
When the researchers didn't arrive, Li Yunfeng immediately made a new talisman, walked behind the tentacle monster alone, and desperately absorbed Qi power in the body cavity.

If one is not enough, there will be two. If two is not enough, there will be three. After absorbing six talismans, they stop. This is equivalent to the number of more than 30 red beetles! Moreover, it has not been absorbed immediately after the death of the tentacle mother, which wastes a lot. It can be seen how powerful the monster is!

Li Yunfeng has no time to take those small tentacle monsters. Researchers have arrived one after another. Li Yunfeng has collected his amulet and found that there is a glimmer of light in the sky. Looking at his watch, it's more than 8 o'clock in the morning.

Li Yunfeng's body has been continuously tempered by Qi after the continuous talisman making body just now. Qi status in the whole body is very active. He estimated that his ability has reached the level of killing ten red beetles. However, he doesn't know if he can deal with the blue beetle and tentacle mother monster?

The awakening guards of Dongshen University were still resting at the place where Jiang Ye's body was buried. They were more or less injured. When Li Yunfeng returned, he saw Zhong he talking with several officers.

Seeing Li Yunfeng coming back, Zhong he crossed his body and introduced him to a colonel with two bars and three stars on his shoulder: "commander Du, you need to find him."

Du took the initiative to hold Li Yunfeng's right hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, I'm glad to meet you. My name is Du Xinhai."

Li Yunfeng was shocked. What did the military ask him for? At this time can only reluctantly way: "Hello!"

As soon as commander Du was about to speak, a man appeared behind him and said, "it's you!"

When Li Yunfeng saw it, he frowned. It was Gu Liming who made him upset that day. He thought they escaped and returned to the army.

Head Du's eyes beat and he said quietly, "liming, do you know each other?"

Gu Li was obviously embarrassed and whispered a few words in Du's ear.

Du looked more and more dignified. When Gu Liming finished, he said cautiously to Li Yunfeng, "Mr. Li, as Gu Liming's superior, I apologize to you on behalf of him. I hope you don't mind what happened before."

Li Yunfeng shook his head and said: "it doesn't matter. It's over. It's nothing. It's his duty. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. "

Seeing that he was about to leave, commander Du even said: "Mr. Li, Professor Sun has mentioned you to me more than once, and I admire your ability very much. Just now, I was lucky to see you kill monsters with one sword. I admire you so much! Just now, I was discussing with your captain Zhong. I hope I can get your help. We need to escort a group of people to Jinling City as soon as possible. "

Li Yunfeng hears the words and thinks, although Du's attitude is very sincere, even his eyes are very sincere, and Gu Liming was totally different at that time, but he didn't plan to really become a bodyguard. Besides, it's a very dangerous thing to follow the awakening soldiers of the military to escort someone out of the main body of the fleeing crowd, which is far less safe than in the crowd.

Without much hesitation, Li Yunfeng said politely, "I'm sorry, commander Du, you value me too much, and I have some things to do, so I can't join your action!"

"Mr. Li doesn't have to be modest, maybe I didn't make it clear just now. There are not only some important leaders but also a large number of scientists involved in this escort. It's not a private purpose. It's really inconvenient to disclose military secrets, but I guarantee that they are for the sake of the overall situation. We must arrive at Jinling City safely in advance. I hope you can think about it again."

Li Yunfeng secretly wondered that even he knew that it was safer to mix in the crowd than to go on the road alone. These people would not not have no idea what was so urgent to leave the crowd?

However, these are not his considerations, and when Chairman Du mentioned "leaders", he was depressed. Why is it that important leaders should be transferred first? The deep-rooted thoughts of the government are unbreakable!

He didn't care to be the bodyguard of these officials at all. His face was naturally not good. He said coldly: "chief Du, there are also a large number of researchers in Dongshen University. I'd better be the escort in Dongshen University for the time being! If there is nothing else, I have something else to do. Goodbye! "

Li Yunfeng doesn't wait for them to talk. He turns around and leaves. He now has a lot of talismans. It's the most important thing to concentrate on the second stage of cultivation, leaders? In this age of blood, how many people listen to them, in addition to these bureaucrats.

After leaving for a while, he suddenly heard Gu Liming lower his voice and said, "chief, why don't you tell him that the rear garrison will be defeated?"

Although his voice was very low, Li Yunfeng's hearing was very sensitive. He fell into his ear word for word, but he was surprised. The troops behind him were finally unable to hold on!

Once the rear troops collapse, the overwhelming number of insects will come after them. Although the road is full of human beings, the number of them may be far greater than the number of insects, and finally they can only be reduced to the target of hunting.

Li Yunfeng was worried, but still didn't want to join in the plan of commander Du. He took the risk to break through first. Who knows if there is any greater danger ahead? Especially when he went to the underground bakery again, he saw those strange luminous flying creatures and strange plants, which made him feel that the danger ahead was more than the insects behind!

He quickened his pace and went back to the bus. At this time, there was no one in the bus and the team members had not come back.

The dim light in the sky makes people see the surrounding scene faintly. At a further distance, it's unclear. The crowd's pace is still slow. Now they have left the city, surrounded by suburban farmland, which is very empty.

At night, even Kun city didn't arrive. Instead, many people died on the road. More and more bodies were found everywhere.

There was less and less shelling in the back, and gradually there was no hearing.

The road is a bit dreary, not to mention flying insects. There is no red beetle. Li Yunfeng is a little nervous about whether the insects are planning a large-scale attack.

He was drowsy on the truck, and suddenly heard the noise from bus one. He opened his eyes and saw that except for two female members, most of them were not there. He was shocked and jumped out of the truck.

A lot of people gathered around bus one. Most of the members of the school's guard team were there. They were clearly fighting with another group of people. Zhong He stood at the front. It seemed that he was arguing with one of the other's leaders.

"Boss, what are you talking about with them? Just rob them directly. They only have these awakening soldiers. I don't pay attention to them!" A strong man with a broadsword behind his boss shouted.

Others followed.

Li Yunfeng couldn't squeeze into the back. He asked a member of the team behind him. He found out that not long ago, more than 20 brave awakening soldiers followed him, plundering food all the way. When he was about to start plundering near the bus fleet of Dongshen University, he was stopped by the team on duty. Because both sides of them were awakening soldiers, they didn't dare to move for a while, Captain Zhong He comes to deal with it.

Each other's boss is a long face man, a pair of gloomy eyes are looking at the school team members, it seems to be considering the strength of both sides.

The long face man said coldly: "Captain Zhong, brother, we only need half of the materials and half of the buses, otherwise -"

Qin Yiming, with a snort, interrupted: "otherwise, what do you want? We're afraid you won't do it! "

The long face man pointed at Qin Yiming and smiled contemptuously: "Captain Zhong, I think you are a master, so I give you face. I don't even look at such a role!"

Qin Yiming was so said by him that he could not hold his face. In a rage, he was about to start, but he was pulled by Zhonghe.