Chapter 4 - At Marine Ford

After Sora got done explaining, he showed her his towagan, as well as his sniper and bow, which he kept hidden usually. Cherry also greeted her, she would stay in his world until he reached the age of 17 since the Celestial Dragons would probably try to catch her and keep her as a slave, and he aimed to become a pirate at the same time as Luffy. He didn't tell Tsuru he would become a pirate though.

He also removed the curse from her devil fruit which prevented her swimming and got her a soul weapon which she chose a flintlock rifle, but he thought it was weird since he hadn't seen her with one before.

After all that was done, he brought her out of his world and finally asked her if she could find him someone to teach him haki.

Tsuru: "Yes, when we arrive at Marine Ford, I'll tell Sengoku to get you an instructor."

Although she wanted to test him first, but she figured he was probably pretty strong if he even trained for at least an hour a day inside his world. Sora thanked her and left, stating she was an immense beauty before exiting, and bringing another smile to Tsuru's face.

After a day they arrived at Marine Ford where Sora followed Tsuru. Marine Ford was a crescent moon shaped island made entirely out of steel. From the ship Sora could see buildings everywhere with a few trees in random locations. There were stairs leading to a gigantic building at the center of the island, which looked like a castle. Following Tsuru, they headed for the castle-like building which he knew was marine HQ.

Entering the building, they continued to climb stairs for what felt like a really long time to Sora. Just as he was wondering wether he should blow up the whole HQ so he could meet Sengoku and Garp faster, Tsuru turned toward him and said, "We're here, now behave. You're gonna meet a few of the higher ups in the Marines; namely, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, and Admiral Zephyr.

'Admiral Zephyr? So his wife and kid should still be alive if he's still an admiral.' Sora thought

[Quest Triggered: Zephyr's Happiness

Description: Admiral Zephyr will lose his wife and child in 10 months time, causing him to hate pirates with a passion. This would result in his death later. Saving his family would alter fate, although he would still quit his job as an admiral, becoming a Marine Instructor.

Reward: Tree of Immortality: Immortality is granted by it via its leaves. (Directly planted in your world castle garden.)

Failure: Zephyr will hate all pirates blindly, even you, after you become a pirate leading to him leaving the marines and being destructive causing his death.

Time limit: 10 Months]

Sora quickly read the notification nodded toward Tsuru, signaling he was ready to enter.

Following Tsuru inside, sitting behind a desk he saw a tall, muscular, light skinned man. He had a long braided goatee and a mustache. His hair was hidden under his marine cap, which had a life-sized seagull on top of it. He wore a full admiral uniform adorned with medals. There was a marine coat worn on his shoulders like cape and he wore black-rimmed glasses on his face. This was Sengoku.

Standing to the right of the man was a tall, broad-chested, muscular old man. He wore a white suit and the same oversized marine coat, although his epaulettes were black and red instead of the usual blue and red. Tsuru's were also a different color-purple with a white dot. That was Garp.

To the left of Sengoku stood a tall, muscular man with purple hair. He wore a purple suit with a pink shirt and a pink tie with red polka dots. A marine coat was, like everyone else , draped over his shoulders like a cape.

Looking at Sengoku, Sora's eyes flashed revealing his towagan. He closed his eyes again and restore them to the normal dark blue. Although the towagan was only revealed for a second it was enough for all of them to see it. Sora then began to talk before anyone else got a chance to say something.

Sora: "Um... I'm not sure if it'll help, but I need to tell you that if you know someone named Corazon, you should keep them close to you or they'll die soon."

Everyone was in shock, especially Tsuru, who had already planned to keep those eyes a secret. However, what was more shocking to her was that he knew about Corazon. Nobody aside from the four in the room knew about Sengoku's adopted son.


Sengoku was ready to jump on Sora and silence him, but he was stopped by Tsuru.

Tsuru: "Stop! Sengoku, this is my adopted son, Voi D. Sora. As for how he knows about Corazon, it can probably be attributed to those eyes of his. He told me it was something only he had called a dojutsu. They can enhance his vision as well as improve his reaction speed."

Sora: "Yeah! But when I saw you, they activated by themselves and I saw a vision. I saw a man who they called 'Corazon' killed by someone they called 'Doffy.' Since I saw it when I looked at you, I assumed it had something to so with you!"

Calming down, Sengoku looked at Sora for a second before turning to Tsuru and saying "Explain." Tsuru proceeded to tell Sengoku about her meeting with Sora, as well as his goals, age and that he's strong.

Garp: "Bwahahaha!"

Walking toward Sora while pulling up his sleeve.

"Brat, you're the same age as my grandson and you want a harem! Come here and let me show you what 'love' is!" He laughed. Sora, of course, already understood he would meet Garp's love punch, but he didn't know wether to block it or dodge it. While he was still deciding- and everyone else was wondering what he would do- Garp had already approached him a delivered a mighty punch to Soras face, launching him into the wall. Although Tsuru wanted to block it for him, but she also felt this was needed to get him a good instructor.

When the dust settled everyone was shocked to find that Sora wasn't there. Instead, Garp had to quickly turn around because using his observation haki, he saw Sora jumping behind him, sending a kick to his face. Garp quickly raised an arm to block, noting his kick was strong enough to shatter a normal Vice-Admirals arm. "Bwahaha!! Kid, you're strong, but your still too young to fight me! Take this! SUPER! LOVE! PUNCH!!!" Garp roared with laughter as he sent a punch towards Soras abdomen, this time using armament haki.

Sora was unprepared since he thought his kick would be enough to send Garp flying to the wall, and he hadn't wanted to actually fight. Thus, Sora was sent into another wall again. Standing up he looked angrily at Garp and yelled "One day, I'll beat you up, old man! And then I'll heal you and beat you up again!" This caused everyone in the room to laugh, while at same time making Sengoku and Zephyr decide never to get on the kids bad side since they, too, felt the power behind his kick.

Tsuru smiled proudly before telling Sengoku she had brought him here to get him someone who could teach him haki. Sengoku agreed, thinking it would be great if this genius could be a marine. Hearing he needed a teacher, Garp and Zephyr both volunteered.

Zephyr: "I'll do it. Anyway, I was thinking of becoming a marine instructor instead of admiral soon since I want to spend more time with my family."

Garp: "Tsuru-chan, I'll do it. I'll show him the wonders of love! Besides, next year when I go visit my grandson, he can help me convince him to be a marine."

Sengoku, hearing Zephyrs reason stopped for a second before choosing to give his assent. 'In any case, Zephyr being an instructor isn't too bad since they can have Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Borsalino fill in as admirals.' He thought. Tsuru just nodded, accepting for Sora.

Tsuru:"Okay, then you both train Sora in haki. Sora, don't get corrupted by that fool, Garp."

Sora:"Don't worry, I'll beat him up soon!"

Then Sora launched himself at Garp again, only to be sent into the wall. This was not Sora acting. He has always been childish to an extent, so he wanted to really beat Garp up. Again, the room erupted in laughter. Sora glared at Garp before looking toward Zephyr.

Sora: "So when do we start? I want to beat him up already."