Chapter 31

Archer was in a familair position. She was outside watching Erza struggle against Athena. Archer almost forgot she suggested the goddess come back later. It was later and she was back. Just like that Erza went back to her training while Archer watched. The red eyed girl had two keys in each hand. One belonging to the one and only Aphrodite. And the other belonging to a dragon. Who should she summon first, she wondered. She heard Aphrodite wanted to see her, but she also heard she was infatuated with a human and went on an adventure with her. That was interesting to hear. This human must be a special case if she has a goddess accompanying her on her adventure.

"I guess I'll summon Aphrodite and ask about it"

Archer didn't bother with the theatrical way of summoning and just casually swiped her key through the air. The glow that followed had little affect on her and so did the redheaded woman in front of her. Archer could only sigh when a happy smile spread across the woman's face. She knew what followed next.

"Little Archer, it's so good to see you again" Aphrodite was very jovial as she picked up the ten year old. Archer looked like a disinterested cat in her arms.

"I'm not a toddler"

"You're so adorable" Aphrodite chuckled as she fell into a seated position with Archer right in her lap. The ten year old knew there was no getting out of her situation so she just embraced it. Aphrodite's chest made great pillows.

"So, I heard an interesting tale" Archer started casually.

"It was Demeter wasn't it? " Aphrodite questioned. "It's seems keeping secrets is not her forte"

"She's Demeter"

"I suppose you're right" Aphrodite said. "What you've heard is correct"

"You're serious? You really joined a human? Who is this person? What's so special?"

Aphrodite giggled. "Well little Archer, I love her purity"

Purity? "Aren't I pure? "

"No, no you are not"

"Well, I don't know what to think of that" Archer muttered. Aphrodite was so blunt with it too.

"I decided to accompany her because I've tired of my fellow deities" Aphrodite sighed. "There is always conflict amongst us. Demeter is the only one that doesn't involve herself with such pety matters"

"Why do you guys always fight?"

"Us gods and goddesses have done many things during our existance, little Archer. Somethings lead to us betraying and loathing eachother. Very tragic"

"I suppose. I have read the stories"

Aphrodite nodded, but a smile returned to her face. "Wanna know a little secret? "

Aphrodite chuckled before bending down to whisper into Archer's ear. Each word that left her made Archer's brow raise higher and curiosity increase. When the secret was told there was silence as Archer processed this.

"I don't... " she trailer off, unsure of what to say at the moment. "Is that adequate? How old is she? "


"Oh" Archer stared at Aphrodite. "That is not ok. Or at least it normally wouldn't be adequate, but I guess it is in that dimension? I'm not sure here. You seriously made her a harem protagonist and gave her a tool?"

"Yes I did"

"And you plan to-"

"Yes I do"

"I-" Archer looked away from the redhead.

"I should introduce you sometime"

"No" Archer said that faster than she intended. "I want a girlfriend. And I want her to remain my girlfriend. I know this girl must be a nice one , but she is a harem protagonist with all the perks you gave her. She could take my girlfriend without even knowing it"

Aphrodite had to laugh at the worried expression on Archer's face.

"Yes, that would happen"

"And I might end up falling for her too, I'm a girl and I don't know how strong those perks of yours are. " Archer continued. She was genuinely worried right now.

"You do think everything through don't you?" Aphrodite smiled. "You say you want a girlfriend, yet you know that you experiencing love is a dangerous thing"

"Yes, but my parents seem ok"

"They are both Phoenix. It's easier that way"

"Who's to say I won't end up with another Phoenix? "

"I'm the goddess of love, child. Trust me when I tell you that you will love a human"

"I will?"


"Well, that's not so good, is it? "

"It really depends"

"But it will make things harder"

"Yes, but what is love without hardship? "

Archer sighed. "What is love without pain. Why must emotions be so hard for me? "

"It's the life you were given"

"Tell me, does anyone even have a soulmate? The one they are destined for? Even in this world of magic it seems impossible "

"Yes, everyone has the one person they are destined for. The problem is that they don't find them right away, if at all"

"If that is so, do you know who is meant for who? "

"Yes I do"

"That's how you know who I'll end up with? "


"Let's say you can see this in the form of the classic red string" Archer started. "Would you be willing to tell me how far or close my special someone is? "


"It was worth a try"

"I have another question" Archer was curious how. "If everyone has a soulmate, what does that mean for your harem protagonist? "

"That is something I will not share"

Archer sighed. She couldn't help but think there was more or maybe less to it. Talking about all of this made her think of her situation. Of how she ended up where she was. Of how it all became possible. Life is interesting. She died and she was reborn. If she died again the same would occur although a bit differently. Unlike last she most likely won't have her memories intact. That will suck. Forgetting everyone and everything she knew didn't sound all that great. She would forget her adventures. She would forget her time spent with with the friends she made. Her siblings. The guild.

She sighed again. She didn't tend to think about it much. She was practically immortal, wasn't she? She can die like everyone else, but she always comes back in the end. Even if she doesn't die her lifespan is impressive. She could. Live for five hundred to a thousand years. That's troublesome. Humans don't live that long and she's become attached. Maybe that's why one loses their memories upon rebirth. It must help.

"You shouldn't think about these things so much, you are but a child" came Aphrodite's concerned voice. "You mustn't worry yourself about such things yet. Live your life and enjoy it"

"I forgot you can read my thoughts" Archer pushed her hair out of her face and brought her attention back to Erza and Athena. The goddess had the redhead at the end of her sword and Erza didn't look like she had the energy to fight back or dodge.

Archer was suddenly lifted off Aphrodite's lap and placed on on the blankets forming the nest they were in.

"I will be taking my leave now" Aphrodite planted a affectionate kiss on Archer's cheek before standing. "It's always wonderful to talk to you. Do make sure to summon me often and say hello to your siblings for me"

"Sure" Archer waved. "Have fun"

"Oh, believe me I will" Aphrodite smiled a very seductive smile as she faded away.

"I doubt Aphrodite's person of interest gets enough sleep"

Archer sat unmoving for some time before she located her second key. She eyed it for some time. The lightning bolt in the middle told her who's key she had found. She wondered. Maybe he could take Laxus as his slayer. The boy already has the lacrima implant. He would be a third gen and a very powerful one

But then again, Laxus goes down an interesting path and she would rather not make him stronger for that. She shouldn't give him power when he'll use it to harm others. She won't stop him from going down his path either. There are lessons he must learn. She'll let it go how it should.

"Elicius" Archer muttered as she observed the key. "I wonder how you've been"

As she said that she willed magic into the key and waited patiently for the dragon to appear. It was only a second long wait. The dragon was soon standing before her with an almost unnoticeable smile.

"Hello Archer " He greeted, blue eyes displaying little emotion. "How have you been? "

"I'm great" Archer nodded as she took in the form of the blonde dragon. "You're the second I've summon who actually has a shirt on"

Elicius raised an eyebrow at that and adjusted the very casual shirt he had on. The lightning bolt on his shirt a clear symbol of his element.

"Ah, yes. I don't understand why those fools choose to remain so exposed. They have little manners, don't you think? " Elicius asked as he pocketed his hands in the pants he wore. His eyes drifted to Athena and Erza as he spoke. Interest flashed in his eyes. "Is that Irene's daughter? "


He hummed. "A knight, huh. That's interesting "

"You don't say"

"Is she your knight? "

"No? She's my partner"

Elicius soon had his eyes back on Archer. His small smile soon turned into a grin as a thought seemed to cross his mind. "That won't do. A princess needs a knight. How will you be protected? "

Archer sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't go bringing that up. I can protect myself"

Elicius chuckled and leaned against the nearby tree. Archer took him in for a moment, wondering why his hair is always a mess. For as long as she's known him his hair has been a mess. He's a very easy going dragon too. He was nice company, but had the habit of teasing little Archer more often than not.

"Did you show her your katana? "

Archer almost laughed at the question. "I did. I did indeed"

"How long did she last? "

"Twenty minutes"

"Rookie numbers" Elicius smirked.

"That may be, but she couldn't feel her legs when I was done with her"

It was Elicius turn to withhold his laughter. He could only imagine.


"Thank you, my good sir" Archer chuckled. "Nothing beats earning the respect of the master himself"

"Oh yeah, my Katana far out classes anyone who dares step to me"

Archer snickered. Elicius could compete with Apollo when it comes to the dirty jokes. She could just imagine the two together. She should introduce them. She wondered why she hasn't before.

"Archer, will you be so kind as to tell me where that fire bastard and metal head are? " Elicius asked with a certain smile. "I need to have a talk with them"

"What did they do? "

"Many things. Where are they? "

"If you head north you'll find a forest. Keep going until you find a clearing"

"Thanks for the directions " Elicius saluted and vanished with a strike of lightning.

"Well, I guess I'll be hearing of this later"


Athena held her sword in front of her, gazing at the glimmering gold of the blade. She hummed in content. As clean as ever. With a self appreciating nod she returned the sword to its place at her hip and let her eyes fall on the panting Erza. She had gotten closer this time, but she still did not accomplish her given task.

"You did well" Athena said to the girl with a respectful nod. "Learn from today and adapt. I want to see your improvement tomorrow"

Erza nodded, not trusting her voice. Talking would waste the oxygen she was trying so hard to supply herself with. How long had she been trying this time? The sun was already setting so it had been hours. She was starving. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling but I made her look forward to the food Archer would make her.

"You seem to be good friends with the ground nowadays " Archer mused as she stood over a tired Erza. "Need help? "

Erza could only manage a nod in her state.

"Guess I'll have to carry you again"

"You could always just heal me and I'll walk on my own"

Archer seemed to think her words over, but the smile on her face let Erza know that she was not going to go with her idea.

"You're a very bothersome child sometimes" Athena stated as she casted a sideways glance at the smiling girl.

"I'll take it as a compliment"

"Of course you will" Athena sighed as she turned away from the children. "I'll be taking my leave. Try not to overdo it with your little knight"

"No promises"

"This context feels odd" Erza muttered although her words went unheard.

With Athena gone Archer happily picked up the weak Erza. She was humming all the way to the house.

"I don't know why you are amused by this"

"I like carrying you"

"Why? "

"I feel like prince charming" Archer admitted. "Although in my case it would be princess charming"

Erza didn't have anything to say to that. She didn't even know what to think of it. She decided not to try to say anything about the matter and just let Archer carry her up the stairs

"Where exactly are you carrying me?"

"Bathroom. I'm sure you want to take a shower"

She really did. She really needed to

"While you're in there I'll make you some food, which I know you're looking forward to"


"Should I make you your favorite cake or would you like some of my cookies again? Or perhaps I can make you a pie? Or would you like frozen yogurt or ice cream? "

Archer was being so nice and considerate. It made Erza's former thoughts return. She really would make a great wife. Seriously, how can she be like that? Thinking of that made her realize that she had told Archer to marry her and the girl agreed so very casually. It was embarrassing now that she thought about it.

"You're awfully quiet"

"Uh, just thinking"

"About? "

"Nothing much"

"Sure, I totally believe you" Archer's voice was full of sarcasm.

"I'll have the cookies again"

"Great choice" Archer beamed. Soon she had pushed the bathroom door open with her foot and stepped in. "So, do you need me to help you? "


"Are you sure? " Archer raised an eyebrow. "Do you have enough energy to use your magic? I doubt you can even stand. "

Erza shook her head. She didn't need help with that. Letting Archer help with that would be a whole other level of embarrassment.

"Okay, if you say so" Archer gently placed Erza on her feet and took a step back. As she had expected Erza didn't have enough energy to keep herself standing. "I don't mean to say I told you so, but well.. "

Erza groaned and let Archer hold her up. Why must this always happen? Why does Athena work her to the bone.

"Just heal me already"

"There are no wounds to heal"

Another groan. "Archer, you know what I mean"

"Yes I do" Archer chuckled. "But again, it would be little fun. I don't mind being your nurse. "

"I mind, so please restore my energy"

"Fine" Archer sighed and focused magic into her hands. "I guess I'll take care of you next time"

"No you won't"

Archer's only answer was a chuckle.

Soon Erza felt strong enough to keep herself standing and made sure Archer knew.

"I'll go then" Archer turned to leave. "You'll find me in the kitchen"

Erza was then left alone in the bathroom. She sighed and looked to the tub.

"Why does she behave like that? "