chapter 46

Wendy sighed when she stood before the doors to her guild. It was noisy as always and from the ruckus she knew there was most likely a very lively party taking place. What they were celebrating was something she never figured out and never truly tried to really. Fairy tail just likes to party and that was the end of that story. Standing at her side Lucy could do little to suppress her excitement as she gazed upon the building with eyes of admiration and wonder. She was finally here. She finally made it to the guild she had dreamed of being part of. She never thought she would actually be standing where she currently was. She dreamed of this day,but never believed it could become a reality. Not with her overbearing father constantly looming over her head, always trying to control her life. But here she was before the one and only Fairy tail about to become a full fledged member and mage.

When Wendy fully prepared herself for what she would be revealing to Lucy she finally pushed the doors open,slowly revealing the guild in all its glory.

"Welcome to fairy tail"

A party was in full swing as every member induldged in the celebration. Drinks were dealt and passed and multiple conversations were unfolding. Gray was shirtless as he always was while engaging in a very unfair arm wrestle with Elfman. At the bar Mira was handling the beverages while yelling at Wakaba for asking her out again and was apparently going to throw a mug at him until Cana quickly snatched it out of her hands in favor of gulping it down herself. Thankfully there wasn't a raging fight taking place at the moment and Wendy supposed it was because the instigators weren't present at the moment. That was a big relief because Archer and Erza weren't going to be back for another day or two and they were the only ones who could stop the guild from falling apart.

Lucy wore a goofy smile as she took in the complete chaos in the guild. She had heard a lot about the guild and how rowdy they are,but experiencing it in person was so much better than she imagined. She was so lost in her excitement that she was unaware of Wendy carefully taking her hand and expertly guiding her through the guild and to the bar. It was only when Mira stood in front of her that she snapped out of her head and brought herself back to the current happenings

"This is Lucy and she would like to join the guild" Wendy gently nudged her forward with her introduction. "Lucy this is Mira and that's Cana"

Lucy refused to let her fan girl come out at meeting both the local model and drunk who just so happen to be featured in multiple magazines, all of which she made sure to read. Even if she refused to smile like a dummy she couldn't fully hide how much of a fan she was for Cana laughed knowingly,but didn't say anything.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail where we fight and party everyday" Mira grinned. "Are you sure you want to join this guild?"

"Hey, if she wants in she must be as crazy as us and if not she'll be gone by next week" those were the words of Cana who then glared at Wakaba when he again tried to get Mira's attention. "Oi! Don't make me go talk to your wife old man!"

There was silence as Wakaba realized she was dead serious so he kept his mouth shut and slowly sipped on his beer. Some of the members were laughing at him while others shook their head because he brought it upon himself.

Although he was just joking.

"Awe" Mira immediately migrated to the irritated Cana just to tease her. "Were you jealous?"

Cana took a big swig of her beer before replying to the question,deciding to beat Mira at her own game.

"As Archer would say, jealousy is wanting something you do not or cannot have. So no ,I was not jealous"

Hooking a single finger under Mira's chocker she pulled her closer until there was just inches of space between them. It would be so very easy for either of them to close the distance completely,but neither did. There was a smirk playing on her lips as her eyes flickered from wonderful blue eyes to enticing pink lips. Often times Mira was the one torturing her like this, the wonderful tease. And then there are moments such as this where Cana decides to be the tempress. Their closeness promised much and as she made to close the distance she stopped just a breath away, smirk growing when Mira released a sound of frustration.

"I was simply territorial since I was protecting what is rightfully mine"

The deep shade of pink coating Mira's cheeks was the sign of her victory which had Cana looking very smug when she released the eldest Straus sibling and casually went back to enjoying her beer. Wendy had long since left for she could not handle the embarrassment she was sure to be experiencing, while Lucy was silenced by what happened right in front of her.

"Damn it" Mira disappeared into the backroom for a mere thirty seconds before returning with a somewhat angered expression on her face as she refused to even look in Cana's direction. That added another victory under her belt, officially making her own far more than those Mira had acquired. She would absolutely not stand for this. She did all of that and had the audacity not to kiss her. She did all of that for what?

Meanwhile Cana didn't seem bothered much as she continued to enjoy her alcohol all the while keeping a close eye on her pouting girlfriend. She was most likely going to try to ignore her until she could no longer pretend to be mad. Cana could always just give her what she wanted and be over and done with it,but she wasn't one to give in that easily.

"Fun duo,no?"

What is it with people just randomly popping up behind her lately? She has had to point her dagger at people far more as of late and was seriously wondering why it was quickly becoming a usual. The woman finding herself at the end of her blade this time was one she had not met before,again. She was as calm as the last as she simply looked at her,then at the blade before quickly running a hand through short azure hair to clear her bangs. Baby blue eyes glimmered with an odd excitement,to Lucy's wonder.

"Very dangerous weapons you cary around" she commented as if she was talking about a nice top.

"Very dangerous people walking around" was the just as casual reply.

"Very dangerous predicament you're in" came another voice behind her.

Lucy quickly recognized it as Asher and made no move to face her for Nero was still unknown to her. She simply smiled as Asher did the day before and still did not even try to get away from her as if she was challenging her to do something,anything.

"Friend of yours?"

"Ah,yes. That is Nero, a close acquaintance of mine and one I hold dear" she said that,but she did not seem worried for her in the slightest. In fact she seemed more amused than anything.

"I can see why you two get along" the dagger was expertly placed within her boot as she deemed Nero no threat, at least for the moment. Asher was... she was something,but she wasn't terrible, her friend seemed to be the very same. "You're both weird"

"Asher!" Mira scrambled to catch the woman who was close to escaping the minute she heard her name being called. She was lucky to catch her by her collar and even more lucky when Asher did nothing to resist. She was pulled towards the bar and spun to face Mira, who looked at her accusingly. "You ran away"

"I do not run away" Asher replied simply as she took a seat at the bar and was soon joined by Nero who had a smile of amusement on her face. "I simply had other matters to attend to"

"You ran away" a stamp was placed on the bar before them, earning the attention of Asher, Nero and Lucy for they all knew what the stamp was. "Time for your mark"

"I had assumed both you and my sister had been jesting about me becoming a member of this rumbustious guild" she spoke as if this development disturbed her,but she was already working her shirt out of her pants to reveal her abdomen to Mira in an invitation. It didn't matter much to her and she didn't really mind having her name associated with the guild. And it's not like she wasn't already situated in the town and visited the guild regularly. Mira was right, she was a member in every other sense so why not just get the guild insignia stamped on her body?

"Where and what color?" the cheer in her voice was as clear as day as Mira brandished the stamp proudly.

"Above my right hip, the color is of no importance"

"Alright, random color it is" the take over mage seemed far too excited for what she was about to do. Pressing the stamp into the colorless ink she looked to Lucy and Nero, both watching with interest in the process. "You two are next"

"Me?" Nero wondered, incredulous.

"Don't look so surprised. You're here as much as her"

Nero was about to point out that she was only there because Archer never forced her back to the dragon realm. However, to be fair Archer gave them all the freedom they needed to do as they pleased. Her reasoning was always that she did not own them and they were not celestial spirits so there was no need to limit them. So she was free to do whatever it is she wanted in the human world.She supposed joining this little guild could be one of her enjoyable endeavors. In the end she said nothing further nor did she try to repudiate the idea. She just silently watched as Asher received her own trademark stamp, curious as to the color she would receive. At her left Lucy seemed to mirror her in that department, although there was more excitement on her part. She couldn't suppress her smile at the moment and Nero was sure she would like to. She was absolutely beaming. She must really love this guild.

"I'm curious as to why you want to join this merry band of misfits" she decided to ask the blonde,knowing she might not get the answer seeing as the blonde wasn't very fond of her, or at least it seemed that way. It did little to stop her curiosity, however.

Lucy side eyed her, very much untrusting of the woman she had just met. There was a silence between them for a long couple of seconds and Nero was sure she would get no answer from her. Then she released a deep sigh, eyes far off as if she was lost in a memory.

"My mother"

That was all she said before she was staring off to her side in a somewhat sorrowful silence. Nero knew not to press for more information as it seemed to be a sore subject. But she did look to Asher who was staring at her with no clear expression on her face. Her friend appeared to have something to say,however, she decided against it. Both of them were aware of Layla Heartfillia and what had happened,as avoidable as it was. Asher kept in contact with both her and Anna,knowing something could happen to either of them. She knew this, yet she was unable to save her, leaving Lucy without a mother. As good as Asher was at burying her true emotions or anything that happens to bother her, Nero knew her well enough and she knew she places blame on herself for what had happened.

She could have prevented it,yet she failed.


"A fight was inevitable"

Those were the wise words of Nero to Lucy as they both quietly watched the battle royal suddenly taking place. Lucy had no idea how things had come to what it was and frankly she didn't entirely care as long as no one approached her. She held her hand before her, smiling at the pink mark decorating the back of her hand. It had a certain magical tingle to it as it still worked into her skin,but she loved it. All the chaos happening around her went unnoticed as she simply admired the insignia and all it stood for. Her mother had shown it to her when she was younger, a smile always on her lips when she spoke of this guild. The insignia was supposed to be a fairy with a beautiful tail ,as was the name of the guild. She had wondered as a child. Do fairies exist? If so, do they have tails? Her mother had simply giggled at the look of confusion on her face and gently explained what it meant to her.

No one knows for sure. They could exist,they could be a myth. They could have tails and they could not. It was just an endless pursuit of this knowledge. An endless pursuit of an adventure and that was what Fairy Tail stood for. The endless pursuit of mystery and adventure.

Romantic in some sense.

"Fairy tail is more than a guild. It is a family and family do everything and anything for each other" fond words of her mother came to her as she watched the chaos unfolding before her. She always loved to hear srories of her adventures with this guild for it never failed to be filled with wonders. Her mother enjoyed talking about her days as a mage as much as she enjoyed hearing it. She would speak of the friendships made. The adventures. The fun. She wanted to experience that for herself and she was finally getting the chance to.

If only her mother was here to see it. She would be overjoyed and so very proud. Maybe if she was still around her father would support her as she did.

Someone was easily tossed across the building and she barely bat an eye. Brown eyes scanned the guild intently in search of whatever celestial spirit was residing within the chaos. She could feel it the moment she walked into the guild and had only then gave it her focus. It was a strong pull on her senses so it was very hard to ignore and also very easy to track. Her eyes landed on a familiar redhead by the name of Loke. He had been featured in sorcerer weekly many a times for his good looks and charm. He had all the girls falling head over heels for him and she could understand why. He was indeed very attractive and from what she could currently see he was very charming as well. His high ranking was understandable. What Lucy could not understand is why she could feel no connection from him. As in she could tell he was not contracted to anyone and was present by his own power. And from what she knew of him he was a member of this guild for a couple of years now. If he was truly relying on his own powers he was slowly and very painfully killing himself.

"Highly attuned to your magical senses, I see"

Lucy had almost forgotten that she had Nero and Asher flanked at her sides in her observation. They had taking a liking to her apparently and they showed it by constantly being nearby. It had been somewhat annoying for Lucy was constantly aware of their presence to their amusement. When she found a place in the corner, away from all the fighting they were at her side within moments, questions at the ready even when she sent them away. They were very odd to her and she needed to adapt quickly because this was her new life apparently.

"That is Leo" Asher spoke once again when Lucy acknowledged her words with a nod. "I believe you know of him"

"Leader of the zodiac and apparent strongest" at least that is what she had heard. Her mother was in possession of this key at one point in time,yet she never had the pleasure of meeting him. "Is there a celestial wizard in the guild?"

"Not technically,no" Nero decided to exclude Archer for she really wasn't a celestial mage. "Leo has no contract"

"So he's on his own powers?" Lucy asked.

"No" the words earned Asher a look of confusion from the blonde. If he was not contracted and not using his own magic,how was he present in their world? "Your bewilderment is understandable. You see,my sister is the one keeping him here. He is in no way suffering or killing himself for my sister's magic is enough to keep him in this world for as long as he wished to roam it"

"So you really are related to Archer" it was a statement as it was very obvious by the name and silver hair. She wondered if they were twins,if so she actually did get to see Archer's face didn't she? "Older, younger?"


"By how many years?"

"Over four hundred"

A blank stare was her reaction to the words spoken so casually. Asher only smirked as she patiently awaited for the information to settle and be fully processed. It was always so entertaining to see the reactions to her age be it human or not. She glanced at Nero, who was silently laughing at the expression Lucy was making.

Slowly a discernible expression found her face and it was one neither expected. It was one of acceptance. That was not the usual reaction to such a disclosure.

"You're an actual phoenix,aren't you?" Lucy asked and didn't wait for a response. "My mother talked about you guys a lot when I was a kid. She told me you were real. And dragons too"

"Did she now?" That would make sense. Of course Layla informed her daughter of their existence. "Well, Nero there is the queen of the water dragons"

"Is assuming human form draining or is it as easy as you make it look right now?" Lucy immediately went to questioning Nero on anything that came to mind in rapid succession. Nero only smiled and answered each question in as much detail as she could, watching the stars in the blonde's eyes with each word she spoke. Her somewhat childish curiosity was precious.

A single brow raised when she switched to Asher and asked just as many questioned just as rapidly. It had been a long time since she had been questioned so precisely. Lucy wanted to know everything about her, from her phoenix form to the myth of their rebirth.

"Curious little princess, isn't she?" The words were directed at Nero,but her eyes were locked on the chocolate brown of the curious Lucy. Nero giggled in reply to the words and the look of offence on Lucy's face.

"That she is" she had to agree wholeheartedly for she couldn't have said it better. "I find it quite adorable"

Lucy looked between the two, stuck between being offended and embarrassed by their words and stares. Why must they be this way with her? And they made no move to hide how much they enjoyed what they did.

"Little princess" the words were uttered with a scoff.

"Would you like to be called something else, sweetheart?" Asher teased.

"We'll be more than happy to discover names for you, precious" Nero joined with a sly smile to Lucy's embarrassment.

"Just call me Lucy" she looked straight ahead of her,deciding not to look either of them in the eye. Nope. She was not playing their little game. Just ignore them and don't take the bait. That would be far easier were they not as attractive as they are and attracting all her attention. She was fascinated by them for they were not humans,but then they had to do this.

At the bar Mira was smiling like a madman with eyes rooted on the three new members of the guild. Cana looked at her before following her gaze and lingering. She sighed and took a sip of beer,knowing Mira had just found her next project and that she would have to help in her endeavors. She glanced back to the trio and couldn't help her smirk. Of course those two would double team, they weren't past sharing after all. She could only imagine having to deal with them and wondered if Lucy could handle it. The blonde was a soft shade of pink as the phoenix and dragon continued to tease her with all sorts of pet names.

She almost pitied her.

"Welcome to the guild blondie"