hiding behind everyone

After a while, William came back to the ward.

"I studied your injury. No nerve was affected but the muscles and tissue will take time to recover. Just avoid water and avoid impact or force on it." He explained.

"Thanks William. Go back home. I will be staying here. I don't want my siblings to find out. My husband will take care of me from here onwards. You don't have to visit me, I will call you if I need you." Yuyu assured him.

"I want to see your husband first." William haggled. He cannot let his sister in law alone.

"My husband knows the director of the hospital. They will move me to VIP later." She assured him.

Since William doesn't believe her, he looked for the director and brought him to Yuyu's room.

When he confirmed that the two knew each other and she was transferred to the VIP, he was able to breathe and followed her instruction to go home and not tell her siblings to worry.


Ming YaoFeng looked at the little person who's blabbering beside him.

He was reminded of his wife's painful eyes as he looked at the boy who was standing at his crib trying to climb out of it.

When the baby could no longer take it, he called the bigger human as if asking him for help.


Ming YaoFeng's eyes widened and he was not able to suppress a smile.

He scooped the child and looked straight at his eyes.

"Say it again! Da.ddy." He pleaded and waited but the boy never spoke again.

Unknown to him, the little darling just said it to get what he wanted, to get off the crib.


Tania was able to attend her two hour class at night using the laptop Missy has given her.

Little Lune is sleeping well and was very behaved.

Ming YaoFeng missed another night of sleep cradling his son as Tania had forgotten about the toy Yuyu bought for Soleil causing the father to sleep again in the office during working hours the next day.


"I already finished our work so I won't be going back for the time being." Yuyu explained early in the morning as she answers her brother's call.

Night was complaining. "What will I do here? I thought you're coming to work?"

"Stop complaining and go surprise your girlfriend!" Yuyu ushered him.

Since it was a favorable idea, Night hung up and did not bother his sister who he thinks is currently getting well with her husband.

Around eleven o'clock, she received a call from Assistant Xu.

"Xiao Yuyu, the people have finished working on your place." He reported.

"Assistant Xu, can you personally check our place and make sure that all the things used were safely hidden? I am currently imprisoned by my brother to do work here in his office." She explained pretending that she's at her brother's office.

"No problem. I'll bring as well the milk my wife wanted to give the twins." He reminded her.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot. She said she has extra milk and will give me a lot. Thank you Assistant Xu!" Yuyu hung up and breathed.

It's a good thing that her husband hated her at the moment. At least, she can hide from the White's and YaoFeng at the same time while recuperating at the hospital. She can only miss her two children sadly.


When YaoFeng got his energy in the afternoon, he went to the mall with Assistant Xu.

"Well get the children something to wear for the event. After two or three hours I'll send them back home." He said and both of them went directly to the children section.

After going around once, the CEO turned to his assistant and asked,

"How do you buy clothes for little children?"

Assistant Xu laughed bashfully, "Boss, I told you before, I only bring money to the house. My wife takes care of everything. Why don't we call their mother instead?"

He did not talk further when the boss turned around and pretended to be inspecting a gown for little girls.

A sales attendant came to assist them.

"Sir, you can let me know if there's anything specific you need." The middle aged lady informed.

The cold CEO nodded and looked around for another minute when he decided to ask for help.

"I need a matching pair of children's formal clothes. For a girl and a boy. They are both over one year old." The CEO looked at the assistant as if telling him they don't need to call the wife for simple matters like this.

"Alright. Sir, is there a specific material that the children cannot tolerate? Do they hate ribbons or ruffles? Some children are allergic to synthetic cotton. Do they use only organic materials?" The attendant was very specific.

This is a standard procedure for high end children's shops and Ming YaoFeng's face dimmed.

He looked around and saw a familiar person looking at the children's clothes. "I'll get back to you on the details. I'll look around first." He left the attendant and focused his eyes on the two people not too far from them.

Assistant Xu followed his line of sight and saw Night shopping with his girlfriend.

"Your brother in law has the guts to torture his sister and now slacking off during office hours to go out dating?" Assistant Xu commented as they hid on the racks of clothes.

"What do you mean?" Ming YaoFeng asked with knitted brows.

"I just talked to Yuyu earlier and she mentioned about not being able to visit the twins because his brother left a pile of work for her in the office. My wife even helped her produce more milk! Working too much lessens the woman's body's capability to make milk." Assistant Xu explained.

Ming YaoFeng frowned. Is that the reason why she looked pale yesterday? He thought he's just drunk.

They were distracted when the two people left to pay for baby clothes.

YaoFeng immediately turned to the attendant. "We want a selection of formal clothes for a boy and a girl, one year old; materials should be the same as what those couples bought."

That was very specific and perfect. Soon, he was able to get five pairs that he can choose from later on, depending on their mother's gown.

He can think later on how he's going to make her come to the event tomorrow.


Yuyu received Tania's update.

The master has bought clothes for the children and she has hand washed them while the children are watching a movie with their father.

She looked at the photos Tania has sent and she cannot wait to see the twins wearing them.

Yuyu wished she could assist her children but sadly, she would need to request for an appointment to go to his house. How mean is that.

He really hated me, she thought.

Late at night she received a photo of Night and Gracie holding a set of boy and girl clothes.

She asked them to send it to her husband's house.


Saturday morning.

Ming YaoFeng cooked some eggs and bacon for breakfast. He called the little helper to sit with him.

"Let's eat." He said coldly.

"You eat first master. I will first prepare the children's clothes for laundry." The little girl was busy with their lives and does not treat him as warm as the Whites.

"I will bring you and the children later to a celebration. Can you manage?" he asked.

The little helper bowed her head. "If they stay in their trolley, I can handle them." She looked at the two little humans trying to climb at the baby fence. "But if they start climbing off like that, I can only run after one child."

Tania was very honest and reasonable. This is the answer YaoFeng wanted to hear so he can have a reason to ask her to call her Missy.

"Call their mother then. Tell her to come over after lunch and choose clothes for the children. Then I'll get someone to pick her up later." He finished eating and went up to his room.

He was very nervous he might say something that would reveal that he wanted his wife to be with him for that occasion. How he hated this feeling of wanting her.


"Missy, the master has left the house early and asked me to call you after lunch to come over and help me prepare the kids for an event." Tania reported.

"Alright, I'll find a way to get there." She hung up immediately and thought for a moment.

Soon, she asked a nurse if she could talk to the hospital director.


"Director, is there a way for me to attend my husband's event tonight? I will be back before midnight as my wound would need dressing." Yuyu asked.

She's still under observation and there's still a pain but she cannot let the chance to have a photograph with the children's complete family.

"Alright. Just hide well then and avoid cold drinks. No alcohol. No contact with water and no strenuous activity." He warned her.

She laughed at this. "I will only take pictures with my family!"
