Lune vomited on her

The emcee did not expect that as well.

Soon, two little children were guided on the carpeted stage!

Ming YaoFeng took his wife's waist and they stood behind the children.

He grabbed the mic again, "Please make sure that my whole family looks good when you take our photos."

There was a group of camera men and reporters who took this opportunity. The CEO just declared himself married and has a family! Now everyone is busy taking a photo of the family that they can use for a fat story!

"Yuyu! I'm here!" Sandy waived at her telling her to give her best smile.

Yuyu was delighted. Sandy has a hobby and she's good at taking decent photos. William was also holding a DSLR camera.

"YaoFeng, Let's carry the twins and let's take photos with my sister Sandy!" She told him, forgetting the distance they have to observe. The only reason why she came was the photos after all.

YaoFeng smiled and took one child and gave it to her. Then he took Lune in his arms and the four of them smiled at the camera.

"Please look over here!"

"Mrs. Ming please look over here!"

Yuyu is getting confused already with the lights and the people shouting.

YaoFeng whispered to her and he slightly leaned on her.

"Look only at your sister and the man wearing a yellow cap behind her. That's our photographer. He will ensure we all look good so smile at him." He spoke gently directly to her ears and she can only lean a little on him with a child in her stronger arm.

Yuyu smiled at him genuinely. Her husband is the best!

Their smiling faces looking at one another was a great chance to shoot and some reporters are already making a live stream of he couples intimacy.

The audience who thought they were being intimate cheered 'kiss!'

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Yuyu's eyes got bigger when she heard the crowd.

Ming YaoFeng did not waste a chance. She will soon get tired of Soleil and Lune will escape soon. He steadied his daughter in one arm and reached for his wife's nape and pressed a passionate kiss on her lips.

Yuyu's hold of Soleil tightens. She cannot stop the kiss or let go of the child in her arms. Her injury is starting to ache.

YaoFeng felt no resistance from her and kissed his wife more.

Thanks to the children getting irritated, he stopped kissing her.

"Cheers to all!" he said as he guided his family away from the stage.

Tania immediately took Soleil when she saw the discomfort on her Missy.

Lune is still with YaoFeng and Sandy came to Yuyu.

"I've got good shots of you. Here take a look." She passed Yuyu the camera.

Yuyu reached for it and put her other arm around Tania.

"Let's meet the Whites." Yuyu said and Sandy linked her arms on her other side while she browsed the photos.

Sandy whispered in her ears. "Will told me about your back."

Yuyu glared at her. "Don't tell anyone. YaoFeng is taking care of me. He will feel useless if he finds out that the Whites are complaining!"

Sandy thought about it and realized her sister is right.

They reached the group of people and Night immediately came to YaoFeng.

Lune reached out for Yuyu and she took the child with her.

"Gracie! It's been a long time since we last saw each other!" Gracie hugged her and Lune looked at the woman, "unti.unti"

Yuyu and Gracie looked at each other and laughed.

"She called me auntie!!!" Gracie exclaimed!

Sandy came forward and took Lune from Yuyu. "Little darling, say it again, say Auntie Pretty!"

Lune held Sandy's face and mumbled "peety."

Everyone was so happy; Yuyu was so glad as well in spite of the pain on her back near her shoulder.

Night and YaoFeng were drinking together and it seemed like their relationship was back to normal.

"That's our sister Sandy, she stayed with Yuyu in London. This is my girlfriend Gracie." Night introduced Gracie to YaoFeng.

Their table was warm and harmonious when a newcomer came over to their table.

"CEO Ming, CEO White! It's nice to see you!" Li Haoran greeted first.

The two CEO's raised their glasses to give face to the man.

"Can I take pictures with you? The two of you are my idols in the industry!"

Night almost spat the wine.

"Don't take pictures. My wife will scold me. She just looks kind on the outer but she will beat me later at home. She's a jealous type, over possessive. She even monitors the meetings I attend, especially with male, so sorry." Ming YaoFeng already excused himself.

Night pressed something on his phone under the table and it rang. "Brother in law, excuse me, my soon to be, parents in law are calling me!" Night placed the phone on his ear and glanced at Gracie, "Hon, your mother is on the phone, she wants to talk to you!"

Li Haoran felt unwelcomed and excused himself immediately. He would never dare to stay in the same place with CEO Ming unless another person is present.

Sandy and Yuyu were immersed in talking while Assistant Xu came with the children's stroller.

Ming YaoFeng has already made this arrangement as it would be hard for Yuyu to hold a child longer.

"Just don't let it get wet to avoid infection." reminded Sandy.

"I know. Your boyfriend studied my results. There's nothing wrong right?" Yuyu confirmed.

"Of course there is none. Just don't let your husband raise your arms when you're kissing." Sandy replied casually.

Yuyu choked on the water she's drinking. "Why would my husband raise my arms?!" She was really confused.

Sandy took a sip of her wine. "You know, when you're pinned on the wall, and he pins your hands above your head, it adds excitement to them." She casually explained as if its a known fact!

Yuyu blushed with how direct her sister was talking. She grabbed Lune from her. "You are an indecent sister! You are speaking of those things in front of a child! You just miss it because you're in your first trimester! Where is Will?" she remembered.

"He's getting the tripod and camera accessories. There he is." Sandy pointed at the man carrying a bag.

William greeted Yuyu and the children. This did not escape YaoFeng's gaze.

"Night, Gracie, come over, we're complete!" Yuyu called as William set up the camera.

Sandy arranged their positions. YaoFeng behind Yuyu. Tania between Yuyu and Gracie. Night behind Gracie. The twins at the front.

Sandy stood beside Yuyu. "Will, you go behind me."

They took some more family shots in different positions. Sandy insisted on this so that they can have choices later.

Soleil did not leave his stroller but Lune was having fun being carried by different people. At last, she got tired and called for "Mi.mi."

The group settled again and Night and YaoFeng received some greetings from passing guests. When others saw that the two big CEOs were accepting toasts, they also came over to make a toast.

Yuyu was watching Tania and Gracie having a conversation while playing with Soleil.

Sandy just finished helping William with the camera.

The two of them were approaching Yuyu when they saw Lune vomiting excess milk on Yuyu's shoulder. It was like a slow motion; they were not able to stop the child on time and both of them knew that it would seep on the wound.

"I'll get the child, she's more used to me; I'll send you Yuyu's clothes later. Fix her wound first." Sandy directed.

Before Yuyu felt the liquid seeping on her clothes, Lune was taken away from here by her sister.

"Did you bring dressing?" William asked as he helped Sandy with the child.

Yuyu was about to ask why when she felt a wetness slowly traveling behind her shoulder.

"In my pouch." Yuyu replied when she felt it.

"Go. William will check it, I'll send your clothes asap, I'll take Lune first." Sandy said as she checked if there's something wrong with the child.

Yuyu and William left the group and headed outside the hall to ride the lift.

"Did all of you ride in a single car?" Yuyu asked casually as they walk away.

"Night has a date so he brought his own. I'm using the SUV with Sandy." William replied.

"Good thing I asked the nurse for extra dressing." Yuyu opened her bag and took out a single application kit.


Ming YaoFeng was toasting with the others and tasted something different; when his eyes missed his wife, he turned to the group.

"Where's Yuyu?" He blurted to Night.

Sandy saw the two men approaching and handed Lune to Night. "I'll get Yuyu's clothes. Lune vomited on her, she's probably in your room." She looked at YaoFeng meaningfully in the thought that he knew about the injury. Wasn't he the one taking care of her all these times?

YaoFeng left the group and headed to the lift.

He just saw the closing door of the children and he doesn't have the card key! He cursed as he saw someone else coming inside with his wife.

Is this why she took two cards from him?! So he can't go inside? The alcohol added to the anger and jealousy inside Ming YaoFeng.