black mail

Yuyu woke up the next day to work with Night. Since she's back, it would be best to go to work than work at home. She can make friends later and meet other moms who may have children near the twins age and they can all hang out later.

"Tania, remember to call me if there's an emergency. I already stored milk and nana Luo is just in the kitchen if you need her." Yuyu reminded her.

"If you feel bored, tell me, I will bring the three of you out. But we have to wait until Soleil adapts to the environment here." She instructed.

"Don't worry Missy. You can leave everything to me." She assured her.

Tania knew how much the Miss cared for her. When she sent the children's shopping bag last night to her room, Nana Luo came back later bringing half of it. It turns out that those are not for the missy but for the other people at home.

She received three more gifts, a pair of shoes, home slippers and a fluffy pillow to hug. Then Nana Luo, the other two helpers and the guards also have something from Missy.


Night was glad to work with Yuyu again. He has less work when his sister is present. She can foresee better than anyone in terms of business and she can make more money than him (evil grin). With her around, he can skip work and spend more time with Gracie.

"I had your room cleaned. Check if there's anything you need." Night opened the office and held the door for her.

Yuyu came with her bag. She brought her laptop and a set of extra breast pumps she bought from the mall yesterday. She plans on leaving it here in the office and just bringing home the milk in the afternoon.

The CEO's office was divided into two. Once you get in from the main door, you'll see a vast office with a large receiving area and comfortable sofa. There was a big executive desk and chair, and office stuff, imagine another one like that beside it with a glass partition in between. that's how the two of them share the power and responsibility. Their father has set this up since they were young and the two of them almost cover the whole floor.

Each has their own resting room, separate wardrobe in case of emergencies, and the rest are shared; a shared bathroom, shared dining and a spacious receiving area in case both of them are receiving guests or clients.

"I can see your sincerity when you welcome me here!" she said looking at another baby fence set in one corner. She opened the fridge and saw that it was full. Yuyu gave Night a wide smile. "You can announce my return." She smiled meaningfully.

Night beamed. This means more slacking off for him.

"I have another surprise for you!" Night pulled her to a wall.

"What is this?" she asked. Night smiled and placed her hand on an inconspicuous handle.

She pulled it and her eyes gleamed! She pushed back the handle and sat hurriedly to her chair.

"Let's work." She turned on her laptop. "I wanted to focus on the company first."

Night laughed at her. "You have all the time in the world. Enjoy sister!"

Night sent an email that his sister is back. To people who were in the company in the last seven years, this is not a big issue. But for others who'd been hired prior to that, they are so happy!

Soon, the CEO's office was full of high ranking officials from the White Global.

Yuyu's first day was all about entertaining old elders and others who have someone to introduce.

When the people dispersed, Night could not help but comment, "It's like we had a welcome party! I wonder how much loot we can gather if we make a SMALL celebration open to all." He helped her set aside a pile of gifts from different people who welcomed her back.


The second day of work, Yuyu had lesser visitors and she was able to work and monitor the children at the same time.

"Sis, I'm going out to the Ming Corp. do you have any requests?" Night asked.

Yuyu thought for a moment and remembered her husband's warning.

"If you meet YaoFeng, don't tell him anything about me. I will settle our issues by myself." She warned him. "But he can make decisions with the children. He can visit or borrow them, I'm sure he wanted to see them."

Night understood the instruction very well and did not ask further. The truth is, he cannot wait to talk to YaoFeng to rekindle their friendship. Sandy has sent him their drunken photo in exchange for pocket money. He wanted to know if YaoFeng will contribute to pay the price.


Ming Corporation.

Assistant Xu knocked on the door.

"Come in." The CEO said without looking at the door. He was busy reading some documents.

"Boss, your brother in law is here." Assistant Xu reported.

YaoFeng looked up and got back to reading afterward. "Let him in."

Assistant Xu came back after some time followed by a handsome man.

"YaoFeng," Night greeted him.

He looked at the guest and did not say anything.

Night slumped on the chair and whined. "My sister is extorting money from me! She's black mailing me with our photos. You should help me shoulder the expenses!"

He no longer felt awkward with YaoFeng after drinking with him. It's as if the past has been erased.

"What photos?" YaoFeng asked curiously.

Night tossed him an envelope.

The angle was taken perfectly with both of them hugging in their drunken state. There are more shots with shameful positions but there are some that catch Ming YaoFeng's attention.

His wife was holding his head while touching something below him. This made his heart warm.

The second one, he's leaning on her stomach while she holds two car keys as if talking to another person.

YaoFeng looked for more but there's nothing more!

"Are you sure this is all of it? There should be more." YaoFeng kept on looking one after another.

Night wondered how did yaofeng knew there was more?

"Who's sister is asking?" YaoFeng clarified.

"Who else?! Of course Sandy! She's more stingy than your wife! I'm looking for a way to get back at her but I haven't had my chance."

"How much for these photos?" he asked.

"She's charging me a three hundred thousand!" Night told him. "It's not the price! It's her torture! I have a girlfriend and I don't want my reputation to be smeared!"

YaoFeng pulled out a check and wrote thirty thousand in cash and handed it to Night.

Night looked at it and wondered, '"Why are you giving me only thirty? Shouldn't we share half?"

YaoFeng placed back the rest of the photos in the envelop and returned it to him after keeping two of them.

"I'm only buying two photos. The rest, you can return to her, I am not interested."

Night dropped his jaw and smirked. He pocketed the check.

"The company is holding a celebration on Saturday. Will you come?" YaoFeng asked changing the subject.

"Can I bring my girlfriend?" Night asked. He's supposed to date Gracie on Saturday and they can enjoy another company's party.

YaoFeng glared. Shouldn't he bring his sister? Still, he did not show it. "Sure. You can bring anyone. Just confirm when the invitation arrived."

"Alright." He was about to leave when he remembered something her sister told him. "You can see the children at home. I can also send them to you. Just let me know."

YaoFeng nodded and sent him off.


When Night left.

Ming YaoFeng was excited! If the children can stay with him, then, he'll need to free up some time for them!

He pressed the internal line and called for his assistant.

"Boss?" Assistant Xu asked.

"Bring me all my work and schedule for this week!"

"Alright Boss. I'll just get them." Assistant Xu sorted out everything on his hand.

He called the departments who are supposed to submit their paperworks on thursday and friday and informed them that the boss may not be able to look at it if they don't submit it earlier.

It's like a domino effect.

If the boss wants to work, the others has to work faster, or else what would he be checking and reviewing?

Some department's are already rushing and those who have made a time frame until friday are at a disadvantage.


YaoFeng cannot help but imagine his wife opening the door when he come home, with two little children crawling at the floor.

He smiled at the thought but also frowned.

What if she's not there? He'll hope for nothing again. But didn't he just told her to stay away from him? So why does he wanted to see her?

He felt conflicted and loosen his tie.