within an hour

The internal line rang and he picked it up. "The people from the Lee Corporation are here for the monthly meeting of the project." It was Assistant Xu.

"Okay, I'll be there." He released the button and took a deep breath. They have not yet discussed previous matters and now, he just added another problem. YaoFeng can only take another deep breath before he kneel down and kissed his sleeping wife softly.

"I'll be back." he whispered.


When Yuyu heard the door opened and shut, she slowly opened her eyes. Yuyu felt her nerves relaxed as if she'd been recharged. Her determination to hide the children is now concrete. She can no longer give him a chance to hurt her or the babies inside her will also be affected. No matter what the reason is, he has no right to hurt her.

Yuyu looked at the time, it's still very early and people are busy with work at this hour. If she's leaving, this is the best time! She looked for some snacks that her tummy is compatible with and recharged herself. She drank water and also put another bottle inside her bag. She planned her escape very well.

She lifted the office phone and looked for Assistant Xu. Luckily, the CEO left him to watch over the door and brought Secretary Lun instead to attend his meeting.

Yuyu went out and talked to Assistant Xu.

"Assistant Xu, sorry if I left you earlier. I was not feeling well, there's a perfume that made me dizzy on that elevator." She was so apologetic and Assistant Xu understood.

"Don't worry Xiao Yuyu, my wife always leaves me too when she needs to vomit." Upon realizing what he said, a faint idea registered on his mind but he was distracted by the lady boss.

"Please bring my laptop. We are going out, you have to come with me." she said leading the way to the elevator. This elevator is safe for now as the CEO just used it earlier right? She was carefully thinking of her next actions.


At the parking lot.

"Assistant Xu, drive me first to the hospital. I will tell YaoFeng that I am with you and we are using the car," she said as she sat comfortably at the back seat.

Thinking that she's unwell like the secretaries mentioned earlier, and Xiao Yuyu said as well herself, Assistant Xu followed and did not doubt her. They took the road to the hospital.

"Do you have the company card with you?" Xiao Yuyu asked all of a sudden. she did not give Assistant Xu a chance to reply. "Can I borrow money? The CEO will pay you back of whatever amount I take," Yuyu inquired and assured the very innocent Assist Xu.

When the light turned red, Assistant Xu fished out his card from his wallet and passed it to the lady boss.

"Don't worry Xiao Yuyu. You can use all of it. It's a company card under the CEO's expenses." He assured her with a big smile. Unknown to him, the lady boss will really use all of it.


YaoFeng was attending the meeting with the Lee project when he received a message from her.

"I borrowed Assistant Xu to drive for me. He will be back after an hour."

The message was very casual but he felt like it was sent by another person. He cannot feel the cheerful wife or the woman who loves to play coy with him.

He did not reply as he planned to call her after the meeting. The meeting is about the progress of one of their successful projects. It's supposed to be a good news but his face remained dark all through out.


While on the way to the hospital, Yuyu received a notification from the secretariat. They are gossiping about Cheng MeiMei's social media post. Yuyu scrolled and turned off her phone. She already saw those pictures when they were in Kanagawa. She will not bother looking anymore or she will only hate her husband more.


"Assistant Xu, I will be very quick. Do you want to wait for me here or go with me inside?" Yuyu asked. She knew that even if he chose to come with her, she's not sure if the doctor she needed to see is available, plus, she's already leaving her husband. Ii will not matter if Assistant Xu finds out that she's pregnant.

"I will wait for you here so we will not need to park," Assistant Xu said as he stop in front of the lobby. "I will wait for you over there," he added pointing on a vacant area where he can hazard.

She immediately got out of the car and went inside the hospital.


At the lobby, Yuyu saw an ATM and tried to withdraw money from the card. She felt blessed that the card is working. She only left the change of one hundred something yuan.

Yuyu visited the OB and luckily the patient's scheduled that time did not arrive so she was able to get that slot. She asked if it's safe for the three of them to travel by air and if there's anything she can take to prevent vomiting on the trip.

The doctor was very helpful and write notes for her as precautions for travelling.


It did not take long and Xiao Yuyu was back.

Assistant Xu was silent. While waiting earlier, he just saw the pictures of Cheng MeiMei and the boss in their group chat, and he can't help but worry. He always put the lady boss in the position of his wife and it would really hurt her to the point he will be eaten up it it was him on the photos!

He glanced tentatively at the lady Boss and she seemed unaffected.

"Drive me first to the airport Assistant Xu. I need to see my sister," she said.

He followed her thinking that they are going to pick up Xiao Yuyu's sister at the airport.

As they traveled, Yuyu researched the weather in London where she last heard of her sister.

"Assistant Xu, let's stop at that store. I'll just buy something," she said as she pointed at the store across the road selling clothes.

They went inside and she bought a thick coat for her and a blanket. Yuyu used the company card issued to her. Later, she will also empty this card like Assistant Xu's.

At the airport she was looking at the flight schedules.

Without taking off her eyes on the board, she called to him, "Assistant Xu, I know that your wife is giving birth soon, but may I ask, how much money can you lend me if I borrow money from you just now, I can return it later when you get back to the office," she assured him.

"Well, if you will return it, I will lend you five hundred thousand yuan," he said calculating.

"Thank you Assistant Xu. Hurry now, I need to find my sister so transfer the money via wechat."

Assistant had no choice but to transfer the money to her.

"Wait for me here, I will get something for you." She left and did not waited for him to follow.


Yuyu went to buy a ticket and pass Assistatn Xu an envelope as she comes back.

"Give this to my husband so you can get your money back. You have to go back first to the office. I'll meet my sister by myself, she will take care of me," she said as she ushered him to go.

Assistant Xu has no other choice but to follow.

Even if he did not see who that sister she is meeting, maybe she needed a private time with her sister, or she doesn't want his presence, well, at least he can report back to his boss.

Assistant Xu said his goodbye and left her sitting in the waiting area.


Before an hour ends, Assistant Xu was able to come back to the CEO's office to face his waiting boss.

"Boss, Xiao Yuyu went to see her sister." he said beaming.

"She also told me to hand this to you," he passed him the envelope.

(He already felt conflicted. Isn't it that she cannot find her other siblings? His eyebrows are knitted as he receive the thing from the Assistant)

He opened the envelope and checked. After reading what's inside, he stared at his Assistant and took out his phone. Soon, after typing something, Assistant Xu's phone was notified of a transfer. The letter in the envelop will really send back the money that Xiao Yuyu owed! He smiled satisfyingly and kept his phone inside his pocket.

"Boss what did it say?" he asked smilingly.

The boss passed him the paper and he was shocked

'Please pay 500,000 to Assistant Xu'

(that's it? no other warm words?)

Now, the boss was looking at him as if asking him to give back his wife since he gave back his money. Assistant Xu's face fell.

"Boss," he started pleadingly, "She said I have to go back within an hour here," he scratched his head.