he's not gay

At home.

She stubbornly refused to go upstairs. He had no choice but to carry her up but she vomited at the top of the stairs.

"Xiao Yuyu!!!!" he was so angry but cannot do anything about it. This is the first time someone throw up on him and he just can't throw away the person who did this to him. He was so pissed.

He kicked his room door and brought her to the bathroom, he started to fill warm water on the tub as he removed his shirt on the shower. He was cursing.

"There will be no next time for you!" he nagged between scrubbing and rinsing himself.

He tossed all his clothes in the bin and washed himself totally. "If you cannot control your alcohol, you should stay on your level!"

He put on a bathrobe after his shower and attended the half sleeping woman.

"You stink. Hurry and take a shower!" he told her.

But the girl was just swaying trying to keep herself awake.

Losing his patience, he unbuttoned her blouse and sprayed warm water all over her.

When the vomit was rinsed off, he took a deep breath.

There's no other person here who will attend to her so he took up all his courage to take off her clothes.

Only two pieces of clothing were left of her.

He put some shower gel on her hand and guided her to scrub herself. It was the most torturous bath of his life. He wanted to toss her in the bathe tub but still, he put her in slowly.

After ensuring that she's rinsed, he grabbed another thick bathrobe and took her off the tub after rinsing. He steadied her with one arm supporting her waist and head while he used his other hand to take off her wet undergarments.

He was able to successfully put the bathrobe on her and carry her to the bed.

He tucked her in as he cleaned up the stairs and all the traces of her vomit.

Then, he moved to the bathroom and gathered all their dirty clothes.

He tossed it in the washing machine downstairs and cleaned up the bathroom.

He set up a laptop beside her and stuck up the password in front.

He looked for her phone in the car and deleted the call logs with her brother.

Then, he went back to the house, put the phone on the side table and went to her room.

He sent her a message before he slept on her bed.

The next day, she woke up with a splitting headache.

The sun was up and the room was so bright.

She slowly sat and relaxed her eyes.

The first thing that greeted her heavy eyes was the navy blue checkered comforter covering her.

Fear covered her heart, this is the cheater's room and she's not wearing anything except this thick bathrobe.

She looked around the room.

After some time, she realized that all is well and she was just drunk last night. She sneaked into her room, the man was sleeping on her bed.

She quickly changed into a comfortable outfit and headed out.

He woke up in hunger around ten in the morning.

This is the first time after so long that he stayed in bed this late.

He looked at his phone and saw her message.

Thank you for last night, sorry to trouble you. Don't wait for me, I have something today, eat and be busy.

She must have watched the surveillance last night and understood what happened.

He did not bother too much as it seems like all is normal now.

Still, he replied,

"What time will you be back?"

After a few minutes, he received a reply

"I'll be back before dinner"

He got up and busied himself.

She went back to their old villa and looked for her brother.

It was the weekend and as expected, he was just at home watching some film.

The house still looked the same, the helpers greeted her like the young madame she was.

"What happened?" his brother asked. She slumped herself at her old purple soft chair. "It seems like you are very troubled to get back here in spite of your worries that the clan will get back to take you and implicate me", he teased.

"Brother, I missed you. Why didn't you find me earlier?!" she complained.

"Why? Aren't you happy with your life? He can definitely protect you, you know.." he was referring to him being banished, ensuring his future family to be free from the clan. YaeFeng had explained this to him as soon as he heard that story.

"Seems like you two are very close. Closer than us! Did you know that he lied to me? They cheated me to live in his house and I just renewed my company contract. It feels like he's manipulating me" she said with a mixture of anger and disappointment.

Night paused the film he's watching and looked at his sister. He understood how many people tried to trick her and used her. When she was younger, a lot of people tried to pretend to be the lost Yao Yao she's looking for, then later, some families tried to be close to her just for her to find out that they are using her kindness to climb higher in the circle.

She distanced herself and decided to find a lowly school to study chemistry instead and change careers. Later, their adoptive father was ambushed and their family started to have threats from the Ming clan that separated her from her rich life.

On the other hand, he knew why YaoFeng was doing this. Five years ago, YaoFeng was the one who saved him from that ambush that took the old man's life. They were able to escape but some accidents happened and that included him losing the most prideful feeling of men.

He took care of YaoFeng as he was so guilty. During those years, they became brothers and this was the time she cut off ties so their paths did not meet.

Only months ago did he confirmed that he found the girl who's the only solution to his problem.

He also knows everything about her, how he took her in, provided for her, even made a lab for her in his own office.

When he started confessing he's falling in love with his little girl in just a week, he was shocked and the memory flashed back in his mind.

It was one time they meet up at a bar when he blurted,

"I want to marry her".

He was shocked. "Are you drunk? In less than a week this vixen was able to make you eat on her palm. Was it not enough that you have her in your office and home?" He took a mouthful of his wine.

"I'm serious. She's a very good person. She takes care of me like a nagging mother, she's innocent and I know that she's the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with", YaoFeng explained.

"You are crazy. Didn't you just say that she's nagging you like a mother, don't you think she's controlling you?" he debated with him.

"I like it the way she nagged me about not eating on time or working too much," he said dreamily.

"You just want to fulfill your manly needs. Just do it, you don't need to marry her", he replied.

"I cannot disrespect her", he glared at him.

"I'm starting to hate this vixen", he said to himself but enough for him to hear.

"Watch your words. She's not a vixen", he warned.

"She is a vixen to me. Just because she can make you hard on doesn't mean you can give her the world, let me see how good she is, go, I will decide for myself, make a video call now" he taunted.

Since YaoFeng was very proud, he called her.

The screen showed a background of his office, then came the woman busy with something, she was talking to them on wireless earpiece and the camera is at steady somewhere far.

She set it up like this in case her hands were busy when he called her.

She's not looking up and was busy with some chemicals but still able to talk.

"Boss, I'm still doing something, what's up?" she asked, pouring some liquid to another flask.

"Oh, nothing. I'll be home a little late, I have something on, don't forget to eat", he said.

"Hmm, you too, see you later", and the call ended.

He looked at Night who was staring at him dumbfounded.

When he recovered, he cursed.

"F*** you Ming YaoFeng that's my sister!!!" he said. "You can't do it. I will take her home. She cannot stay on the same roof with you!" he said frustrated.

"I thought she was not related to you until she told me about cutting off ties with her family. Only recently did I find out that you are related and I was hesitant at first. Later, I did not care." he said as if talking about the weather. He drank his wine and said, "I'm taking care of her very well. Besides, I'm not making any move. I just told you I wanted to marry her and you were just stopping me earlier", he coldly replied.

Night took a deep breath and was silent for a while.

The three of them met in very special circumstances.

He tried to contact her multiple times but hesitated as she was having a new life now.

But last night, YaoFeng gave him her new number and tried.

She's still the same.

He went back to his senses when he felt the girl moving around the house.

She took a slice of cake and some snacks and slumped back to her seat.

"Do you like him?" he asked.

She was munching on her cake and she shot him a piercing glare, "hm cun I wyk somwn who lies to me multiple times!!" she angrily swallowed her food.

"Disregarding the house issue, do you like him as a man? If he can give you a reasonable excuse for that house sharing thing, would you consider being together with him as a couple", he asked.

She stopped eating and think. She'd been very comfortable around him. She never thought about it but looking back, it seemed like they were living harmoniously like couples.

They watch movies together, eat together, cook together, go to work together, shop together, everything they have done is like….but they just didn't put a label to it.

She looked at her brother waiting for her reply and she glared. "Aren't you afraid I'm stealing your lover? Besides, trust is just one pillar of a strong relationship", she said.

"What do you mean stealing my lover? Did you meet Gracie?" he warningly asked.

"Is Gracie back? You still love her? How about YaoFeng?" she asked.

"What about him? Wait. What are you talking about?" Night was confused.

She was also confused. "Aren't you in a relationship with Ming Yaofeng? At first I thought he's our brother but he clarified and said you two are more than friends. Isn't he your lover? or its a one sided love affair? Probably!" she answered herself. "that's right! You still love Gracie, so he can't get into the picture. I see!" she was so excited with herself. "That's why he's keeping me. To get ahead and suck up to sister-in-law. Hmm.. If he give me a lot of money, can I sell you to him?" she asked her brother honestly.

Night shook his head. "He's not gay. Don't let your guard down. You might fall in love with him", he laughed.

"Hah! You're just saying that because you trusted him. Just you wait. You'll see him replacing Gracie soon". she was so certain with herself.

Night did not bother and let his sister face the consequences of her judgement. He trusted YaoFeng and it's all right with him if YaoFeng intend to keep his sister.

She remembered something and went to her old room. She looked for that thing that Ming Quinhao left her. When she found it, she put it in her bag and went downstairs.

She bugged her brother again.

"Are you going to give me money or drive me home?" she asked.

He looked up at her but her eyes sparkled like she remembered something and an idea flashed in her mind.

"I'm gonna take Teeya with me", she said running back to her room to get her car key.

Teeya was the one and only car she bought by herself when she started earning working at the company under their adoptive father's wings.

She's not guilty to take this as this is something she can consider as a fruit of her sweat.

She bid her brother goodbye and their cook gave her some take out of her favorite vegetables dumplings.

She was able to reach home when the sun went down.

She parked the car beside his and headed inside.

He was busy at the kitchen and heard her changing to slippers.

"You're home. Dinner will be ready in five minutes", he said.

She find it so natural that they are like that and the words of his brother flashed in her mind,

'Don't let your guard down. You might fall in love with him'

She went to the kitchen and unpack her take out.

She did not look at him but made casual conversation.

"Our cook prepared some take out, I'll reheat this and we can eat", she said without glancing at him.

He felt like something was wrong but he couldn't point it so he just let it go.

They eat silently and she was busy scrolling her phone while eating.

He was just eyeing her all the time.

"How is everyone?" he casually asked. Since she mentioned their cook, it means that she went to her old house.

"Everything is the same like how I left. It feels like nothing happened. I missed them", she said without looking at him, "Night is also good, he's doing great", if that's what you want to know, she thought to herself.

She's not angry, but not friendly as well.

"Did something happen? Do you have a problem?" he probed.