Chapter 7- East Blue Wives

It had already been a week since arriving. Garp left upset that he couldn't change Soras mind. Since Garp had left, Sora decided he would collect a few wives in East Blue.

First, he went down the mountain to Foosha Village, where he looked for Partys Bar. Once he found it he directly entered searching for Makino, who he had decided would be his wife. He soon found who he was looking for; a woman with black hair and light brown eyes, wearing a yellow bandana on her head. Walking up to the bar, he stared at her until he got her attention.

Makino: "Hi! I'm Makino! Are you lost?"

As she finished talking though, the bar doors were kicked open by a bunch of thugs. They proceeded to storm in and yell at Makino to give them free drinks. Just as she was about to give in, she was stopped by Sora. He held her hand and said "Makino, become my wife and I'll make sure these losers never bother you again."

Hearing the proposal Makino blushed, while the thugs roared with laughter. Not taking his age into account, she thought this was the first time a man had tried wooing her. Before she replied though, he added, "and don't worry about age because I'll eventually grow up, and I don't care if you're a little older!"

Makino: "Maybe."

This was the best answer she could think of, as she didn't want to hurt his feelings. Sora knew it was a rejection, but he didn't let it bother him. He had a year to make her fall. Turning toward the thugs, who were still making fun of him, his smile fell. His figure flashed before he appeared in front of the leader, sending a punch straight to his face. Knocking him out he turned to the rest and proceeded to do the same.

Knocking them out he proceeded to disable their arms, legs and reproductive system. Walking back to Makino, he said in a commanding tone, "You WILL be my wife, Makino. Even if I have to kidnap you!" Then he turned and left. Hearing him, Makino felt her body heat up a bit and looked toward his back with expectation.

Leaving Foosha Village, Sora used the law of space to teleport to Syrup Village, where he would look for Kaya. Appearing in Syrup Village, he headed toward the center of the island it was located on, knowing that Kaya lived there.

—————-Mt. Colubo, Dadans Residence————

Ace:"Luffy, Sabo! I went to Foosha village and I heard something about Sora! Apparently, he proposed to Makino! And he also beat those thugs who were bullying the villagers and disabled them!"

Luffy: "Shishishi! As expected of our brother! Where is he?"

Sabo: "He told me he was going to go look for wives on other islands for a bit. He said he'd also get luffy a swordsman and first mate for his crew while he's at it."

Ace and Luffy: "HUH?!"

Ace: "Why is he bringing Luffy a crew member?"

Sabo: "I don't know. He said he would bring us gifts too."

———————Shimotsuki Village———————-

A boy wondered the village asking for directions to Isshin Dojo. Behind him was a blond haired girl with black eyes. She wore a plain yellow dress. This was Kaya, who would be his ship doctor in the future. She had easily agrees to become his wife in exchange for a life of adventure. He had already shown her his world and told her they would be able to travel to other worlds in the future.

Though he felt bad for her family, they left a note. Next stop was Kuina. He would pick Zoro up too for Luffy.

Inside Isshin Dojo, Zoro had once again lost to Kuina. Kuina was a young 10 year old girl with dark blue hair and dark brown eyes. She wore a white shirt with no sleeves and plain blue pants. Zoro was an 8 year old tan skinned boy with short green hair. He wore a black tank and black shorts.

They were about to go for another round when the dojo doors opened revealing a boy with short blue hair, dark blue eyes and tan skin. He wore a white hoodie with black striped that had cat ears and a tail, a gold belt with the handle of a revolver sticking out from either side, as well as black shorts.

Behind him was a blond haired girl, wearing plain yellow clothes. Stepping forward he shouted, "MY NAME IS VOI D. SORA, 6 YEARS OLD. I'M HERE TO CHALLENGE THE DOJO, BRING OUT YOUR STRONGEST!"

Kuina felt it was funny that a 6 year old thought he could beat her or even Zoro. Looking towards Sora she said, "Zoro, you go."

Sora: "Since you're looking down on me and sending your second strongest, then if I win, he joins my brothers crew and you join mine, and you become one of my wives, woman. Don't worry, you won't have to put down your sword- as my wife, you should be strong!"

Much like Hina, Kuina didn't expect much from Sora, so she directly agreed. Kuinas dad Koushirou, who was watching, accepted when Sora looked at him for confirmation. He also didn't expect anything out of Sora.

Sora and Zoro stepped onto the mat to begin their match. Zoro already had his trademark three swords, one on each hand and one in his mouth, while Sora didn't have any weapons.

Zoro: "Aren't you gonna take out your weapon? If you don't have one, we can lend you bokken."

Sora: "I don't use swords, and the first sword I ever hold will be the only sword I'll ever hold."

Zoro shrugged, then got himself ready.

Koushirou: "Match between Voi D. Sora and Roronoa Zoro... BEGIN!"

Without giving Zoro time to react, Sora moved as soon as Koushirou finished talking; vanishing from everyones sight. Appearing in front of Zoro before they even had time to register what happened, he sent a "slower" kick towards his abdomen. Zoro quickly tried to block, but there was no way he could compete with Soras speed. Sora stopped his leg just in front of Zoro, the force making him stumble backwards.

Sora: "I guess I win?"

Everyone was still in shock, snapping out of it when they heard Soras voice. Kuina stepped forward and spoke first. "Yes, but if we follow you, we have to be able to fulfill our dream."

Sora: "What are your dreams?"

Zoro and Kuina: "To be the worlds greatest swordsman!"

Sora: "Easily. By the way what's your name, wife?"

Kuina: "Kuina. I guess I'll join your crew, and that's Zoro, he'll be joining your brothers crew."

Sora: "Good! Let's go now, don't bring any weapons, I'll give you new ones later."

Luna: {It looks like your harem is coming along nicely. By the way Sora, I forgot to tell you when you reincarnated, but when you reach age 7, you'll acquire an aura around you that will make women more attracted to you. It'll also get stronger until you reach 16 years old, and you wont lose it when you reset your age in a different world.}

Sora: 'Sick! Doesn't that make things a lottle too easy though?'

Luna: {Do you want to struggle for your harem or what?}

Sora: 'Good point, then I won't meet Nami, Nojiko, and Bell-mere until Arlong shows up. Hey can you set it up so at that time I'll instantly teleport? Along with major events like Fisher Tiger freeing the slaves, since I want to free Koala, Hancock, her sisters and Stella myself. Also Oharas destruction.'