Chapter 3

--- Entering name "Melany"...---

---Name registered---

---Welcome to the Trap System Melany!---

---Would you like to run through a tutorial? It will go over everything you need to know to start using the Trap System Y/N---

As I look at the screens that flash before my eyes, I can't help but smile. It seems everyone has been writing stories about people getting transported to new worlds, and being given systems of their own. Just thinking about how strong some of those people get, and how much fun they have just drives my excitement to new levels.

Selecting "Y" with my finger, the screen disappears and is replaced by a new one covered in text. It looks like most tutorial screens from games.

---Welcome to the Trap tutorial! The first thing you will need to know is that this system will help you transform into the Trap you were meant to be. In order for the System to do this, the user "Melany" will have to earn 2 different types of energy. The first being EXP (Experience) the second being SEXP (Sexual Experience).

EXP can be gained by fighting monsters or sentient beings. The more powerful they are, the more EXP they will give the user. Also by completing quests will the user gain EXP. EXP will be used to increase users LVL (Level) which will increase your statistics. The higher the LVL the more EXP needed to gain the next LVL.

SEXP can be gained by having sex with monsters or sentient beings. Again, the more powerful they are the more SEXP you will gain. SEXP can be used to buy or increase Trap skills (TS), Trap Enhancements (TE), or Trap Gear (TG).

The Trap System, will grant you quests that will reward you in EXP, SEXP, or even special Trap Gear. This System is in place to give the user the best chance to survive, and thrive within this new world.---

OK, pretty simple so far. Just like the MMOs I played, and it will even reward me for having sex! Though the sex with monsters part makes me a little nervous.

---To see users status screen, think "Status"---


Name: Melany

LVL: 1 EXP:0/300 SEXP:0

Job: None

HP: 30 MP: 60

STR: 4

CON: 6

DEX: 13

INT: 12

WIL: 10

CHA: 16

Okay, so pretty standard stuff, and from what I can tell, I'm weak physically, but strong mentally. Except my DEX is pretty high as well for a LVL 1. My CHA is really high compared to everything else, but I'm not that surprised, I am pretty sexy.

---Statistics are as follows user.

Strength (STR) is a measure of how much you can lift, as well as how hard you can hit. It is the modifier to most weapon, and strength based skills.

Constitution (CON) is a measure of how fit and healthy you are. It dictates how much Health and stamina you have, as well as resistances to poisons, and diseases. It is the modifier to most physical resistance skills.

Dexterity (DEX) is a measure of how nimble, and flexible you are. It dictates movement, and attack speed, as well as fine motor skills. It is the modifier to most acrobatic, and some weapon skills.

Intelligence (INT) is a measure of how efficient you though process is. It dictates how much Mana you have, as well as giving you a minor boost in learning new skills. It is the modifier to most mental and magical based skills.

Will power (WIL) is a measure of self control and self awareness. It dictates your perception of self as well as surroundings. It is the modifier to most mental/ magical resistances, as well as perception skills.

Charisma (CHA) is a measure of how you effect those around you. It dictates how others will perceive you. It is the modifier for most speech skills.---

okay, again pretty straight forward. Nothing groundbreaking here, though it is nice to be able to see what each stat actually means, and what they most likely modify.

---Finally if you wish to use your SEXP to purchase skills, enhancements, or gear, think the word "Trap Shop"---

Going with the flow I think "Trap Shop" and another window appears, this one only has three options. Mentally pushing "skills" it changes to show a huge list of skills that are all grayed out. Since I have no SEXP, I can't buy anything, but it is nice to see what some of the skills are, and how much they are to buy.

---That concludes the tutorial. The Trap System will now integrate skills the host already has, and will display them after calculating…---

---Skills found…---


---Skills calculated! Please check your "Skills menu"---

Excited to see what skills I already have, I think "Skill Menu" and yet another screen appears.


Blow Job: LVL 7

Hand Job: LVL 6

Anal: LVL 3

Seduction: LVL 5

Deception: LVL 3

Dancing: LVL 4

Footwork: LVL 1

Seeing my skills, I can't help but laugh. Holy shit, Kat was right, I really am a slut. Some of the skills are very easy to see where they came from, while others are a bit more difficult. I guess Deception is at LVL 3 because I lied to most people about my sexuality, and probably gained most of it from Lying to Toms wife Stacy. It's hard trying to play it cool when the persons husband comes over and blows their load down your throat every week.

Now that that is settled I close the windows, and now realize that I have no idea where I am or where to go. Also I'm still naked, so that is another problem I have to solve. Thinking about where to start first, I glance around the clearing and notice several branches on the ground. Walking over, I sort through them, until I find one that is relatively straight and look for a way to sharpen one end.

Going back over to the pond, I find a mostly flat rock, a start to rub one end of the stick against it. It is dull boring work, so my mind wonders and I start asking the Trap System some questions.

"Hey System, Where am I anyways?"

--- User is currently on the planet called Phukmi, In the country of Cummin. You are currently in the forest known as the "Fell Forest" to the east of Blowton---

Staring at the names of everything, I can't help but chuckle at the sexual sounding names. "Okay, can you tell me how to get to Blowton from here?"

---New Quest!---

---Exit the Fell Forest, and arrive at the town of Blowton.

Rewards- 100 EXP, 25 SEXP---

"Nice! Thanks for the quest!" I continue sharpening the branch until it has a somewhat pointy tip. It is ugly, but It might just save my life if I run across anything slightly dangerous.

---Skill learned!: Bush Craft: LVL 1

Bush Craft: though it may not be pretty, you can now use items found in the wild to craft simple items that can help you in a pinch.---

Looking at my first ever learned skill here, I'm pleasantly surprised. Though I figure it won't get much use in the future, you never really know.

Looking up at the sky, I find the position of the sun, and reckon it's almost noon. So finding the direction I need to go, will need to wait. Though maybe System can help?

"Hey System, do you have a map or something that I can use?" A bell sounds off in my head, and a window with a map and compass shows up. The only spot not covered in fog is the clearing I am in, but I can now figure out which way I need to go. Heading off to the west, I start to travel through the Forest. Holding my my makeshift spear, I stay vigilant for sign of any danger. After a few hours of walking, I stop for a break, and look around for anything to eat.

Spotting a few berry bushes, I debate with myself on whether to eat them or not. They could be poisonous, and I could die soon after arriving here from shitting my brains out, which would be so heart breaking after getting my dream body, that I may just die again as a spirit.

As I am standing there debating, a brown rabbit hops towards the bushes. It starts munching on some of the leaves, and some berries, and doesn't seem to have noticed me. Looking at the rabbit, a small screen appears above its head.

---Rabbit: LVL 2---

---New skill learned! Analyze: LVL1---

---Analyze: Learn more about what you inspect. More information will become available at higher levels.---

I stand there motionless, as I see the first living thing on the world. It looks like most rabbits from earth, just slightly bigger. Its hind legs seem a bit more developed, and its neck looks thinker. Overall, it looks adorable, and I want nothing more than to hold it and hug it. Rubbing its soft fur, and giving it kisses.

Instead I ready my spear, and charge it before it notices me. It is cute, but I've read enough novels to know about the rabbit cliché. No way am I turning my back to this thing and giving it a free attack. Charging the last few feet, I hold my spear up, ready to impale it on the end. The rabbit seeing me tenses up and quickly jumps out the way.

I stop and try and swing my spear in the direction it jumped in the hope that it will discourage it from attacking me. Unfortunately, my swing went wide and left me over extended to its powerful headbutt.

--- -6 HP ---

My breath is forced from my lungs by the impact, and my stomach feels like it just got kicked in by a sledge hammer. Seeing it drop to the ground at my feet, I give a quick kick trying to get it away from me. My foot connects, but because there was no wind up, the force is minimal, and I end up just tossing it away, doing no damage.

It rolls to its feet, and squares off with me. Leveling my spear point it it, I brace myself. It jumps to the right quickly trying to find a way to me the won't potentially impale it on my spear. Turning to follow it, I try and keep the spear point towards it.

For awhile, we are at a stalemate. It jumps from side to side, trying to find an opening, but I manage to get my spear in position each time. My spear is getting heavy in my hands, and my arms start to tremble. The rabbit continues to circle me.

Turning to face the rabbit after its last jump, I stumble on a root. Seeing the opportunity it has been waiting for, the rabbit flies at my face. I manage to get my shoulder in the way, and feel it smash into me.

--- -8 HP ---

getting knocked onto my side from the blow, my spear falls from my grip. The rabbit lands next to me tries to hop away to line up another attack. In a desperate attempt, I grab for its neck. I miss its neck as it jumps away, but my hand closes on its left hind leg. With the adrenaline pumping through my veins, and its own powerful jump carrying it forward, a loud snap fills the area.

--- Dealt 9 damage/ crippled---

Losing grip of the rabbit, my hand falls back to the ground to catch myself. The rabbit lands not far away screaming from having its back leg broken, it tries to get up and limp away. Struggling up I grab my make shift spear, and line up a thrust. Taking a deep breath I thrust my spear into the back of the rabbit.

--- Dealt 3 damaged ---

---You have defeated a LVL 2 Rabbit!---

---Gained 50 EXP---

My thrust was off the mark and landed on its side, but its health was already so low that it killed it off. I drop to the ground, and take deep gulping breaths, trying to calm my erratic heart. 'holy shit was it fast. And it hit like a boxer' As I sit there tired and hurt, notifications start popping up.

---Skill learned! Spear: LVL1 ---

--- Spear: The spear is the weapon of choice for most commoners. It is easy to pick up and use, but difficult to master. Weapon handling, and attack speed increase with each skill level.---

---Skill LVL up! Footwork is now LVL 2! ---

Glad that I at least improved myself from the fight I grimace at the pain coming from my stomach and shoulder. Looking down, I can already see a bruise start to form on my pale skin, that leaves it ugly and discolored. To take my mind off the pain, I try and find a way to get rid of, or at least minimize the in combat pop ups. It really is a bad design, when the thing that is supposed to help you survive, almost blinds you during a fight with pop ups.

After taking care of that, I stand up and look around. The forest is quiet around me from the fight, and the body of the rabbit is still lying in front of me. Hoping that the looting part is also like a game, I reach down and think "loot". Nothing happens, so I say it out loud. Again, nothing. Sighing, I stand up straight and head over to the bush. I have nothing to skin the rabbit with let alone carry it, so I'll leave it for some scavengers to find hopefully long after I'm gone.

Walking up to the bush the rabbit had been eating, I grab a few berries and hope that my hypothesis of "If the rabbit ate it, it should be fine for me" holds true. After popping one in my mouth, and feeling nothing unusual, I chew and swallow. Holding the rest for later, I start walking west again.

My pace has slowed down, and 5 hours later I'm still in the forest. The sun is setting and, my handful of berries are gone. Thankfully it seems that either I heal quickly here, either from the berries, or because I'm out of combat, but my bruises are gone and I am back to full HP.

Figuring it would be more dangerous to wonder through the woods at night, I try and find a place to sleep. Looking around I see no great options. There is no convenient cave, or large tree that had big enough branches for me to sleep on. Spending that last few rays of light, I resign myself to sitting up in a tree for the night. I know it won't be comfortable, and I probably won't actually fall asleep from fear of either falling or monsters, but it may just be my safest bet considering my circumstances.

Finding the largest tree I can, I start climbing the branches. Stopping at around 20ft up, I sit down on one branch and lean against the truck with my arm resting on another close branch. It's stable, but the tree bark is digging into my bare ass, and I really wish I had some clothes right about now. I lay my makeshift spear so that it rests in a way that I am not holding it up, but I can easily grab it if it is necessary.

Soon the last of the days light fades away, and the forest grows quiet for a bit. Despite the uncomfortable way the bark is trying to bite into my ass, my eyes start to grow heavy from my rough first day in this world.

For the first few hours of the night, I constantly wake up either to leaning to far and waking up in fear that I will fall, or the sounds of creatures passing by my tree. After hours of fitful sleep, I am awoken by loud sounds crashing through the forest. Yells and screams drown out all the other night time sounds, and all I can think of is… PEOPLE!