32、Get the pendant

Liu Xiaojun still didn't wake up, but the situation has stabilized a lot. The girl rescued by mistake is trying to take care of him.

Li Yunfeng is waiting for the answer. He can't wait. Ancient books are the most important treasure for him. As long as there is something related to ancient books, he is willing to get them at all costs.

Miss Zhao's face is very good-looking, but her figure is wrapped in a thick cotton padded jacket, which is impossible to guess.

Li Yunfeng's request seems to make the other party very difficult. After two minutes, there is still no movement.

He's a little dissatisfied. We've already made a good deal. If the other side wants to cheat now, it seems that he has to start robbing!

As soon as I thought about it, Li Yunfeng didn't care about it any more. Instead of waiting for the reaction from the crowd, Qian PI put his sword on Miss Zhao's white neck, and reached out to grab the pendant in her clothes!

"Stop!" The first to jump up was captain Gu Liming, pointing a gun at Li Yunfeng.

"What do you want?" Miss Zhao's father wanted to come forward, and he was afraid that Li Yunfeng would hurt his daughter, roaring.

Li Yunfeng said with a sneer, "what are you doing? Take what belongs to me. You people want to repent. I will do it myself! "

At this time, Miss Zhao is very calm. She grabs Li Yunfeng's left hand and says coldly, "since I promise you, I will do it. Don't be here. Let's go downstairs and do what you want!"

Li Yunfeng has not yet responded: "don't bother, just here!"

As soon as she said this, Miss Zhao's face turned white and her lips trembled angrily, but she could not speak.

"Beast!" Professor Sun angrily scolded that the old man, regardless of his age, was going to hit Li Yunfeng with a cane.

As soon as Li Yunfeng was in a hurry, he forgot that the other side was an old man, so he raised his feet and kicked. The poor old man was his opponent there. If it wasn't for the soldiers behind him to hurry up, I'm afraid the bones would break.

Looking at the fierce reaction of these people, Li Yunfeng suddenly understood that the woman really thought she was going to rape her, which really made him laugh and cry, and he could only blame himself for his unclear words. Of course, Gu Liming was always interrupting.

Li Yunfeng was not such a vicious person. If there was a misunderstanding, he could explain it clearly, but unexpectedly, Gu Liming was in a hurry and took the gun to cross Li Yunfeng and point to the girl who was saved by mistake.

Gu Liming looked at Li Yunfeng and said in a loud voice, "let go of Miss Zhao, or I will shoot!"

Li Yunfeng said happily: "you shoot, that girl I don't know, casually!"

Gu Liming is stunned. Li Yunfeng doesn't even look at him. He moves his gun to Liu Xiaojun's head and says, "what about him?"

Li Yunfeng still didn't look back and warned him, "you can try it. If you dare to touch one of his hairs, I will kill all of you to bury him. In addition, I will remind you that your bullet can't touch him at all!"

Gu Liming heard that, the gun in his hand was shaking. He didn't know whether the bullet could hit the man on the ground, but he believed that Li Yunfeng could kill them all.

Miss Zhao's father hurriedly stood out at this time and dissuaded: "commander Gu, don't be impulsive. I wonder if you can calm down and talk about it. At this time, we shouldn't kill each other, young man, are you right?"

Li Yunfeng wanted to make it clear that he wanted only a pendant but not a person. When Gu Liming did this, his anger came up. How dare he threaten me? Don't you think I'm going to rape this woman? Then I'll rape her!

He raised his voice and said, "there's nothing to talk about. When I'm done with her, I'll let you go!"

"You!" Miss Zhao's father tongue tied

Miss Zhao suddenly released Li Yunfeng's hand, took out a grenade from her pocket, pulled out the safety bolt, looked at Li Yunfeng coldly and said: "if you want to stick here, I'd rather die with you!

Li Yunfeng was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, this woman still has this kind of weapon. He is not afraid of it, but if he destroys the pendant, he will regret it too late.

In this way, he calmed down, and the anger went down. The most important thing for him was to get the undamaged pendants instead of other messy things. Moreover, he was just angry for a while. It was impossible for him to rape that woman. Just look at the cold disgust in her eyes.

He put the promotion of strength first. Ancient books are the source of strength for Li Yunfeng, so at any time, he thinks that ancient books are the most important, which is the only way for him to survive!

Li Yunfeng let go of her, and even took back the sword. In a turn, he slapped Gu Liming beside Liu Xiaojun and kicked him away. In a cold voice, he said, "Miss Zhao, leave the pendant on your neck, and then you can go. Oh, by the way, one day, I will go to you and take my gambling appointment!"

"Pendants?" Things are changing so fast that Miss Zhao hardly responds.

"This is my last line," Li said fiercely with a tight heart. "If you don't leave the pendants, you'll all die here. One won't stay!"

No one dared to doubt his threat. Li Yunfeng killed three red beetles downstairs just now, with little effort. Of course, they didn't know that Li Yunfeng consumed three Qi.

Miss Zhao hesitated for a moment, but she still took out the pendant, put it in her hand, took a sip of her mouth, and said with slightly red eyes, "this is the next memory my mother left for me after her death. I hope you..."

Li Yunfeng obviously felt the ancient book's beating, reached out his hand and carefully connected the pendant to his hand. He waved his hand and said, "you can go!"

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't dare to say anything more. Only Professor Sun, who couldn't resist the mood of scientific research, looked at Li Yunfeng's armor with burning eyes and said dryly, "young man, can I study your armor?"

Li Yunfeng is now in a hurry to wait for these people to leave. He can take out the ancient books and study what happened. He has no time to pay attention to the old man who once scolded him. He is impatient and says: "go, go, go, all hurry!"

Seeing the sign that he was going to be angry again, Miss Zhao's father was really worried, so he hurriedly grabbed Professor Sun and dared not stay, leaving one after another from the top of the building.

Li Yunfeng saw another girl sitting there with a frown: "why don't you go?"

"I, I'm not with them," she said haltingly.

Li Yunfeng doesn't want to be known by the second person. After thinking about it, he still pulls her up and points to the stairway and says, "I know. Anyway, now it's time for you to leave!"

The girl took a look at him in panic. She wanted to plead but didn't dare, so she had to go down the stairs slowly and reluctantly.

Now, except for Liu Xiaojun, who was half dead, everyone else left. Li Yunfeng put out the fire and observed Liu Xiaojun's situation. Seeing that he was not dead and could not help much, he had to stop.

He cleaned the armour, found a clean place to sit down, just took out the ancient books and pendants to study.

But hear the voice on the stairway more and more heavy, Li Yunfeng dark scold, this group of people ran up again!

However, he soon knew why these people wanted to come up again. There were more than five red beetles in the street downstairs. They were chasing a minibus. The minibus hit the wall at one end, and the insects swarmed in. Then he heard the heartbreaking scream and the bloody smell coming!