
When they arrived home from the airport, the two of them had no time to talk. She just wanted to sleep.

It was the weekend and they don't have to go to work so they can sleep and wake up late.

It was already ten in the morning when he was awakened by the continuous ringing of his phone.

"What now?" he asked on the other end.

"That's good then. We can cover the issue while we figure out what's happening again or if it's the same person," he said.

She was almost awake having a faint understanding of the situation.

"No I can't bring Yuyu along. She's tired."

"I'll go there now." He hung up and got dressed.

Yuyu turned and watched her husband busy himself.

"Baby, I have to attend something very quickly and I'll bring you food afterwards okay," he said and gave her a long kiss.

She was left dazed.

After an hour, she sent him a message,

"Can I go out to eat?"

In a newly opened perfume boutique, the officials of Ming Corporation are having a pictorial to celebrate the warm praises of the public to this new product.

Although the Ming Corp is just an umbrella, they will use this publicity to strengthen the company as another enemy is detected to play dirty tricks on them.

His phone buzz and saw her message

He dialed her number and did not see them get connected when Cheng MeiMei looked over..

"Oh Ah Yao, come over after your call. Uncle and Auntie Wong wants to see you,"

He ignored her and turned to his phone which he placed on his ears.

"Hello," she pick up

"Sorry I was not able to get back. Do you want me to order for you?" he asked

"No need. You call back so late, I already ate whatever we have," she said without a problem.

"Okay, I'll hang up now, there's something I need to attend to." he said

She said goodbye and felt like not eating anymore. 'Liar. Just have something but it was clearly Cheng MeiMei's voice she heared. Was he using the excuse that she was tired so he's not bringing her to where ever that is? hmph!'

She just wanted to go to sleep but her tummy growled.

She went down and rummaged for food but couldn't find what she wanted.

She took the car key and drove outside.

Soon she found herself going back to their old house.

Maybe, when she's sad, she tends to go home? She thought.

When she opened the door, it was their cook who greeted her.

"Our Yuyu! You've grown! Look at you, have you been eating too much?" they hugged each other and chatted a little before she remembered,

"Actually, I am very hungry, please feed me." she made a pitiful face and pout.

"Go up to your brother, I will prepare you favorites," she smiled and ushered her to find his brother.

Yuyu went to the second floor and found her brother busy with his laptop

"Wow! Sister, good good your here. I need your help," he said.

She entered the room smiling.

"I missed you. What do you need?"she asked.

"Listen. Remember Gracie? We're okay, I think, we're getting back together so I need to find some gifts before I go meet her parents," he said. "I told you ove the phone remember?"

"Wait wait. Gracie your first love? But it's been years! How? Fill me up!" she said excitedly.

"Alright." Night was excited too to share the news. "So a few weeks ago, we crossed paths. At first, we kept on fighting and throwing each other the blame of the past. Then, we realized we are both at fault, so when we shared a project unknowingly, we were able to settle our differences and apologize. That's all we need to move forward. Then we started dating again. This time, it's easier because our past supports us. Every time we have a disagreement, we will just look back and we'll be able to clear anything in front of us. Now, she said she will bring me home tomorrow to meet her family and I need to find gifts for my in-laws. Now, your job is to help me find gifts." he stood up to give way to her.

She smiled at him and sat on his chair.

"List down the gender and age of her family members, I'll take care of this," she said.

"So how are you and YaoFeng? He seemed busy he's not looking for me." he asked

"We are good, we just arrived from a collaboration, I was very tired," she said to divert his questions

"Tired? You look like a pig. Did he just let you sleep and eat at the office?" he questioned her

"I also play games. I'm too tired. He uses my brain on meetings," she said defensively.


The cook called for her and she went down to eat

"Come! Come! Auntie, let's share my favorite sharksfin before I leave,", she said. She chewed and ran to the faucet to throw up.

She came back to the table with a pale face, "who else worked with you in the kitchen?" she asked suspiciously.

"I am the only one who handles the kitchen on weekends, why? You are so pale?" Nana Luo asked back.

"I vomited the food. There's something wrong with the food," she said looking at her straight in the eyes.

The cook also looked at her and took her hand.

Without taking off her eyes, "the food I prepared is safe. You must be pregnant, but I'm not sure. When was your last period?" She asked.

Their cook, Nana Luo, served the Whites for a long time and knows how to read pulse but not confident.

Still, her eyes grew big in shock. Her last period was…. At the office a few weeks ago? Or months?

"I will prepare some food you may like, that you can bring home with you, does your brother knows?" the cook knows when to keep something a secret.

She shook her head and stood there dazed. Pregnant...she could be pregnant

But her husband was just getting back with his college sweetheart...


She dropped by the drugstore to get three different types of pregnancy tests and went home.

She checked her phone and there's no text or call. She felt sad at some point. It seems like their relationship was getting off the road.

She immediately went to their room and prepared the kits. Soon, two lines appeared on each test kit. She hugged them. She's pregnant. She's going to be a mother. In case they get a divorce and he goes back with Cheng MeiMei, at least she will have his child. She can migrate and raise their child alone.

She can't explain her sad and happy emotion as she hid the three test kits in her treasure box.

She heard the sound of his car and cleaned up the room taking away traces of what she did. She was so in a hurry she cannot reopen and close the chess box where she got the queen key so she just put it at the bottom drawer.

She wiped her face and wore a bright smile before slowly coming down the stairs.

"Hubby, you are home. Are you hungry?" she asked.

"I am full. I ate at the event." he said. He took off his coat and headed upstairs. He felt so dirty with so many people shaking his hands and old people hugging him he doesn't want his wife to get a virus. "I'm going up first to take a shower," he said without kissing her.

Her heart ached. Normally, he would always kiss her or hug her or even pat her head. But now, he did not even…

Never mind. I cannot be sad. I have to be strong and happy so the baby will be healthy.