
She looked at him. After a while, she finished her food, "Nope. No problem at all". She said.

The dinner finished awkwardly for him, but for her, it's an ultimate nothing.

She stayed in her room the whole time after dinner.

Normally, on weekends like this, she will be staying downstairs with him either watching movies, reading or playing games while he does his stuff too.

But tonight, she spent her time alone pondering what she should do with her life.

Should she move out and rent another place, although she'll be paying double due to that stupid contract, at least she will not need to stay with him. Maybe she could ask one of the single girls

where they live, she could save rent if someone will share the fees with her, but it will really be tough as living in this house gives her mostly free meals.

She soaked herself in the warm bath she prepared while waiting for her hair treatment to finish. It's been a long time since she gave herself a long princess bath and she just wanted to relax her body while her mind was a mess.

If it's not for the conversation last night, she wouldn't have found out that she was made to believe this house was for company guests. She was also stupid at some point; she should have known about this since she worked in the industry before and all her company visits were catered by a hotel.

She must have been blinded by her eagerness to find a place around the area not knowing how the lives of regular employees work. She must have subconsciously thought that she's still a young madame being catered by a family in power or she wished back then?

As she was lost in thoughts, another person downstairs was breaking down out of fear and worry. Is she angry? What did I do this time? Why is she not spending the weekend night down here? Maybe she's sick? What if she's not feeling well? Should I go to her room? No. We never interfere with each other's privacy. But what if she's really sick and collapsed? Or Bumped her head while taking a bath?

After fighting with himself for a while, he grabbed his phone and sent her a message. The ten minutes waiting time was so long for him so he went up to knock on her door.

Nobody answered. The thoughts of her being sick flashed his mind.

She was showering when he knocked and she just turned it off so she did not hear him.

The second she swiped the shower curtain to grab her bathrobe was the moment the bathroom door was pushed with force and came a handsome face full of worry and fear.

What greeted him was a stunned little girl with very big eyes, unable to move from where she's standing.

If last time he was forced to touch some parts of her to help her from drunkenness, this time, he was able to see those parts with both of them sober.

He immediately closed the door and run back to his room,

When she heard the bathroom door and her bedroom door shut, she immediately grabbed her bathrobe and covered herself.

She wrapped her hair with a towel and got dressed immediately. She wore her most conservative pajama pair and rushed to his room.

She was so angry with him. But she stopped in front of his door. What will she do when she sees him? Would she have the courage to hit him? What if she stutters or falters?

She turned around and closed her door. He must also be shocked to see a woman naked. His preference is different right? So she should not worry.

In the other room, Ming YaoFeng cursed himself.

Why didn't he think of her just taking a bath? Because it's taking too long!!

Girls really do things slow, why did he cross the privacy line? Just worried about her, that's all

He was fighting to reason with himself.

The whole night passed and he was unable to sleep, every time he closed his eyes, he would see those innocent eyes looking at him and the curves that make him hard on.

It took him at least five times of aiding himself in the bathroom before he could find himself asleep.

The next day, he received a message from her.

"I'm off to see a friend, don't wait for me", she said.

He cannot afford to apologize in the phone so he replied casually,

"Alright, take care."

He spent the whole day reading advice from the internet. He learned how to post anonymously about his situation and he get a lot of response and their advices were becoming more frustrating as he scroll

She should have slapped you and you will reconcile with a kiss and do the deed

If she did not bother to confront you, she's not interested

She's leaving you because she thought you are a pervert

You did not clarify if you like to do her too, she thought you are disappointed with her body

She should have cried in front of you and ask you to take responsibility

All of it was just making him feel worse.

Now, he can't even consult Night because he was her brother and he will definitely misunderstand him going to her bathroom

He tried to call his psychiatrist but the secretary said he's out of the country having a holiday.

He felt miserable especially when evening came. He received a message from her,

"I'll be late, I'm meeting my brother. Eat dinner, don't wait for me",

He wanted to drown himself.

However, he can't even drink because he needs to stay focused as he might do something to her if he was taken over by alcohol.

The whole night was a torture.

In a bar, she met with his brother.

She's just drinking juice and not talking.

She'd been watching people but it seems like her mind was somewhere else.

"If you don't want to go home, just come home with me! We still have work tomorrow", Night complained.

"It's too troublesome. I want to drive my car," she said.

After another hour he stood up.

"I'm leaving, I want to sleep. If you want to stay, I'll ask someone to watch over you", he said.

She also stood up.

"I'm just spending time with you, I thought you liked it. Let's go then", she said shamelessly.

He was flabbergasted.

As expected from her sister.

Before midnight, Teeya was parked outside the house.

She did not notice the person behind the curtain in the room upstairs.

She headed straight to her room and slept.

His mind was so tired the whole day and he was only able to rest his mind before dawn.

When he woke up the next day, breakfast was already on the table and a note was left.

"I went to work first, finish breakfast and clean up",

He frowned.

He messed up really bad.

In the office, she just came out of her lab when he got in.

She did not glance at him and went out of the office.

Before he could say anything, Assistant Yu's head popped from the door,

"Boss, your nine o'clock is already waiting"

The boss looked at his watch.

"Okay, Yuyu, you join the meeting", he said without looking at her.

She followed the two behind. "What's up for this morning Assistant Xu?" she asked normally.

One of the secretaries also joined them.

"Quarterly company meeting," he said.

The boss was not in a good mood, and he needed Yuyu to oversee him since he cannot think properly. They were already getting on the lift when she heard it-

"Quarterly meeting? You go first, I'll get my laptop"

She left the group and ran back to the office.

She unplugged her laptop and grabbed her multi-colored marker. Rushed back to the elevator and stopped at the eighteenth floor.

She forgot to ask where the meeting room was on this floor.

Behind her, some older people were also rushing

Someone pat her shoulder, "Hey"

She looked back and it was Li Haoran. She smiled awkwardly because this is not the time for this. She needed to find the room.

Then his colleague reminded him

"Stop flirting around Mr Li, the meeting will start soon" his colleague patted him on the shoulder and went forward.

He looked at the little girl, this is his chance to make an impression.

"Ms Ming, I'll see you later, We have a quarterly company meeting and I need to represent the advertising team since my senior is on sick leave"

He bowed and left.

She followed him. At least now she knows where to go.

In the conference room, the CEO already has taken his seat while the others are filling in.

Everyone is very nervous but relieved when they see that the aura of the boss is neutral. This is the best time to make an impression, as he is not frowning or emitting a deadly aura.

Last friday, they all agreed that whoever made him frown will treat everyone to dinner.

However, as the last two people come in, the boss' eyebrows knotted as if he's having a headache.

The finance manager looked at the door and saw a little girl following behind Mr Li.

"Mr Li, This is the company's quarterly meeting, you don't have to bring your little girlfriend to make an impression", he said as if trying to make himself look good.

With that, Li Haoran suddenly turned around and saw the little girl behind him.

He grabbed her arm and whispered, "Miss Ming, you can't be here, I'll talk to you later, go out first as we have a very important meeting"

Assistant Xu and the secretary would like to laugh at these idiots but the temperature suddenly turned cold as they looked slowly at the CEO

It was Assistant Xu who acted fast.

"Mr Li, Please take your seat, the meeting will start", he walked towards them to close the door and Yuyu took the time to sneak into the room to sit beside the CEO.

Everyone was shocked but did not make any comment.

Li Haoran was also very shocked. He was just asking her to go out but now she's sitting eight seats away from him like they were not on the same level.

The CEO looked at assistant Xu and type "wipes" on his phone.

Secretary Yan was alert and she took wet wipes from her pocket and passed it to the assistant.

Assistant Xu immediately covered Yuyu as he pleaded with her to take the wipe and clean her arms.

She rolled her eyes at the three of them and followed.

Though everyone was not able to see it, those sitting closer were trying to take a glimpse of what's happening but they were followed by the CEO's deathly glare.