
Top Floor.

Secretary Lun sent Xiao Yuyu a message to come out to receive something.

When she see the girls, everyone was pointing at the two game consoles that arrived.

Her eyes twinkled in excitement. She currently has not time for games because of the coming product launch, but if she can have these babies after, then... wait.

"Is this for me? Why there are two?" she asked them.

"The senders are different so there's really two for you" Yunru replied. She looked at the notes.

"I am your fan. Please accept my gift!"

"I am your fan, can we be friends?"

The hand writings are different. So two people sent them but none of them is her husband. She felt conflicted.

"Yuyu," the internal line called out.

She panicked. "Alright, all of you, don't tell the boss that I receive gaming stuff. He will think I am not working. Assistant Xu, hide these for me until I find a way to get them." she hurriedly instructed them.

"I will treat you all next time to a meal!" she did not forget to bribe and everyone laughed at how guilty she is for receiving gaming gifts.

Inside the office.

"What's taking you so long?" he asked.

She sat on her chair and moved closer to her husband.

"Hubby," she started.

He looked at his wife. He knew it, when she calls him hubby, it's when there's something she wanted in her favor.

"Hubby, am I pretty?" she asked coyly.

"Prettiest." he replied pulling her to seat on his lap.

She enclosed her arms around his neck. "I know right. So I can attract fans even if I'm not doing anything." she peck on his lips.

"Hubby, can you promise to say 'okay' to me after my next sentence?" she asked pouting her lips and batting her eyes.

He cannot think of anything else so he agreed. She did not say anything though.

He took a deep breath and said, "I promise to say 'okay' after your next sentence."

"Hubby I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gaming!" she said as fast as she could.

He was just looking at her excited face. When he did not reply, she repeated

"Hubby I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gaming!" and eyeing him to say okay.

"Finish your work and we will go home soon". Since he did not say okay, she will keep on using only that sentence until he fulfill his promise.

"I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gaming!"

When he did not reply again, she did not stop talking,

"I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gaming! I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gaming! I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gaming! I want to accept gifts from fans because I'm good at gam-

"Okay!" he cannot endure that for long so better not torture himself.

His wife jumped to him and gave him a very long french kiss he almost forgot that they were at the office. She was aggressive and her being on top made his arousal immediate. His hands worked on her body and when she felt the bulge on his lap, she immediately press a button

"Bring the gifts inside," she called to Assistant Xu and excitedly sat on her chair.

The door immediately opened and the CEO has no choice but to pull himself closer to the table to hide his erection. He cursed and wanted to strangle his wife for making him hard but not helping to end it.

You are playing with me, I'll make you beg tonight, he thought.

Watching her unbox the gifts, he cannot help but worry.

"Yuyu, Leave the gifts at the secretariat." he commanded.

She felt aggrieved. He just agreed earlier that she's allowed to receive gifts, and now he's taking it back?

"I can buy you the same console. I just don't want you to accept gifts because later on, the sender will want something in return." he explained.

She looked at him and remember the notes. One wanted her to accept the gift, another wanted to be her friend. If she accepts the gifts, that means she's accepting friendship.

She immediately pushed away the stuff and hugged her husband. She knew they can afford it. She just learned to value things when she experienced poverty that's why she's a bit reluctant to not receive it.

YaoFeng was so proud of himself. Not only was he able to send away rivals. He was also well loved by his wife. "Buy me tonight. No console, no kissing," she whispered as she press a button and called for someone to get away the gifts.

He dropped his jaw. How can he make someone deliver tonight, there's an order cut off right?

Assistant Xu came back to take the stuff away. He felt sad for Xiao Yuyu because he knew that the boss did not allowed her to accept them. But when he came in,

"Make sure that the gifts are displayed in the secretariat until someone admits sending it." she commanded.

Is there something wrong with the sender, he thought? Probably, another trouble?