
"Mr. Gan, I'm afraid it won't be so easy if you want to take these things," said Zhong He with a cold voice

The long faced man laughed and said, "do you see my brothers? Not afraid of death! Captain Zhong, let me tell you the truth. Yes, it's true. We are looters, but we are also members of the government. The government is understaffed, and we happen to have some skills. So we are entrusted with escorting more than ten big people. Don't think we are bandits! "

Seeing that Zhong He was just snorting coldly, the long faced man didn't care. He continued: "I see that these people are still a little powerful in Jinling City. They can give me some benefits, or I won't care about them!

The government asked us to send people to Jinling, no cars, no food. Our brothers can only live by robbing. In this world, whoever has a big fist is the king!

I also think you are a skilled person and don't want to conflict with you. You either share half of the materials with us or join us. When you come to Jinling City and enjoy the wealth, how about it? Brother, I'll give you a minute to think about it. "

Finally added a sentence: "Oh, by the way, what's the use of you to protect this group of students! I heard they attacked you. Think about it! "

The long faced man lit a cigarette and looked at Zhong He with a smile, as if he didn't pay attention to the school guard at all.

Unexpectedly, Zhonghe said without thinking: "I am a student of Dongshen University, most of whom are students of Dongshen University. Our classmates and friends are here! It's our own business if we are in such a mess. I can't do what you say. If you want to take away our materials, we will fight to the end! "

Long face man's face is cold, just about to speak, from behind him, an old man emerges, his face is full of smiles, facing Zhonghe River: "this captain, my name is Tang Jiang, some of you may have heard my name, I can guarantee that as long as you escort us to Jinling City safely, I will thank you very much, at least you don't have to worry about your life."

Zhang Yifan shouted at the back: "old man, I know who you are. Aren't you a super rich man? Just blow it. Now when is the time? What's the use of RMB? Your pile of money is just a number. If you want to change it into food, dream!"

The old man was not angry at all, but smiled: "you look down on us too much, young man. First of all, most of the leaders of Jinling City are our friends. Second, my little son is an official of Jinling City."

Zhang Yifan jokingly said: "you are so powerful, why don't the military focus on protecting you to Jinling City, instead, they want this gang of bandits to send you? Ha ha! "

The old man shook his head and sighed, "who doesn't want to be escorted by the army? Do you know how many important people there are in the whole Shencheng? Thank goodness we've been escorted! "

Tang Jiang's feeling aroused the dissatisfaction of the big man who raised the knife, kicked him, stared and said: "old man, if I didn't protect you, you don't know how many times you died, fuck!"

The old man smiled carefully and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

As soon as the big man raised his knife and gave away his hands, he threw the old man aside and shouted, "boss, let's fight. I'm so long winded!"

A pride that doesn't take these people seriously at all.

But hear a stern voice to shout: "I see who dare to do it!"

Li Yunfeng looked up and saw that it was commander Du, followed by the soldiers with guns and weapons, and the awakening soldiers with all kinds of weapons.

The long face man was a little shocked, then he said with a smile: "this officer misunderstood me. I am discussing the cooperation with Captain Zhong."

Commander Du took a look at Zhonghe and snorted: "no matter what you discussed, it's better not to make trouble. Dongshen university is the key protection unit of the army. Whoever dares to make trouble will not be ignored by the army!"

Long face man dry smile way: "how dare, how dare!"

As soon as his voice changed, he said in a helpless tone, "Sir, we are also entrusted by your government to escort important people to Jinling City. If there is no food supply, in the current situation, we are afraid that we will not be able to complete this task. These people will be returned to your troops!"

"I have a way, I don't know if you would like to?" he suggested

Long face man some strange way: "wish to hear its detailed!"

Commander Du nodded and said directly, "now the League Headquarters is calling up the awakening soldiers, and will escort a group of people to Jinling City immediately. You can join us temporarily, and the League Headquarters will provide you with food and supplies. Let's go together, greatly enhance our strength and improve our security. What do you think?"

The long faced man waved to his two companions and whispered, "it's a good way, but in addition to what you just said, I have another condition, which is to ask for such a bus. What do you think?"

Du Tuan long pondered for a while, looked at Zhong He and said: "Captain Zhong, you can overcome the difficulties!"

Zhong He can only nod his head painfully, promising to assign a bus to the long faced men.

Qin Yiming at this time but make up a full spit, to the long face man "scolded a" fuck. ".

The face of the long face man was cold. He waved his right hand and Qi moved around him. A big ice cone with a fist roared to Qin Yiming.

The speed of the ice cone is fast, and the two are close. Qin Yiming rushes to make a fire to defend, but it is still ineffective. He flies out of the ice cone and crashes into the truck behind, spitting blood.

Long face man face helplessly to say: "Sir, Captain Zhong, this kind of rubbish also dare to come out to provoke, I see in the face of two people, spare his life, go back also hope captain Zhong good discipline."

The first group of people immediately got angry and started. Zhong He stopped them dead and said in a cold voice, "don't look for death!"

Only one move can seriously hurt the group leader of the first group, not only the master!?

"This is the end of the matter..." said Du

Before he had finished speaking, he heard the soldiers shouting: "commander! Flying insects! Here comes the flying insect! "


When the voice didn't fall, there was a thrilling vibration in the sky. One of the huge green beetles came to the ground, aiming at the rich old man!

Li Yunfeng draws out a thousand Bi sword. There are too many people to lie on the ground.

But unexpectedly, in order to protect the old man, the long face man put forward a man from the guard team of Dongshen University and hit the direction of the beetle!

Suddenly, the green beetle was attacked by human weapons. He gave up the target old man, grabbed the flying man, stabbed him in with great power, then spread his wings and flew high. The man came here screaming.

This scream made Li Yunfeng's soul fly together!

That's Liu Xiaojun's voice!

He stood in front of the crowd, but Li Yunfeng was behind.

In a big surprise, Li Yunfeng jumped up, stepped on the top of everyone's head, flew to the top of the bus, took out a pistol that had not been used for a long time, recklessly injected Qi, and desperately shot at the flying insects!

Until all the bullets are gone, the beetle flies higher and higher, Li Yunfeng can only watch it take Liu Xiaojun!

Maybe it's because Li Yunfeng gave him the defense of the six armor Amulet of the new book. The green beetle didn't seem to tear him up, but hung him farther and farther away, gradually turning into a black spot.

At this time, Li Yunfeng seems to have fallen into the bottomless ice cave, deeper and deeper. He knows that the six armor amulet defense will not last long. Unless a miracle occurs, Liu Xiaojun has no hope of survival.

Liu Xiaojun is a very good colleague in the sunshine era. When he is madly preparing materials, Liu Xiaojun often comes to persuade him to go back to work. In the dark era, Liu Xiaojun is the only one he can trust.

Li Yunfeng throws away the empty pistol and pulls up the QianPi sword inserted in the roof.

His eyes were cold. He raised his sword and cut it down. The blade of the sword pointed to the man with a long face.