"Tania carefully pushed Lune and settled on the other side." Luckily, Sandy and William came on time and joined them on the lift. It was a bit crowded when Yuyu pressed the door to close.

Sandy immediately took Lune to check her and empty the stroller. Automatically, William placed their stuff on the stroller. "Lune is good." She said.

William reached for Soleil who does not want to be parted from Yuyu. He touched his forehead and rubbed his back. "How long was it?" he asked Yuyu. "We called you as soon as we found out." Yuyu replied.

"Tania and I can stay behind. I'll take care of Lune." Sandy told them. William nodded and readied the car keys in his hand.

They were speaking in English when Tania was present to make her comfortable and they were unaware that a couple in the elevator was glaring at them.

The young guy commented in chinese, 'It's already crowded and these people really chose to ride the elevator.'

Yuyu automatically glared at the person. Though Sandy and William can understand and speak little Mandarin, they cannot comprehend and care as much as her.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. To her dismay, the person did not stop talking.

"Look, they even brought a big stroller just to put their stuff. If they could bring the children, then there's no need for a bulky thing," he was showing off to his girlfriend who had her head down.

Yuyu surveyed the man with her eyes. She doesn't want to stoop down on his level but the man seemed very satisfied with himself. She had to stop his mouth.

"Mr. Ugly, this elevator is intended for us. If you and your girlfriend have normal legs, then you should have used the escalator so you will not be bothered by people like us." Yuyu said with a smirk.

The man was provoked when he was called ugly. He prided himself with his looks and he was pissed with this foreigner. Sandy and William exchanged a look, Yuyu is going to fight with a child in her arms?

Luckily, the elevator opened and Sandy ushered Tania to go. William assisted them and Yuyu held the door. When all is set she stepped to get off the lift but the man grabbed her arm.

Yuyu turned glaring. How dare this monster touch her when she's holding a baby? She pursed her lips and anger flashed her eyes. She turned to William who just turned and about to hit the man when Yuyu passed him Soleil. "Don't touch him. His ugliness is contagious and I need your hands for the children."

Without warning, she let out a punch and the man staggered backwards. "Don't ever cross our paths again!" She kicked the person between his legs and the man was unable to utter a word due to pain.

His girlfriend flared with Yuyu's actions. "How dare you hit him? Miss, not because you are all good looking does not mean you can hit on people!"

Yuyu frowned in disgust! "Brainless woman! If you think I hit him because I am good looking, then be it! I am good looking, my husband is good looking, our children are good looking and my whole family is good looking!" She grabbed a wet tissue from her side bag and wiped her arm which the man had grabbed earlier.

"Take your man's contagious stupidity." She tossed the used tissue on the woman's face and turned. Luckily, the elevator door closed and she led William and Soleil out of the mall.


Inside the elevator, the group of managers watched the scene.

One of them pressed the open button to get off and leave the pitiful couple alone.

All the manger stepped out but the last person did not move from his place. "CEO?" one of them asked.

"The inspection is over. You can all go." He said, stretching his neck from left to right.

The couple eyed him. He glared at the woman emitting a deadly calm aura. "Leave." he said. The woman stood up with her boyfriend and was about to drag him out but she was pushed outside.

Ming YaoFeng closed the elevator door after pulling back the man inside. "Young man, do you think I am good looking?" he asked at the cowering lad.

The idiot who had just recovered from pain caused by the woman earlier thought that the rich guy in the suit was interested in him.

"You are very good looking indeed." He replied.

It took a few minutes before the door opened again and the managers and the girlfriend were waiting for them.

They were shocked to see the beaten man covered in blood. "Why.. did.. You beat me?" he asked before the man stepped out of the lift, stopping the door as he turned.

"Because I am good looking, my wife is good looking and our children are good looking. Our whole family is good looking!" the CEO replied.

He turned to the managers and instructed them, "Bring him to the police station assaulting a woman with children inside this elevator. Fix the evidence. I can testify as a witness."

Everyone dropped their jaws and recovered when the CEO left the building.


Yuyu and William brought Soleil to the nearest hospital. He's always the first one to catch fever and Yuyu was very worried. She just finished answering a call from Sandy informing her that they have reached home and Tania and Lune are fine.

William came back with Soleil in his arms."Everything is fine with him. The change of weather and two molars growing at the same time makes him stressed and causes fever. Let's keep him at home first."

"Thanks William." They headed to the car and left the hospital.

"How long are the two of you staying here? You may want to consult a doctor here. It could be safe." she suggested reffering to William's memory.

"Yeah. We also think about that. I'll be coming back from time to time to avoid suspicion from the enemies. As for Sandy, she filed for a month's leave. We also plan to visit Alex, maybe I can be completely cured once I see my mom and your brother. I lived with them and they can trigger my core memories." He explained.

"Let me know if there's anything I can help you with." Yuyu showed her support.


Ming YaoFeng felt better after hitting that man in the elevator. He was smiling as he drove his car home. Watching how fierce his wife was earlier, he can't help but be proud. However, he was also bothered by her words, 'Don't touch him. His ugliness is contagious and I need your hands for the children.'

'Who's that man and what's his role in their lives? Why was he allowed to touch the children he has not even carried for more than a year now?'


Tania has just finished attending baby Lune who is now busy playing on her own inside the big fence Night has prearranged before they arrived. She was busy with the colorful baby toys which Gracie and Night gifted.

She started moving the shopping bags from the car to the house. It took her at least three turns to completely empty the car with their loot.

Sandy came over and helped her sort out the shopping bags. "I bought something for you, I hope you like it." She passed a white paper bag to the young girl.

Tania was hesitant to accept it. "Don't think too much, treat this as a welcome gift from our house." Sandy convinced her.

"But Missy already bought the welcome gifts from you, Master Night and nana Luo." Tania showed Sandy her paper bags.

Sandy immediately understood that her sister used the same reason to treat the girl and she smiled. 'What a cunning sister' she thought. "Alright, Let me see what she bought you. Sometimes, my sister has poor taste so I decided to buy you myself."

She peered at the things Yuyu got for Tania and was satisfied. However, she still pretended to be unsatisfied. "My gift is still better. Look at it first." She pushed the white paper bag on her hands.

The young girl took out the item and she was not able to suppress a smile. This was the first time she is receiving a gift and she really appreciated it. "Even though you are not going out most often, a girl should always bring a bag. I chose that one as it's light and spacious for you. Did you like it?" Sandy asked.

"Yes Missy! I liked it so much! Thank you. I really am thankful to be working in a kind family. The previous family I worked with were all mean and I really cannot forget your kindness to me!" Tania was honest and tearful too.

"Good luck! You know the family rules, it's not just about working. You also have to study well and graduate on time or else, Yuyu will kick you out. She may add mandarin in your curriculum as her husband is chinese." Sandy warned her jokingly.

"Even if she asked me to study Japanese I will learn it just to stay with all of you!" she proudly beamed. "Missy, did nana Luo also go through with the same job arrangement as me?" Tania curiously asked.

"Nope. She was here even before we came. Only Yuyu made that agreement so you will not be resigned to just taking care of the twins. She is preparing you for a good future, and it's up to you to decide what you want to do with your life. One day, these children will grow up and no longer need you. By that time, Yuyu does not want you to be a helper. She wanted you to have a dream of your own."

Sandy's explanation touched Tania's soft spot and she started crying. She laughed. "Why are you crying? You are already part of this family. One day, she will ask you to change your last name to White and learn driving. If you are a little younger, she will enroll you in ballet class! All that she did not get, she will give it to you." Sandy joked.

Tania smiled and wiped her tears.

"You are exaggerating Miss." Tania commented.

"Yuyu has trust issues. Don't break it. She'll love you if she likes you and she can toss you if she gave up on you. Always choose her if you have to decide one day." Sandy told her as if talking to someone so distant.