
Assistant Xu's forehead was full of sweat as he followed his boss to a private room. Instead of tea, they ordered wine and he initially sent a message to Tania. He made an arrangement earlier with Yuyu and Tania. It was with Yuyu's permission that he can ask Tania to call the boss home for the children when he's in a tight situation.

"At thirty past five, save me." he sent the message and erased it.

Tania read the message and replied. "Got it." She also deleted the conversation.

"Tell me about your family." The CEO ordered him as he poured a drink to each of them.

Assistant Xu accepted his drink and started introducing his family members and their age and gender.


Sandy came back with the initial prescriptions. The two of them were talking about medical terms and Yuyu felt bored.

"Later, I have to do the ultrasound." Sandy informed them.

"Alright, since the two of you are going to stay longer, I'll go first. I just have something to buy and I'll drop it to the kids. I'll be back."

Yuyu left the two. She looked for a baby light similar to her room with a lullaby that plays overnight. She doesn't want to record her voice as it will only frustrate YaoFeng more. She passed by a clothing shop and found some decent outfit that Tania can use on events with comfort.

After getting what she needed, she went back to meet the two sitting in the waiting area for people undergoing an ultrasound.

"Guys, I'll go first. You seemed like you had to stay longer. I'll see you at home, I still have to go see the kids." Yuyu bade goodbye and just booked a ride.

"We'll try to call you; if ever you need us to pick you up, let us know." Sandy waived at her.


"Because my only duty is to bring home money and follow my wife." Assistant Xu explained.

"It's not easy to earn money. That's why a lot of people are striving hard to get employed. It's also not easy to follow the wife. But once you get the balance of it, your life will be blissful."

Ming YaoFeng was trying to absorb all his assistant's advice but he cannot help but think of the scene he watched earlier.

That man again! Planning to have a wedding here to avoid travelling for his son? Why would his son attend his wedding? Was he planning to steal his wife?

And his wife, she's not even calling him to ask about their children? Doesn't she know how hard was it for him last night?

His thoughts were distracted when he received a message.

"Master, Soleil said da.da."

It may be a nonsense message but it made him want to rush home and hear it himself.


It was past five already when Tania opened the door and helped Yuyu with her shopping bags.

"This one is for Soleil. You can give it to my husband if he had a hard time tonight. This one's for you, just in case he brings you and the kids out, you wear these clothes and shoes okay?" Yuyu headed to play with the children.

Tania looked at the things inside the bag. "Wow Missy, this is just like the one we have in your room. Soleil will surely have a good night with the master."

Realizing who was the master, Tania immediately hushed her mistress to go. "Missy, I forgot to tell you, master may already be on the way home, I helped assistant Xu to send him home earlier!"

Yuyu immediately hugged and kissed the twins.

"Come here and play with them. I will book for a ride." Yuyu fumbled on her phone. After three attempts of failed booking due to the rush hour she sent a message to Sandy.

"Can Will pick me up now!? from my husband's? I'll join you at the mall!"

She did not notice the punctuations she used causing Sandy to worry and sent William to pick her up since the queue is still long.


Yuyu decided to walk her way out of the villa and wait far from the house. She doesn't want YaoFeng to think that she's using the children to have a chance to see him.

She was hurriedly putting on her shoes when she saw the car parking on the road. Panic registered on her face. She immediately put her phone inside her bag and crossed over the strap on her shoulder.

She was like a thief so close at being seen. Ming YaoFeng already saw his wife rushing to leave his house and this made him more angry. His mind is full of jealousy and anger. He wanted all the information out of her.

Luckily, she was able to finish securing her shoes. She was about to run to the neighbors lawn when strong hands pinned her on the wall.

There was a searing pain behind her and tears uncontrollably gushed out of her eyes. She was not able to utter a word because the pain was so much. She warned Tania to never go out here because of the sharp steel loosely pointing out from the broken frame. But she had forgotten about it due to her panic!

"What are you trying to do? Visiting our children in between dating?" he scoffed angrily.

She knitted her brows. 'What is he talking about? He's drunk?'

"Stop your nonsense; If you think I will pity you with those tears, sorry to disappoint you. I don't want to see you again Ms. White. If you want to see the children, make an appointment with me and I will send them to you. Don't come and go in my house as you please." He harshly let go of her arms and stormed inside the house.

Yuyu pulled herself off the wall. It was very painful and she could faint anytime.

Luckily, a familiar car came by.

William immediately supported her when he saw her staggering. He helped her into the car and turned around to the driver's seat.

YaoFeng glanced at the window when he heard a car stopping near the house. His face darkened more seeing the english man closing the driver's seat.


"Will, accident, steel, my back." She was explaining the situation to William.

"Don't tell Sand." she paused and looked outside. "Hospital is two blocks after the mall."

"Why are we not telling Sandy?" he asked. He wanted her to stay awake until they reached the hospital.

"Pregnant. Family will worry. I'll tell them at the right time." Her visions are turning blurry.

"Alright, should I stay with you and make an excuse with her? I left her for the ultrasound."

William was getting worried. He'd seen that steel before and it was really dangerous she could lose a lot of blood depending on the injury.

"Go back to her once I get admitted. Don't tell anyone." Those were her last words before she lost consciousness.


"You're just on time! We are next after the patient inside." Sandy reported. "Where's Yuyu?" she asked.

William coughed. "She said that she's staying with her husband and we should not disturb them for the time being."

Sandy smiled. Her sister really has a way of warning people away.


Dinner time.

Night came with the family and knit his brows. "Where's Yuyu?"

"Don't ask and don't look for her. She is already rekindling the flame with her husband. Don't extinguish it with bad luck!" Sandy stuck out a tongue.

Night smirked. "Here. That husband has an event, you can both go to chase your memories." He passed Sandy the invitation.

"Is Gracie coming?" she asked.

"I'll talk to her about it. She'll probably agree." Night said as he took a bite of his meal.

"Bring her along. We have an announcement for the whole family and Gracie is going to be part of our family soon." Sandy casually said as she ate her food.

Night smiled at the last sentence his sister had mentioned. This sister is better than Yuyu at some point, he thought.

William excused himself after dinner to meet his old professor.


Yuyu was already transferred to a private room when William arrived that night.

She was sleeping and only gained consciousness around ten in the evening. The attending doctor came and explained the situation to them.

"The wound was not too deep but not shallow as well. She needed a week to ten days stay in the hospital. Good thing you brought her on time. Do not let the water come to contact with the wound to avoid infection."

"Is the infraspinatus affected? Can I see her x-ray and all the records?" William asked.

"Of course you can. By the way, are you from the same field?" Asked the doctor.

"Yes, I want to review her records. She's my sister in law." The two doctors went out of the room and discussed it together.

[Yuyu called assistant Xu when the two people left.

"Lady boss, it's late, why are you calling?" Assistant Xu asked.

"Is your wife still breastfeeding? Can I talk to her?" Assistant Xu did not ask further and passed the phone to his wife.

He watched his wife respectfully responding and smiling while talking to Yuyu.

When the phone was passed back to him, he was surprised with her very specific instruction.

"When my husband comes to work first thing in the morning, send people to fix the wall outside our house. There is a piece of steel that may harm our children so it has to be done first thing in the morning. Do not inform my husband, I was the one who grazed our wall with the car." Yuyu explained.

"Eh? So that's why his car looks like that?" Assistant Xu realized.

"He hasn't fixed it yet? Anyway, call me once it's done and send me photos. I don't want my children to get hurt." She said specifically.

"Okay, I got it." Assistant Xu confirmed.
