Chapter 2

After feeling a tingle run up his spine, the man immediately felt himself falling. Snapping his eyes open, he saw nothing but black. The tingle was still running up his spin, and he felt it reach his head. After stopping there for a second, the tingle then started to spread out from his head through the rest of his body. Soon after a wave of heat followed the tingle and filled his whole body.

Screaming at the sudden temperature change within himself, he continued to fall in the ever present darkness. Soon the heat turned into pain. The sounds of bone cracking, and muscles tearing filled his ears. His whole body was wracked with terrible muscle contractions, that cut his terrified scream off. He couldn't breathe or move. His eyes scrunched shut to try and numb the pain, but it made no difference.

Pain was his whole world for what felt like years, and when he finally couldn't take it anymore, a bell sounded off in his head.


---Bonding System with host...---

---System successfully bonded to host---

---Searching for optimal System Software...---

---Software found… downloading...---

---Software downloaded---

---Congratulations! You have been given the Trap System!---

The last thing the man sees as he falls unconscious, are window screens popping up in front of his face. Before any of it really registers with him, darkness soon fills his vision, and he passes out.

"Mmmugh" A groan escapes escapes my lips, as the sun glares into my eyes. 'what the hell happened last night' I think to myself. My head is pounding and my body feels like it was dragged through a gravel street.

My alarm hasn't gone off yet, so I turn over and trying to shield my eyes, with my blanket, only to grab a handful of grass. 'what the hell? Did I pass out in a park' I open my eyes, soon slamming them shut when the suns rays pierces straight into my skull. 'fuuuck, I'm never drinking again'

A breeze blows over me, and I shiver from the unexpected chill on my bare skin. I shoot up into a sitting position, thinking a passed out drunk in the park naked. But, before I can check what situation I am currently in, I clutch my head, as the pounding in my skull intensifies from the sudden movement.

Giving myself a second to recover, I ignore the pain, and crack my eyes open, in hopes of finding my clothes before I'm arrested for indecent exposure.

As my vision clears, what I first thing I see are long, pale, and smooth legs laid out in the grass in front of me. 'what the hell? Did I shave my legs last night?' I reach out and run my hand along one of my legs, feeling nothing but smooth perfect skin. 'damn! Drunk me is good with a razor' I run my hand along my leg, a few more times, before I notice that my hand looks different. Very different. 'What the fu… THIS IS NOT MY HAND!' I shove both my hands in front of my face, and inspect them like I had just taken shrooms for the first time. What greets my intense stare are thin elegant hands that belong on a woman. They are far smaller than my hands are supposed to be. Letting my eyes roam down my arm, it lacks any of the muscles I had the night before, and again, all I am met with is a pale feminine appendage that is not my own.

Jumping to my feet, I look down on myself, and see equally dainty small feet, that match my feminine legs. Traveling up, perfect thick thighs transition into flared hips that would drive most women mad with envy. Nestled between my thighs is a small uncircumcised penis, resting on a delicate looking ball sack. A flat stomach that connects my upper and lower body, and soon my eyes land on my puffy erect nipples.

Another breeze blows across my exposed skin, making my nipples even more erect. Then golden blond hair flutters in front of my eyes. I reach up and grab a lock of it. It feels like silk on my fingers, and as I finish inspecting this strange body, I do the only thing I can.

"WHAT THE FLYING FUCK HAPPENED TO ME?!" The voice that reaches my ears, is not the deep voice I am used to hearing but a higher pitched one. So feminine that I cover my mouth in surprise. My fingers are met with soft full lips, and a much smaller nose than what was there before. I hear birds chirp and fly away from my panic filled scream, and I look over to my right to see where they were.

My vision falls on tall trees, that stand across a pond from me. Finally remembering I'm naked in public, I spin around, hoping I am alone. Trees surround a small clearing, that I stand in. No sign of people or the sounds of civilization greet me. Just the sights, sounds, and smells of a forest. Turning back towards the pond, I rush over. I stumble over my feet, but catch myself before I get a mouthful of grass.

My sense of balance is all off in this new body. I stand back up, and notice that the ground is much closer than it normally is. 'what the fuck is going on. How am I in a new body? And where am I? How the fuck did this hap...' The details of last night rush back to me. Blowing Tom, posting about it, then talking with Kat… KAT! 'Holy shit… the spell… it was real?'

Slowly I take a few tentative steps, and make my way towards the calm water of the pond. Looking over the edge, I catch my first look at my new face. A beautiful face, framed by long blond hair stares back at me. Lifting my hands to my face, I touch my full lips. A delicate nose leads my eyes to stare into crystal clear blue eyes, that stare back in shock.

"Holy fucking shitballs. It worked… it really worked." The face that stares back at me, is one I have seen for years. One I have dreamed of, and now finally… It's a reality.

I sink to my knees, and wrap my arms around myself. Tears flow from my eyes, and I laugh and cry. Years of wishing and it finally came true. Years of hating my body and now I finally have what I always wanted. Joy and fear, rage through me like a hurricane, causing even more tears to fall from my eyes.

Then in the middle of my emotionally roller coaster, a bell chimes in my mind. A transparent blue screen pops in front of my vision. Letting out a girly yelp, I laugh at the sound before focusing on the window.

---Greetings host! You have been given the Trap System! Before beginning on your journey, please designate the name you wish to enter into the System.---

My eyes scan over the text, and a smile crosses my face. Tears still fall from my eyes, but in a joy filled voice, I announce…

"Melany… My name is Melany"