Chapter 2 - Vice-Admiral Tsuru

On the endless ocean a dinghy headed toward a large blue-green battle ship. The ship had three masts, the first and second having the image of a seagull with a wrench, and the second also having the word 'MARINE' printed in blue. On the ship stood a tall woman with white hair wearing a purple blouse and black pants, a white justice coat draped over her shoulders representing her status in the marines.

???: "Vice-Admiral Tsuru! There's a dinghy floating towards us! Should we leave it alone or pick it up?"

Tsuru: "Can you see what's on the dinghy?"

???: "It looks like a child is passed out on the dinghy!"

Tsuru: "A child? Then what are you fools waiting for? Pick it up!"

The large marine ship started moving towards the small dinghy quickly, and soon Vice-Admiral Tsuru could see the child onboard the dinghy. He looked about 5 years old with short blue hair, tan skin, a yin-yang tattoo under his right eye.. He was wearing a white hoodie with black stripes, ears and a tail, as well as black shorts with a gold belt and finally a pair of slide-on sandals on his feet. The belt appeared to be holding weapons, guns and knives, by the looks of it.

As the ship got closer, several people from the marines began to throw hooks onto the boys boat, then they started reeling it in. While reeling it in and raising it, Tsuru was able to get a closer look at the boy and realized his belt holstered, not guns and knives, but one revolver on each side with blades attached to the end of the barrel!

Tsuru: "Bring him to my room after you're done pulling him up, I will ask about his origins and the reason he is floating around on this ocean. Put his dinghy somewhere without other life boats and the like, in case he needs the dinghy for something."

???: "Yes, Vice-Admiral!"

After giving out her orders, Tsuru left to go wait for the boy while making herself some tea.

- 10 Minutes Later -

In Vice-Admiral Tsuru's cabin, Sora woke up. Looking around, he found himself on a bed inside a very professional looking room. At this time it could be seen that his eyes were a dark blue color. The gentle swaying every now and then helping to let him know he was still at sea.

???: "You're in my room, boy."

Looking toward the sound of the voice Sora saw Marine Vice-Admiral Tsuru. Pretending he doesn't know who she is he asked, "Who are you?"

Tsuru: "My name is Tsuru, I'm a Marine Vice-Admiral. What is your name and why were you floating around around on a dinghy? Why do you have those weapons?"

'Dinghy? I remember I was on a raft.' Sora thought

Luna: {Yeah, but you upgraded it remember?}

Seeing he was not answering, Tsuru thought he was scared. "Don't be scared, I'm one of the good guys!" She said while giving a kind smile.

Sora: "Sorry, Vice-Admiral Tsuru, I was lost in thought. My name is Voi D. Sora, 5 years old, my reason for floating around in the dinghy is to explore the world in search of my wives. My weapons are obviously to fight anyone who gets in my way!" He laughed.

Tsuru's mouth twitched hearing his reasons then she sighed.

Tsuru: "Who are your wives? Maybe I can help you."

Sora: "I haven't met them yet! But I'll know when I do, and we'll continue to explore the world together!"

Tsuru frowned and said: "Kid, you shouldn't be greedy. One woman is enough. What about your parents? Why would they let a 5 year old wander the sea?"

In response Sora shrugged "I don't have parents, but I once heard that a great man can have as many wives as he wants! The more wives the greater the man is!"

"Well, just stay on board here for now. I'll get you a room on the ship. Do you need your dinghy?" Tsuru sighed then asked.

Sora: "Yeah, the dinghy is my boat! Can you lead me to it, so I can put it away?"

Although Tsuru wondered how he planned to put the dinghy away, she still decided to lead him to his dinghy. When they arrived in front of it he touched it and it vanished. Tsuru thought it must be a devil fruit, but Sora just put it in his inventory.

Tsuru: "Did you eat a devil fruit?"

Even though he knew all about the world of One Piece, Sora decided to play the part of the clueless kid.

Sora: "What's a devil fruit?"

Tsuru: "Did you eat a strange fruit with odd patterns all over it?"

Sora: "No."

Tsuru: "Okay, then how did you make the dinghy vanish like that?"

"Magic!" Sora exclaimed while grinning from ear to ear.

Hearing Sora's explanation Tsuru laughed. Afterwards, she found someone to lead Sora to a cabin close to hers and ordered her crew to head back to Marine Ford, she assumed he just didn't want to tell others his devil fruit.

In his cabin, Sora sat on a bed. Before he got to Marine Ford, he decided he would train.

Sora: 'Luna, buy me the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, the top dual scythe technique in existence, the top leg martial arts, as well as the top boxing or arm only marital arts technique in existence. By the way, how do I activate my dojutsu? And what about my wolf, dragons, tiger, tortoise, and phoenix?'

Luna: {You can unlock your dojutsu by going through a near death experience, yes, the Infinite Training Grounds count because the deaths inside are real, even if you don't actually die. As for your custom monster girls, they're in your world right now and they'll be able to come out freely after the first time you've entered your world. To enter your world just will it, or if you want, you can create gates to allow others entry.}


God Reaper Dual Scythe Technique LVL 1

World Smasher Fist Technique LVL 1

Feral Strikes Leg Technique LVL 1

Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu LVL 1]

Along with the addition of the skills in his status, Soras brain was flooding with the information regarding each of the new skills be attained. Satisfied, he performed the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu and made a clone of himself to take his place on the ship until they were close to Marine Ford. The only instructions he left the clone were 'behave, act like me, and make sure Tsuru takes me as her adopted grandson.'

Knowing that the clone understood what he had to do, Sora closed his eyes and willed himself into his world.

Sora opened his eyes to see a giant castle in front of him. All around the castle were grasslands with various different trees everywhere. In the distance he could see the grass fading into a sandy beach, an endless blue ocean beyond it. Before he had time to completely appreciate the scenery, the massive castle doors opened to reveal his "custom monster girls," as Luna put it, in their animal forms.

A small dragon with a pink head that got darker throughout the rest of her body becoming a deep purple at the tip of her tail with a set dark red horns on her head. Two red wings stretched from her back. Sora had already decided to call her Cherry.

Another dragon, this time she was a long serpentine dragon without wings, although she could still fly, azure in color from head to tail. She also had a set of horns that divided themselves into 9 each, like deer antlers. Sora decided he'd call her Aoi.

A white tiger, with 9 black stripes on its body. He decided her name would be Moon.

A vermillion phoenix with 9 different color wings made of fire- blue, red, green, black, white, yellow, pink, purple, and orange. Sora would call her Tori.

A black tortoise with 9 layers on its shell. It's tail was a silver snake which coiled itself on on the shell. Her name would be Maria.

And finally, a nine-tailed wolf. Her fur was silver in color, with black-tipped tails and white-tipped ears. On her forehead was a black whirlpool symbol, the same one as the Devouring Ancestral Symbol from Martial Movement Upheaval. Her name would be Fenrir.

Sora quickly gave them their names and explained his plan to train before all of them, but Cherry jumped on him and vanished into his body. He had already told them he would talk to them whenever he could, but he has to concentrate on everything else otherwise.


Beast Cloak LVL 1]