Lilieth was grinding her teeth, as she was seeing her twin sister in front of her. Later on, Lilieth looked-like she was despising her own sibling for some reason, as her eyes were filled with burning wrath,

"Liliath, I should've known...".

Though, Lilieth was also convinced, deep in her thoughts,


Lilieth noticed that her Goddess companions seemed they can't do anything, since the other major number of Blade Goddesses were involved as well. Thereon, Liliath used her position,


Suddenly, Liliath shoved her hand in front of her twin sister. In turn, Lilieth was made to shut up for a second. Afterwards, Liliath sighed and said to her twin sister,

"Sorry sis but, this order came from the Head Blade Goddess herself. She said that this Fallen is a huge threat. I don't know why too. But, rules are rules.".

As Lilieth heard those statements from her twin, she was even more furious, since a higher position than her had commanded the expedition. Somehow, Liliath was filled with much delight, as she was seeing her pissed-off twin sister. After a while, things had calmed down, as the minotaur had stopped rampaging. The other Blade Goddesses went in front of the minotaur. Then, they bowed to Otorine and company. For some reason, Liliath told them a glimpse of hope,

"Though, if you all want to discuss this matter at hand, please do come back to Blade Goddess HQ. See ya!".

As the group of Blade Goddesses were being transferred, Lilath went near the sorrowful minotaur. She held his chin and went close to his face, as if she was about to kiss him, while she was wearing a grin of a serpent. Afterwards, Miro, Liliath, and the other Blade Goddesses vanished in vibrant rainbow lights. Yumine was now sitting along with the the others at the refurbished log. Though, she was still crying out tears of sadness, as she felt deep concern for the minotaur,

"Why...why must Miro suffer like this...".

Otorine was patting the back of her saddened friend, while she was filled with concern as well,


Cleara just closed her eyes, as she was witnessing a pitiful sight of a Goddess. She crossed her arms. Then, she told them what they should do,

"If you want to save him, you should head back to the Blade Goddess HQ.".

Yumine responded, while her tears were still pouring,


Otorine was absorbed in her thoughts, regarding her close friend,

"This is the first time I've seen Yumi act like this...".

While for Lilieth, she can't rub-off the feeling that the minotaur was given a special treatment of torture. She analyzed the things that had happened. Thereupon, she was puzzled and engrossed in her thoughts,

"That minotaur is a huge threat? How come? I don't even sense any kind of powerful presence from him now. What's going on Mara?!".

After a while, Yumine had stopped feeling down in the rut. Otorine, Yumine, Lilieth, and little Nassus were waving goodbye to Cleara and they thanked her for the hospitality. Then, the three Goddesses, brought out their cards. They were shrouded by a curtain of light, little Nassus included. The next moment, the four of them had vanished. Cleara sensed that their presence had already gone elsewhere. She sighed, as her life as Goddess and queen was back to normal.

Afterwards, Otorine, Yumine, Lilieth, and little Nassus had arrived at the plaza of Celestia Heavenly mall. The group wasn't lively as ever before, since Yumine was deeply depressed and immensely worried for the minotaur. While they were walking along the hallways, Nassus was seeing lots of fascinating shops and boutiques, making him to lose focus of the situation at hand. Later, Nassus had gone elsewhere, while Otorine and company haven't notice that Nassus wasn't with them anymore. They entered through the elevator hub. As the sliding metal doors closed and ascended, there was a holographic scene showing a sexy news reporter saying,

"Recently, the BLADE GODDESSES had done a great job once again. Since they captured another FALLEN that had escaped before.".

Soon, the holographic screen showed a video of the minotaur in chains accompanied by the other Blade Goddesses. Not only that, Liliath was looking proud, as she was holding a leash unto the minotaur. Once Yumine had seen the video, she just looked away. Her eyes were filled with liquid crystals and she was about to cry once more, as she felt sorry for the minotaur,


Lilieth sighed, not because she was annoyed of the down on the rut Yumine. Rather, Lilieth was infuriated over the case that Mara didn't inform them about the changes of capturing the said Fallen. She looked around and noticed that someone was missing,

"Say, aren't we missing someone?".

Otorine and Yumine looked around. They've just noticed just now that the young Nassus wasn't with their group anymore. Later on, Otorine expressed her deep worry,

"Nassus isn't here!".

Lilieth told her case about the little Nassus,

"Maybe he's still at the ground floor of the mall?".

Yumine was witnessing that Otorine was looking much of a worry-wart. Since, Nassus was still just a kid of who knows where he could wander off to. Soon, Yumine had stopped feeling depressed and patted her friend's shoulder. Then, she said aided with a motivational yet, confident look,

"Ori, please find Nassus. Leave Miro to me...I can't have my friend to be feeling worried just for my sake.".

Otorine responded back with a subtle smile,

"Okay, thanks Yumi.".

Soon, Yumine and Lilieth arrived at their destined floor. The elevator opened its sliding metal doors. The two of them left but, Otorine stayed in order to find the missing innocent Nassus who was still at the mall's ground floor. Otorine bowed and thanked them for their concern over her. Soon, the metal doors closed and went down. Yumine and Lilieth continued forward to their destination. They arrived at the doorstep of Blade Goddess HQ, although there was a low-ranking male angel guarding the glass door. They tried to enter but, the angel blocked them and said,

"Sorry but, the Blade Goddesses are having a meeting. We can't let you through.".

Lilieth and Yumine brought out their ID Cards, showing their titles of BLADE GODDESSES. When the angel saw their titles, he was ashamed of himself and let the two serious-looking Goddesses enter,

"Oh, t-then p-please go through...".

Yumine didn't pull the door. Instead, she slammed it open using her divine telekinetic powers. The other Blade Goddesses inside were startled except Mara. The air turned cold, as the two of them entered. Mara sighed with an exhausted look and closed her eyes . Though, soon enough, she opened her eyes and wore a grateful look instead,

"Welcome back. I'm glad that you three finished your second mission successfully.".

Though, Lilieth wasn't happy when Mara congratulated them. Instead, she replied back profusely with added disrespect to her superior,

"Cut the crap Mara. And why did you send the other Blade Goddesses when we three, I mean the four of us could accomplish this?".

Then, Mara replied back with a brief explanation,

"I see, so you all haven't been informed. You see, Miro the FALLEN is a potential threat who could cause greater chaos due to his amplified powers. If you have seen the abnormal sandstorm he had made, then you already know the picture.

She held her hands and continued to say,

"Though, he won't come back as a FALLEN. Rather, his existence shall be REMOVED FROM THE REST OF ETERNITY.".

Yumine gritted her teeth and slammed the table, as she heard the dire consequences awaiting for the minotaur. Her eyes were seething with rage and crystal tears of sadness, as she blurted out,


Everyone was silent, as they had seen how emotional Yumine was. Yumine looked straight at the composed Mara. Then, Yumine continued to say with added frustrated feelings coming from her heart,

"He was just toyed by those CRUEL GODDESSES! I could prove it with my ABYSS EYE!".

Even Lilieth was surprised over Yumine's expressiveness for the sake of the minotaur. She was witnessing that Yumine's eyes were truly sorry for the case of the minotaur. Since, Yumine was pouring out crystal tears. Though, Mara had a cold heart and doesn't care for the well-being of the beast, although she just said to Yumine,

"Even if he was just, let us say framed, the evidence still shows that he could cause severe damage to the whole Celestia Heavenly system...".

Mara felt like they'll have an endless argument so she just told them, as if she was in a hurry,

"Sigh, this won't go nowhere, so I'm going to give you a chance. Since, you were able to remove that IMPRESSIVE SEAL somehow. You could take the FALLEN Miro but, he should have a prime purpose as you see fit. Else, EXTINCTION is the only thing that awaits him.".

Soon, Mara stood up and gave Yumine a letter with a golden seal. As Mara was about to leave, she said with a complacent yet, serious tone,

"Good day and present this letter to them, to OWN your PET FALLEN.".

Yumine accepted the letter but, she just gave a cold stare at the Head Blade Goddess. There after, Yumine replied back, disagreeing upon Mara's said opinion over the Fallens,

"Fallens nor heroes aren't pets!".

Afterwards, Mara and the other Blade Goddesses left the meeting room. The air had calmed down, as the crowd was gone. Thereon, Yumine and Lilieth were the only ones left. Lilieth was deep in her thoughts, while she was looking at the clouds above,

" purpose of a Fallen. Mara seems to be acting strange. She's overly cautious about this, without even informing MY SIDE about these things, even though I'm second-in-command.".

Soon, the two of them left as well. They entered the elevator that had soothing jazz elevator music. Lilieth was liking its catchy tunes, making her to almost jive into the music. Though, she noticed that Yumine was still depressed, while Yumine was looking at the piece of letter. Thereupon, Lilieth gave a motivational pat on Yumine's shoulder,

"Hey! Don't be so down. We'll think of something about this!".

Yumine wore a weak smile, as she felt that Lilieth was trying to cheer her up,

"Thanks, Lilieth. Honestly you're more fit to be the HEAD GODDESS than Mara, since you truly care about us, BLADE GODDESSES".

Lilieth felt flattered,

"P-please don't flatter me. Though, I'll tell you the reasons why I'm not fit to be the HEAD BLADE GODDESS.".

Yumine seemed interested,

"Okay, tell me then!".

Soon, Lilieth masked a scary grin that would scare off the mightiest demons of hell. Her expression might be smiling yet, it was filled with devious vibes, turning the whole place to be frigid. She looked at Yumine and said,

"It's because I have a HIDDEN SECRET...".

Suddenly, she looked away from Yumine and said in a casual tone,

"And because I'm lazy...".

Yumine just ignored the menacing vibe from before and just replied with an unsure look on her face,

"Uh huh...".

There was an awkward silence afterwards, as they were finished talking about the said topic. She was estranged, because of the deafening mute, so she looked at the body of the letter and said,

"By the way, it says we should go to LUNA HOTEL.".

Lilieth looked disturbed, as if she doesn't like the place that Yumine had mentioned,

"That expensive hotel? I wonder why Mara thought of that area. She just has SO MANY GODDESS POINTS to BURN huh?".

Then, Lilieth rolled her eyes. After a while, the metal door opened. Somehow, the hallway looked dark and the only one being lit was the long red carpet laid along the aisle. They left the elevator and continued straight, following the red carpet. Afterwards, they were generously welcomed by the luscious and sexy girls wearing red and black bunny suits, as if they were angelic maidens who were sent to tempt the carnal desires of men,