the event

Yuyu looked at him and quickly averted her eyes when she saw YaoFeng intently looking at her. She took the box and opened it. She bit her lips for a few seconds and decided she doesn't want too much to-

His hand already grabbed the almost invisible necklace and swiftly went behind her to put it on.

"Lift your hair." YaoFeng whispered so close to her ears, Yuyu's heart almost escaped her body. Why does he have to be this close?

She immediately gathers her hair using her uninjured arm but it seems like YaoFeng is taking forever to put it on her. The hairs on her nape stood as she felt his knuckles brushing her skin.

The necklace is very thin and will only be visible when light strikes the little diamonds. It has pairing earrings that she immediately puts on in case he insists on helping her. She closed the box and moved a distance from him.

"Thank you. I'll return it after the event." She told YaoFeng without looking at his eyes.

Ming YaoFeng doesn't care whether she returned the jewelry or not, he's more concerned if she's willing to wear them. He turned back to his cold aura.

"Just for tonight, be my wife. Give me face and wear your wedding ring." He coldly sneered.

Yuyu looked at him in panic. She gave the ring away! It was with Secretary Lun!

Ming YaoFeng grabbed the earlier box from her. He was sure he hide her ring there when he took it from secretary Lun.

"Let's pick up the children." He took her hand and pulled her out of the shop.

Yuyu tried to walk on the same phase as him as he was holding her right hand. If he pulled harder, it may affect her injury and that would be troublesome.


Inside the car, Yuyu kept a decent distance between YaoFeng and her.

She nervously glanced at him leaning on the back rest. The driver slowly closed the divider to avoid witnessing something that will distract him from driving and Yuyu felt more aggrieved. Why Mr. Driver…

She coughed and approached her husband.

"YaoFeng," she looked at him tentatively and his eyes glared at her. "I mean, Mr. Ming, I- I have lost the ring. I left it at your office when..." She said the last sentence as if in a whisper.

Ming YaoFeng opened the box she was holding earlier and showed her the ring. She did not notice it earlier as it had been pushed further inside the black velvet.

A delight flashed her eyes but she suppressed it. She didn't know that a smile was curved on her lips as she thanked the heavens that it was not lost to Secretary Lun, YaoFeng felt satisfied with her reaction.

He took Yuyu's hand without warning and put the ring on her finger. Yuyu pulled her hand the soonest the ring was placed and pretended to admire it.

She slightly turned her back on him and removed the ring to check if that was really her ring. Unknown to her, Ming YaoFeng is watching her from the reflection in the window and he was smiling on the inside.


The couple went back to the villa to pick up the twin.

Yuyu helped Tania with the children to get dressed. They have just woken up and are very behaved when they bring them to ride in the car.

Tania took the passenger seat while the family of four sat at the back.

Soleil was hugging Yuyu as if telling her he missed his mommy. While Lune played with a colorful stuffed toy on her father's lap.

Then, Soleil looked at YaoFeng while grabbing Yuyu's hair.

"Da.da." Yuyu's eyes widened. Tania turned at them and saw the delight on Missy's face. She can't help but say something in English. "Soleil, say Mommy."

The little boy looked at Yuyu and said ,"Mi.mi."

Yuyu almost cried in delight! "Tania! How did you do it? Baby, what did you call me? Say it again, say it again..." But the little boy did not talk anymore.

"Tania, what else can they say?" asked Yuyu, wiping her tears.

"Just dada, mimi, milk, peepee,auntie, kel for uncle and ania." Tania reported. She was deep inside proud that these two can talk a bit for people to admire.

"I'm so happy, I didn't know they could talk already." She used her fingers to dry her tears of joy.

"Oh no! My makeup! I hate make ups! It stops me from being myself! I - " she stopped babbling when she felt someone was watching her.

She pursed her lips and tried to take out her phone from her pouch when YaoFeng placed Lune between them and held her face. Yuyu took a deep breath with his sudden action. He used his thumb to touch the wet marks under her eyes.

"It's okay, I will tell you if there's something wrong with your face." He assured her and let go. He went back to his cold aura afterward.

Yuyu was able to breath. What was that?! Did he just treated me nice?

Ah.. just for tonight, Yuyu bitterly smiled and hugged her son.


The event was held in a five star hotel. The company has booked one whole floor of the function room including the middle hall. It was very spacious and elegantly simple as the purpose of the event is for everyone to meet potential talents and clients at the same time.

YaoFeng was greeted by assistant Xu. Assistant Xu helped Tania with their stuff and they headed to the VIP suite YaoFeng had reserved for them. He passed two card keys to Yuyu.

"This is for the children, this is for our room." He said as he pass her the cards.

Yuyu was almost burned by the second card.

"Can I have two cards for the children's room? I need to give Tania her access, in case she needs to run here later." She explained.

YaoFeng hesitantly took his cardkey and gave it to her.

"Tania, come. This is the key to our room. If the children don't need to go out, you all can stay here and play. But later, we will take a family picture so don't change clothes without my permission, okay?" Tania nodded as she took the card.

Assistant Xu looked at YaoFeng as if telling him, that's how women work.

"The program has started already, should we go down and take a look?" Assistant Xu reminded them.

YaoFeng closed the children's door and headed to the lift.

Yuyu and Assistant Xu followed behind.

"Is your family coming? I should meet your wife and thank her for the milk." Yuyu proactively started a conversation.

"If my son comes home early today, they can make it. He's coming late most of the time due to special classes." Assistant Xu said.

"If they are coming, tell me so I can excuse myself early. Then, you can bring them to the children's room. We can all stay there. Have you seen my siblings?" She asked.

The two of them keep on talking, setting aside the boss who's already emitting a deadly aura.

They reached the floor of the event and went off the lift. Yuyu was still immersed in chatting with Assistant Xu when a warm hand slid on her waist making her stop breathing.

"You can continue talking later when all of these people are gone. Breath! I don't want to have a breathless wife later on." He was so cold and warm at the same time. Yuyu was worried that he would accidentally bump into her injury.

"Can you.. Can we exchange places? I feel cold. It would be warmer if you can shield my arms." Yuyu made up a story.

Thankfully, YaoFeng has his own reasons inside his mind. 'No other men can take a look at my wife's exposed shoulders.'

The couple greeted some guests and Yuyu recognised those from the White Global. They were her elders and she suddenly felt at home.

These people were with them when their father was just training her and Night. YaoFeng excused her from the group. "I'll be saying something on stage, come with me."

No matter how she detest going up on stage, she was left with no choice.

The emcee has already made her opening to welcome them.

"Since we are all here because of the Ming Corporation, let's welcome first the head behind all these, CEO Ming YaoFeng."

There was a cheer on stage and the handsome CEO took over the mic.

There are women who attended the event to get their chances in business and in love. And CEO Ming is one of their targets.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. Let's not forget the reason why we are all here tonight. We wanted to bridge connections; to find hidden talents that needed support and to find supporters for projects with potential. Please do not mind me. I am only here to take free photos with my wife and children." The CEO seemed to be joking and everyone was either surprised or laughing at his joke.