33、Dark energy

Li Yunfeng leaned against the wall and smoked. He was depressed not because these people came back, but because of the scream of those people who died miserably just now, which made him feel palpitation. The reason for palpitation was that there seemed to be more and more insects, so much that he could not keep up with the speed of his cultivation.

The girl who was rescued by mistake also came up, or she didn't go far at all. She sat on the side of Li Yunfeng and Liu Xiaojun, and the other side of Gu Liming, and seemed to form two worlds.

The shrill scream downstairs made the girl's body shake once, like a rabbit in extreme panic.

Li Yunfeng once had this feeling. It was when he saw these insects killing people and sucking brain marrow. At that time, his heart was pounding like it didn't belong to him.

No one speaks, no one dares to speak. Li Yunfeng dare not make a sound. Insects are very sensitive to the sound.

It's quiet all around. It's as quiet as a grave.

After a long time, Li Yunfeng felt as if he had taken a nap, because he woke up with a start. He vaguely had another nightmare. His helmet fell off, and insects were sucking on his brain.

There was no scream downstairs. There were a few insects wandering in the distance. There was no sound around. Only the girl on the top of the building sobbed in a low voice and Professor Sun discussed in a low voice.

Liu Xiaojun is still the same as the dead pig. If Liu Xiaojun's nostril is not breathing, Li Yunfeng will almost give up.

When Li Yunfeng looked up at the sky, he suddenly found the originally dark world, as if through a faint dim light, his heart jerked up sharply, and quickly pulled away the mask. Sure enough, there was a faint light in the sky. Although the dark still covered the earth, the dim light could barely let people see the shadow of some surrounding objects, but There's less light.

What's going on? Is it finally time to return to the sunshine era? Li Yunfeng's excited tears almost came out. It's not that he is not strong enough, but that he buried the vulnerability deeply.

Li Yunfeng jumped up and excitedly pushed Liu Xiaojun like a dead pig: "Xiaohai, wake up, it's changing! There's a shimmer! Don't pretend to be dead! "

"He won't wake up for the time being." Professor Sun walked up to Li Yunfeng with a cane, sat down, and continued, "he is awakening. According to our research, his body is undergoing transformation from dark energy, and will not wake up for the time being."

"Dark energy?" Li Yunfeng doubts that he thought the old man came here to continue to ask about his war armour. He didn't expect to say these things. However, it seems that the term has been heard somewhere. It seems that the expert in Building 8 once said it.

Professor Sun nodded and explained: "yes, dark energy, the absolute ruler of the universe, together with dark matter, accounts for 96% or more of the whole structure of the universe."

"You mean, what he's receiving is this transformation of dark energy?" For the first time, Li Yunfeng heard about cultivation or awakening in addition to ancient books. However, he just kicked others and is not sure whether they will say it now.

Professor Sun didn't seem to think so much, sighed: "yes, but not all dark energy has this ability. As for the change of human beings and even animals caused by that dark energy, we are still studying."

Li Yunfeng thought of the ancient book that the Qi of heaven and earth that can be cultivated came to the earth after the seal of heaven orbit was broken. In order to prove this, he deliberately asked: "then why didn't these things happen before the sun disappeared?"

Professor Sun said with a smile: "in the era of sunlight, we can catch only neutrinos of dark matter, but its share in the world of dark matter is almost negligible! Other dark matter, as well as dark energy, stay on guessing and can't be detected at all. Only after the dark age can we observe a lot of dark matter and dark energy, but... "

Li Yunfeng was entranced, and said: "but what?"

Professor Sun waved his hand and said: "it's OK to tell you now. We did crazy research on dark matter and dark energy in the period after the sun disappeared. Unfortunately, the time was too short. Because of the emergence of insects, the research was interrupted, so there was no way to determine many things. This is an extremely profound subject. If human beings master this subject thoroughly Ke, I believe it is possible not only to deal with insects, but also to fly out of the solar system. "

Li Yunfeng nodded secretly, feeling that Professor Sun's saying can be used to change the dark energy of the human body, which seems to be the Qi recorded in ancient books, maybe it's just a different name for the same thing.

At that time, when he was still in No. 8 Building of Mingdu Huayuan, the experts on the upper floor said to him that ice fist man might be related to one of the dark energies. Unexpectedly, it was true!

Looking at the talking Professor Sun, he suddenly thought that if he wore a armor and kicked him, could ordinary people bear it? Last time, the thug was almost seriously injured by him. Now Gu Liming on the opposite side also covers his stomach in pain.

Is he also an awakened man? Will there be such an old awakening human?

He asked tentatively, "are you a...?"

Professor Sun smiled and said to himself, "yes, I am also an awakened person, but my dark energy is very weak and can't be used for fighting. It can only be used for research!"

Li Yunfeng was surprised. He always thought that the self awakened people, regardless of their strength, could fight, but he didn't expect that there were also the awakened people who couldn't fight. He really knew little about these knowledge.

He believes that there is relevant knowledge in ancient books, but he doesn't understand many of the characters in ancient books. Is very nice that if there is a character dictionary, he often thinks so.

Professor Sun didn't know that Li Yunfeng had a lot of thoughts in his stomach, and his attention was soon attracted by Liu Xiaojun. He said, "your friend's awakening is very strange. According to several cases we have observed before, this kind of awakening process is quite dangerous. Your friend obviously can't support the dark energy riots, but why are these dark energies suppressed again?"

Li Yunfeng thought to himself, did the six armor amulet suppress Liu Xiaojun's so-called dark energy riot? But he didn't want to say it. Although he was a little grateful to the old man for disclosing so much information to him, and even felt a little sorry for kicking him just now, he would never disclose the treasure he relies on for survival. Ancient books are his lifeblood now.

Professor Sun added a sentence that made him feel cold: "unfortunately, it's not in the laboratory now!"

Li Yunfeng's face was not very good. Professor Sun soon found out. He seemed to understand Li Yunfeng's idea. He even smiled and said: "you people always think of scientists' experiments as terrible. For human research, people are said to be sliced and studied. But at least in my academic career, I haven't seen them!"

Li Yunfeng didn't expect the old man to see him as a natural awakened man, but he didn't defend himself. This is the best way to prevent others from knowing that he has another mystery.

Listening to the old man, Li Yunfeng smiled and didn't speak. He didn't know Liu Xiaojun was still alive or how long it would take. The 72 hour retreat time of the army was getting closer and closer, which bothered him.

He had some good feelings for the old man. After all, he told him a lot of modern knowledge explanations about the dark age. So when he was hungry, he used half a loaf of bread as bait to let the old man tell all the information he knew about awakening human beings. Li Yunfeng was relieved that no one who the old man knew about self awakening was beyond Li Yunfeng's ability .

At this time, Liu Xiaojun, like a dead pig, finally made a move. Ah, he struggled to sit up!