finish our talk

Yuyu was still vexed. She was not expecting herself to betray her, especially in front of her husband. She led him to the living room where they could sit separately. At least, if they have a distance like this, he cannot act intimate with her.

A helper came to serve coffee and tea together with some sweets. Thankfully, she can divert her befuddled mind and enjoy some snacks.

"Do you want to go home with me?" he asked casually watching his wife munching on the foods. She gained weight but still looks pretty.

She blinked multiple times. 'Why did it seem like they are already cool?'

"I want to stay here." Yuyu replied with the most casual tone she could master.

"Alright then. I'll see you later. I still have some work to do." Ming YaoFeng was about to stand up and leave when he was stopped by his wife. He suppressed the smile trying to escape his lips. He looked at his wife coldly.

"I thought we're going to talk about us?" she asked.

"I'll be back later." He put his hands on her shoulders and gave Yuyu a peck. He was not able to keep control with his hand and touched her stomach. His palm send warmth and they both felt like the children moved! They looked at each other with amazement.

"They felt your hand!" a twinkle in her eyes flashed. YaoFeng was more bewildered. It was as if he was already holding his children. He stayed in that position for a while but nothing surprising happened and he felt dejected.

"It was probably their first time to feel a warm hand. they moved because they were surprised, that's all." was she trying to coax him?

"Okay. See you later." YaoFeng headed for the door and did not glance back at her.

Yuyu was left dumbfounded. What happened to discussing about divorce?


Ming YaoFeng drove back to the office with a grin on his face. Now that he knows where his wife is, he will make sure that she is pampered and well loved to the point that she cannot live without him. He was trying to embed in his memory the scene that happened earlier. She talked as if there's no issue hanging between them.

The truth is, on his end, there really is nothing to talk about. He was very willing to get them and live together like before. But since she wanted to stay at her old home, he must find a way to be able to live with her, and see her every day.

He dialed a button and a call got connected.

"Thank you for your help today. I will come back tonight to start wooing my wife." he said.

"Don't call me anymore. Send me a message as to what time you will be coming so I can pretend to be busy and cannot interfere on your matters." Alex was very supportive of their counseling.

He would really suggest later that his brother in law stay with them in case something happen since Night is not around and he has a lot of things to do. This was actually Night's idea, and he supported it, as he thinks that their sister is just emotional and full of her pregnancy drama.


Yuyu bumped into her brother Alex who looked terrible.

"What happened to you?" Yuyu asked with concern.

"Just work. Do we have sleeping pills? I need to sleep now so I can stay awake all night. The firm needs me online all night to night and I'm afraid I cannot focus." he lazily explained.

"We don't have that. Try to drink some wine and turn on the shutters. Add temperature in your room and sleep. What time is your work?" Yuyu asked.

"I have to be awake by eleven and it's gonna be heavy work, I'll talk to the kitchen to make me something I can keep in my room. I'll drink myself to sleep." he left and went to find nana Luo.

Before he disappear in the kitchen, he turned and call out to her, "Yuyu, when are we due? the coming days are important, but of course you are more important. I just want you to let us know ahead of time, in case you felt like giving birth already okay?"

Yuyu smiled. "Don't worry, I am well prepared even without my siblings." she winked and went on her business.


It was dinner time.

Yuyu had been waiting for Ming YaoFeng since six o'clock. She already anticipated the traffic. Now it's seven and he's not yet back! She was eating alone since Alex is still sleeping and will wake up later.

'Why are you waiting for him? You miss him already? Of course not! We'll just discuss the divorce. You can discuss it some other time. But he promised he'll be back. Are you worried he will not return? Are you using the divorce to see him? Are you really ready for that?' the voice in her head makes her frown as she eats her dinner.

Another hour passed but it felt like she's been waiting for a long time.

It was already eight. YaoFeng was waiting for something inside his car. He was parked outside the big gate of the Whites when a notification chimed.

Yuyu: Ladies?

Ming YaoFeng's smile broadened at the sight of the message. It was sent to the group chat of the secretaries and he knew she will ask about him.

Secretary 1: Yuyu! How are you!

Ying Tai: What's up?

Assistant Xu: (also YaoFeng) Xiao Yuyu, call the boss to go home. He's drowning himself to liquor.

Yuyu: Why? What happened? Where are you?

Yuyu logged out of the group and sent a private message to Assistant Xu, which is also logged in on the old phone in YaoFeng's hand.

Yuyu: Assistant Xu, please don't leave him. Send him home to me. I'll send you my address.

Assistant Xu: He left me. He drove the car with full speed leaving me alone here. Try to call him, I'm going home to my wife.


Yuyu was very worried. She unblocked her husband's number and tried to call him but it's just ringing. In the end, she waited worriedly.


YaoFeng took the bottle of Bacardi and put it on his mouth. Then he whisked some of it on his clothes. He waited for another twenty minutes before driving to their gates and beeping his horn.

The gate immediately opened and a pregnant woman came out from the main door.

He rubbed his eyes until it hurt before he turned off the engine and got out of the car carelessly.

The woman came close to him and held his arm. "YaoFeng, are you alright? Come inside first." she kindly approached him.

"No. It's okay. I just dropped by to finish our talk earlier." He said coldly.

Yuyu felt so guilty. It was her fault he was like this. She set aside all her issues and put his arm around her shoulder; she put her other arm around his waist and helped him inside the house.

"YaoFeng, sober up. If we tripped together, our children will get hurt and I will not be able to forgive us both if something happens to them." she warned him as they walked.

He did not lean on her but allowed her to touch him.

"I'm okay. Let's talk now Yuyu. You wanted a divorce right? Call your brother to give me the papers. I will sign it now so I can go home. I don't want to waste your precious time anymore.

Since we are filing for a divorce, let's take a photo so you have something to show our children." He took his phone and swiped for the camera. "Although they are still inside you, at least they can have a complete family photo you can show off when they grow up." He was very emotional.

"I transferred all my wealth to you so all of you will live smoothly." He was leaning on the wall with his eyes closed.

Yuyu can smell the stench of alcohol coming from him and she felt heart broken.

Why is he talking like this is his last day? Was he planning to kill himself after signing the divorce agreement?

He aimed for a selfie of them and she pushed away his arm.

"I don't want to take pictures today. I want to wear something nice. Tomorrow, we will take a picture." she said.

"Okay. I'll be back tomorrow then." He coldly replied and turned.

Just before he could take another step, Yuyu stopped her.

"Don't go home," she said, worried that he might get into an accident. "Alex is busy tonight. You better stay here... so you can... help in case of emergency." she pushed him towards the stairs.

"Go up first and I will prepare the guest room for you." she said.

She did not dare stay behind him in case he lost his balance.

Ming YaoFeng smiled triumphantly as he walked upstairs.