YaoFeng is different

That night, she went with the girls and ate with them.

Ying Tai's new boyfriend looks nice and polite. She was happy for this person as she was able to find a new love. After the meal, some of them decided to stay for a drink, it was then when she received a call. She excused herself and went out to answer a call.

It was her brother reporting how she needs to be home next Sunday as he will introduce his girlfriend. She was not able to understand her brother on the phone because a man and her husband were talking on the other end of the balcony.

She did not know that her husband has a meeting here too? So that's why he agreed to let her go out with the other girls, she thought. She was about to get back to her phone call but she caught a very disturbing topic.

"Was she able to cure you?" the other man asked.

"I don't need to be cured. I married her." It was her husband talking about her.

"Well, there's nothing to worry about then if you married her already. Just see if she can give you children, then just cultivate the love. If not, then just take the child and get a divorce."

the other man advised him.

She almost lost her balance. She did not hear the next reply of her husband because her surroundings went blank.

Cure? Was he sick? Take away the child? Why take away? Divorce? Is that it? All of these nice things, is because he wanted a child? No. Can't his girlfriend give him a child?

Fear surfaced her heart. She needs to be calm. She needs a plan out.

She married a person who's just using her? No. YaoFeng is different. He was Yao Yao the little boy she saved before. She has to figure this out.

She gather up all her courage and said goodbye to her friends saying something came up and she needed to go home as soon as possible.

She went back home and turned on her computer. She accessed the company employees information and looked for Cheng MeiMei's information. Then she typed some codes to access something and found out that she's cleared from her assumptions.

She worried more and typed her husband's name. Her heart beat fast as she absorb the information. Just appointments. No other details. Seems like someone has deleted data on the system.

She deleted all traces of her logs and turned off the computer.

She calmed herself and looked around her. The study room is neat and there's just one file cabinet. She tried the drawers one at a time. Soon she found a folder at the bottom of the drawer.

She immediately fumbled and read on the papers she found out with shaking hands.

He has an erectile dysfunction due to an accident five years ago. All the treatments and schedule are arranged in chronological order. And it stopped this year.. when she started at the company.

She almost lose her balance but continued to absorb information. He also contacted doctors outside the country. And even the White's family doctor? Wait.

If he was friends with Night and their ambush was five years ago, then, Night knew this?

She put the papers back and checked that everything is at place.

She took a shower and cleared her mind. She needs a clear mind. This is too sudden.

If he was sick, how come he was so experienced every night? Or did he marry her because she's the only one who can do it with her?

She slept with knitted brows and when her husband arrived, he watched over her the whole night waiting for her to wake up from a nightmare or fever.

He was only able to sleep when she started to snore.