Chapter 4

Yelling is all I can hear from up in my tree. Looking around I try and figure out which direction it is coming from. It seems to be coming from my right, and I debate whether I should climb down and see what's going on. There are clearly people fighting, but what are they fighting? It could be two groups of people fighting each other, but I don't hear any metal against metal sounds. They could be fighting a monster, that could easily kill me with one hit.

But despite the possible dangers, I need to find my way out of this forest. If it's not a group of bandits they may help me. Slowly making my way down the tree, I clutch my makeshift spear in one hand. Reaching the ground, I ready my spear and approach the sound of the fight as quietly as possible. Looking out for possible attacks, I sneak my way closer to the fight.

---Skill Learned! Stealth: LVL1 ---

---Stealth: the art of seeing but not being seen. Greater sound muffling and movement speed with higher levels.---

I jump at the sudden appearance of the window, and curse the System. Stopping to calm myself, I wait a few seconds until I can hear other noises besides my heart in my ears. Continuing on my way, I slowly work my way closer to the sounds of the fight. Now that I am closer I can make out other sounds as well. Growls, and some yipping followed by whimpers.

Hiding behind a bush, I peak through the leaves to finally see who and what are fighting. A group of 5 people stand together against a pack of wolves. I count 8 wolves all together, but I'm not quite sure. A ball of light hovers over the group of people, shedding light upon the forest and the wolves that prowl around the group. Staring at the group I use Analyze to find out more about them.

--- Fighter LVL6 ---

---Fighter LVL5 ---

---Rogue LVL5 ---

---Archer LVL6 ---

---Mage LVL5 ---

Okay, so a pretty well balanced party, and they don't look like they need much help. The LVL 6 Fighter is wearing chain mail, and has a sword and shield he is using to block, and counter any wolves that try to get past him. The LVL5 Fighter has a spear and is piercing any wolf that the other fighter stops. He is also wearing chain mail, and has a sword strapped to his waist, I'm assuming in case an enemy gets past his spear point.

The Rogue has a short bow drawn and is sending arrows towards any wolves that are trying to flank them. The rogues chin length brown hair, suggest that they are a woman, but it is hard to tell because of the leather armor they are wearing. They also have what looks like a short sword and a dagger strapped their waist as well.

The Archer has a long bow and is sending well placed arrows into any wolves hanging out in the back. He is wearing leather armor as well, but only has a dagger strapped to his waist. Lastly is the Mage that is probably responsible for the floating ball of light. She is wearing thick robes that hide most of her figure, but the glow of a spell lights up her face for me to get a clear look at. As I watch a lightning bolt flies from the wand she is holding, and strikes a wolf in the chest. The wolf falls to the ground twitching, and soon dies from the damage.

From when I first heard the fight to now, maybe 5 minutes have past. That is apparently all this group needs to defeat this large pack of wolves. After the lightning strike, the last two wolves turn and run. The Archer sends one last arrow after them and is rewarded with a yelp and a thud. The Rogue also sends an arrow after the last wolf, but seems to miss from their cursing, which confirms that she is a woman.

Wolf corpses surround the group, as they stay vigilant for any more threats. Arrows protrude from most of the wolf corpses, but a few that lay in front of the LVL6 Fighter, died from slashes and stabs.

I hunker down still not sure what to make of this group, though I highly doubt they're bandits. I've never met a bandit, but they don't seem like the equal opportunity type. And based that there are women in this group, that have weapons and armor, the bandit theory loses more credibility. Debating with myself on how or if I should talk to this group, the choice is taken out of my hands.

"Whoever is hiding behind that bush, come out with your hands up! And don't think about doing anything else unless you want an arrow to the gut." The Archer calls out to me. I see the whole group tense back up and face towards me, ready for combat. Feeling the blood drain from my face I drop my spear, and throw my hands up.

Standing up, my head and arms clear the top of the bush, but the rest of my body is still covered. I shake from the fear of what this group may do to me, and I almost shit myself when I see the Mage ready another spell.

"Please don't shoot! I don't mean any harm. I just heard you fighting, and came to investigate." I squeak out. 'please don't shoot me with lightning. Please don't shoot me with lightning. Please don't shoot me with lightning.' I pray repeatedly in my head.

"Come out from behind the bush so we can see that you're unarmed. Move slowly, and keep your hands where we can see them." The LVL6 Fighter demands.

Remembering that I'm naked, I don't move, trying to figure out a way to explain my lack of clothes. "Um, okay, but uh, I have a… slight problem."

The group looks at me suspiciously, and I see the LVL6 Fighter raise his shield higher, ready to defend against an attack. He calls out again "Walk out from behind the bush now!" Sensing that if I don't do what they say right now, they will kill me. Slowly I walk out from behind the bush. As more of my body is exposed to them, I drop my arms slowly to cover myself from their eyes.

All of their eyes widen at my naked body, and after a tense few seconds, the Rogue bursts out laughing. "Haha, it seems we stumbled upon a Lust worshiper during prayer!" she says between bouts of laughter. The rest of the group relax a little, and lower their weapons.

Feeling my face burn with embarrassment, I hang my head in hopes that the group won't think I'm a complete pervert. The sound of foot steps draws close to me, and I tense up wondering what is going to happen to me. I look up to see the LVL 5 Fighter close the distance, and hand me a cloak. He is blushing and averting his eyes, but I catch them glancing at me every now and again. He seems young, maybe 20 or 21, and has some stubble on his chin. His brown hair is cut short, and I notice his eyes are brown from the few glances he sends my way.

Taking the cloak from him, I thank him, turn around, and wrap the cloak around me. After making sure that it is secured and nothing can be seen I turn back around, still sporting blazing red cheeks. He nods and leads me back to the group. The Rogue has stopped laughing, but a glance in her direction reveals she still has a mirth filled smile on her face.

Walking up to the group the LVL6 Fighter, stands in front of me. He is much taller than me, probably 6 feet tall. As he takes his helmet off, I notice long blond hair tied in a knot. A few strands have fallen loose, and wave in front of his vibrant green eyes. His sharp chin finishes off his handsome face, and I blush again for other reasons.

"What is your name, and what is a LVL1 classless doing out here this late at night?" He asks in a commanding voice, that is also laced with suspicion. While he has sheathed his sword, and looks more relaxed, his shield is still strapped to his left arm, ready to defend against any attack I may try.

Looking to the ground, I shuffle my feet trying to find a way to answer him that won't reveal too much about myself. 'also doesn't help that he is also stupid hot.' Taking a deep breath to calm myself. I answer, "I got lost on my way to Blowton. When it got dark I was hiding in a tree not far from here. I heard you fighting and came to investigate, and to see whether you could help me or not."

"And the reason you're naked? You're dirty, but otherwise look unhurt, so I doubt you were attacked." He asks me after shooting the Mage a look.

"Ummm, I don't… really have an explanation for that." I mumble. I really couldn't think of anything, that would explain my lack of clothes.

He stares at me, and giving another quick glace towards the Mage, asks one final question. "Are you from another world?" I tense up, and my heart goes into overdrive. 'Shit! Why would he ask that?! What do I tell him? If he's asking that must mean that people get transported here all the time. Maybe there is a bounty on people like me.' my mind races for an answer.

"No… why would you think that?" I try and lie, knowing it won't fool anyone. I get ready to run away at the first sign of aggression. The man looks to the Mage again, and with a slight shake of her head, I try and run before they can grab hold of me. Turning around I run straight into the Rogue, who gently grabs a hold of me.

"Whoa! Calm down, we're not going to hurt you." I try and break away from her, but her grip is too strong, and nothing I do seems to work. "Seriously, you need to calm down. We can help you get out of here safely." The Rogue says, but I hardly believe her. I continue to wiggle in her grip, but all I manage to do is tire myself out. They likely only want to get me, so they can collect a bounty for turning me in.

"Honey we really only want to help you. We promise not to hurt you, and will only escort you to Blowton. Travelers like you, are common enough that most kingdoms set laws the require us to help you when you are found." a soft voice says from behind me. I turn to see the Mage with her hands open and to the sides, in a non-threatening manner. Freezing up from the sight of her, I recall what she did to the wolves. There is no way I can survive getting struck my lightning, and though she doesn't have her wand out right now, it wouldn't take long for her to draw it.

I slump in the Rogues arms, and let tears fall from my face. I come to a new world, get my dream body, only to end up captured, and likely enslaved. I knew it all seemed to good to be true. As I start to sob at my misfortune, soft arms wrap around me.

"please don't cry." the Rogue says softly to me. "We really won't hurt you, or do anything bad. It's part of our jobs as adventures, to find and escort you to the closest town." I really don't know if what they say is true or not, but even if I wanted to run, that will most likely end in my death. Either from this group, if they are lying, or from some monster lurking out in the woods.

Resigned to what fate my bring me, I nod my head and try and hold back my tears. The Rogue still holds me in a warm embrace, but all I can think of is that I have been captured. I can hear the rest of them start to move, and the Rogue turns me around, and places her arm across my shoulders. I numbly walk with them, and after a few minutes, we walk into a clearing. They have an unlit fire pit, that has packs and bed rolls surrounding it. The Archer approaches the pit, and taking out a piece of flint and their dagger, manages to get a fire started.

Still being held by the Rogue, I am led to a bed roll, and sat down. Everyone else finds their own roll, and the blond Fighter digs through, what I assume is his pack, and pulls out a spare bed roll and blanket. He sets them up next to where I sit, and says, "You can use this tonight. we'll sleep here until sunrise, then head back to Blowton. It should only take us a few hours, even at a slow pace."

I nod my head to him, but don't respond. He looks at me for a few seconds then turns and addresses the group. "Get some sleep everyone, I'll take first watch, then Mark, you stand watch until sunrise. Should be about 4 hours from now, so get what you can."

Everyone nods, and I hear some grumbling coming from the Archer, who I guess is Mark. Moving over to the roll that was laid out for me, I lay down and cover myself with the blanket. Though I tried to hold it in, I fall asleep crying.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of everyone moving about. All the bed rolls are packed up besides mine, and I sit up, clutching the cloak to cover myself from the chilly morning air. The Rogue steps up to me, and holds out a bundle of clothes. "You can wear my extra set of clothes. We seem to be the same size so it should fit, and I honestly doubt you want to walk into town in nothing but a cloak." I reach out to grab them, and look around for a place to change. "The bush over there will give you some privacy, and I'll keep watch to make sure nothing sneaks up on you. Oh! By the way my name is Alyssa" she holds out her hand again. Reaching up with my free and I grab hold and she lifts me to my feet. Timidly I answer with my own name.

"Melany. Thanks for the clothes."

"Sure no problem! Now come on, if we leave now, we can get to town before noon."

Following her to the bush, she turns her back to me, and I think about running away. I quickly toss that idea away, because they would easily catch me. I unfold the clothes, and start getting dressed. The pants are a dark brown, and thin, while the shirt is a cream color. they're nothing fancy, but I'm no longer naked, though I'm still not wearing underwear, and I don't have shoes, I'm still relieved to have something covering myself.

After getting dressed, Alyssa and I head back towards the group. Blond and dreamy, looks to have packed up the spare roll and blanket, and hands me some jerky. Nodding my head in thanks, I take a bite and try to swallow the dry salty meat down. He hands me a water skin, and I gulp down a mouthful of water, which seems to help the dried meat go down.

Still holding onto the water skin, I munch and drink breakfast, while he talks to the rest of the group. "Okay guys, lets head on back. Mark you take point, and scout the way back to town. Nero watch our right flank while I watch the left. Alyssa, you have rear guard, while Tiff stays in the middle with our guest."

"Her name is Melany by the way" Alyssa says to the group. She then gestures to each person telling me their names. Pointing to the Fighter with the spear she tells me his name is Nero, then pointing to the Archer, Mark, who I guessed correctly comes next. Tiff, or Tiffany, is the Mage. "And our fearless leader here, is Jonas." she finishes off.

Nodding my head to them all, I stay silent, still not sure whether they mean me any harm. Jonas, turns and gives the signal to start moving. Everyone in the group moves into position, and Tiffany the Mage walks along beside me. Looking over at her, she is still wearing a blue robe, that is cinched at her waist by a belt that carries her wand and a dagger. Her blond hair is tried up in a pony tail, and as she catches me looking her blue eyes give me a warm look. She looks similar to Jonas, so they might be siblings. Quickly turning my head to watch where I am going, I hear her say, "Hello Melany, I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot earlier, but we really are just escorting you to the city. Most kingdoms welcome Travelers, and will even award a "finders fee" for any groups that find them." I tense at the mention of an award, and they idea that a bounty has been placed on my head for transporting here blares warning signals. Catching my sudden unease, Tiffany tries to calm me down. "For nothing bad though! it's mostly to motivate groups to help out new travelers like yourself, and getting caught taking advantage of a new traveler carries a heavy penalty."

Again, I remind myself that there is little I can do to escape this situation. I am now surrounded by armed people, and the person I'm standing next to can shoot lightning, and who knows what else. I didn't even pick up my make shift spear! Though it would do little to nothing against anyone in this group, being unarmed leaves me feeling even more exposed than when I was naked.

Seeing that she hasn't really persuaded me that they mean no harm, she quiets down, and continues to walk. Either we get to Blowton, and they let me go which would be fantastic, or they turn me in and I get enslaved, which would suck wart riddled donkey dick, but maybe I could escape. Only need to wait and find out.