Otorine's sorrowful eyes saw that the place was bustling with various Gods, Goddesses, heroes and heroines in different clothing. Some of them were sitting at the bar stools made from metal topped with the table of the bartender. They were drinking their chosen liquors and having small talks, as it was a high society bar. The others were at the comfortable sofas in which those were made from high quality leather. More or less, there were the glamorous Goddesses gossiping with their friends of all sorts of things especially their relationships with their heroes from their own worlds. The Gods on the other hand were drinking whiskey at the other wooden chairs. The flooring was paved with wooden tiles that would turn the ambiance to be less busy and more casual. Even though, the place was very crowded, it didn't seem that much claustrophobic, since the whole area was very spacious, letting anyone's space to breathe freely. Lastly, the lights were very modern and there were no flamboyant chandeliers to boot, instead there were the lights you'd see in any modern mall or restaurant. The bartender's shelf was still filled with vintage bottles of champagne and different wines. In turn, those still made the place to be exquisite and authentic to the eyes of many. All in all, it was a popular bar with updated contents. She sat at the vacant high seat. She glanced around to look for someone,

"Yumine's not here yet...I wonder where could she be?".

A little while later, Otorine overheard the lovey-dovey conversation of a Goddess and her heroic lover beside her. More than that, they were offering each other sweet and luscious spoonfuls of ice cream. As Otorine was noticing that the two were being very romantic and sweet to each other, she felt a jolt of pain from her chest. Her heart was wrung around by painful thorns once again, as she recalled her previous incident with her loving Nassus. Her eyes started to leak out and her hands were trembling. Her cries were becoming more and more noticable for the crowd.

"Why Nassus...why.",

she expressed. The ambience turned cold, as the other divine people were mute, since they were witnessing a pitiful sight of the poor heartbroken Otorine. The two loving couples sharing their ice cream weren't pleased of Otorine's growing scandal. There after, they just left the place looking quite pissed without any sign of care for their fellow Goddess, since for them, Otorine broke their passionate mood. Thankfully, there were three Goddesses who went near Otorine and gave a gentle pat on her back to ease her painful chest, instead of ignoring her.

The dark Goddess at the middle has the name of Ruhime. Though, she's better known as Ru by her friends and the other divine people, heroes and heroines. She's one of Otorine's set of friends. She has the average model height of 5' 9". Her skin was pinkish pale porcelain, free from any blemishes. She was the owner of the whole bar and head chef, in which she's a barkeep who's concerned to her friends and customers. She's married to her immortal hero Zeran who was also the bartender and assistant chef. Ru has the flawless layered long hair of sparkling amethyst, such as her hair was always on a rebond. She has fluffy fox ears instead of normal human ears. Her dazzling expressive eyes of golden amber looked-like she was a classy anime woman who would intimidate and arouse lots of men, especially to her husband. Her lips was also succulent and small, although it was thinner. Her whole profile looked-like she was a glamorous matured woman, although her looks were still reserved only for her special someone, since her intimidating aura would bring chills to other males as she had the clingy air of a Yandere. Her whole body was a finesse hourglass form that was shrouded by a black cosmic flowing dress of the stars. Even though, she was wearing a long dress, her cleavage was still visible, in which her breasts were great in volume. Her left ring finger had a golden endless ring, signifying she was already married to her other half. She had slim and long legs and she was wearing heels boosting her height by a tiny bit.

"Awwww, we're here for you Ori.",

Ru said with her sexy and moderate-pitched voice of a close friend to the crying Otorine. Otorine didn't respond and just continued to cry more and more but, she felt that there were some people who understands her. The whole place was becoming colder, as Otorine continued with her scandal. Ru just wore a frown and her foxy ears were downed, as Otorine was still feeling the thorns around her.

To Otorine's left-side was a little Goddess named Shunya. She's one of Otorine's closest Goddess friends next to Yumine. Shunya has a white yellowish complexion of an oriental girl. She has a shorter height compared to the others, since her height was only 4' 9". Her hair was bobbed with twintails dyed in chrome black. She has the eyes of cuteness and fiery redness of the sun. She has an adorable nose and small lips. Her facial appearance looked similar to a young-looking growing teenager. She has a firm, flat-chested and petite fragile body that would trick anyone for her to be a small and fresh girl, despite her real age for a common Goddess. Her body was clothed in peculiar vibrant red china-dress or qipao as you'd call, as it slit below, showing her nice and slim legs. She's the very definition of a loli, a loli Goddess perhaps who is similar to a 14 year old girl. She may appear small, but her physical capabilities shouldn't be underestimated.

"Don't worry big sis Ori. We're here for ya.",

as Shunya said with her cute and adorable little girl's voice to comfort her close friend Ori. Though, it seemed this time, it's one of the occasions that it's the little sister who's concerned for her big sister's well being and feelings.

Lastly, to Otorine's side was another Goddess named Amoura. She's quite different from the other Goddess friends of Otorine since, she's a bit b*tchy to the others, even though she's the very definition of elegance in form for the males. Though, when it comes to her friends, she's very caring in her own way. Amoura has the height of 5' 10", same as Otorine and Yumine. Amoura looked-like she was in her 27s. Her very long messy and amazing hair was dyed in the scorching solar flares of the sun, that you'd think her hair is always on fire even though it's not. Her sharp and intimidating yet, expressive eyes were amber, but they were darker than Ru's. Her nose was narrow and complemented by her pouting lips of deep velvet. Her ears weren't human at all, as she had longer pointed ears of an elven race. All in all, her mix of tyrant, matured looks and elegant beauty was very eye-catching to boot. If those weren't enough, her amazing body looked the very definition of a porn star supermodel even though, she's wearing a witch's hat. Her voluptuous body was clothed in some kind of magical maroon bathing suit accesorized with crimson crystals embedded. Moreover, her hot body was even more amplified by her melon-like breasts that would let any men to die upon carressing those. Though, in order to not cause too much scandal at the mall, she's shrouded by a full-fledged cloak inked in the chaotic abyss. Her legs weren't that much slim as compared to Ru but, Amoura's nice amount of flesh on her legs formed her body to be even more arousing to many. Not only that, she was wearing black iron greaves. Her other hand was carrying a metal staff embedded with a searing crystal of flames at its head, while her other arm was still patting Otorine's back like a concerned elder sister. Amoura may look-like a total witch or sorceress but, she's a Goddess who manages another world like Otorine and the others.

Amoura didn't say any other word but, her eyes of deep understanding could feel Otorine's scarred feelings from the inside. The ambiance wasn't turning cold rather most of the other people were now feeling sorry for what happened to Otorine. Suddenly, Ru's beloved husband came out of the kitchen from the door near the bartender's area that startled some customers.

His name was Zeran. He's a certain immortal hero in another world and he is eternally bound to his Goddess wife Ru. Moreover, he's the bartender and assistant chef to her bar and he's the co-owner of the bar as well. He looked-like his features were in his 20s. His height was 6' 1". He was still tall but, not as tall as Nassus. Zeran has a less whiter complexion compared to the others. His golden brushed up hair was spiky and topped with a dangling ahoge. His expressive cunning eyes of a tiger were crimson. His lips looked nice paired by his narrow nose. In turn, his outlook looked-like he was a young adult filled with great confidence and mischief. His body frame may not be that much manly as Nassus but, his broad shoulders and V-shaped body was still noticeable, that would make any woman drool for his model-like body. Though, he would not appear naked, as said by the description before but, he was wearing some kind of bartender's outfit that was similar to a tuxedo and black pants yet, less eloquent. His legs and arms were still very manly, as some of his veins were protruding out from his toned muscular skin.

There after, Zeran calls unto Ru with his high pitched male voice,

"Hey Ru we're out of fru—.".

Though, he paused midway, as he also noticed that one of Ru's friends, one of their trusted customers was still letting out her scarring tears and cries. In turn, he went near Otorine and asked her what's going on,

"Eh? Ori why are you crying? What's wrong?".

Otorine replies,

"Cuz, Nassus told me to let go.".

Afterwards, she continued to be in her own sorrowful space once again. The others wanted to approach her but, they noticed that she already had her friends with her. Zooming into the corner of the area, there was a pompous and b*tchy Goddess who had the aura of a malicious queen bee. For some reason, she was grinning like she was even enjoying the pitiful sight of Otorine. More than that, her set of friends were also entertained by the scandal of Otorine. Sooner or later, the queen-bee Goddess stood up and walked slowly going near Otorine's seat. Then, the boastful Goddess said with her sarcastic voice, belittling Otorine,

"Oh? Is this one of our BLADE GODDESSES? I thought Blade Goddesses have a solid mind and body who can't be easily tipped off by mere words yet, seeing her SCANDAL...I guess I was wrong...".

There after, her devious Goddess friends laughed, although the crowd didn't go with the queen bee Goddess's sarcastic humor and instead they despised her for having no respect for their fellow Goddess. Though, Shunya felt angry and she was grinding her teeth, as she heard the downright insults to her friend in pain. Sooner or later, she blurted out to the lot,


Sadly, the devious Goddess ignored Shunya's desperate plea and continued to walk near them. Then she tells more and more of destructive insults with silly hand gestures to the vulnerable Otorine,

"Besides, she's just a Goddess who doesn't have any other heroes except a MENACING FALLEN.".

Amoura's fuse had shortened out, exclaiming with her seething eyes,


Suddenly, Otorine stood up. For some reason, she wasn't crying anymore, instead her aura and expression was very chilling to the bone. Not only that, the whole atmosphere became cold silent, as Otorine's dark air seeped throughout area. Her face was masked in a mix of blizzard and glaring terror that would give anyone a serious frostbite. She went near the Goddess who insulted her. Thereon, the queen bee Goddess told in front of Otorine's deadly face,

"What? I'm correct are—.".

In a split of a second, Otorine slapped the boastful Goddess's face without any warning. In turn, the Goddess's profile was almost deformed and she spurt out crimson blood from her mouth, while her body was twisting upon falling down to the floor due to the forceful impact. Even though, it was just a slap, it was a hard one. The Goddess was knocked-out on the ground afterwards. The air grew intense with seething flames of sudden battle. Her other Goddess friends became furious of what Otorine did,


The devious friends tried to charge unto the cold-blooded Otorine. Sadly, to no avail they were all crushed unto the ground by Otorine's simultaneous reflexes of gripping and slamming them down unto the solid ground using their own body weight, such as she was letting them a taste of aikido. They were all down on the floor with their temporarily paralyzed bodies and marking Otorine the winner of the sudden onslaught. Otorine composed herself and brushed the dust she had accumulated from the one-sided brawl. Then, Otorine said to the lot,

"Anything you wanted to say?".

One of the Goddesses down on the ground replied with added taunt unto Otorine,

"Tch! This is a private property and you just thrashed the place...I hope you'll be facing the heavenly cou—.".

Ru interrupted and said with a proud look on her sinister face,

"Hmmmm? Sadly she won't be sent to heavenly court, since you provoked her. Also this is OUR place, so I dislike provoking bitches.".

The intense air had dwindled. She turned to look at her husband with a teasing devious look. Then, she said and gave him a sort of signal that something had gone awry at her place,

"Zera? If you would?".

Zeran responds,

"Eh okay?".

Later, Zeran threw or rather kicked the queen bee Goddess and her lot out of the bar for provoking Otorine and causing a ruckus. Otorine seemed to have calmed down and she was back sitting at her table. Thankfully, her tears had dried out.

Ru on the other hand, clasped her fingers, as the show had already concluded. The crowd of Gods, Goddesses, heroes and heroines had stopped being in the awkward silent moment. Then, they went back to their usual selves of having small talks with their own friends and companions at the tables. Ru went near to her husband and whispered something. Zeran understood and went to his bartender's area. He whipped up a quick entertaining whiff of making a cocktail drink. The other Goddesses were looking entertained of Zeran's amazing performance of creating an artistic social drink using his coordinated skills and control. Sooner or later, he served a lime yellow cocktail drink, quenched with a piece of lemon attached to the rim of a welled margarita glass to the relaxed Otorine looking into space. Otorine thanked and accepted the offer she was given. She took the glass and drank the margarita elegantly without making any sound or leaking any excess liquid. She truly looked-like a woman from the high society that would be very attractive to any male. The taste she had witnessed was a blend of enough saltiness from the rim, a decadence of bitterness from the tequila and sourness of lime. As she was done quenching her drink she took the lemon piece and sucked it without any hint of desperation. Afterwards, Zeran went to his Goddess wife and said he'll just buy fruits by the nearby grocery. Then, he left. Ru went to Otorine and asked,

"Hey Ori, care to share your story with us?".

Otorine didn't respond at first, although she noticed that Amoura, Shunya and Ru were very concerned for her sake. In turn, she told them briefly upon what happened between Nassus and her at the prison. As Ru heard Otorine's side of the story she expresses her thoughts unto Otorine,

"Hmmm, he must be feeling tense over something...Maybe you should let him cooldown or see him once again and ask for his whole story on why he said that to you.".

Otorine smiled,

"I see, thanks Ru.".

Amoura compliments,

"Really Ru, you are one helpful barkeep.".

Shunya agreed as well,


The next moment, Otorine's smartphone rang and vibrated with her usual water droplet ringtone. She excused herself from her friends and went near to the restroom and checked on her phone's screen. She saw that she was given another chance to visit her chosen Fallen at the prison for some reason. Otorine was surprised in her thoughts,

"That's weird...why am I getting a notif for FALLENS VISIT?".

It may seem strange and filled with mysteries within but, she felt a glimmer of hope, as she saw the notification on her smartphone,

"But this might be my 2nd chance.".

She nodded with great determination, turning her eyes to look luminous. She returned to her friends and tried to tell them with uncertain words and awkward actions,

"Err, I'm given another chance to visit Nassus".

Though, Ru, Shunya and Amoura already understood what Otorine was trying to say such as she was an open book, so they just wore convincing smiles. Then, Amoura said,

"Just go.".

Otorine smiled with deep gratitude, as she heard one of her friend's short motivating words and their supportive expressions. Otorine left the place afterwards. Strangely enough, she forgot to pay for the cocktail drink she was given. Though Ru didn't mind it, maybe she's not that much of a strict barkeep, especially to her friends. Otorine was dashing along the dark hallways, as the whole place was basked in midnight. Though, the air was very dense and an uncommon air from the abyss was creeping from below. As she was rushing her way through the silent hallways, something or someone caught her eye to the side. She took a sudden stop, as she noticed that there was a fortune teller shrouded in a mysterious hood nearby. Moreover, there was a deck of tarot cards laid upon her mystical table.

"I guess checking out my fortune wouldn't hurt? Besides I'm very fond of this.",

Otorine expressed to herself. She went to the female fortune teller and asked for her cosmic service. The mysterious fortune teller grinned, as Otorine took interest. Thereon, the fortune teller said with her sublime yet matured melodic voice of a woman,

"Ah, a customer who wants the guidance of the stars and fates I see.".

Otorine nodded. Sooner or later, Otorine's flipped down cards of destinies were set across the board. She picked three cards and the cards she had chosen levitated near each other. Afterwards, the cards flipped and revealed their contents. Otorine saw the vivid symbols and vintage images but, the texts written EMPRESS, DEATH, FOOL of each cards were the ones that caught her eye.


She was silent for a moment,

"That doesn't sound good.".

The hooded fortune teller was a tiny bit surprised. Though, soon enough she reformed her composure and explained to Otorine that her destiny will be treacherous, as she'll be leading the way into the dark unknown path that's filled with despair. Otorine didn't clearly catch on what the fortune teller had told her.

The fortune teller also gave Otorine a white mitama necklace and the fortune teller also pointed out,

"This'll protect you from future harm.".

Otorine wore it just in case. She brought out her Goddess ID card and swiped it to the similar but, smaller contraption that the previous receptionist had, in order to pay for the celestial service. She left and continued on her way of going to the Fallens Heavenly prison for the second time around. She went through the elevator and she was back again at the prison. Strange thing is, the entrance was open, even though Senku already closed it before leaving, as his shift already ended. Not only that, there was no warden that took Senku's place after. Though, Otorine didn't mind the mysteries going on, and entered the Fallens prison. Somehow, the whole atmosphere around the prison was too thick and the silence was deafening from before. It's as of the whole place was cloaked in death without any presence of the Fallens. She continued walking, while she was looking alert, as she felt that someone was creeping behind her back.

"W-who's there?",

she expressed. Though, noone answered. Afterwards, she brought out her fanblades from her sash and hair ornaments in order to protect herself. The creepy air was entangling unto her body, as she was moving along cautiously and there were still no sign of the Fallens anywhere. Later, she heard a mystical chime out of nowhere, as she was at the mid-layer. Thereon, she felt dizzy all of a sudden,

"W-what's...going on?".

She was feeling lightheaded, her vision was becoming cloudy and even her body was feeling numb as seconds go by. Sometime soon, she fell unto the solid ground unconscious.