YaoFeng's mistake!

YaoFeng banged on the door, "Ming Yuyu!" he did not expect the door to open immediately. The English man opened the door for him and welcomed him inside.

YaoFeng's eyes looked for the woman who's currently shoving her hair into one side. The sight looks like she is seducing the other man.

Yuyu saw the anger in her husband's eyes and immediately grabbed the kit from William.

"My husband will take care of me, please tell Sandy to get my change of clot-"

She was taken away to the other room and William was left shocked.

(Are they fighting?)


YaoFeng closed the door with a bang and pushed Yuyu on the bed.

She resigned to her faith and decided to have Tania fix her wound later. Whether it's now or later, the wound has been wet anyway and the pain started to torture her.

Ming YaoFeng took off his coat and adjusted his tie.

How dare this woman come with another man alone in the room?!

He was so angry he pressed himself on top of her and kissed her harshly. Yuyu feared that he'll crush her! She tried to push his chest with both of her hands while she still have the strength.

She wanted to tell him she's injured but her words were mummed by his possessive kiss not even letting her to breathe!

When YaoFeng felt her resistance, he got more irritated! 'She seemed to be posing seductively in the other room and now she wanted to push him away?'

He took her wrists and put her hands above her head to stop Yuyu from pushing him.

Yuyu almost black out in pain! She now understood what Sandy was saying earlier! She felt like her blood was gushing out of her wound with the way her arms are stretched that way! Did they mean the muscle and tissue around the wound would be ripped like how she felt?!

Tears flowed on her eyes and she cannot speak anymore due to the excruciating pain! She closed her eyes and relaxed herself.

YaoFeng is raging and uncontrollable. There was a small dose of drug that those people who toasted with him had placed on his drink. Luckily, he found it out early and had a chance to look for his wife!

But the presence of that foreigner really pissed him off! He wanted to punish his wife for everything! Leaving him, playing with him and hanging around with another man when they are still married!

At first Yuyu was trying to wiggle away. But when she saw the redness in YaoFeng's eyes, she already knew she couldn't stop him.

He kissed her harshly; bite on her face and everywhere his mouth fell. Her whole humanity felt sore and forced himself on her! Her eyes opened wide blankly lost in the ceiling. It was a very painful encounter. He did not even think of preparing her body and just used her like a toy.

She felt so worn and broken. She waited silently and allowed her tears to fall freely. Since she's losing blood already, there's no more reason to fight. There was a lump on her throat like a painful sob being suppressed.

He pressed and bit on her everywhere as if venting out his anger. Yuyu felt numb looking at the ceiling, she felt violated, humiliated and she just wanted nothing more but to die.

When he finished, he went to the bathroom and took a shower.


YaoFeng felt so guilty after his release.

He knew at some point that it was wrong for him to force himself on her. He looked at her earlier and her eyes had lost their life. She was like a lifeless doll with just plain black eyes.

Reflecting on himself, he took a while in the shower. The picture of her keeps repeating in his mind. He was able to finish inside her without even removing a piece of her clothing. How cruel was that?

He was cursing and hitting the bathroom wall.


Yuyu heard the sounds from the bathroom and her mind was alerted.

A thought of her children flashed her mind and something inside her told her to get up!

She needed to get back to the hospital! She heard a knock on the door and dragged herself to the peephole. Sandy! Yuyu wiped her tears and arranged her appearance.

She turned off the light before she opened the door so Sandy will not notice anything; Yuyu grabbed the clothes from her surprised sister.

"Sand, leave us first, we're having private time. Take care of Tania and the kids." Yuyu shooed Sandy and Sandy immediately understood what private time means. Her sister's voice is different as if they are in the middle of something "very private!" She shouted at the door, "remember not to raise your arms!" she laughed and left.

Yuyu wasted no time. In spite of her aching body, she looked for the kit she dropped earlier. There was an adrenaline shot that she requested from the hospital earlier and she can use it, but she needs to time it, to the point that she can get a car.

She immediately pulled down the black gown and changed into the dress Sandy brought her. It covers the whole back and it's black. That's good. She saw YaoFeng's pants and fumbled in his pockets, there was only his wallet so she took some money in case she needed a cab later.

Yuyu tied his pants into three knots to buy more time. She grabbed the kit and took the syringe. Since she cannot use the dressing, she tossed them and grabbed his coat and weakly ran for the door.

As she opened the door, YaoFeng just got from the bathroom wearing a towel. Their eyes met and she panicked. She uncapped the syringe and jab it to her thigh. When she felt the rush of energy, she ran away and closed the door.


Ming YaoFeng cannot believe what he just saw! His wife was escaping like a thief! Did she just give herself an adrenaline shot?

He looked for his clothes and cursed when he saw his pants in three knots. He worked his aching hands until he could wear them. He put on his black shirt and was putting on his shoes when he saw a medical kit on the floor.

He immediately wrapped the bandage on his injured knuckles; He looked at her mess and picked up her dress. It has white mixtures that looks like one of his children's vomit. He smelled it and frowned. It smelled like blood! He pressed the black cloth and a stain of red appeared in his hands.

It was like a magnet that his head automatically turned on the bed where she laid and his eyes almost popped out from the sockets when he saw how much blood was spilled on the white bed!

Ming YaoFeng never felt this more worried, guilty and crazy than ever. He called Assistant Xu to come over and help him with the mess!


Yuyu fumbled on the coat. She already reached the valet when she found the parking slip. Great! No need to find a cab. She was very agitated to go as the energy on her body is decreasing.

The car soon arrived and she took over, driving immediately. Luckily, there was no traffic as it was already beyond rush hour. She was able to beat two red lights since there's only few cars on the road.

She made a call to the hospital director who picked up immediately.

"Director, I'm being chased... by reporters. My husband was cornered so I … am driving alone. Send people to meet me .. I'm losing blood.. See you.. At the emergency " She was able to make up a story in the most critical moment.

Luckily, when she crashed the car on the hospital's emergency barrier, the VIP staff were already waiting for her.

She dared not to lose consciousness until she saw the hospital director giving orders.


Ming YaoFeng went back to the hall to find his wife. She may have taken shelter with the kids or her siblings.

He was surprised to see sandy beaming at him.

"Brother in law, how was it? Is my sister sleeping now?"

His brows knitted. "Don't be shy. She told me you're busy doing it. Don't worry, I won't tell Night. Come first and sit. We have a family announcement." Sandy guided him to sit.

"Since all of us are here, we have a family announcement!" Sandy said to their group.

Night who was slightly intoxicated interrupted. "Yuyu is not yet here!"

"She's resting. She already knew about this so she doesn't need to be here." Sandy explained.

Tania felt overwhelmed that the family is including her for such a special event, this is so warm.

"William and I," Sandy started. William took her hands and both of them said, "we are pregnant!"

All the members of the group were happy and congratulated them.

YaoFeng was conflicted. He needed to get out of here and look for Yuyu but wait. Wasn't the english man having an affair with Yuyu?

William got their attention, "We were planning a wedding in London but Soleil will have a problem with the weather so we will get registered here and do the rest here."

"Congratulations Master William! Now the family has two medical practitioners!" Tania raised her glass and William toast with her.

"Stop calling people master and missy Tania! Call us older brothers and older sisters." Night commented.

Tania blushed.

"Now I have two brothers in law. I can't let Alex get ahead of me!" Night mumbled.

"Up to you!" Gracie teased and the two of them teased each other.

Two medical practitioners? So these two are..