a pawn

Since she was so full of these negative thoughts, she decided to confirm her standing by herself. But first, she needs concrete truth. She wanted to plan ahead and took some formula from her lab.


Night cancelled an important meeting to meet his sister who's asking him to pick her up at the lobby of YaoFeng's office. He always listens to Yuyu when she's too demanding during office work time because in the past, when she said something urgent, it's always really urgent.


"Hubby, Night is coming over to pick me up. We have some White matters to discuss, plus he's bringing a girlfriend on Sunday, he already went to her family last weekend, I think they are really back together," she said while taking some drinks from the fridge.

YaoFeng never doubted her as the story is really believable and actually the truth; he agreed and went on with his work.

The truth is, she just said that. Their meet up has really nothing to do with Night's girlfriend.

Soon, her brother came and she got into his car.

"I know you are very busy so drink this to pave your thirst as I only have 10 minutes to spend with you," she said handing him a drink.

"What?!" He took the bottle and uncapped it. "Are you playing me! I drove all the way here just for a ten minute talk with you?" he complained as he drank straight from it.

She watched him and started the conversation.

"Why didn't we talk over the phone?" he complained.

Then his eyes started to lose focus. When he looked like he's back, she started a conversation.

"I already know what happened five years ago," she started. He kept on drinking and when he finished, she looked at her watch.

"I am your pampered sister and loved by all. I lived far away to keep all of you safe. I lived the hard life almost begging for food or skipping meals," she sounded pitiful and aggrieved.

Then she suddenly diverted to another topic, "Why would Ming YaoFeng want to marry me?" she asked, confusing her intoxicated brother.

Once the emotions are triggered, the effect of the formula is to confuse the person and make them tell the instant idea that comes to their mind.

"Because you are the only one who can make him a man. It won't work with other women." He said as if he was possessed.

She already expected that, but he still gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now that his brother didn't know they had a child, she still can salvage it, but the problem is, she got married without consulting any of the Whites she felt so weak she didn't know what to think.

She stayed with him until the effect of her formula was gone.


Cheng MeiMei used an excuse to talk about the collaboration of her perfume to be able to enter the CEO's office. The boss was currently on a phone call and the door just opened as Assistant Xu came out.

"Is Xiao Yuyu inside?" she asked as she got in.

"Nope, just the CEO," he looked at the CEO who signaled to close the door and Cheng MeiMei took the opportunity to get inside to talk to the busy man.

YaoFeng sensed her presence and distanced himself but behind him was the wall.

Cheng MeiMei smiled and walked towards him.

His aura changed to a colder one and he finished the call immediately.

She was inches away from him.

"What do you want?" he asked arrogantly.

"I just want to check if there's really nothing between us Ah Yao. My family will marry me to a man I do not like and I just want to see if there's a spark in us," with this, she immediately grabbed his neck and kissed him forcefully.

He grabbed the girl but he cannot shake her off so he changed their position so he can push her on the wall and disable her. As soon as he did that, the door clicked and Yuyu came in.

The two of them immediately let go of each other, afraid that people will misunderstood. Cheng MeiMei did not also mean it to be like that. She just took the chance, her main goal is to be friends with Xiao Yuyu.

However, the person who came in seemed to not care about them.

She looked so dejected and walked like a zombie towards the little dining room.

"I am so hungry," she looked at the two of them as if asking them if they have food. (So, I am just a pawn here? Bear a child for the two of you? She was so depressed, but still cover up her thoughts well)

"My brother just left without treating me to a meal, I have to look for my other two siblings and I'm so tired. Can you order food for me?" she asked them.

Their brows frowned. Didn't she just see them earlier or was she not looking?

YaoFeng grabbed the phone and ordered food for her.

She went to the fridge and looked for some dried fruits.

'Children, I just saw your father cheating on me in broad daylight. Now eat these disgusting dried fruits to help me be stronger. Your mother needs to be strong.'

She did not care about the two and turned on her laptop. She needs to find her sister Sandy whom she last knew was in London and his brother Alex who stayed in America.

They had a very special childhood as the four of them were adopted by their father and were trained to be excellent in fields they will grow to be as early as they can remember. But they lost connection when the Ming clan started looking at her skills. The family was afraid Sandy would be implicated because she's specially gifted too so the four of them separated.

Sandy is in medical field. She can take care of her pregnancy. Alex, on the other hand, specializes in law. He can handle her divorce.

She was very busy with herself. She didn't even know that Cheng MeiMei has left already and Ming YaoFeng has returned to his seat.

"Hubby, can this phone make an overseas call to America or London?" she asked.

Ming YaoFeng didn't know what to feel or think.

He felt guilty but did she see it? He would need to check the CCTV later when she sleeps.

"Yes," he said without further topic to talk about.

'Yes, yourself. Her lipstick is still on your face you cheating idiot' she thought to herself.
