Chapter 3- Training

In the castle courtyard.

Sora found a nice corner and placed his Infinite Training Grounds there.

Sora: "Status."

[Name: Voi D. Sora

Race: Infinite Void Being

World: One Piece







CHA: A+ (Will increase with age)

LUK: X+]

Sora: "Abilities."


God's Favored

Original Sinner

Law of Space LVL Max

Law of Time LVL Max

Law of Creation LVL Max

Protagonist Aura

God Reaper Dual Scythe Technique LVL 1

World Smasher Fist Technique LVL 1

Feral Strikes Leg Technique LVL 1

Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu LVL 1

Beast Cloak

-Nine-tailed Wolf

-Nine-horned Azure Dragon

-Nine-winged Vermillion Phoenix

-Nine-striped White Tiger

-Nine-layered shell Black Tortoise]

After confirming his status and abilities, Sora was about to enter the ITG when he remembered he doesn't know if there's a difficulty setting or something. Just before he was about to ask Luna said {Don't worry about it.} Not thinking much, he shrugged and strode in.

Upon entrance, he found himself in a burning city. He could see various building crashing to the ground every second with shadows clashing everywhere. Blood splashed everywhere, painting the surroundings crimson.

[Absolute Mayhem Mode Engaged

Difficulty Setting: Impossible]

Sora: "Yo, WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Poor Sora didn't even get the chance to ask Luna for her before someone approached him.

???: "Hello and welcome to your death!"

Sora had enough time to register he was dead as he saw the floor quickly approaching.

Outside the ITG the doors opened and launched an angry Sora out. He got up and stormed back in, resolved to conquer the impossible difficulty and kill the man who just ended his life before he even registered.

On his next entrance he saw the same man and had enough time to launch a kick that failed to connect before his head fell from his body.

Like this a months time outside his world passed.

Inside a burning city Sora could be seen fighting several people with a ferocious look on his face. A jab followed by a slash, a kick, a gunshot, a life was taken. A kick, a slash, another life gone. There was nothing fancy about it, no anime move names and flashy effects. Just skilled moves, aiming at opponents vitals or to knock them off balance.

Sora attacked with reckless abandon paying little attention to defense and focusing on perfecting his offensive techniques to their fullest, creating as many shadow clones as he could to help with his training. Finally, after killing the last enemy in front of him, he heard a prompt from his system.

[Successfully fused God Reaper Dual Scythe Technique LVL Max, World Smasher Fist Technique LVL Max, Feral Strikes Leg Technique

Created: Unnamed LVL 1:

Close quarters combat technique specializing in scythes, and kicks, incorporating the core of boxing for stability and defense.

Congratulations for unlocking system function:

Fusion: Fuse 2 or more items/techniques to make a stronger one, incorporating the important aspects of all fused things.]

Hearing the prompt, Sora grinned. His eyes were no longer the dark blue color they usually were, instead they were a bright aquamarine color, like the sharingan his eyes had one tomoe each. The center of his eyes was a darker blue that turned into black, lines stretching from them to the left and right until they met a black ring at the edge of his aquamarine iris meeting the single black tomoe on the right. These were his dojutsu, which he called the towagan.

These were actually the first evolution/second form of the towagan. The first form had no tomoe. It granted him a superior reaction time. The second form granted him greater observation to the point he could predict what others will do based off the slightest movements of their muscles.

During this time he had also managed to make all his stats reach at least SS in rank, causing his Twin Celestial Slaughterers to barely reach the Gold Class. Gold Class gave them the ability to change ammo types based on what he wanted every shot, as well as higher penetrative power, sharper blades, and longer range. The range now was even higher than a lot of snipers.

Sora: "Name the new technique 'Soras CQC Technique.' Luna buy me peak sniping techniques for dual revolvers, bow, and a sniper as well as two soul weapons, in the form of a sniper and a bow. Fuse the three sniping techniques together."


Universal Annihilator Sniper Technique LVL 1

Swift Rain Bow Technique LVL 1

New Reincarnation Revolver Technique LVL 1]

[Name: Star Striker

Rarity: Gold Class

Type: Sniper

Effect: Self-Reloading Sniper with superior range, speed and penetrative power. Power and range increase with user proficiency as well as its own rarity. It is possible to use this sniper to shoot people in different worlds if a ability is high enough. Ammo alters itself based of users needs per shot]

[Name: Heaven Piercer

Rarity: Gold Class

Type: Bow

Effect: Arrows automatically form whenever the bow is drawn, changing type depending on the user. Arrows shot have superior range and speed, they are silent and undetectable. Armor is ignored when arrow hit their desired target.]

[Congratulations! Fused Universal Annihilator Sniper Technique LVL 1, Swift Rain Bow Technique LVL 1, New Reincarnation Revolver Technique LVL 1


Unnamed LVL 1:

Sniping technique specializing in revolvers, snipers and bows. Increase in level increases proficiency for each all ranged weapons.]

Sora: "Cool, the new technique will be named 'Soras Ranged Weaponry Technique.'"

Sora looked around finding that he was surrounded by shadows. Smiling he brought out a bright red high-tech looking sniper. Looking through the dark purple scope he aimed at the shadow he saw farthest away and let out a shot that signaled the beginning of a bloody festival.


After another month in the outside world, Sora had maxed out the levels of his abilities, and gotten his stats all to SSS+ meaning he was at the peak of the world of One Piece in respect power.

Although it was only a total of two months outside, in his world he spent 1,671 years training. Most of the training was for his actual abilities reach max level, though, since if he just cared about stats, he would have long been at X+ in everything. Sora was not stupid though, and he knew no matter how strong if you're absolute garbage at fighting you could get beat by someone weaker, thus he spent his time acquiring battle experience and perfecting his fighting techniques.

His clone had already informed him they were approaching Marine Ford, however being Sora's clone, he forgot what exactly Sora wanted to be so he called Tsuru 'mother' instead of 'grand mother' and now he's her adopted son.

To Sora it didn't make much of a difference, he was gonna give her a pill to restore her youth when they arrived at Marine Ford anyway and it would be weird to call a young woman 'grandma.'

Coming out of his world, Sora dispelled his clone. He was strong now and confident in defeating most people in the world, or at least competing with them. Although his weapons were still Gold Class, his towagan did gain another tomoe on end of the line to the left of his pupil, opposite his first tomoe. The third form gave him the ability to seal others. He could seal anything; they're powers, movement, vision, hearing, etc. the strength of the seal depended on his own strength.

Now, since they were arriving at Marine Ford, it was time to ask his now mother, Tsuru, to find someone to teach him haki, since he didn't know how to practice them on his own. Although he could just buy them, but that would ruin a part of the fun of the world of One Piece.

———-5 Minutes Later, Tsuru's Cabin——————

Sora: "Mother, I have a gift for you."

Tsuru smiled hearing the word 'mother.' Although it had already been two weeks since she had decided to take Sora as her adopted son, it was still extremely pleasant to her to hear herself being called 'mother.' It had always been a bit of a regret for her to not have any children of her own, but now a child of her own had appeared before her from out of nowhere.

Tsuru: "Sora, you don't have to give me anything, just tell me what you want and we'll see about it."

Sora just reached out and opened his hand revealing a spherical white pill. "Eat it." He said then started looking around for a mirror. Tsuru looked at him questioningly, but shrugged and took the pill. Anyway, he has her adopted son and she didn't believe he would poison her. Swallowing it, she felt her body getting stronger and more energized. Looking at her hands she saw the wrinkles disappearing quickly, instead revealing the soft, elastic skin she had in her youth. Touching her face in shock, she was able to noticed the wrinkles on her face were also gone.

She looked toward Sora, who holding a mirror now, to see him grinning at her. In the mirror, she saw a young woman of about 20 years old, with dark blue hair and black eyes. There was not even a single wrinkle on her flawless white skin. "How?" She asked.

Hearing her question Sora took her to his world and explained everything to her, aside from being reincarnated and knowing all about the world. He also told her, unless he gave other people the pill or they told them, others wouldn't notice any changes in her appearance.