" I?",

as Otorine said to herself, while she was opening her crystal eyes slowly. The illuminating lights were bright and truly visible. She felt that her body was laid on a comfy bed.

"You're at the hospital.",

as Senku said. Thereon, Senku was sitting beside her bed like he was a concerned friend. Otorine looked around and everything that Senku said was all true. She was at the non-claustrophobic confinement room and the whole room was clad in white with a hint of mocha. To her farthest side was the sink and the small metal sheared fridge. The deathly air was no longer present and everything was calm. Moreso, there was an airconditioning unit to her right in order to cool the stagnant air, since the tinted glass windows were shut. As expected, Otorine was shocked and made her to be puzzled in her thoughts, since she remembered that she had collapsed at the prison. Senku noticed that Otorine looked problematic, so he told her upon what happened before,

"You were out cold when you were at the prison, so I brought you here..."

He scratched his head and explained more,

"Honestly when I came back just to get my stuff, my frickin' sword that is, the gate was open, even though I already shut that thing tight. The cells were open for some reason and you were lying down...".

He smiled with an awkward look,

"Who knew that my absent minded self could be an asset...over that something strange...hehe.".

With all that Senku said, now she's convinced of how she was brought to the hospital. She noticed that there was a huge scar reaching from his neck and torso. More than that, his arms had visible scrapes and cuts that left out a mark, even though those had already healed. In turn, she was widely shocked and she doesn't know on what to say to his grievous condition. Senku felt that Otorine was looking at his scars and wounds, so he just smiled like those were nothing to worry about. He patted her head gently and told her with his relaxing tone,

"Don't ya worry about my wounds too much. I just had to fight those escaping Fallens, while I was carrying you.".

Otorine felt relieved, as she heard his explanation. For some reason, Otorine was feeling more than just a soft friendly touch from him. Rather, she was feeling the budding essence of a newer passionate breeze, as she was locked unto staring Senku's charming face and optimistic light. In turn, Otorine looked-like she was about to blush with her rosy glass cheeks, while she was still staring at him. Sometime soon, Senku had stopped caressing her head and he wore a strange look as he told the next part of the events, while he was holding his chin,

"Sadly, some of them were able to escape and there were no signs of Aron anywhere, even though it's his shift.".

Thereon, some of Otorine's doubts and puzzles have been solved, making her to feel relieved yet, she still felt a bit worried afterwards. Sooner or later, she tried to get up yet, she felt that her left and right wrists were cuffed to the hospital bed, turning her to be surprised,

"Why am I?—".

Suddenly a Goddess entered through the room and said with her serious low commanding tone,

"It seems you're awake, Otorine.".

It was Blade Goddess Mara. She's the same as Ru, Otorine and Yumine, since they were Blade Goddesses too although, Mara was crowned with the highest position, as she's the leader for all of them. The Blade Goddesses are one of the powerful forces who protect Celestia heavens from the outside threats. They are the ace-in-the-hole when it comes to the worlds and systems beyond the Celestia Heavenly system's jurisdiction similar to the special forces. Though they also handle cases and intel such as they are also like the CIA or MI6 or even the Naicho within Celestia Heavens. As for Mara, she looks like she was in her near 30s. She has the height of 5' 10". Her skin was flawless white similar to paper. Her long flawless braided hair was blended in the brilliance of the amazing golden white stardust and dipped in the flames beneath. In turn, her hair looked-like it was a unique star outside the solar system. Her expressive eyes were emerald gems that looked always serious and cold in any other way. Her nose and nude lips were narrow and thin, that would tell anyone she's a snob. In total, her whole profile was a matured popular model in her near prime who shuns herself away from the camera very proudly and brave. Not only her face was a model in a runaway but, her proportioned body as well. She was wearing a sort of a black and white female pilot's uniform. Her breasts weren't that much wonderful or eye-appealing compared to the other Goddesses, but they were still full of dreams for men. Her hourglass body was superb. Not only that, it was complemented by her slim arms and curvy hips below. Moreover, her arms were covered with black cosmic gloves and her long legs were wearing stockings that were matching with her gloves. To finish her whole form off, she was wearing leather boots. With all those said, she truly looked-like she's the real deal of a commander for all the Blade Goddesses.

Senku stood up and walked away. As he was leaving, he waved a cool goodbye to Otorine. Thereon, the serious Mara and Otorine were the only ones left at the room. Otorine still tried to get up with all her force although, it's futile, since the handcuffs were very sturdy. Mara noticed Otorine was trying to get away, so she raised an eyebrow and said,

"And I'm guessing you wanted to know why you're chained to your bed...".

Otorine replies,


Mara went near Otorine's face. The air felt stagnant and frozen, as she was near Otorine's space. Then, Mara said with her dreadful tone and frigid look that would give anyone chills up to their spine,

" were the one who let them out of their cells...".

Afterwards, Mara returned to her standing posture. As Otorine heard the vague statements about her, she was shocked and denies with all she got,

"No! That can't wasn't me! I swear! Please believe me Head Blade Goddess Mara!".

The air grew intense, as Otorine was thrown in a tight spot. Mara didn't care for Otorine's words of plea, as she just left out the cold statements of doom to Otorine,

"Save it when you're in trial.".

There after, Mara left and the door was shut tight and even sealed from the outside, crushing Otorine's light of hope and isolating her from social intervention. As for Otorine, she felt very sad and even hurt that their headmaster didn't believe her words. The only thing she could do now was to let out tears filled with crystallized sorrow. Sooner or later, Otorine was transferred to the Celestia Heavens courtroom, although, the whole place was just similar to any normal courtroom from Earth. The only strange thing is, there were no prosecutors or defenders nor jury, rather it's a simplified version of a court trial. Otorine was at the middle bound by chains. She looked up and there she saw the Blade Goddesses with high positions. They were seated accordingly in the high and mighty judges desk. Though, they were only Blade Goddess Mara and another Blade Goddess who was wearing cute pinkish glasses named Lilieth.

Lilieth was a Blade Goddess same as Otorine. Though, Lilieth was second to the highest position, since she's the Vice Blade Goddess. Her skin was pinkish white.

She looked-like she's in her 24s. She has the height of an average model of 5' 8".

Her long indigo hair was messy such as she was always in her bedroom look, although her hair still looks very appealing to men who's into a maiden who's just awakened from her slumber. Her expressive and dazzling eyes were the color of bluish whiteness with a hint of light pink beneath. In turn, her eyes were gleaming like the sakura petals and sapphire crystals. Though, those were hindered and yet amplified by her butterfly pink glasses. Her nose was cute. Also, it was complemented by her pink kissable lips of passion. In turn, her whole facial appearance was similar to a hot teacher that would trick any student into looking at her as a brainiac at first even though, she's a passionate lover within. Down below, she was wearing a white blazer and a white business suit. Those covered her voluptuous body of a gravure idol but, those gave off a different touch of sophisticated beauty. Her bountiful bust looked amazing in her tight clothes. Below her legs, she was wearing tights, that proved her long legs to be even more elegant to look at. Lastly, she was wearing white heels boosting her height by 1 more inch. More than that, she was wearing white gloves. All in all, she looked like she's a teacher that would make any student to dream of her or a CEO of a company that would make men to beg for her luscious package.

Behind Otorine were the usual spectators. They weren't any normal spectators, as the only ones allowed there were the esteemed Gods and Goddesses. Ru, Yumine, Shunya, Amoura and Senku were amongst the crowd. Later on, Mara thumped her mallet in order to begin Otorine's trial. The crowd was silent afterwards. Thereupon, Mara opens the floor for the heavenly trial to begin,

"Ahem with all due respect...Before we begin, let us all offer our prayers to the OMNIPOTENT GREAT OBSERVER for his/her generosity upon bestowing and granting us to have this order in session.".

The crowd clasped their hands and closed their eyes, praying in solemn silence. It would seem strange for the Gods and Goddesses to pray but, there is a higher force that's beyond all of them who granted them their own free will of having their own heavenly government known as Celestia Heavenly system. A little while later, they had stopped praying. Mara sighed and opened her eyes. Then, she said,

"Let the trial in session, BEGIN!".

There after, she smacked her mallet once again that echoed throughout the courtroom. The air was filled with intense vibes, since Otorine will be judged accordingly. Mara let out the first verdict,

"As you all know Blade Goddess Otorine did an atrocious deed of letting the Fallens escape.".

The audience was shocked and had rumors boiling amongst them. Though,

Ru, Shunya, Amoura, Yumine and Senku don't believe that Otorine was the culprit. As for Otorine, she swayed away her hand forcefully, while she denies that statement once again, with all her expressive tears,

"That's not true!".

As Blade Goddess Lilieth heard Otorine's denial, Lilieth had stopped leaning on her back while wearing a sarcastic grin. She contradicts Otorine's plea, with her tempting voice of a teasing succubus,

"Oh? If it's not true then, what can you say about this?".

Lilieth snapped her fingers and a spherical video was shown above. The video was revealing the previous incident at Fallens heavenly prison. The strange thing is, Otorine got up from her collapse and she went to a secret area mindlessly. She pulled a rusty old lever, opening the cells and releasing the Fallens. She went outside and collapsed once again. The audience murmurs had grown louder and louder, as they were more or less convinced of what Otorine had done. Even Otorine herself was shocked inside her thoughts,

"When did I? Did I really let them out? All I could remember is that...I collapsed. Did that really happen? What's going on?!".

Though Otorine's band of friends and Senku still wouldn't believe their eyes. As Otorine can't defend herself from the hard proof being revealed to the many, Mara closed her eyes and brought out the final verdict for Otorine,

"As there are no more other contradictions or other proofs of disapproving this evidence, we hereby declare Otorine guil—.".

Suddenly, Senku stood up and interrupted,

"Now wait just a minute. It may be true that Otorine had released them. But don't you think...she wasn't her usual self?.

As Senku let out his opinions and analysis, the crowd went silent once again. More than that, Mara nor Lilieth didn't react to Senku's immediate reaction and they only listened to Senku's statements. Thereon, Senku said more and more with strong gestures,

"I mean, she was like a dead corpse being mind controlled. The ORI I know, wouldn't waltz-in like that. And why would she even do that in the first place.".

As Mara heard Senku's thoughts and analysis, she pinched her forehead, as she had gotten hasty of the situation. She sighed and responded,

"Yes you do have a point Hero God Senku. It clearly showed she was mind controlled. Though, we Blade Goddesses have to discuss about this on another matter. For now, Blade Goddess Otorine's case is on-hold until further notice, as her case may give us further information on what anomaly had just happened.".

Then, Mara smacked her wooden mallet and the trial was dismissed without leaving Otorine guilty, thanks to Senku's fast analysis. The crowd left through the exit. Otorine's shackles had vansihed. For some reason, she was still frozen staring into space, as she was surprised in her thoughts,

"I can't believe Senku would save me, again.".

Senku took notice of the spaced out Otorine so, he gave her a thumbs up and a nice smile, while he was leaving with the others. As Otorine saw him, she blushed and her heart skipped a beat, while she was feeling the coursing petals flowing in the calm breeze. In turn, her precious heart was growing more and more attached to him. A little while later, Otorine was still at the courtroom. Soon, someone escorted her back to the confinement room at the nearby hospital. As she was walking, she was deep inside her thoughts filled with doubts,

"I was mind-controlled? Has my heart and mind had always been this weak? Tell me Nassus.".

Meanwhile, at a certain dome-like meeting room clad in the illuminating bluish stars. The walls were ornamented with lots of blades and swords of different proportions that would scream of great craftsmanship. There were the various Blade Goddesses that were seated around the vast circular table, as they were going to discuss on Otorine's case. Ru and Yumine were there as well as the Head Blade Goddess Mara and Vice Blade Goddess Lilieth. Sooner or later, Lilieth opened up the discussion with an intriguing smile,

"So...what do you think of Senku's and ORI'S relationship?".

The other Blade Goddesses looked uninterested and they had thoughts that Lilieth wasn't taking the case seriously at all. Though, there was a certain Blade Goddess named Priscilla who joined Lilieth's boat, as Priscilla looked intrigued and she said,

"Oooh, Why so cheesy all of a sudden Lilieth? Though, there might be something going on between them because, he saved her on the nick of time not once but twice! Awww I feel so sorry for poor Nassus.".

Sadly, Mara wasn't pleased of the crucial case being turned into a very shallow gossip. Her eyes seeped of dark terror. Then, she exclaimed in order to bring the topic back in order,

"Enough! We are here to discuss about the incident and not about their personal relationship!".

The other Blade Goddesses were alarmed and their casual behavior was no more. The atmosphere was stagnant and not a single sound was heard afterwards. As Mara felt that everyone is ready, she explained in brief,

"As you all know, this happened when there was no warden. And who do you think should be responsible for this?".

Mai replies with her low-pitched female voice,

"Aron...he did show up late but, he suddenly left, even though it's still his shift. That womanizer.".

Blade Goddess Mai was also a Blade Goddess and another one of Ru's and Otorine's friend. Her height was also 5' 9". Her skin was glassy white without any scars or damages. Her looks were similar to a 25 year old female warrior. She has a bluish glistening silver hair that was flowing along the breeze. Her golden eyes were the combination of a serious brazen female warrior with a hint of expressiveness. Her nose and cold silver lips were small that wouldn't want any kiss even though, a lot of men would want to. In total, her face was the esteemed War Goddess. Despite her war Goddess looks, her body was very slim with a touch of glamour and sexiness aided by her ample amount of breasts. Moreover, her body was clad in light armor similar to a valkyrie would wear. Her whole armor was made from platinum that reveals her female abs that would scare any wimpy men. Around her neck was a silver necklace that has the icon of a fang. Her long and slim legs that were fresh from a workout were covered by iron greaves that would shine in battle, as those were decorated by flock of feathers. In whole aspect, she looked-like a valkyrie who gathers warriors and joins them for the battle in Valhalla.

The others nodded, as they seemed to agree with Mai's points. Mara complimented Mai as she agreed as well,

"Yes, you are correct on that Blade Goddess Mai moreover, he didn't even made his presence on Otorine's trial.".

Lilieth also followed their sides on the matter, as she said,

"Well yeah! Thankfully, Senku came back to get his stuff and riled up most of the fallens. Sadly he incurred lots of wounds, as shown on the video, while he was bringing stacks of pizza...".

There after, the other Blade Goddesses were feeling that Lilieth was now serious of the whole situation, as she analyzed the crucial incident with immense detail. Then, she said more and more,

"Who knew his absent-minded self would be advantageous in this unusual situation.".

Even Mara was nodding, as Lilieth's switch of seriousness was turned on. The others didn't tell their statements, as Lilieth was already spilling almost everything about the incident. Sooner or later, Lilieth pointed out with great emphasis in her tone,

"NOT ONLY THAT, he saved ORI like he was a knight in shining armor and left his stacks of pizza. Poor I think I have another story to write on.".

Thereupon, Lilieth's eyes were sparkling with excitement, as she was in her own fairy tale world. The others were just beady-eyed and looked very much disturbed of how Lilieth's mind works. Thankfully, Priscilla grew interested of Lilieth's idea, as she responded with glee,

"Ooooh! Let me read it once you're done!".

Lilieth replied with a positive outlook,

"Sure thing!".

Mara didn't scold Lilieth or Priscilla, as she already predicted that would happen, since she already knew how Lilieth's fantasy mind works. Though, Mara did change the flow by returning to the topic at hand,

"More than that, the ones who got away were the...NOTORIUS 7.".

As she brought out the anvil of doom, everyone was silent. The deafening mute had even seeped throughout the air. Noone dared to speak afterwards, except Ru,

"They're one of the...strongest heroes of Celestia heavenly system who had become fallens right? But from our latest info it's Notorius 8, adding Nassus into the mix...".

Lilieth told her thoughts to Ru,

"The thing about Nassus is that...he wasn't able to get away somehow and I don't know why.".

Mara agreed to Lilieth's observation. The other Blade Goddesses looked very puzzled and doubtful about the mystery of Nassus, turning the case to be even deeper that it was usually before. As for Priscilla, she smacked the table and blurted out,

"What?! Isn't that ORI's whole motive should be?! To release her beloved fallen?!".

Mara responded to Priscilla's question,

"Sadly that wasn't the case and about Nassus, another unusual thing happened to him.".

On the other hand, Otorine was brought to a white room instead of being involved at the meeting, even though she's a Blade Goddess. She was transferred to a small white room that has no windows. The air around the place was stagnant. Everything was clean without any speck of dust. She glanced around the place and saw someone fully covered in a gray blanket. Her heart felt a chilling vibe, as the blanket moved. She went near the blanket and pulled it away.

Nassus was revealed, although he had turned into an adorable little kid. He was rubbing his blooming expressive eyes that looked very innocent. His whole body and form downgraded and his broad shoulders and muscles were all gone. On the flipside, his clothes whence he was a fallen had shrunk as well. Nassus's whole appearance truly looked-like an adorable kid in his 8s or 10s. All of his manliness went down the drain and got replaced by an ounce of cuteness of a small boy.

Otorine felt that the little kid was truly her beloved lover. She gulped and had second thoughts, while she was feeling sweaty. She spoke to him unsurely, as she was feeling nervous of what happened to Nassus,


Nassus yawned and looked up at Otorine and asked,

"Ummm...who are you?".