Chapter 32

Natsu was practically buzzing with excitement as he sat among the eggs. He was acting as their heater as per usual. It was his self appointed job and one he took very seriously. He couldn't wait for them to hatch. He wondered what would be coming out of them. It had been a month. Demeter had told him that they'll be hatching any day now. It could be today or tomorrow, but it would be soon. Boy was he excited. He really couldn't wait. He would ask Archer to speed up the process, but he knew she didn't interfere with such things.

"Natsu, calm down. You're temperature is higher than it should be" Levy's voice snapped the pink haired boy out of his thoughts. He blinked in question as if he didn't hear what she had said.


"You're too hot" Lisanna said with a sigh. She stood a bit farther away. When Natsu's temperature increased she moved to stand next to Gray, who was annoyed at being used as an AC.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just super excited" Natsu grinned happily and easily lowered his temperature. As he thought about the hatching eggs it quickly rose again, only for him to quickly ground himself.

"Why do you get hotter when you're excited? "

"Well, I don't have the best control of my magic I think. Yeah, that's what Archer said" Natsu nodded to his explanation. Igneel said it too so it must be true. He'll get better soon enough. He just needs to train harder.

"Shouldn't Archer be doing this? "Igneel asked as he stood nearby. "She's a girl. You'd think she would nurse the eggs"

"But I want to do it" Natsu whined. "I'm great at it"

"Yes, but still"

"Let the child do as he wishes" Grandeeny said with a small smile. "He is doing a good deed and he's very devoted. You should be proud"

"I guess" Igneel sighed. "When are these things hatching anyway? "

"Any day now" Natsu grinned and swayed happily. "I can't wait to see what comes out of them"

Gray sighed and wandered off. What was he even doing at the flame brain's house? He was invited by the girls but he didn't have to come. On the other hand he was very curious about the eggs so here he was. At the moment he had no interest in being around the dragon slayer. He increases the temperature in the air and that is annoying. So he wandered off. His eyes landed on Cana and Mira and so he decided to join them. They are entertaining enough.

When he sat under the tree with them, they didn't acknowledge him. He felt very offended, but didn't bother saying anything. Instead he followed their gazes and just furrowed his brow. Why were they so focused on Archer and Erza. They're just training. What's so interesting about them training? Was he missing something? Did something happen? Are the two planning somethibg?

"I really don't see the need for us to do anything" Cana spoke, finally taking her eyes off the two girls. It was only the that she noticed Gray and waved casually. Her eyes stayed on him for a moment and she laughed quietly. "Missing something? "

Gray was confused but then Cana pointed at him. He looked down on himself and gasped to find he was missing his shirt and pants. He was quick to get to his feet and sprint across the backyard in search of his clothes.

"Never gets old" Cana sighed and pulled a deck of cards out of nowhere. She poked Mira in her side to get her attention. "Stop staring, you're being a creep"

"Don't poke me" Mira glared and returned the gesture. She smiled in victory when Cana jerked away from her. "Anyways, we have to do something"

"No, I don't think we do" Cana glanced at the girls they were so focused on. She didn't see the need to interfere at the moment. "Theyre fine"

"You're no fun at all"

"You're untrustworthy"

Mira sighed and leaned against the tree. Cana had a great point. She didn't need to do anything. The two were getting along splendidly. Even so, the urge to interfere was very strong. Oh well. Next time. They will be a need for her special services later.

"Yo, Archer. Wanna play a game? "

Mira looked up at that. Archer was approaching them, her face hidden behind her mask. At Cana's words the girl tilted her head in her curiosity. Mira looked past the ever mysterious Archer, her eyes landing on a panting Erza. The redhead sat in the dirt looking exhausted and stared at the retreating Archer.

"Your training session over? "Mira asked.

Archer nodded with an amused chuckle. "Yes, for now. Athena has to step in. She told me to have my way with Scarlet, so I did. " Archer explained sounding very amused. "I must say, I had a very enjoyable time"

"You know, I noticed that you never use Erza's name " Cana pointed out as Archer sat in front of her. Archer's only response was a hum of acknowledgement. "Why? "

Archer shrugged. "I enjoy the nickname I appointed her"

Mira raised an eyebrow. She wasn't buying it. She didn't believe Archer was lying either. She just wasn't telling the whole truth. Mira wondered what the full truth is and if Archer even knew it.

"What is this game we shall play? "Archer asked as she stared at the five cards placed before her. "Do you wish to read my fortune again? "

"Nah. Not this time" Cana shook her head with a grin. She seriously loved reading Archer's fortune. It was beyond interesting. It was filled with the same level of mystery the girl had around her, while at the same time it told the brunette everything. It was odd. She could read it again, but she felt like playing a game. "We'll just play a game. It's really easy and you'll get the rules as we go"

"If you say so"

"Soooo, Archer " Mira drawled a smile growing on her face as she met red eyes. "You and Erza have become very good friends, huh? "

"I suppose" Archer casted a quick glance at said girl. Why was their relationship being brought up? And by Mira of all people. "What of it"

"Oh nothing, just curious" Mira grinned.

"You are? "


Archer stared at her. She was suspicious, but really couldn't think of any reason behind Mira's sudden curiosity. Was she missing something here?

"Anyway, why is she training? "

"That is a very vacuous question"

Both Mira and Cana stared at Archer blankly. The girl had started speaking with her high words again. Her very well mannered form of speech had returned and they had not been bothered by it. They could understand every word up until that moment. What does vacuous even mean?

"Could you... "Mira trailed off. What does that words even mean? It doesn't even ring a bell. That was a very foreign word. "What was that? "

Archer raised an eyebrow.

"We need you to repeat the sentence, but use a word we can understand " Cana said to the other.

"Ah, well. I said that was a very stupid question"


So apparently stupid has a very important sounding synonym. Who knew.

But then it registered.

"Wait, that's insulting" Mira looked offended. "How is that a stupid question"

"Well it kinda is" Cana said with a shrug, earning a glare from her friend. "I mean, why does someone train? "

"It's a reasonable question "

"Whatever you say" Cana sighed. "But seriously. People train to imporove, so why would you ask that? "

Archer could only watch as the two fell into a debate about Mira's question. The attention was no longer on her. As always Archer was amused. Seeing the two bicker was quality entertainment.

But all good things must come to an end. Soon Mira's attention was back on Archer.

"Question. Has Erza been staying here? "

"I suppose " Archer seemed in thought. Erza spends most of her nights at her house because she starts training early the next day. Although Archer is sure she stays for the food more than anything else. She really enjoys her cooking and Archer does not mind cooking up whatever the knight wants.

"You suppose, as in yes? "Mira smiled brightly.


"So that means she has her own room or does she sleep with you? "

Why does she feel like she's walking into something right now? She seriously felt like giving Mira the answers she sought would be her own downfall.

Or maybe she's looking too deep into things.

Should she answer that question? She didn't mind answering it, but what about Erza? Maybe it would be embarrassing for hee. Especially when the person that receives the info is her rival.

"Why exactly are you interviewing me? "

"She thinks you two make a great couple" Cana said bluntly.

There was silence for a moment.

"Cana! "Mira wacked the brunette upside the head. The girl wore a look of complete betrayal. "Why would you expose me like that? "

"This is Archer, look at her. She doesn't even seem to care" Cana pointed that out while she nursed her head. "You damn demon, why did you have to hit me? "

"You should've kept your mouth shut"

"You suck as a friend" Cana mumbled and scooted away from the takeover mage. "I don't even know why I stick around"

Mira stared at the brunette. She seemed genuinely upset right now. Archer took interest. She retrieved a bowl of popcorn out of nowhere and enjoyed the scene. They were talking about how she and Erza would make a good couple. But what about them? They seemed like a good pair to Archer.

Was Cana actually mad at her? Mira didn't really know or maybe she couldn't actually believe it. Cana has never been mad at her. She always shrugs everything off and offers to play a game. She's never once gotten upset with her. Mira didn't even know what to do in this situation. She glanced at Archer, who was enjoying the scene a bit too much. Archer raised an eyebrow. Mira had to wonder how she planned on eating with that mask on.

"What.. "

"You seem to have upset her"

"I can see that"

"Talk to her then"

"She's never been mad at me before. I don't know what to do here"

Archer chuckled. "An apology goes a long way"

Mira sighed and looked towards Cana. It was really weird to her. Cana is never angry with her. She never understood why the brunette was never bothered by the things she did sometimes to be honest.

"Hey.. Um. I'm sorry" Mira said hopefully. "No seriously. I really don't know what to do, you're never mad at me. I shouldn't have hit you. "

Cana glanced at her. Look at that. She knew to apologize. It was a rare sight. The she devil hardly apologizes. Then again, she never really got upset before.

"I should accept your apology, why? "Cana turned towards her with a raised eyebrow.

"Because "

"Because? "


"Come on, you can do it" Archer encouraged.

"Because you're... I'm your friend and you're mine and I don't like seeing you angry. It's super weird and makes me feel really bad" Mira said all of this a bit too quickly, but Cana caught it. "Are you happy now? "

Cana said nothing and turned away. "Not enough"

"What?! "

"Not enough"

Mira was shocked. How is that not enough?

Archer looked between the two. Yeah, they really make an interesting pair. Her eyes then landed on Cana's deck of cards.

Mira looked to Archer when she offered her Cana's cards. It wasn't hard to understand what to do with them.

"Wanna play a game? "

This time Cana smiled and turned back to the apparently nervous Mira.

"Of course I do. Why didn't you ask sooner"

"Wait. So all I had to do was ask you to play a game? "


"What? "

"I'm a simple person, you said so yourself"

"But you.. I"

Cana smiled brightly. "You actually being honest with your feelings was just a bonus. I doubt that will be something I experience often, so I decided to enjoy it"

Mira groaned. "Cana, why do you do this?"

Cana only smiled. She just enjoys it. Mira can be a very proud person and in all honesty she might be a tsundere. It's hard to get her to admit her feelings and Cana knows this. That is why she does what she does. Certain things she does just gets her the right rewards.

"Never mind me" Cana decided to change the subject. "I just told Archer about who we think she'll be good with and she's just casual with it"

Archer found eyes on her again. How was she supposed to feel? She really didn't know. So she was casual.

"Why are you so casual"

"I dont know what to feel about that revelation" Archer said honestly.

"How do you not know how to feel about it? "Mira asked, bewildered.

"Emotions are not my forte. There are only certain emotions I am familiar with. And only certain I know to express. If you haven't noticed, I always express a small number of emotions" Archer informed.

Mira and Cana took the time to think about it. She was right. Most of the time Archer is amused, cheerful, carefree and calm. She's never really been angry, at least the have never seen her angry. Who would've thought.

"How come? "

Archer shrugged. "Like I said, emotions are not my forte. I learn to experience them as time goes by though"

"So, were you initially without emotions? "

Archer nodded.

Well, that's something new.

"Have you experienced love? "Mira just had to ask.

Archer nodded. "Yes. I think. I'm pretty sure I love my family"

"You're not even certain" Mira sighed."Seriously "

"Well, I don't know what love feels like so I wouldn't know"

"You're an odd case"

Archer said nothing to that. She chanced a look at Erza in curiosity. Would they make a good couple? Huh. She never thought about it.

Oh well. If it's meant to be it'll be. It's not like she has any feelings at the moment. Or maybe she isn't aware of them. That's something to think about. But then again, if she did have such strong feelings she would have to know. Phoenix don't tend to work with emotions because emotions fuels magic. They already possess strong magic and having emotions in the mix can just be disastrous. Archer was still learning about her own magic and recently got a good handle on it. If she had any romantic feelings for anyone it would seriously mess with the control she had.

And as far as she could tell she still had a good grasp of her magic and herself. She understood the part about her magic being unstable. What she could not understand is the part about her losing control of herself. What does that even entail?

She sighed. It's best she not worry about such things.