chapter 43

"Wait" Natsu looked around the guild rapidly all of a sudden. He had only then realized that both Archer and Erza were no where to be found.

"Where are Archer and Erza?" Wendy was the one to ask the question on their minds.

"Haven't seen them since yesterday" Lisanna informed with a tiny shrug. "Could be at Archer's"


Cana sighed as she stepped into the guild next to an excited Mira. She just got back and was already in matchmaker mode.


Slowly she smirked deviously, looking to Cana subtly.


"I di-"


Cana didn't let her say anything else for she took her by the choker she usually wore, dragging her behind her.

"Let them be"


There was a soft thud as Silver landed on the wooden floor. She sighed as she stood and dusted herself off before walking off. Archer watched her curiously, wondering how she fell off the bed in the first place. The exceed said nothing as she opened the door and left, leaving Archer and Erza to stare in confusion. Erza raised a brow,but said nothing. That wouldn't be the weirdest thing Silver had ever done in her life. She was an odd creature, almost comparing to Archer in that factor.

"I wonder what she's up to today"

Clear amusement could be seen on Archer's face when Erza jumped at the closeness of her voice. She never noticed when she creeps up behind her and it was always quite amusing to see her reaction to the sound of her voice. She had to wonder whether her reaction was due to her liking the sound of her voice or just her having sensitive ears. The fact that she still hadn't gotten used to it was gold to Archer. Her reaction would never get old.

"You did that on purpose" Erza groaned as she made a distance between them. Archer tilted her head at this action, looking at the space Erza had vacated critically. She said nothing, however and just stared at the empty space before her.

"Maybe" she finally replied with a growing smile. "Your reaction is amusing"

"Yes I know you take great pleasure in getting me flustered" even admitting it had Erza's face red.

"Is it my voice you like or do you just have sensitive ears?" The question was asked before Archer could actually take a moment to think on it. She was unblinking as she kept her eyes on the redhead, watching the way the pinkness on her cheeks turned red.

"I'm not telling you that" it was embarasing to even think about. She wasn't going to enlighten her on this subject. She'll abuse that knowledge to no end. What was almost as embarrassing was having Archer staring at her. It was something that happened usually but the embarrassment didn't lessen. "And you're staring again"

"I've accepted something about myself yesterday" as she spoke Archer finally tore her eyes away from her. Was it acceptance or realization? She didn't truly know. It didn't actually matter did it? Erza made her experience many human emotions. Sometimes she feared she'd be the reason she'd lose all grip on her magic. That never happened, however. It would feel as if she was slipping. The flames would burn hotter and brighter beneath her skin, but never would it rage. It was surprising to say the least, but not unwelcome. It was pleasant albeit worrying. She wasn't reacting as she should to her emotions. As relieving as it may be it could also mean something was wrong with her.

Or she could just be very unique as her parents always said.

"Which is?"

"My teeth are aching" The statement came out of nowhere as Archer openly tongued her teeth.

Erza stared at her blankly for a long moment before sighing. She didn't know what she was expecting,but that was not it. However it was something Archer would randomly do for no apparent reason. She was either avoiding a serious topic or just pulling her leg. It was hard to tell with her sometimes. That emotionless mask was something she could easily wear for it was just another side of her.

"Im not sure if you're serious or not" she mumbled as she moved to get off the bed. She didn't have anything planned for that day so she was curious as to what the day would bring her. There was no going to the guild yet. She wasn't sure Archer wanted to return just yet. It was something she suspected when she glanced at the clock. It was almost seven. She was most definitely not returning to the guild.

As she moved for the door she could hear the shuffling steps of Archer as she wordlessly followed. They had spent the entire day in the house,which was new. Often times they would be at the guild or training outside. None of that had taken place on this day.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really"

"Do you desire some cake?" Archer was at her side rather quickly and eyed her expectantly at the question.

Erza had a feeling she would be whipping up a cake even if she were to say no. The look on her face told her everything. She gets that way sometimes. She would ask whether she was hungry or not. Even when she wasn't and clearly told her so she would happily make her food. Erza never questioned it. It was just Archer being Archer.

"Strawberry nutella"


Soft fur brushed against her arm when she sat on the couch. Looking down Erza found Silver sprawled out right next to her. She furrowed her brow in question even as she ate her cake. She hadn't noticed the exceed until that moment. She was just lying motionless with eyes directed at the ceiling. Erza wondered if something was wrong. How long had she been there? As Archer joined her on the couch she brought Silver to her attention. She quirked a brow as she watched her silently. She looked as if she was contemplating the meaning of life. Honestly Archer wouldn't put it past her. She too sometimes wonders what the purpose is.

"Are you alright,Silver?" Archer asked as she gently poked her in her side. She hardly reacted to the action,not even flinching away.

"Natsu and Sting have most likely returned today" apparently she had just recently remembered that. "Happy and Lector too"

Erza looked away to hide her smile. Of course they were the reason she was like that. She wasn't a fan of them simply because they can be very loud and tend to interrupt her reading. She would hide away in Archer's room whenever they were around. Now that they were returning she probably had a headache just thinking about it.

"It'll be alright Silver" a pat on the head was the comfort Archer offered. It didn't do much for she remained unmoving and almost unblinking.

"How can Carla even put up with them?" Silver had to wonder. Maybe she should ask the other for some advice.

"You still love them"

"They're vexatious " Silver muttered. "So vexing. They ruined my book a few days ago. Set it on fire. It was an accident they said. They'll get me a new one they said"

The memory was very fresh in Erza's mind. Silver was not happy once she found her burned book. Not happy at all. She had said nothing when she saw it. One look was all it took for Natsu,Happy and Lector to confess. After that she simply walked away,leaving the boys to wonder what she would be doing to them. They were sure she would try something. She spent almost all her time with Archer. She had to have adopted some of her behaviour.

And she did indeed get her revenge. It was executed in such an Archer mannner that Erza couldn't even be surprised.

"And they've failed to do so,haven't they?"

A chuckle followed the words that had Erza blinking in surprise. Looking to her right she met red eyes and a smile. When had she done that? Archer had her chin resting on her shoulder and an arm around her waist. How did Erza not notice that? You would think she'd feel the weight on her shoulder or the grip on her hip, but apparently not.

"Yes they have" Silver had her eyes closed as she sighed. She'd just have to get the book herself. There was no use in relying on the boys.

Erza barely heard her words as the sound of her own pulse filled her ears. She almost cursed at her reaction to Archer. No matter how much time they spent together or how often she does the things she does she just could not remain calm. It was something Archer knew very well for she could easily pick up on the smallest of changes. Even if said changes sometimes confuse her.

"Hey" erza unconsciously tilted her head when Archer nuzzled her neck. It was an almost instinctive reaction to her. It was only when she was pulled closer that she realized what she had done. "Are you alright?"

Archer didn't usually do such things randomly. Of course Erza wondered if there was something wrong with her. Maybe she was still feeling off.


She was fine. She was simply curious is all. Curious about the flutters she would feel whenever Erza paid her enough attention. Or when she remained in her arms even when she questioned it. Just her scent was enough. Her curiosity had her wondering how her flesh would taste. Would it be as good as her scent? Just as intoxicating? Was she be allowed to chase the answer to this question? She didn't know and she didn't ask. Pressing closer, she slowly brushed her lips against the flesh of her neck. She could feel her pulse under her lips. The way it jumped at the soft touch. It wasn't enough to give her a taste,but it would have to do.


The words died in her throat for the action was repeated. Erza swallowed thickly as her brain refused to think of anything other than the feel of Archer's lips on her flesh. Where the hell did that suddenly come from? Archer was very random at times but never before had she done anything even remotely close to what she was currently pulling.

Closing her eyes she took a deep breath in an effort to calm her racing heart. It did very little. Her heart was still beating out of her chest,be it from surprise or from what she was currently experiencing. It was hard to ignore the way her kisses left her flesh practically burning in a way she never felt before. And considering how she usually reacted to the phoenix that was saying something.

"Archer?" She ignored the way her voice trembled as she carefully retreated. She didn't get far before Archer was following. She was pulled snugly against her as she returned to her usual nuzzles. "What was that?"

"Curiosity" her words were muffled as she hid her face in the crook of Erza's neck. She didn't plan on detaching herself from the redhead anytime soon.

Erza had to wonder what she was curious about and if the answer would lead to her instantly becoming the color of her hair. There was only so much she could be curious about if it lead to her doing something like that.

"May I do it again?"


Erza had to turn to look Archer in the eye. Was she seriously asking her that? What did this even mean? Her confusion was so clear on her face that Archer couldn't help but smile. How could she not be confused? All of a sudden Archer was laying kisses on her neck and they felt amazing. But of course she didn't really know what was happening. But just the simple touch of her lips on her flesh had her entire body burning. But she was confused because what did that mean? She could never truly understand Archer and at the moment she was completely lost. Did Archer even fully understand what she was doing and what it implied?

"May I?"

"What is happening right now?"

"I'm asking if I can kiss you again" she said it very simply as if Erza wasn't questioning their entire interaction at the moment. As if she couldn't read her confusion. As if she didn't know what she was doing. "On your neck. As I did but a moment ago"

"Why?" That was one of the most prominent questions on her mind. Why.

There was Silence as Archer took her time. Meanwhile Silver wore a look of contemplation as she looked between the two. She kinda knew what was happening so of course she decided it was time to go. Being as unoticable as she was she easily slipped away without them seeing her. She'd leave them be and let them sort it out on their own.

"I want to" Archer smiled as the words left her,amused by the look of frustration on Erza's face.

"Damn it Archer,you're confusing" she groaned desperately.

"I know" the admittance was accompanied by a gentle coaxing as Archer expertly repositioned them both until Erza was comfortably nestled in her arms. She smiled in a small victory when she felt the redhead relax in her arms ,knowing any annoyance she felt disappeared right then. "I confuse myself sometimes"

Fingers trailed her cheek to rest under her chin. They idled there for a moment before traveling to her neck. Erza watched as Archer's eyes followed her fingers very intently. She seemed very invested and Erza wondered why. Slender fingers curled loosely around her neck and again Erza had to question what was going on. Everything suddenly changed and she didn't fully understand why. Even through her confusion she enjoyed it. She could not lie to herself nor could she lie to Archer. She enjoyed every thing she was doing to her and that was something she would not openly admit.

Archer had her fingers trailing up the back of her neck before they were lost in her hair.

"My parents taught me many things about the phoenix" her words were but a whisper. She watched Erza closely as she spoke,searching for any reactions to her voice. She was not speaking close to her ear this time and yet she could see it. She could hear it and feel it. She heard the way her heart jumped. How her pulse quickened. She reacted to her voice. So it was her voice that she enjoyed. Or was it both? Her ears could be sensitive as well. That makes it even better,doesn't it? "So I know very much about my kind. About myself"

A small tug had her tilting her head back as her mind swam. Archer had all her focus on her at the moment. She refused to take her eyes off her as she continued her story. Erza listened intently even as her brain spammed her with many,many distracting thoughts and images.

"Because of this I find my feelings for you very contradicting" she had furrowed brows as she atmitted that. She had been contemplating her emotions in regards to Erza since the day before. She wouldn't say that Erza had her reacting the opposite of what she was told. No. She could feel the way her magic would flicker. As of it was debating whether or not to rage beneath her skin. It felt as if it would decide not to at the very last minute. It was tricky to understand. "That is why I dub you my sweet surrender"

She never truly wanted to resist anything she felt for Erza. She never actually tried even though she knew it could bring pain. She could never bring herself to stop anything. She made her want even when she shouldn't,something that had Aphrodite smirking all the time. She would be very smug the next they see each other.

"So in conclusion" Archer paused just centimetres from Erza's neck. She was close enough that the warmth of her breath could be felt. Close enough that her scent almost had her drunk. She could never fully understand why she enjoyed her scent so much. "Ive chosen to give in go these feelings im having"

Everything else be damned.

"So then,Erza"

The redhead had a very noticeable reaction to the sound of her name. She seemed surprised and in all honesty so did Archer. The two ended up staring at each other in equal parts of shock until Archer broke into a smile.

Erza looked even more surprised when Archer quickly delivered a peck on her cheek.

"Oh" was all she could say as she stared at the girl before her. She didn't know if she should be surprised or not. Archer had always been honest with her. Well that was whenever she chose to answer her questions. "You called me by name"

She felt stupid that that was what she was bringing up at the moment. But to be fair Archer has not reffered to her by name in six years. She would consider her reaction to be very appropriate.

"Yes I did" Archer nodded slowly. "I wasn't expecting that"

"I see" Erza was still letting Archer's words sink in. She was surprisingly calm with the admittance. "Understandable"

Archer bit her bottom lip in an effort to stifle her laughter. Erza was really surprised wasn't she? But she was so calm about it too. She hasn't fully registered what had been said ,has she? It's really taking a moment for it to soak in.

"Take your time"

Those were the only words of warning before Archer did exactly what she had asked permission for. She never got it,come to think about it. It didn't matter much. She would've done it anyway.

Her kisses lingered as she resisted the urge to do more. Kisses were enough. She told herself that even as her teeth briefly scraped against skin. It wasn't needed at the moment. Her instincts could wait a while longer.

It still did not stop her from latching on to soft skin and gently sucking. She didn't actually mean to,but she wasn't going to stop unless Erza made her. The gasp she received had her smiling as she felt Erza's thundering heart. It must be very pleasurable she mused. Most likely. So then what would her reaction be were she to direct her focus elsewhere?

Erza almost crumbled when a hot tongue touched the flesh just beneath her ear. That was far more than she felt she could handle at the moment. She had to stilfle a moan as she quickly pushed Archer away from her,needing to make a distance between them.

"You're.." She panted as she tried to find words. None formed in her mind as she met Archer's eyes. How had it come to this?

"Your ears are sensitive" Archer stated.

"Yes they are" The admittance had said ears tinted pink. "So don't go doing things like that without warning"

"I am allowed to if I have permission?" A brow was quirked.



"Im not sure what to do here" Erza sighed.


"This" the redhead made a gesture between the two to which Archer shrugged.

"I believe Mira had told me to take you on an outing on multiple occasions" she recalled. "A date I persume"

Erza couldn't imagine Archer actually taking her on a date.

"I cant believe you just did all of that" as she thought of everything that had happened she couldn't be confused anymore. Archer was very straightforward so that was to be expected.

"Ah yes" Archer nodded a bit thoughtfully. "That was me wanting to sink my teeth into your flesh"

A blank look was all she received.

"Do you know how that sounds?"

"It is the truth. Have you forgotten what these teeth are for?" Sharp teeth were revealed to her in a way of empathizing.

In all honesty she did. That conversation was almost forgotten. But with Archer having brought it up again it had her curious about this process.

"What exactly does marking someone entail?"

Archer shrugged as she thought of it. "A great deal. It's just something we do apparently. To let everyone know exactly who belongs to us. That sounds very bad when i say it" she trailed off before quickly continuing. "Apparently it connects two people,creating an immensely strong bond. We're very picky with this too I've heard for it's considered a very serious act"

That was as much as she knew about it. Her parents had told her that she would learn more of it when she had experienced it. They could've just told her,but no.

She sees where she gets it from.

"You're very calm" she noted as she watched Erza. "Very accepting"

"Should I not be?" Archer seemed to have feelings for her. That was relieving because she thought their relationship was one sided. She would've been perfectly fine even if Archer was running from her feelings. She knew emotions were a complicated thing for her. She really questioned why she had to go for Archer. Of all people. She wasn't even human. She would live far longer than her. She could practically not be killed. And she struggled when it came to human emotions. She could've chased anyone else. Everyone else. But it had to be Archer.

And worst of all Mira was right.

"I'm happy with this" she admitted with a small smile."But you can't pull what you did today"

"Whatever do you mean?" Archer feigned ignorance.

"You know exactly what I mean" Erza scrambled off her before she could try to do anything that would make her forget. "You can't just kiss me in such a manner. It''s.."


Erza abruptly stopped her rambling to just stare at the very unaffected Archer for a long while.

"Pleasurable?" She continued as she reached for the redhead,smile in place.

"No" Erza mumbled even as she let her pull her back. "You are not doing this"

"Doing what?"

"You are surprisingly sexual" she realized as she suddenly felt slender fingers around her bare hip. Archer smile almost deviously at her statement,further confirming it. That was sudden. She had never noticed before. Most likely because she was never like this before. It was entirely new for and to her.

Before Archer could reply there was a loud bang as the door was thrown open. There stood Natsu and Sting in all their glory,grinning brightly.

"We're back!"

Archer stared him dead in the eye for a complete thirty seconds before sighing and closing her eyes.

"You have terrible timing"


It was late into the night when Erza finally crawled into bed. Sting was acting up for some reason which was troublesome. She heard a scream of true terror,but ignored it with no worries at all. Sting was the cause of his own suffering. It was late and she needed sleep. As she lay in bed she realized that Silver had disappeared. She had most likely gone into hiding to stay away from the chaotic boys. She couldn't blame her. They were a lot at times. She'd wake up with the exceed in her arms in the morning,that she was sure of. She always found her way into their bed at some point.

"He actually bit me" Archer said in amazement as she entered the room. She held her hand up as if to see a wound. There was nothing there however. "He still acts like a toddler"

"What did you do to him?"

"I offered punishment" she said simply as she quickly climbed under the covers with Erza. The redhead was immediately in her arms as the two faced eachother. "He immediately started behaving decently"

A hum was her only reply to the information as she fought the sleep that was threatening to overtake her.

"Do we return to the guild tomorrow"



"May I ask a question?"

Erza nodded as she stiffled a yawn. She should really get some sleep.

"Would it be alright if i kissed you?" Archer wondered. "It was a thought that suddenly entered my mind and now I truly want to kiss you. Am I allowed?"

Due to the need to sleep it took a moment for Erza to process the question. She was nodding even before she fully realized what she was consenting to. When she did sleep was suddenly a very small problem.

"It could be the sleep talking" Archer mused.

"You'd do it either way" Erza pointed out.

"Yes,of course i would"

She brushed her lips against hers just barely. She had pulled away for less than a second before continuing the contact. It was soft and affectionate as Archer tended to be. Erza found herself clutching at Archer's jacket almost despertaly. She had never been kissed before. She was happy to let Archer be her first. And knowing that she was Archer's first as well made her swell with joy. The kiss felt amazing. Like nothing she ever felt before and it was just the simple act of touching lips.

Archer had pulled away, licking her lips. The kiss was very pleasurable for her. She was sensitive to touch amongst other things. Her eyes left those of Erza and gazed at her glossy lips. So enticing. A thumb traced them softly. She wanted to kiss her again, but something told her that if she did she would not stop for some time.

Erza watched Archer entranced by her lips. Her eyes seemed to burn a bit brighter. She was sure they seemed like actual flames now. Her temperature was slightly higher and the air around then was sparking. Literally. Archer blinked. Her eyes darker,but still as bright. She tore her gaze away from the redhead's lips and looked back into her eyes.

They were kissing again. Just as softly but a bit more assertive. Archer gripped her tighter, moving her lips against her own. Soft. Warm. Strawberries. The only words in the young Phoenix head. She could get lost in this sensation. A feeling beginning at her chest and swelling through her. Burning hotter than her own flames. An ache that longed and hurt at the same time. Just the thought of her redhead had her aching in an unexpected way. She kissed her. Letting her new found emotions fill her. She would pull away to allow Erza to breath and then swiftly continue.

Erza didn't know how long they were at it. She really didn't care. All she could think about was Archer and her soft kisses. They never grew in intensity. They didn't need to. They were more than enough. Erza was feeling a different kind of heat. A very pleasant heat. She was enjoying it.

They lost most of their night like that.