Becoming the Villain

(Percy's POV)

We are now inside of Zadicus "mindscape." which you could call Hell.

We are now sitting around a triangular table like last time. We usually have meetings in this place after a long day, we normally discuss our plans, etc but now... I want to behead someone.

If I am just strong enough, I will dislocate all his joints and make him look like a f*cking ragdoll.

"Why? Just why?" I asked Danny who was nonchalantly sitting in his chair with his relaxed expression. Zadicus just finished cursing and he had this tired expression.

"Do you think this is funny?"I said coldly. I want to rip his snake eyes right now.

"Look, It was a mistake, I saw a glint of light, I thought it was a knife. it was an instinct to protect oneself from danger." Danny justifying his actions.

"Then why the hell didn't you apologize? Why did you just leave as nothing happened?" I shouted.

Danny waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about that, we will meet again in the future. That's a sure thing."

"No! We must find her and properly apologize."I knocked on the table because I am really mad at this guy.

"Let's not waste our time on these trivial things. We will meet again if fate allows it." Danny's expression turned into something different. His snake eyes glaring at my soul! His black smoke becoming more menacing and his claws sharper. Fear envelops my heart. I was tongue-tied.

Danny rolled his eyes. I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

He seems to not care anymore.

"Do whatever you want, I'll take a rest." Danny shook his head and disappeared like smoke.

After a long silence, Zadicus rhythmically taps his finger on the table. His expression like he was thinking deeply. I didn't interrupt him.

What should I do about Danny? Now with our established separate identities,

I didn't really like two people occupying my body but I couldn't do anything about it. Zadicua is me, but I still prefer no one at all in my head.

Zadicus and Danny are more powerful than me. After several days of observation, I don't understand why Zadicus is why more powerful than I am or Danny from another world.

"Percy, I can't seem to understand him," Zadicus said.

"I indeed saw his memories, some of his thoughts but the thing is that I am not sure if I truly saw everything," I said seriously.

"Yes, I felt he was indeed hiding something from us..." Zadicus frowned.

"Well, I am not even sure if he indeed saw everything in our memory,"

"I agree, today was a bad day."

"Let's start training now, hiding away is just way too stupid. We have resources and connections." I seriously said.

Zadicus glared at me. I gulped but we need to discuss this.

"We will just talk to our Father, I am certain he will accept."

"Please drop the grudge now."

I tried to convince him for a very long time and he relented in the end.


I have a new schedule ahead of 'us'. It's kind of a routine and there will be not much free time, I don't mind though. Strangely, Danny is much quieter compared to before, he is not that annoying.

I cannot see his thoughts nor Zadicus. I doubt they can too. It was not like last time where Danny and I is... Merged, no no, It was more like suppressing me. We both thought we are one but thankfully no.

Zadicus is a person with great focus and determination compared to me or Danny. (Thinking about it, Zadicus is the ideal self of me?)

In training, Zadicus pretty much the one who trained this weak body until we are unconscious. Man, it hurts. I could not even stand up after waking up the next day. Danny even skips his day and gave me control of the body.

After getting used to the training for a while, we started to go to the library more as for Danny's request.

He gave an interesting thought.

"Ways to create new bodies for a soul."

An interesting Idea, unfortunately, as a mage, we are not exactly talented in Magic. In that certain book where my story was told, "I" or should I say Zadicus was defeated because of his lack of knowledge about magic. He relied too much on the Demonic Key. Fortunately, the demons he summoned is completely loyal to him.

I want to ask Danny about some of the future scenarios. As time goes by, the memories I saw was gradually lost, I don't know why.

"I don't exactly know the timeline. The book didn't explain the specific time and date. I only know the gist of it."

"I think, at this point. Roy and Lea's relationship is developing. They may be preparing for killing the Necromancer or they already killed it." Danny said nonchalantly.

Hmm, I want to shrug this uncomfortable feeling. There are so many girls out there and why does it have to be her.

"I doubt that there will book about body creation," I said in my head.

I am currently sitting at a random chair in this massive library. The amount of books never stops to amaze me.

"Well, I suppose we can read more histories," Danny suggested.

"You are interested in this kind of stuff," I mumbled. Danny is interested in this kind of stuff.

I continued to read until it was night already.


(Lea's Pov)

Fighting the Necromancer was a tough job, the amount of his cannon fodders is astonishing.

I surveyed the rowdy tavern, people celebrating the death of the Necromancer.

I was at the corner, silently drinking this apple juice.

I want to sleep, parties are good and all. I tried to enjoy it, but not really into this kind of stuff.

"Hey." A deep voice called out. I looked up and saw this tall handsome charismatic specimen.

He sat in front of me. I greeted him back.

"I suppose you never really liked parties and gatherings like this."

I just meekly smiled but I didn't say anything.

There was another long silence.

The sounds of laughter and joy echoed the entire tavern, everyone temporarily dropped their worries, enjoying the moment.

Roy started to talk again, narrating some of his childhood stories. I just silently listened.

He already said these stories many times before, the first time he saw a griffin, the time when he is training with his master, the cold air of the palace. Even though he grew up in that palace, he never felt belonging.

He has many siblings, but he is only close to one. His mother was a very controlling woman, he can't help but dislike her for a bit.

He never liked his father or any of his other moms. Everyone always has the energy to scheme.

Listening to his ramblings, I didn't realize I fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning, feeling a bit refreshed. I felt a bit embarrassed about sleeping in a public area. Maybe perhaps I felt safe at that time.

Right now, I found myself in my room, at the inn that we are currently residing in.

I can't help but think of him. We've been through a lot. I already noticed that I'm starting to have these weird thoughts. I'm not particularly shy about this kind of stuff. I know that I kinda liked him. And I think he too starting to get close to me than before. I want to take it slow. I have a lot of things to tend to.

I smiled and I stood up, stretching my body.

"I overestimated your strength, Lea."

I froze, remembering that irritating smile. He looked similar to Roy, both have charming handsome faces, the other has silky black hair and the other is ginger.

"I don't want to meet that guy again," I mumbled. I remembered that oppressive aura he had back when Roy arrived to pick us up.

My first impression of Percy is that just that a reckless, annoying, spoilt, arrogant prince but on that day, I felt a shiver on my spine.

I knew at that moment he is dangerous, I can't help but worry for Roy.

I don't want to see Percy again, however, Deep inside, I have this slight anticipation of meeting him again. I know we will meet again in the future.


(Danny POV)

After a month of training, familiarizing, reading, and adapting to this new environment.

I already got used to it, Even though it's a bit boring how repetitive things have gone. I learned a lot these days.

It's still a mystery why Percy's alive right now. Is Zadicus born from Percy's hatred? Will I believe his crap? Certainly No. Zadicus and Percy are entirely different people. I doubt Percy knew. He may saw all of my memories, but I doubt he'll remember all of it. it's like opening a book, skimming through. The amount of information is too much for just one sitting.

I can merge with these two but I can't afford to risk it. Zadicus is the Demonic Key's pawn.

I have a theory that the Demonic Key took a piece of Percy's soul and made a new identity, Zadicus. Remember that the Demonic Key feeds from souls, it too can manipulate it. It can slowly affect its user into feeding it with more souls. The mind and soul are tightly connected.

The Demonic Key back in the book pushed Percy into damnation and replaced him with Zadicus.

But there is a mishap while taking a piece of Percy's soul. Zadicus inherited Percy's feeling for Lea and it caused his defeat back in the book. His hesitation to kill Lea pushed him to the edge.

After the defeat of Zadicus, The Demonic Key has never been mentioned again. It was never found, The people thought it was destroyed but a few know the truth that it was hidden.

Zadicus was never meant to exist at this point. Only after breaking the user's mind can the demonic Key replace Percy with Zadicus. (Like Killing his beloved mother.)

But because I now existed, intervening with its plan, the demonic key has no choice but to release Zadicus earlier so that I could not fully take control of the body. It even used the memories I have, making Percy wary of my identity. He has his guard up to me but he never realized that he was slowly depending on the thing that fucked him back in the novel.

Even if I tried to convince Percy about my theory, I doubt he will believe me.

All I could for now is wait for the right moment to strike. I must have faith with Lea and Roy's plot armor to fuck the Demonic Key's plan all over again.


"Percy." The beautiful hot ass mama called out for me, I mean Percy.

Sitting on the bench, near the tree of the courtyard, reading that popular novel series that is starting to circulate the kingdom.

I sat beside her and she leaned on my shoulder.

"Are you going to fight for the throne?" She gently asked while closing the book in hand.

"Don't worry, I will not," I tried to reassure her but I doubt she will believe me.

"You've changed Percy." She said.

"People changed, Mother," I answered, She already noticed his son's unusual behavior since day 1. We might fool everyone but we can't fool her.

She suddenly sat upright again and pulled my head into her lap. She was weak but I can't resist, especially with Percy having a huge influence.

She gently stroked my head, singing her usual lullaby that lulls Percy to sleep back in the day. I feel her warm soft hands massaging my head.

I have this warm feeling in my chest, this is certainly Percy's feelings right now. But oh dear, he may have his influence on me, I influence him too. He can't deny that looking at this woman. There is blood rushing to my head.

Looking at her white beautiful skin, her raven black hair with strands of a few white hairs. With her smooth elastic skin, she doesn't even look old that much.

Percy is cursing at my head right now but I ignored it.

I admired this beautiful piece of art, I saw a lot of Percy's stepmoms this couple of days but almost none can contend with her beauty. Perhaps the Empress can only match her beauty. No wonder the Emperor placed great importance on this Woman. A loyal beautiful woman with no grand ambition to the throne.

She rarely schemed on others, as she never really wanted to fight with anyone.

"Mother, Do you love the Emperor?" I asked.

She seems surprised by my question, she smiled, lightly patting my head.

"Of course, I love him."

"If you need to choose, will you choose me or him?" I asked, curious about her reaction and pissing Percy off.

She frowned a bit but she smiled again, why do you always smile? She pinched my cheek, I can't help but smile too.

"I love both of you." She gently said, her voice's like the gentle breeze of wind.

"Why are you asking these questions?" She raised an eyebrow, while still pinching my cheek.

"Nothing, just curious," I said.

There was another long silence again, she looked up in the sky and sighed.

"Percy, I'm sorry." She said.

I raised an eyebrow, I sat up straight and looked at her seriously. I held her hands tightly.

"I..." She seems can't too speak it out but I realized it. She felt guilty for forcing Percy out of the competition. She controlled Percy for most of his life, suffocating the young man, forcing him to run out on his own, without prior skills and knowledge.

Weeks have passed and she finally said it. She took a long time.

I smiled, I took her head and forced her to lie down on my lap.

"I know mother, no need to say sorry. I understand. I'm not going to leave you behind anymore." I stroke her head, feeling the silky smooth hair. I coaxed her, comforted her with promises that I'll never go.

I sang the lullaby she always sang. She kept crying until she went asleep.

Looking at the side view of her face. I smiled.

Ironically, I mock the empress for being a son-con but, Percy's mom is too a son-con. Hahaha. Oh, dear Percy.

I lowered my head and softly whispered.

"I'll make you completely mine."


(A/N: I changed a lot of POV in this chapter. Is it okay? And Yes, Danny is into Milf.)