Chapter 5 - Haki, Hina and Zephyr

2 months later, Marine Ford.

A small child could be seen fighting a man with purple hair, or at least, Sora thought they were fighting. They were Sora and Zephyr. Sora had a blindfold on and was attempting dodge Zephyrs attacks. He already unlocked preliminary observation haki and could dodge around 30% of the attacks. Of course, not wanting to let himself get one sidedly beat, he was also attempting to hit back, but failing beautifully.

During these two months he had also sent a clone to find Monet and her sister, Sugar. He had managed to save them from the harsh weather conditions of their home before Doflamingo, and currently they were in his world, training in ITG he had bought for them. They lived in his castle, keeping Cherry company. Sora would drop by to keep them company along with Aoi, Moon, Tori, and Fenrir. He had already broken Sugars devil fruit curse as well, allowing her to age and swim.

Using the system he had managed to obtain the One Piece Worlds darkness fruit, preventing Blackbeard from getting it. He just need to find a suitable person to give it to.

Watching then were Garp and 2 other marines. A young man and a young woman. The man was muscular with white hair, he smoked two cigars. His name was Smoker. The woman, Hina, had pink hair, with sunglasses put on her head, a curvaceous figure with long legs, full breasts and ass.

After Zephyr quit from being admiral, he had begun training them and other young marines he found promising before he officially begun as a marine instructor. Today, they happened to meet Garp on his way to check on Soras training. Being Garp, he naturally told them about Sora. Curious, they followed Garp to see the child who their instructor was fond of.

Since, they didn't know about haki at the time, they thought it was ridiculous that such a young child could be found so impressive by both Garp and Zephyr. 'I mean, sure he's wearing a blindfold, but Instructor Zephyr is literally sitting on a lawn chair throwing rocks at him, while he's trying to fight back!' They thought.

After another half an hour, Zephyr announced that they were done and began to laugh. Of course, he was laughing because when Sora took off his blindfold and saw that Zephyr was nowhere near him, he got mad. Sora started pulling out his revolvers and yelling at Zephyr in frustration.

Sora: "Hey polka dots! How about you let me use these without a blindfold and fight me for real?! I'll show you what ranged combat is all about!!"

Although Zephyr and Garp were calm, as they knew Sora wouldn't actually do anything, Hina and Smoker were shocked. They quickly jumped in front Zephyr on full alert, ready to take the kid down if he tried anything funny.

Seeing Hina, Sora quickly calmed down and ran in front of her. Under the amused eyes of Garp and Zephyr, he kneeled, took her hand, not giving her any time to react.

Sora: "Beautiful miss, would you marry me?"

Smoker who was ready to attack him, stopped in his tracks and he just stared at Sora, mouth agape. After a second he, like Garp and Zephyr began to laugh. Behind them, Tsuru who had just arrived looked at Sora thinking 'why did my son have to be so stupid?' Hina herself quickly got over her shock, coming up with what she thought would be the perfect rejection.

Hina: "Hina will only marry someone stronger than her. And they have to be younger than Hina."

Of course, Hina didn't know Sora's actual strength and she assumed he would be unable to be as strong as her at a younger age.

Sora: "Yes!!"

Turning to Tsuru he pulled and Hina over.

Sora: "Meet my wife, Hina."

Hina: "Hina did not say she would marry you."

Garp: "Bwahahaha! You did! He's already as strong as Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan. Though, he cant beat them because his haki isn't good yet.And he's only 5 years old!"

Both Hina and Smoker nearly fainted hearing this 5 year old child could compete with the admirals.

Zephyr: "If he fights them seriously with his weapons, he would kill them quickly."

Hina, although a little annoyed she was now considered the wife of this child felt she should just accept it. 'In any case, since he's that powerful at 5 years old, he'll surely be much stronger later.' She thought.

Hina: "Hina accepts, since Hina had already said she would.

Tsuru smiled, knowing what was going through her head. "In that case, welcome to the first wife!" She exclaimed.

Sora: "No! Just wife! There won't be any positions because I'll treat everyone equally!"

Hina and Smoker both felt like they had just been punched in the gut hearing the little devil wanted a harem and to top it off Tsuru approved! Before she got the chance to complain that her new husband apparently wasn't satisfied with just her, Tsuru dragged her off. Tsuru already knew that as long as someone with 'D.' in their name existed there was no way to stop them from living the way they wanted except for death. Garp was an obvious example, someone who did whatever he wanted even while in the marines. Therefore, she wanted to convince Hina just accept it, but to make sure that he didn't just take any beautiful woman.

Garp: "Bwahahaha! Well, kid, since you've gotten yourself a wife, now you need to be strong enough to protect her. Starting now your training will be 5 times as intense!"

Sora nodded and once again firmed his resolve to beat Garp up.

———————-7 Months Later—————————

Marine Ford, Zephyrs Residence

Sora was sitting at a table, across from him were Zephyr, his son, and his wife. Today, Sora had resolved to tell him about his world, as well as convince him to move his family inside. During the past 9 months, he had grown close enough to Zephyr that he trust him with the secret of his world.

As for his training, he could fully utilize observation haki, his observation haki allowed him to hear the voices of plants and animals as well as enhancing his vision. It gave him a 360 degree view around himself for a distance reaching 5 km. His armament haki could coat most of his body, its strength reaching a ridiculous level of power. Likely, he would have the strongest armament haki of them all, in the near future. He had also managed to unlock his conquerors haki which, unlike others that seem to grey out the world, dyes the world in blue.

Zephyr had finally has some time off for his family and Sora had followed him, saying he had something important to tell him. Before he told them though, he had to give Zephyr and his wife a pill to restore their youth. Zephyr told his wife it was okay to trust Sora, since he was his student then swallowed one of the pills. His wife, trusting him, swallowed the other afterwards too.

Sora pulled out a mirror showing them their changes, though since they didn't look that old to begin with there were less changes than with Tsuru. Still, they both looked much younger, shocking them. Before Zephyr could ask what that was, he found himself in a lush forest.

Sora: "Wow, I haven't been here in two days and they planted a whole forest. Anyway, before you ask, yes, mother knows. She also took the pill, though you couldn't see the changes until now because nobody can see the changes unless they take the pill too, or we tell them."

Sora proceeded to explain how his world works, as well as that he wished to have Zephyr's family move in. Zephyr asked if there was a way he could enter without needed Sora, so he could spend all his free time with his family. Sora simply gave him a white ring, telling him that he could use that to enter and exit as he wished, while also knowing how time passes outside. He simply need to mentally tell the ring. When Sora offered to make them a house, Zephyr said he didn't need it.

Zephyr: "Since today's my day off, I'll build my own house here with my family."

Sora smiled hearing Zephyr and also gave him a small cube which could be put down and become ITG. Zephyr thanked him, stating that his son would surely catch up.

[Quest Complete: Zephyrs Happiness]

Returning back to the female dorm where he stayed with Tsuru and Hina, Sora came across a grinning Garp.

Sora: "What do you want old man?"

Garp: "You're going with me to meet my grandson next month! I already got Tsurus permission since you can help convince Luffy to be a marine. You'll stay there for a year before I go pick you up. You can stop training now, since you're already as strong as us."

After that, Garp left Sora behind. 'Hahaha finally! I'll meet Luffy, Ace and Sabo!'


As I said before in the synopsis, there won't be a struggle for Soras harem since its a fan-fic and if I want to do something like that I could just write an original novel.