chapter 47

"Cut it out you fools!"

The entire guild froze upon hearing the booming voice, causing everyone to immediately stop what they were doing. Lucy looked up at the giant figure in question before casually tossing the poor member she had knocked out. In her defense, he had started it so of course she had to end it. Shaking out her hand she stepped over the pile of bodies she had accumulated, ignoring their groans of pain as she did. Looming over her was the man she recognized as Makarov, the guild master. His magic allowed him to change his size quite easily and it was being displayed right in front of her. She had wondered when he would come out his office. Once everyone recovered themselves he shruk down to his original size and hopped onto the railing of the second floor. He held a stack of papers in his hand with a look of frustration. Lucy could see the stamp of the council on the very top and concluded that they were the complaints directed at the reckless guild. She also realized that Nero was the cause of Hargeon port's destruction. She didn't know how she almost forgot about that. Multiple ships were riddled to nothing,but scrap and the port was none existant. It was all accidental apparently,but they still had to flee before the military arrived and arrested them.

Whatever happened to the port after that?

"You've done it again fools!" He boomed as he held the documents high. "Look at the stack of complaints the council dumped on me"


The half naked mage perked at his name,but refused to meet Makarov's eyes.

"You did a fine job completing your mission,but you walked around naked after that and later stole underwear that was hung out to dry"

He did what? Lucy looked to him in surprise. She had heard of the ice mage who could not keep his clothes on,but that was far more than she had expected. Did he really lose his clothes and proceed to steal some random person's underwear? She could faintly hear him commenting on how it would have been much worse had he remained naked in all his glory.


Elfman flinched,but not because he was being scolded by his master,but because he immediately earned a look from his older sister. When she asked how his mission went he told her it went smoothly with no incidents.

"You were supposed to protect a VIP but instead you attacked him!"

He obviously lied to his elder sister

"It went smoothly you say?" Mira scoffed.

"He said men are all about education so....I may have went a bit too far" Elfman admitted with a sad puppy air.


The brunette almost chocked on her beer when her name was called. It couldn't be about her alcohol spree the other day. There was no way they found out.

"You drank 15 barrels of alcohol and charged it to the council"

"Damn they found out"

"And Mira you were with her,you could've done something"

That comment was completely ignored as the take over mage pretended to be too focused on cleaning the mugs at the bar.

Fifteen barrels? Lucy didn't know if she should be surprised or impressed by the amount Cana could consume. How had she not died from alcohol poisoning? She had heard great tales about the guild's drunk and how high her alcohol tolerance was,but fifteen barrels was just ridiculous.

The master sighed as his eyes landed on Asher and Nero, who met his gaze with a very innocent smile on both their lips. Lucy looked to them as well and knew what was coming.

"Asher and Nero" Makarov seemed on the verge of giving up. Those two were odd ones who never actually caused him any trouble,but the one time they actually did,it was a big mess. "You two practically destroyed Hargeon port completely. Ships and possession were lost. The clock has been completely destroyed. Some houses almost suffered the consequences of whatever attack had taken place and the list goes on"

At the mention of the clock, Wendy shifted from foot to foot, notably uncomfortable. Sitting on the table in front of her Carla just shook her head slowly at the guilty child,but made no comment. Slowly the young dragon slayer raised her arm to get the attention of her kind guild master.

"What is it Wendy?"

"Um...." She twidled with her thumbs with eyes on the floor and pink cheeks. "The clock is actually my fault"

Yeah, that was totally on Wendy. Lucy could still remember the devastating roar that caused the destruction of the famous clock. She was almost swept away with the attack.

"That was you?" Makarov seemed surprised since Wendy had never caused such damage before in all her time attending missions. This was a first.

"Yeah" she fiddled nervously. "I was really mad and things kinda spiraled and before I knew it the clock was destroyed"

Makarov was silent for a moment before nodding. He really could not be mad at Wendy, she was such a sweet girl. On top of that she was a part of fairy tail,causing unnecessary damage was what they did best so Wendy was in no way in any trouble.

"It's okay kid, things happen" he reassured her with a kind smile before his hard gaze returned for the others,who were still in somewhat trouble." As for the rest of you..."

A list of names was added to the already growing and Lucy was left to learn exactly how much damage this guild caused on a daily. How do they manage to pay for all of this, especially the destruction of towns. This happens very often.

"Those guys at the council are pissed all the time because of this" they could hear the frustration in his voice and all looked down in shame at having disappointed their master. The only three who did not share their thoughts or emotions were Asher, Nero and Lucy. Lucy because she was new to the guild and actually did nothing wrong, while Asher and Nero could care less. To them the damage caused could be easily rectified, for they had both the money and capability to fix it should they want to.

"However" Makarov stood proud with a smile on his face as he adressed those he saw as his own children. "I don't want any of you to fear the fools on the council.Forget about them completely. Do whatever it is you think is right even if the higher ups end up mad, because that's the way of the fairy tail mages!"

So no one's in trouble then?

The guild erupted into loud cheers,obviously up lifted by their master's speech and complete dismissal of what they had done apparently. At her side Lucy saw both Asher and Nero tense up just slightly as if the noise bothered them. Lucy realized it most likely did for they had enhanced senses.

"Unnecessary" Asher mumbled as she worked on damping her senses when it started to hurt. She was not a fan of doing such a thing for it made her less aware of the world around her, which she wasn't used to. But the guild was too loud at the moment so she'd have to unless she wanted bleeding ears.

"Completely" Nero agreed wholeheartedly while gently pressing her hands against her ears for five seconds. "I suggest we head home"

Speaking of home, Lucy had no place to stay.

As if reading her thoughts Asher slung an arm loosely around her shoulder,smiling when she didn't immediately try to stab her.

"Have you acquired a living space yet, Princess"

Lucy shrugged and shook her head. She wanted to say yes so she could leave her alone ,but on the other hand she may be able to help her out. She was more familiar with the town.

"Oh?" Nero seemed far too happy about the answer. "Ah well, Asher and I live together in this nice three bedroom ap-"



Asher and Nero were of little help to her for she was not going to take up their offer of a free place to stay. It was very tempting and very hard to turn down once they tried to negotiate,but she remained strong and decided to search the town for an apartment. She found one quite faster than she thought she would and was very happy with the offered price and with the apartment itself. It had no furniture safe for the bed and the single table in the kitchen,but that was perfectly fine. She had more than enough money to get what she needed to and if she ran out she would need to quickly find herself a mission. So her first three days in Magnolia was spent settling into her new apartment and discovering just how crazy the guild was. She had more fun in three days than she had in years with her father, which, she realized was very sad. Was he worried about her? She had left without letting anyone know. Telling him would do no good. He'd tried to keep her there and control her life for as long as she remained there. It was for the best. Perhaps he was mad instead. Most likely. After all, she was his only hope of keeping the money flowing wasn't she?

She sunk deeper into her tub with the though of her father. Her relaxing bath was becoming anything but at the moment. With a sigh she tried to forget about her father. Forget about the life she had left behind. Forget about all the pain. Things were different and they would never return to what it formally was. She wouldn't allow it.

In three days she had filled her apartment with everything needed including groceries of a months worth. Remembering what she had planned for the day, Lucy finally pulled herself out of her tub, already missing the relaxing warmth, however useless it had become.

As she stepped out of the bathroom she had to resist the urge to grab her dagger and impale the smug phoenix sprawled out on her couch. And she had to try even harder not the strangle the dragon who let herself into her room. Those two could never stay away from her for too long. After five days without them popping up she had assumed they had no clue where she lived and she was happy about that. But here they are, in her apartment, making themselves very comfortable. She didn't even try to kick them out. It would be useless because they wouldn't leave or if they did they would only return some time later. They were always there and she was always aware of their presence,having trained herself to do so when growing up.

"You were in there for quite some time" Asher commented with legs up on her coffee table and a magazine held before her. She looked as if she owned the place which was just insulting. "Whatever were you up to,princess?"

"Don't call me princess" Lucy walked into her room and fully ignored Nero,who quirked a brow at being so easily neglected. Audacious little thing she was.

Nero shuffled out of Lucy's way as she moved to her closet in search of clothes. The dragon stood in the door opening and silently watched her ruffle through articles of clothing. With each movement her towel threatened to just slip off and Nero could not help but wonder whether or not it actually would and what exactly the blonde would do to her when she got an eyefull.

When she found her clothes of choice she stood in the middle of her room, her eyes on Nero, who did not move from her spot at the door. There was a long silence as they simply stated at each other until Lucy released a sound of frustration and pointed past the dragon, silently ordering her to leave.

With a giggle the dragon royal obeyed and took a single step back. No sooner had she stepped away that the door was closing in her face and the sound of the locks could be heard. Since she was officially locked out of the room she decided to join Asher in her leisurely lounge and patiently await the annoyed blonde.

"Apparently we get on her last nerves" Nero stated the obvious while trying to see what had Asher's attention in the magazine.

"Something Archer can relate to" the page was flipped,but all interest was already lost. The magazine was discarded,leaving her with nothing to occupy herself with but Nero, who quickly retrieved the discarded magazine. The dragon proceeded to settle into Asher's side until she was comfortable before trying to find something entertaining. Asher let her head fall onto the backrest of the couch and aimlessly stared at the wooden ceiling and enjoyed the silence. It contrasted greatly with the loud guild she had so casually joined. How could Archer spend most of her time there anyway? She had to dampen her senses to a degree just to save her ears and she did not like that. Dampened senses make her less aware of everything around her and that was unnerving. You never know what could happen and missing even the slightest of hints could be dangerous. In Lucy's quiet apartment her senses were at their highest without a single complication. Closing her eyes she focused on the world around her, her hearing reaching all the way past the streets packed with people.

"So what exactly are you two doing here?" The blonde was fully dressed when she stepped out of her room ,immediately catching their eyes. She sighed for she could feel their eyes following her every move. "Why are you here?"

"We've uncovered a mission that might interest you" Asher held up a mission sheet for her to see with a look of pride when she showed actual interest.

"It's in Shirotsume town" Nero informed. "We need to retrieve a book from the duke of Evaroo"

"I feel like there's another part to this and I won't like it" saying that, Lucy took the mission sheet from Asher and read it for herself. It was indeed in Shirotsume town,which was conveniently nearby so that would be far easier. And they did need to get a book from this rich guy,but then there was the part she knew she would not like. There in the corner was a disclaimer stating that the man was a massive pervert and was now in search of a blonde maid.

"Before you make your displeasure known,I would just like to say that I imagine you would look quite delicious in a maid uniform" Nero said as if it was supposed to make Lucy feel any different about the mission.

"Yes, she would" Asher quickly agreed as she eyed her intently. "You would look ravishing"

Lucy released a slow breath and connected with what ever god was keeping her calm all the while trying to suppress the blood rushing to her face. Why were they like this?

"That doesn't make me feel any better" she finally spoke as she disappeared into her kitchen in search of food. She stood before her fridge,idly searching for ingredients that would create her breakfast. After gathering what was needed the fridge was closed and she turned to place everything on the kitchen table only to come face to face with Nero.

"Understandable,but it is a fairly easy mission that'll earn you 200.000 jewel" the dragon stepped aside once Lucy didn't try to go around her.

"And what about you two?"

"What about us?"

"Don't you need to be paid?"

"No?" Nero seemed confused as to why she would ask that. "We have no need for the money, while you do,seeing as you need to pay rent"

"Yes,humans and their money" joining the two in the kitchen Asher wordlessly relieved Lucy of the ingredients she was carrying in favor of making something herself. "It often brings out the worst in you creatures"

Lucy couldn't help but agree,albeit silently. For some reason she wasn't fully aware of Asher literally taking everything off her hands until a few moments later when the woman was carefully laying everything out before her and expertly gathered the essentials.

"Would you happen to have an apron lying around, sweetheart?"

Lucy was surprised by the sweetness in her voice and blankly directed her to the apron's location. She heard Nero giggle in delight from her place at the kitchen table and fondly watched Asher don the apron with ease.

"What is happening?" She could clearly see what was happening,but still felt the need to ask. Obviously Asher took it upon herself to prepare breakfast this morning. And that surprised her for some reason.

"I'm preparing breakfast"

"Why?" She was genuinely confused at the moment for she didn't understand why Asher just walked into her kitchen and decided to cook.

" Consider it an apology for entering your living space unannounced and without permission" Asher said after a minute of thought.

"You dont have to" Lucy was trying to move her away from the counter to no avail. Asher was unmoving and simply watched her with clear amusement.

"I insist"

"And I'm saying you don't have to" she again tried and failed which had her sighing in frustration. "Why are you so strong?"

"You're forgetting who you're talking to" Asher had a firm grip on her jaw and tilted her head back, easily tempting her to meet her eyes as she smirked. "Now, you will sit and enjoy Nero's company while I prepare breakfast"

Nero had to suppress a broad smile while watching the interaction. Lucy was trying to avoid her eyes and also hide the clear blush on her face as she opened her mouth to clearly reject everything Asher had just said only to be silenced moments later. There was no hope for the blonde for she could clearly not disobey Asher,which came as little surprise seeing as it was Asher of all people.

"Fine" she silently cursed at the way her voice had just slightly increased in pitch. She carefully reminded herself that she had only known the women in her house for less than five days. She knew nothing about them save for their names. They were practically strangers to her and rather bold too,for they have done nothing to hide the fact that they clearly have an attraction to her. The both of them,and they enjoy tormenting her in this way.

Asher's smirk turned to an actual smile as she released the blonde, who swiftly looked away, clearly not liking how she had reacted to the phoenix.

"Good girl"

Those words made her feel things she pointedly ignored as she sat herself next to the smiling Nero,who was clearly very amused. She was neglected for the second time that day for simply being there. She had said and done nothing to earn the cold shoulder other than simply watching and taking amusement. Her neglect was funny to her because she knew it was a hard thing to do for the blonde. From their interactions she knew Lucy was trained to be aware of anyone nearby and because of this ignoring her was far harder than she would like. For Nero this created a little game to play as she wondered how long she could fully neglect her until her instincts got the best of her.

Lucy glanced at the silent dragon, watching her watch her back with her chin in her palm and eyes gleaming. All her focus was on her as she patiently waited to be addressed,or not. She was less forward than Asher up to this point, although she was the one who paid her far more attention in silence.

"We vex you, yet you do not turn us out" she finally spoke.

She was also the one who enjoyed conversing with her as well, no matter how weird their conversations can become.

"You'll only come back" Lucy replied while watching Asher work in the kitchen. "So it's useless"

"If you tell us not to,we will not" she was honest with her words and hoped that Lucy understood that.


Nero had to roll her eyes at the skeptical tone in her voice. "Yes,darling" there was almost an accent when she used the pet name which Lucy noticed.

"Why do you guys even follow me around?" she couldn't help but sigh with the question that earned her a look from Nero, silently questioning if she was serious.

"I'm sure you know this,Darling. Why is it that you ask questions you already know the answer to?"

"I need someone else to say it so the reality can sink in"

"Very human of you" the dragon couldn't help the quip.

"Well,I apologize for being human" she said it sarcastically,but had taken no offense to the words.

"Well if I must spell it out for you darling" Nero smiled,showing sharp teeth for the first time, grabbing Lucy's interest. "That scandalous creature over there known as Asher and the magnificent royal that is I, Nero, are attracted to you,little human and us "following you" as you put it is our way of trying to learn more about you and impress you,I suppose"

"Impress?" They were trying to impress? She said that as if she wasn't a literal dragon who could conjure a massive wave with ease.

"It appears she does not understand why there is a need to impress" after being silent for so long Asher finally spoke again as she appeared at their table to place plates of pancakes before each of them. "Do you have syrup?"

"Top cabinet"

She disappeared just to return within a second sporting a bottle of chocolate syrup which she expertly applied to the stacks of pancakes she had created.

"As for the need to impress" she pulled a chair for herself as she spoke. "It is simply our way of doing things and has little to do with power, at least with us, I suppose. It is not us showing off either, but simply a way of letting you see what we can do for you,sweetheart"

She hummed in understanding,looking at the pancakes before her differently now.

"So the pancakes?"

Asher nodded as she watched her expectantly while Nero already had food in her mouth with a look of glee.

"Asher can cook" she moaned in delight which earned a smirk from the phoenix.

"So can you ,dragon, do not flatter me"

"As if it doesn't inflate that big head of yours"

"So this is primal" Lucy concluded after piecing everything together. She understood it when she said it that way for it made sense for them. They were not humans and as such had different customs,juxtaposed to them.

"If that is the word you wish to use, then yes, it is primal" Asher still had that expectant look on her face and Lucy realized she wanted her to eat what she had made for her. It was kinda sweet that she wanted her to like her cooking.

"I will be the one cooking next time, I promise" Nero stated as she too would like for Lucy to try her cooking. "Then you can tell us which is better"

"I enjoy your cooking far more than my own, sweet Nero" Asher admitted with a shrug while pulling Nero's plate over to herself.

"And I enjoy yours far more than my own as well, hence the need for Lucy to be our judge"

While the two debated whos cooking was better Lucy finally decided to try the pancakes before her,only to be pleasantly surprised by exactly how good they were. Her eyes found Asher, who had a tilted head as she watched, questioning.

"Damn,thats amazing" she was already munching on a second bite when she spoke, to Asher's joy.

"Will you allow me to cook for you another time then?"

"Sure,just don't break into my house again"

"That is not something I can promise you" Asher said honestly.

"I second that" Nero quiped. "Though we will try to let you know when we decide to break in"

That was terrible,but Lucy decided it was far better than them popping up unnanounced so she nodded in agreement. Baby steps.

"So you two are trying to "impress" me" she pointed her fork at the both of them. "A form of courting,right? So in the end I will need to choose between you two if I do end up reciprocating,no?"

The both of them were silent for a couple of seconds when the question was asked which only worked to make Lucy far more curious. So of course when they both shrugged she wasn't satisfied.

"I need a solid answer"

"We both want you and we do not have any qualms about sharing" Asher said simply to which Nero nodded happily. They have absolutely no problem with sharing. None at all.

"Huh?" it took a moment for the words to fully sink in and it left Lucy a flushed mess. "B-b.."

"Whatever is running through that pretty head of yours, darling? You're a red mess" Nero giggled.

"I wasn't...I- ...both of you? I-" Lucy was struggling to explain just how she felt about that and wasn't even sure she fully knew how she felt in the first place.

"Whatever is the matter,darling?" Nero's voice was suddenly very sultry and she was suddenly before her and Lucy didn't even realize until she had fingers trailing up the back of her neck. Fingers that soon tangled in her hair and gently tugged, tilting her head up to meet baby blue eyes. "Do you not think you can handle us?"

Right then and there Lucy decided she was going to die,because yes, that is exactly what she thought. How in the world was she supposed to manage these two? What in the world had become of her life? How was she the interest of a dragon and a phoenix, creatures she wasn't sure were real until just a few days ago?

She definitely had a lot to tell her mother today.