spat on his face

The older people already know her and what's happening and they cannot help but praise the CEO for his outstanding care.

The meeting started.

The little girl opened her laptop and was presenting her own version of reports as every head and representatives are showing.

Every time a department passes a folder to the CEO, he opens it widely for the four of them to see, and every time someone is presenting, the little girl will also present on her laptop.

It was the first time Yanyan saw how Yuyu works.

So this is the legend.

That's why the boss is keeping her inside the room, she thought,

After one presentation, she can no longer understand what's flashing on her laptop but the boss was beginning to be in normal work mode.

The people noticed that every time the little girl pressed her pen, she would write something on the paper and the boss would either nod or ask a question.

They realized that the pen is so powerful.

Instead of listening to others presenting, they watched the pen if it would move. Upon closer look, the people realized that the pen changes color.

If she clicked blue, the boss would nod.

If she clicked red, the boss would ask a question.

They watched and enjoyed this realization.

After the first presenter, everyone got the hang of it on how it's gonna work.

However, by the next and second department presenting, the girl did not use her pen yet the boss still asked questions.

Unknown to them, aside from her pen, the laptop also raises questions that make them sweat.

She only uses the pen because those are things she did not find on her own during her stay in the company.

Soon, it was the advertising team's turn.

Li Haoran stood up and tried to make eye contact with her before presenting however, she was busy with herself.

When the folder was passed to the CEO, she did not bother looking at it.

The CEO felt proud that she did not even glance at him.

Instead, she opened a small window to play pacman silently.

"Start presenting" the CEO commanded.

Li Haoran presented an advertising strategy that was given to him just last Friday. Although he did not participate in the brainstorming period he was able to deliver it smoothly.

He was even elated when he saw the CEO nodding.

In the middle of his presentation, the CEO asked,

"How long did you work on this Mr Li?" he asked with a clear face.

This is the time to impress her, Li Haoran thought

"I cannot get credit for this alone. Actually, I stayed with the team until late last friday." he said, trying to be humble.

He was sure that the team stayed late because he offered to get back at the office to send them home that Friday. The four colleagues were dead tired, unable to tell him anything but of course he was very confident.

The CEO nodded, "you presented very well. By the way, have you tried the blueberry mochi?" he asked,

It was one among the foods that flashed on the screen as an example, so he thought the boss was referring to this.

"I haven't tried it sir, but i'm sure gonna try it once given a chance", he said confidently.

The CEO's face turned sour and everyone watched nervously.

Will Junior Li Haoran treat them to a meal, hehehe

They watch as the CEO glares at the girl beside him.

"I did not ate the blueberry mochis alone,' said the girl without looking at the boss

She continued to run away from the ghosts in her mini game.

"Only four people worked last Friday and I shared the mochis with them, he's not there to taste it",

she said.

Everyone laughed.

Li Haoran was sweating coldly but was relieved when the CEO did not get angry.

His face was showing victory, did he won or something

Then without emotion, he passed back the folder,

"The advertising team changed their proposal strategy at the end. You can read this report.

They were not able to edit the presentation because someone, (he looked at Yuyu)

Made them eat blueberry mochi and take an hour break, then advised them that they will not need a presentation as long as they finalize the proposal on paper."

The folder was passed among the heads and when it reached Li Haoran, he already wanted to melt on the floor.

Luckily, the boss was not angry. Did the little girl plead for him? He must treat her again later.

"Next, ", the CEO called for the next department to report.

The finance team was elated. They know that they are one of the most accurate teams in this room every time they hold a meeting.

His face frowned when he saw the man presenting.

This was the person who match make Yuyu and the Li boy earlier.

The presenter tensed, but was able to start his screen.

Xiao Yuyu lost in her game and closed the tab.

She subconsciously leaned to him and whispered "what department?"

He also whispered to her, "finance" and she had goosebumps.

He just breathed on her ear and it sent shivers down her spine. Luckily, mostly everyone was looking at the wide screen.

Only Ming YaoFeng saw how her face blushed. (he's not gay, the voice of her brother flashed in her mind) and she subconsciously drank the water bottle in front of her.

A smile curved on his lips and he suddenly coughed to cover his emotion.

Seeing her blush and her tense action make him excited for nothing; her lips even touched his bottle.

Secretary Yan saw her taking the boss' drink and immediately put another bottled water beside her. Seeing another bottle landing on her table, while she's gulping on who knows who's bottle, she spat the water from her mouth directly to his face.

The finance presenter was flabbergasted!

Did she just spat on his face?

She continued coughing and he immediately wiped his face while patting her back.

"Continue" he said to the person presenting, as if, saying, mind your own business

The rest did not dare to look at their direction as the report continued.

The little girl also got back to her usual self as if nothing happened and turned her computer in a set of graphs and numbers.

She readied her pen and some of the team members were praying 'not red, not red'

Though her thumb touched the red button from time to time, she's not pressing it.

Everyone was relieved when she put down her pen.

At least they will still be able to cover the money they lost last month.

If they surpass this meeting, they can patch up for the next month.

Unknown to them, she opened a text box to talk to the CEO

Boss, are we going to fry them now?

He took over her laptop and replied

Fine with me. Better now than later

The two person behind them was also reading her screen

Connect me to the widescreen boss

She typed, and he took over the laptop once again

He intentionally placed his arms touching hers and she peek a nervous glance at him

The man seemed to not notice their arms touching and she cannot just pull her arm away as it would seem like she's putting malice to his actions

Soon, it showed, access granted. Him knowing how tense she felt with their arms touching stopped teasing as he leaned on his chair to watch the show

She went back to her folders and looked for her own finance report

She timed her action

When the presenter said,

"Now, here is the report of this quarters' finance,' then he pressed on the next slide

At the same time,

Yuyu pressed the present now button on her screen

The presenter did not notice any changes on the screen as he continued with his report confidently

"Our company was able to double the profit from collaborating with the Shis;

This line shows our neutral income

And the one here is the one billion investment we lost, but we can patch it up on the next month"

Everyone made a murmuring sound.

One billion loss??

The finance group was the first one to get over the shock.

The presenter and his assistant tried to change the slide however, the screen is not moving

The other two people from the finance department also don't know how the missing money came out. Now they realized that it was lost.

"Senior Tang, I've been looking for that money for three weeks now! I was not sleeping, and you keep on saying you have it in your record, now I understand what record are you referring to"

He was so upset because he'd been trying to sum up all and tried all the formula possible but there really is a missing amount.

Senior Tang tensed.