The violent searing winds were ablaze throughout the vast desert, as Yumine and the minotaur were armed for combat. Yumine bent her knees and brought out her set of rapiers. Her new set of rapiers were glistening in a pinkish tint in which those were suited for female fighters alike. If those weren't enough to please any female's wants, the hilts of her rapiers had long flowing ribbons dyed in shocking fuchsia. While, for the minotaur he just held the polearm, as if it was just a mallet or club. Then, he snorted out with a battle-ready look. The participants were truly ready for combat. Though, Yumine suggested to the minotaur about something,

"Ummmm Miro...could you not break my rapiers? I just bought these ones recently you see.".

The beast nodded, as he had kinda understood of what Yumine had meant. Then, Cleara pull out the signal,

"Let the battle, BEGIN!".

Yumine attempted to strike first, as she lunged to the minotaur with blistering speed. Though, due to the sand that got into her eyes, she had lost control and she got temporarily blind for a second. In turn, she had failed to make an accurate attack and made her to tumble down on the sand.

"Oh c'mon! Not again!",

she expressed such as she was an annoyed little girl. She was sitting on the ground, as she was busy rubbing her eyes. When her eyes weren't irritating anymore she noticed that the minotaur was already in front of her.

"U-uuuuummm M-Miro?",

she said to the minotaur, while she was wearing a worried look. More than that, she was feeling nervous, as the beast looked terrifying up close. The scene was funny to look at as the tables had turned. The minotaur didn't respond, instead he masked a face filled with sinister intent. Sooner or later, the minotaur swung his huge polearm at Yumine's torso.


Yumine felt the hard impact. Afterwards, Yumine was flung away high above the sky. It seemed the minotaur's swing was too powerful. Cleara went back with Otorine and the others who were sitting on a refurbished log. Somehow, Cleara just grieved over Yumine's fast blunder. A little while later, Yumine splat on the ground. She got up and had stopped being complacent. Her face looked serious, while she was wearing an intense smile, as there was no more room for mistakes and negotiations,

"Oh it's on now Miro!".

The minotaur just grinned an eager smile, as his foe was truly determined. Soon, Yumine shouted out,


Afterwards, the winds around the place felt stagnant. Yumine grinned, as she saw that there was no more stray sand along the stagnant air. She exhaled and dashed straight to the minotaur. The minotaur blocked her piercing attack by using his polearm. Thereon, Yumine was pissed,


As for the audience, they were covered in sweat now, since the refreshing winds were no longer felt by their skin. Thereupon, Lilieth expressed herself with an annoyed expression,

"Why'd you have to turn up the heat huh?!".

Even, little Nassus was drenched from his own sweat. Otorine just sighed. She made a mysterious gesture and she cast out with a soft voice,

"Kyurian stalagmite.".

The next moment, there were ice pillars around them. They felt refreshed and they weren't bathed in sweat anymore. In turn, all of them had stopped complaining, since they were comfortable again. Soon, they were back on observing the battle that was going on. The youthful Nassus looked very much engaged over the battle that was taking place, such as he was seeing an amazing show,

"So cool.".

The beast tried to punch Yumine's gut, although Yumine was too fast, so the minotaur missed his target. The next moment, Yumine appeared from behind and swung her rapiers, attacking his backside,


the minotaur growled, as he felt the painful strike made by his opponent. Though, he was smiling, since he was having so much fun for some reason. It seemed he was having a fight of a lifetime. It was also the same case for Yumine. Soon, Yumine cast out,


She was gone in an instant. It appeared, Yumine turned invisible. The minotaur closed his eyes and tried to sense the footsteps of his enemy. Yumine wasn't moving fast, instead she was walking like a sneaky tiger, waiting for the perfect chance to strike. The audience were all intrigued over the case that Yumine went into stealth mode. As she had seen an opening, she tried to make a powerful swing,


Though, the minotaur blocked her attack in an instant, using his trusty polearm. In turn, her sharp weapons got stuck on his polearm. Somehow, Yumine wasn't shocked, instead she was grinning a devious smile. Since, she was waiting for that incident to happen. Then, she cast out,


There was a huge explosion afterwards that damaged both of them. The smoke had ceased and the minotaur's polearm was burnt to ashes by the sudden explosion and Yumine jumped away for a few paces away. The minotaur changed his combat position. His pose was similar to a boxer ready to reel out strong blows and punches. Yumine felt confident, as his annoying weapon was out of the way. She sheathed her rapiers and bent her knees once again, as she was ready to pull out her rapiers. Soon, she was breathing deeply, as she was about to dish out a powerful attack. The minotaur was feeling a bit tense, since he was about to taste a stronger attack than before. The next moment, Yumine cast out,


Suddenly, she burst forward such as she was jetplane. She was so fast that she had even left purple trailblazing along her wake. As for the minotaur, instead of blocking his foe's attack head on, he punched the ground with strong force in which he had created an expanding dust cloud. The impact was so strong, it even made the dust cloud to reach their spectators. Though, Cleara was quick on her feet, so she cast out immediately,


Thereon, the dust cloud was blocked by the barrier, turning Lilieth and Otorine to feel relieved. As for Yumine, her powerful strike was stopped. She felt that her eyes were irritated by the sand once again, once she had passed through the dust cloud. There after, Lilieth was annoyed once again,

"Geez! Miro why'd you have to do that huh? You really like to make fun of me huh?".

Yumine was rubbing her eyes again, as the sand had gotten into her eyes again. While for the minotaur, he didn't respond. Instead, he laughed at the pitiful looking Yumine who was rubbing her eyes,


As he kept on laughing hard, the golden barrier that surrounded all of them had cracked and it was broken for some reason. Cleara was flabbergasted,

"No! It can't be?!".

Not only her, but even Otorine, Lilieth and Yumine were all widely surprised. Otorine gulped, as she was having a cold shoulder, since something scary was about to happen. The next moment, there were golden chains from heavens above. The chains latched onto the minotaur's arms and limbs. The minotaur tried to squirm free from the chains that had bound him. Suddenly, the golden chains shocked him with its high voltage, such as he was zapped by constant lightnings.


the minotaur cried as it was being electrocuted. Yumine was surprised with a worried look,

"What the?! What's going on?!".

She was witnessing that the minotaur was being squeezed in sharp thorns, as he was being constantly shocked with strong jolts of electricity. Her crystal tears were pouring out as she exclaimed, begging mercy to the heavens above,


Suddenly, the other Blade Goddesses wearing golden clothing appeared in front of Otorine and company. Though, there were no signs of Ru or Mai among them.

Lilieth looked displeased and gritted her teeth, as she had seen them.

"What's the meaning of this?!",

she asked. Though, no one replied back nor answered her question. Instead, Liliath appeared in front of her. For some reason, Liliath wasn't wearing the cloak from the abyss. Instead, she was shrouded in a shining and shimmering golden cloak. She went close to Lilieth. Then, Liliath said with a sinister smile,

"Long time no see Lilieth! My dear twin sister!".