

Yuyu made sure that no one could leave the house without her knowing. She locked the gate and doors and went to the kitchen to prepare a sober up drink for YaoFeng. The helpers already retired to their rooms so she managed everything by herself.

She was expecting her husband to be sitting on the sofa at the second floor hall, however, when she reached the second level with a tray on both hands, she cannot find YaoFeng.

Yuyu placed the tray on the coffee table and checked the guests room. Panicked arose from her heart when she did not see his shadow. He cannot be at her siblings rooms as each of them have personal locks, even her room. Earlier this day, when YaoFeng carried her, she was sure it was her who opened the door. The only possibility she's thinking is that he left? No, not possible.

She went to her room to review the CCTV but realized she no longer needs to. What welcomed her is her husband slumped on her sitting chair with his eyes closed. He probably fell asleep from waiting.

Yuyu watched her husband. Forgetting the issue of how he was able to get in. She can't help but smile looking at his handsome features. She reached for his knitted brows and traced them. The man frowned and his eyelashes fluttered. Immediately, she took two steps backward and coughed.

"YaoFeng, I brought some sober up drink, hurry up and drink it so you can go to sleep properly." She went to get the tray with a drink and hot towel.

YaoFeng did not say anything and obediently listened to his wife. Although he was not really drunk, he cannot disappoint the wife. He lazily moved himself to a proper sitting position and opened his eyes.

She handed a glass to him and helped him with his shoes. "Next time, leave your shoes off in our room, the children will be crawling on the floor and the germs may cause them to get sick." she lectured him.

"I'm sorry. I forgot. From now on, I will not get into OUR room with my shoes on." he said emphasizing the word our.

Her eyes opened a little wider with that slip of tongue. It was so clear that she's still treating him as her husband. She can't help but ask herself if she's really ready for the divorce. She was busy in her own world when the other person stood up and went to the bathroom. After a quick shower, he came out wearing a purple bathrobe that only reached above his knees obviously showing that this does not belong to him.

Yuyu watched him as he comfortably looked for something from her closet. He was very quick to find one of her over sized t-shirt dress with a winking car print in front. She almost smiles and makes a comment but reprimands herself.

YaoFeng did not bother about the night and went to sleep. Not long after, he felt the light dimmed and he felt movements at the other side of the bed. When the other person's breathing got even, he turned to look at her.

Her mouth was slightly opened and her hair was all over the pillow sending him the scent that he missed for months. Her skin looks rosier underneath those long lashes he wanted to kiss. He can't wait to offer her his condition in case she insists on the divorce tomorrow.

His smiling face was replaced by worry when her brows knitted. "Brother.." she called. He listened. 'Is she having a nightmare?'

"Brother.. Hurry," she still have her eyes closed but her voice is irritated.

"Yuyu, wake up, you're dreaming,' he said softly.

"I'm not dreaming. I want to sleep," the lazy woman said.

He sat up and shook her lightly, "Yuyu, wake up! You are having a nightmare!" he said.

"I'm having my night cramps! I don't want to wake up!" she scolded her husband without opening her eyes.

YaoFeng removed the covers and attended to her leg. When her face started to relax, he moved to the other leg to give it a massage as well. Soon, a smile appeared on the sleeping beauty and he was satisfied.

'So she always sleeps with someone to attend her sleeping cramps.' He felt a little sad that it was not him beside her. He felt like an important job was taken away from him. He gather her to his arms so she could sleep in his arms. Luckily, the woman did not bother and allowed him to cuddle her.


The next morning.

Yuyu woke up with a very satisfied sleep. She snuggled further on the warmth of a familiar person. When she realized that there really is a person, she opened her eyes and saw a handsome man watching her. She awkwardly move a distance.

"Let's get breakfast first." She said and turned.


Alex almost burst to tears when he saw his brother in law at the dining table. The arrogant CEO wearing a fit dress but still eating very manly. He cannot believe this is all because of love.

"Yuyu, I have free time today, but only today, we can discuss about your divorce since the two of you are here." Alex informed as he pull his chair and dine with them.

Yuyu felt like choking with her food but manage to reply. "Alright. Lend him some clothes after the meal so we can discuss it."


Study room.

The three of them were huddled on the big table; half of it was still full of Alex's documents.

"NO! I don't agree!" Yuyu scoffed.

"That is my only condition." YaoFeng get back to his cold face.

"I don't want your money! I don't want your assets and I don't want to take care of you!" She complained.

"Sadly, we are currently married and all that I have belongs to you; the people belongs to you and I belong to you. If we get divorce, I will leave all of it to you so that's gonna be your responsibility including me." YaoFeng discussed it like a business but to Yuyu, it was a total shamelessness! Who in the world got divorced leaving nothing to himself and asking the other party to be responsible for him the rest of his life????

Her brother explained that since she's the one proposing the divorce, they can only negotiate but the other party seems decided already.

"I will not sign that divorce agreement! I am so angry right now I might give birth at the wrong time! Let's talk again after the children arrived!" she walked out of the room and the sound of the door reverberated around. She have not yet reached he room when her steps was halted by something wet uncontrollably gushing between her legs.

Panic registered on her face, luckily, she only need to reach from where she's standing to be able to press a button that she have previously installed. When it was only her and nana Luo who knows about her pregnancy, she installed, in every two meters all over the house, a secret emergency alarm in case something like this happen. Later, when her pregnancy was shared to her siblings, she informed them about this.


Alex and YaoFeng smiled meaningfully when Yuyu walked out of the study. Until an earsplitting sound was heard. Alex cursed and run towards the door.

"What's that?!" YaoFeng asked following him.

"It was the emergency alarm!" Alex replied as they rushed out and saw Yuyu not too far leaning on the wall.

"Yuyu!" the two of them called in panic.

She looked back with a calm expression but still un moving.

YaoFeng automatically supported her waist and Alex also joined the couple.

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"Is it today?" YaoFeng seconded.

She blinked and calmed herself. Earlier, was like an uncontrollable pee, but her gut feeling is saying they needed to go to the hospital. "I think my water broke." She said looking at the two. YaoFeng immediately positioned his arms to carry her, but she stooped them. "I can still go down. I am very calm now and I think it will give us some time to prepare." She allowed him to help her.

"Alex, stop spacing out. Tell nana Luo my water broke and get the car." she calmly instructed. She was very calm. She needed to stay calm because she knew the expressions on the faces of these men.

They are scared more than her and she just cannot let them add worry in her heart. She's showing a calm personality so the other two will also calm down. YaoFeng already understood this without them talking so he helped her until they reach the lower floor.

Luckily, Alex lent YaoFeng clothes earlier or else, he will bring his wife wearing a woman's shirt and a boxer.


On the way to the hospital, she felt the first contraction. She closed her eyes and leaned on the back seat.

"Alex," she called her brother softly.

YaoFeng was beside her intently listening to his wife who's eyes were closed and brows are knitted as if she was in pain. Alex looked at the rear view mirror. He pursed his lips when he saw his sister's face.

"Drive faster." it was like a whisper but it sent goosebumps to him. It was his first time experiencing this in the family and their lives are at his hands.

YaoFeng made a call and surprisingly, Alex was able to drive faster in spite of the traffic. A lot of cars in the intersection were sounding their horns as they pass by. Alex thought that they were greeting him.

Unknown to him, the call YaoFeng made earlier, when all he said was, "It's today." a paid hacker have cleared their way, turning all the lights on their way to the hospital from red to green, causing anger to other drivers.