chapter 44

"Archer, I need to see you in my office"

To have the master need her the minute she walked into the guild wasn't something entirely new to her ,however,she did not like the idea of needing to leave Erza's side with the vulture known as Mira quickly approaching. She looked to Mira and then to Erza before releasing a sigh and approaching the old master. She realized that she was the reason Mira would be pestering Erza far more today,because she was the one to convince her to wear an article of clothing belonging to her. Why? Well she had many reasons and none she explain to the redhead who had to suffer the intense interrogation Mira would be putting her through. She wasn't too worried though, Mira isn't all bad and she had Cana to reign her in when she was too much.

"What do you need my lord?" It was Silver who spoke the words as she popped her head out of Archer's jacket. The feline was in a good mood this morning for reasons unknown to both Archer and Erza and as such she has been very amused with both herself and other people.

"Is Silver allowed to be here?"

"Yes she's fine" Makarov didn't mind the exceed. Its not like she's one to let any classified information slip and she has been present for every meeting the two had. As the old man sat at his desk and retrieved a document he seemed very pensive as he debated whether or not to hand it to Archer. The truth in the matter was that the old man of the council had personally requested Archer to complete a task for him, before bestowing upon her the highest ranking in the wizards saints. That was odd for the old man for many reasons including the fact that the current highest ranking saint was god Serena,so he was either replacing him or having the two duel.

"Gran Doma has requested your presence"

"Has he now?" that was something she had been waiting on for most of her life in this world. One of her most important goals was to achieve a position in the magic council, preferably a very high ranking and powerful position. She had her reasons and reading that look on the short man's face she was getting one depending on how this meeting with the chair man went. That would be a milestone achieved which would allow her to work towards the next goal. Took her long enough didn't it?.

"Im curious as to what he wants,however, I believe I know where this is going"

"Ive always wanted to meet this Doma" the exceed's thoughts were vocalized absently as she too realized where this might be headed for the beloved Archer. She also wanted to meet God Serena for the simple fact that he has God in his name. She was unaware if it was a self given name or one given by others,but she wanted to see exactly how much of a bastard he was. "Ive heard a lot about him"

"Yes the old chairman of the council" it took Archer a week after first meeting him to realize who she was actually talking to. Grand Doma wasn't supposed to be the chairman until after the tower of heaven arc. It was supposed to be the one built like a literal ball by the name of Crawford Seam. He was apparently an informant of Tartaros. She was surprised it took her that long to realize,but it was an interesting change and she womdered if it was for better or worse.

"I would advise you to leave immediately, that man does not like to wait"

"A little patience wont kill him although he looks like he's getting to that age" the phoenix commented as she turned to leave. She waved goodbye as she did and promptly left the office. Laxus was dutifully ignored as she did not feel like tormenting him on this very day and he's definitely not going anywhere anytime soon.

"When will you leave?" Silver inquired as she scrambled out of her usual hiding place.

"I'm not sure. I will collect you when I do so don't worry"

"Archer!" The scream was instantly recognized and the question about to be asked was predicted for the excited dragon slayer finally managed to keep his flames from destroying everything it touched. "You're going on another S-class mission aren't you? I didn't burn anything down on my last mission you can ask the others so please take me with you"

She did promise him that, didn't she? And he was quite strong so she believed he could handle such a mission with her accompanying him. So yes she will grant his wish of attending one of these missions, however, it will not be this day for she had other plans.

"I'm proud you finally accomplished that goal,but I am not going on an S-class mission today,at least I'm not sure, so I can't take you with me today" she apologised. "Try tomorrow"

Natsu grumbled,but nodded. He waited all these years,another day wont kill him and to pass the time he can go on a short and fun mission. He might ask Lisanna to come with him this time since he's not going alone in fear of undoing his hard work of not setting anything into flames.

Archer had finally returned to Erza and was ready to interrupt Mira and direct her attention to her,when the guild doors were thrown open. All eyes immediately found the entrance to see who had visited their guild,but Archer didn't need to for a familiar scent filled her nose and it had her frozen to the spot. In that single moment the young phoenix asked herself millions of questions with the last being; why. For the person standing in the doorway was one she did not expect to see for at least another two years and she was hoping it would be longer not shorter.

The entire guild was baffled to see someone almost identical to the local Phoenix who was still standing in the same spot and position. They looked between her and the new figure repeatedly trying to decide whether or not they were twins or if their eyes were deceiving them.

Red eyes met red eyes as the two stared at eachother for exactly seven seconds before the new presence slowly smiled a smile Archer would always wear when tormenting a poor Laxus.

"Hello little sister"

The voice was filled with a sweetness rivaling Mira herself.

Archer looked away from the new figure only to rapidly cast her eyes about every inch of the guild for she was not prepared for this. When she finally moved again it was to jump over the table standing in her way and make a bolt for the door. Sadly for her the one claiming to be her sibling was faster to everyone's surprise and caught her by the collar before she could flee. An arm came around her neck and the other rested on her head as she was quickly pulled into a chokehold that had her struggling.

"Let go of me this instant!" She actually yelled. "I will not let you bully me,you cretin!"

Everyone was shocked by her outburst and many wondered if they should try to help,but then they realized that the person was most definitely her sibling and could possibly be far stronger than her.

Death didn't seem very pleasant so they remained as they were.

"That is no way to speak to your older sister, dear Archer" apparently she was a girl just as Archer and just like Archer she seemed to take great amusement in watching other's suffer. Either Archer adopted it from her or they both inherited it from parents.

"If you weren't such swine, I would not speak to you in this manner" Archer argued as she struggled to escape her hold. She seemed to be growing frustrated with each passing second and that was bringing with it a sense of panic for she knew her sister was the only one capable of angering her to the point where her magic actually slips. And that was about to be proven as sparks were already manifesting in the air around them.

"Ash,let go this instant!"

"You should watch your temper sister, we don't want you setting this building on fire" the sister apparently named Ash was rather calm even as she too saw the strings of flame starting to manifest from the younger. "I was right in assuming you still struggle with control"

Archer released a sound akin to a growl that everyone felt in the depths of their chest.

Erza was quickly growing worried for she was aware of what could happen should her emotions get the best of her. She felt she had to do something and she was standing before fully realizing,which caught the attention of Ash,who eyed her for a long moment. Her eyes went down to the dress shirt she was wearing and her nose wrinkled for the smallest moment before she seemed to realize something. She then looked between Erza and Archer in deep thought.When the fire was starting to consume Archer's body she acted on the theory she had quickly devised.

Ash moved faster than anyone could comprehend and before anyone could process what was happening Erza was casually thrown at the flaming Archer. It all happened in the blink of an eye that even Erza didn't realize until she was on a collision course with Archer, who was engulfed in an uncontrollable flame.

Archer,however, noticed when no one did and the panic was replaced with intense worry as she feared she could not calm her fire before Erza impacted her. The smartest thing to do was get out of the way,but some irrational part of her did not want Erza hitting to floor.

Ash smiled when the flames vanished into nothingness just a milisecond before Erza impacted her and they both tumbled to the floor.The smile was replaced by a small laugh as she realised she was right. Who would've thought. Her sister truly was unique wasn't she? Instead of being her weakness these feelings bring an unknown control over herself. What an odd one,that sister of hers. She just made her job far easier.

Archer was staring at the ceiling of the guild as she tried to register what just happened. She was panting as the burning pain of her fire slowly faded away and the anger,fear and panic went with it. She was soon sitting up to make sure Erza was alright to find her already staring at her with obvious relief in her eyes.

"You're okay?" She asked

"I should be asking you that" Archer managed a smile before looking at her sister with accusation in her eyes. "Why must you always provoke me to that point?"

"So you can learn control, sister dearest,just as I did" she admitted with a casual shrug and smile. "I wasn't sure how to teach you control,but now I have a very adequate idea involving that redhead there"

"You thought it was a good idea to throw Erza at me? Are you demented?" Archer had to resist the urge to straight out slap her older sister simply because she knew that would end with her face on the hard wood floor. "She could've gotten hurt"

Ash said nothing. She was not going to hurt some random human for the sake of testing a theory. She would intervene if she thought she would be harmed,but she knew better. She didn't need to know what happened that led to her wearing something that belonged to her sister. All she needed was their mixed scent. That was more than enough to let her know her sister cared for this girl greatly. And seeing as her sister was never the typical Phoenix she somehow expected she would be different when it came to the emotions and magic department.

"You know me better than that Archer" she finally spoke,but did not meet the eyes of her sister. Instead she was looking to the old man who seemed dumbstruck by her presence. He must be surprised to have anothet phoenix in the building.

"Hold on" Cana interjected after deciding she had been quiet for long enough. "You're really Archer's older sister?"

"Undeniably" both phoenix spoke at once causing them to look at each other in slight annoyance before sighing and avoiding eye contact.

"She's horrible"

"I am not" Ash refuted. She did not believe she was a terrible sister for all she did was for the best interest of her younger even if Archer wont admitted. "I am a typical older sister"

Lisanna and every dragon slayer or younger sibling nodded to this statement. They each had experience with an older sibling and knew they could be monsters for absolutely no reason at all.

"Why are you here?"

"Never mind that" Ash waved off the statement the minute it left Archer's mouth. Instead she had an inquiry of her own as she eyed the redhead she had so rudely thrown onto her sister. "You care for this redhead so please explain what your relationship is"

She was standing before a surprised Erza within the span of a second and scrutinizing her very obviously.

"She's a pretty little thing too. Is she your lover?" She asked quite bluntly with a side glance at her sister who seemed bothered by her closeness to Erza. "She's wearing something belonging to you so she must be. You're already this possessive of her, I wonder how long this has been going on or exactly how deeply you care for her. I am very interested in the details dear sister"

Erza was slowly blending with her hair color while Archer tried to find words to answer her sister's comments and questions. In the end she sighed knowing it would be hard to keep her composure around the elder Phoenix,for she was the only one capable of bringing out parts of Archer no one has had the pleasure of seeing. This point was quickly proven when Ash turned to face her sister with a suggestive smile and the younger reacted with pink cheeks.

"When are you going to claim your mate sister?"

Archer avoided her eyes while trying to calm herself and stop the blood that was rushing to her face. Why is it that her sister and only her sister can make her act like a human child at times? Archer doesn't blush. She never blushes and she prided herself on that so why did Ash have to ruin it?


Ash quirked a brow and said nothing further. Whenever her full name was used she knew to back down lest her sister starts plotting revenge.

"I digress" she held both hands up in a form of surrender. "For now. We will come back to this"

"I would rather not"

"Is that a blush I see? Is Archer Phoenix actually flustered?" Mira beamed from a distance away, enjoying the turn or events. She knew today would be interesting since she was sure the idiots she had been supporting for all these years finally took her advice,but with the appearance of Archer's sister things exceeded her expectations. And she was happy about it.

"I hate that you and Ash will get along" Erza couldn't help her words because it was true. The minute those two took the time to have a conversation,which will be very soon she's sure, they will unfortunately find they are compatible individuals who will most likely form a terrifying friendship. But on the other hand Mira's statement had her looking to Archer who was indeed flustered and was trying very hard to compose herself. She was failing greatly for her sister was not as relenting as she said she would be and while Erza felt bad for her she found her to be quite adorable this way. A blushing Archer was something never seen before and truly a treasure.

"Ah, Erza, I think your name was" Ash was again focused on Erza as she still had many questions in store. "I w-"

Before she could get her words out Archer had grabbed her by the collar and very rudely pulled her away from the redhead. She did not need her asking questions that would surely embarrass her knight

"That was very rude of you" the elder didn't seem bothered at all as she rubbed her hands on her dress to straighten out none existent wrinkles.

"I'm just curious about this human"

"You're curiosity knows no bounds" Archer pointed out.

"Neither does yours" with a smile Ash leaned to the side and looked right past Archer and to Erza. "I apologise for my sister's behaviour towards me. She's making me seem like some fiend"

"You act like one"

"Audacity is on sale today isn't it?"


"Has she ever told you about the time she fell face first into a grand cake?"

Archer didn't know how her sister ended up on the train with them,but there she was shamelessly telling all of her most mortifying stories. She said nothing for she knew nothing she said would stop elder phoenix from exposing her so cruelly to the only two who knew the most about her. For all their knowledge they were not aware of the moments where Archer was truly an idiot. They have witnessed the times this idiocy tried to surface,but it never got the spotlight. And now with all those stories being told they get to enjoy the thought of a mortified Archer.

"How did you fall face first into a cake?" her laughter could not be held in as Erza pictured the incident in her head. What could have possibly led to that?

"An unfortunate series of events"

"She was running from our parents" came the blunt truth from Asher.

Silver almost chocked on air as a laugh spilled from her guts. She couldn't imagine Archer running from anyone and most definitely not to the point where she wasn't aware of her surroundings.

"Why are you here?" Archer had to ask that again since she failed to get an answer the first time around

"Im supposed to help you learn control"

"But instead you're telling my childhood stories"

"Yes" she smiled brightly revealing sharp teeth. "And how does that make you feel?"


"I can tell since your temperature has been steadily increasing with each story told" she pointed out. "Flames will start manifesting if you do not manage yourself"

Of course that was Asher's way of teaching her control; aggravating her to dangerous levels.

"Are you sure it's the best idea to aggravate her?" Erza wondered when she touched her skin to feel the incredible increase in her already higher temperature. It almost burned which had her pulling her hand away.

"It's perfectly fine,you're sitting right there"

"What do I have to do with it?"

"She's more in control when around you" Silver informed as she decided to climb onto Asher's shoulder. The elder simply let the feline have her way and even helped her in her endeavour. "Your hair is far longer than Archer's"

"It's been growing far longer than her own" was the reply as she petted the curious exceed. "You're a fine creature"

"Thank you"

Archer sighed as she allowed herself fall right into Erza's lap and turn away from her sister in favour of nuzzling into the redhead for comfort.

Her days were going to be far more chaotic with her sister now present