don't say no

Three more days come and the gifts were piling up in one side of the secretariat. Everyone got used to it and treat it like a little english christmas tree only that, the recipient is only one person.

Come Friday, Cheng MeiMei went at the top floor to look for either Xiao Yuyu or Ah Feng. She have some folders at hand from CEO Wong and volunteered to deliver it. She was very positive that the little girl is already looking forward to see her secret fan. To her surprise, her pile of gifts greeted her when she turned the corner to the secretariat after getting off from the lift.

Her face frown but tried to shake it off and walked to one of the secretaries with a smile.

"Hello! Is the CEO or Xiao Yuyu inside?" she asked as politely as possible.

It was Ying Tai who's the nearest "They just went out. They'll be back in the afternoon. You have something for signature?" she asked.

Cheng MeiMei thought for a while. "No, not yet. I just have some questions about something. I'll just call her then." she said and was about to leave, she turned, "you are piling gifts here?" she inquired with a polite smile.

"Ahh that. Xiao Yuyu is receiving a suspicious gifts from a psychotic fan. The CEO stopped us from receiving it. If no one claim it back, it will be donated or given away." Ying Tai was very honest.

"Wow! so lucky. Anyway, my name is Cheng MeiMei, I'll check later if she's back." She smiled and left.

I should have written my name! She thought as she realized the effort was wasted. She thought she's a psychotic fan? Had she known she's that wary, she should have made bold friendship! Youngters today have a very defensive side, she thought.

Staying in the company is easy. Back in country M, she already hired someone to prepare all her project materials. Even the launch and sponsors were all in her calendar. She just need to give Elder Wong a supporting idea everyday to show she's working on the project but in reality, her goal is to have a chance with the CEO. She needs to apologize about the past and check if there really is some connection between them before she resign herself with her fiance whom her family arranged for her. She understood that he was angry for loosing his internship but if they can move on from the past, since all is well in his life, they are already a match.


In the ground floor lobby, a bouquet of roses sat beside the receptionist. It was so eye catching you will really glance at it even if you don't have interest. Li Haoran was positive that Xiao Yuyu wanted flowers. If not, she can send it back immediately like how she send back his coat and the drink right? But she did not return the first rose he sent her, so she at least must have liked it.

Elder Wong was getting off work early that day as he does every Friday. His assistant is already waiting outside the lobby when he passed by the eye catching flower. "Tantan, who's the guy?" he asked looking at the flowers.

"Hello elder Wong. Haoran is not giving up. He said, Xiao Yuyu will come pick it up but she never go to this lobby. I already told him to give up." she said shaking her head in dismay.

"Hah! Let him be. He should experience defeat with a well fought battle." He turn grinning.

"Goodbye Elder Wong!" TanTan said.


Yuyu and YaoFeng arrived in the office past three in the afternoon. She was happy with the previous days. Her product completed test and has been approved in the market. She designed that external painkiller for children and adults initially because of her own emotional pain way back then, although it will not sooth the pain in the heart, she cannot think of anything back then so it became a remedy for other pains. She didn't know that it would be her first creation for the world to enjoy thanks to her supportive husband. It was really very little compared to what she's actually brewing, but starting small is good already.

Currently, she's brewing a different formula. But this one is exclusive and will be very dangerous if others get their hand of it. She called it, the emergency pill. Her target market is the wealthy children who are prone to kidnapping. There are two versions. One is for trained children, and the other is for weak children. She was very optimistic on these projects and she really get to use her home lab and office lab.

The two of them were taking a rest when YanYan called. She picked up

"I can't go down. My feet hurts. I'll call them." she hung up and press another button labeled lobby.

"TanTan, hello! This is Yuyu. My feet hurts! I''ve been walking the whole day out with the tall CEO," she said pitifully while looking at her husband. She smiled and continued, "our boss' legs are long and he walks too fast I've been following him around! Can you send it up here then?" she asked.

He watch as his wife plays coy "Alright, Thank you Tantan!" and she hung up.

She looked at her husband and hugged him. He pushed her on the chair and lifted her right foot.

"Ahhh" she was shocked with the sudden action but after a while, she already enjoyed her husband's touch and a moan escaped her mouth.

"Be quiet! They will hear you." he warned.

"ummm hubby, so good.." she really liked this.

He stopped because he remember something else looking at her pleasured face and hearing her voice. She lifted her other foot to him, "the other one as well hubby" she smiled pleadingly.

He has no choice but to help massage her other foot but kept the force minimal so she will not moan. The door opened and it was Assistant Xu who delivered the flowers to her.

The CEO glared at the two of them and she also glared at the poor Assistant.

"I don't eat flowers Assistant Xu," she said, but still picking the note just to check who's the sender.

Still, it was Li Haoran. To appease her husband, she took the phone and dialed his local number.

Li Haoran was not prepared and was unable to speak when he heard that voice,

"Li Haoran, advertising how can I help?"

"Hello Mr. Li. This is Ming Yuyu. I received your flowers but I am sorry I cannot accept them. Shall I return it to you?" she asked as if, he's really taking her time.

"n.. no.. no need." he stuttered.

"Alright then, I'll just give it away. Thank you!" she hung up.

She turned to Assistant Xu, "You can give it to the secretaries outside" she said kindly. Then turned to her husband and appease him.

Afterward, she received an internal call,

"Xiao Yu, we are going out tonight. You should come, I will introduce everyone to my new boyfriend, and he wants to meet all of my friends at work, that includes you.. please don't say no" she pleaded.

She thought for a while and decided to agree. After hanging up, she sat on her husband's lap and disturb his rest.

"Hubby..." she started.

Here we go again, YaoFeng thought to himself. "Okay" He chuckled when he saw the surprise on his wife's face. "Ahh hubby! You are so good to me! agreeing without knowing! Such a good husband! So I will tell you anyway even if you already agreed!"

She pulled his tie towards her and kissed him first.

"You remember my first friend here Ying Tai? She has a new boyfriend and he's treating us all to a meal. He wanted to meet her friends at work and this is my first time being invited to go out with 'friends at work'!" she looked so excited he cannot bear to take back his agreement.

"I will talk to them before you leave" he only said and kissed his wife.