you right now"

"Awe, I'm flattered" Cana didn't seem one bit affected by her words. In fact she just kept her smug smile.

Mira groaned when she caught that smile. It was annoying to look at. Cana just loved to boast her victory.

"Wanna play a game? " Cana asked as she offered Mira her cards.

"I don't feel like playing with you anymore"

"Why do have to be a soar thumb? "

"I am not a soar thumb. You're just a smug jerk"

"Well, that hurts" Cana decided to play by herself. "Oh well, I can do without you"

Mira watched Cana slide off her barstool and place herself at a table in the corner of the guild. She seemed content enough as she spread her cards around the table. Mira sighed, why is Cana so unaffected? She expected her to be a bit disappointed or at at least apologetic. But she really was alright playing on her own.

With a groan Mira proceeded to join her brunette friend. Cana hardly bat an eye at her and only smiled.

"Can't do without me, huh? "

"Shut up"