Chapter 8 - Return, Gifts

After waiting for them to pack, he teleported everyone back to Mt. Colubo. Then he told them their first training would be climbing the mountain with him.

Sora: "Just follow me, when we meet up with my brothers, I'll give everyone gifts. I'll also put you guys through some real training later."

They followed Sora about halfway up the mountain before a fist flew out of the forest, sending him flying. Everyone saw that the fist was extremely long before it rapidly shortened, turning in the direction it came from they saw 3 boys.

Sora: "Oi Luffy! What was that for?!"

Luffy: "You went to have fun without us!"

Sabo: "Both of you stop! Sora who are they?"

Ace: "Before you answer him give us our gifts!"

Sora: "You shut up first and let me introduce them! The blonde girl is Kaya, my wife, as well as my ship doctor in the future. The dark blue haired girl is Kuina, my wife and a swords woman. The green haired boy is Roronoa Zoro, Luffys Vice-Captain as well as a swordsman."

Luffy: "Good! Zoro! Welcome to the crew, I'm going to be Pirate King!"

Ace: "No! I will!"

They were about to start fighting, but Sora cut in and said, "Hey, guys. I just thought about this, but who said there can only be one Pirate King? As long as we're strong enough that nobody will mess with us, can't we all be Pirate Kings? Like me, I'm already one of the strongest people in the world!"

Luffy, Ace and Sabo thought about it for a second before agreeing. "Then we'll all become Pirate Kings!" Luffy yelled.

Sora: 'Luna, can you get a Great Sage like the one Rimuru had in Slime for them and like a mini-system?'

Luna: {You can give a system with the ability to see the status bar and their abilities, as well as seeing others' status. As for the Great Sage, it'll only be able to explain things according to the world they're in for them, as well as the things of their system, is that fine?}

Sora: 'Yeah.' "So now time for everyone gifts, Luffy first."

Then he released a raft from his inventory, the same type as his dinghy. "This will be your ship in the future. Don't look down on it, since it can be upgraded to become other type of ships, and it's indestructible. You'll still need a good shipwright thought. Next-" after saying next he mentally told Luna to give everyone the mini-system and Great Sage.

Hearing a voice in their head, they all looked at Sora before Great Sage explained everything. After listening to Great Sages explanation, which included that they would go to other worlds in the future, everyone looked at Sora with excitement.

Kuina: "I changed my dream, I will become the strongest swords woman in all the worlds!"

Zoro just nodded with a determined look on his face.

Sora: "Good! Then let me finish giving out gifts and then I'll show you where you'll be training until you reach at least SS+ on all your combat related stats!"

Seeing everyone nod, Sora took out another raft and an orange apple with swirling patterns all over it. "This is the flame-flame fruit, which will make you fire. For Ace. It's a logia, so people won't be able to hit you unless they know haki." He said.

Everyone: "Haki?"

Sora then proceeded to put armament haki on his arm, turning it black with a metallic shine. "This is armament haki. There are three types of haki. Observation haki and armament haki, which can be learned by everyone. As well as conquerors haki, which is an inherent power that not everyone has. My system, Luna, said that if you have an A for WIL you can unlock conquerors haki," he said. Hearing that, Luffy, Ace and Sabo all smiled. "Armament Haki strengthens attacks, defense and can be imbued in weapons to attack. Normally, Logia users don't train it much since they can hit other logia users with their devil fruit abilities. However, during your training being a logia user won't help much."

"Next is observation haki, which enhances your senses and vision. High levels of observation haki can even see a little into the future. I suggest you train all your haki as much as you can, since it will be vital once you reach the Grand Line. Especially the second half of the Grand Line called the new world."

Finished talking, Sora took out another raft for Sabo and two fruits. A black apple, and a blue pineapple. "Sabo, choose one. The black one is the darkness fruit, while the blue one is the lightning fruit. Both are Logia however the darkness fruit is not able to elumentalize. Instead, it can absorb damage and other things. It has the ability to negate other devil fruits when you touch them, as well as the ability to suck people towards you. If you get hit you feel twice the pain though.

I was originally going to give you the lightning fruit, however, I have similar abilities. I can devour attacks and energy making my stamina endless and my vitality extremely high. Therefore I decided to give you a choice."

Sabo: "Then I'll take the darkness fruit, hearing you, it sounds more useful to me than the lightning fruit."

Sora: "In that case, I'll eat the lightning fruit."

He then handed the fruits over. "Remember, I heard they tasted bad." Then he ate the fruit, making a face of disgust afterwards. Seeing him, Ace and Sabo also ate their fruits. After eating the fruits, Sora quickly dispelled the curse making them weak to water, Luffys included.

"Next is weapons!" Sora exclaimed taking out 8 grey balls and handing them out. Everyone got one, except for Zoro who got three. "These are soul weapons. They take whatever form you want then evolve and become stronger with the user. For example, Luffy, since I doubt you'll ever use any actual weapons, you should get some gloves."

With that, there were multiple flashes of light and everyone had their weapons. Kuina had a pure white katana. Zoror had three katana in a different color each. They were black, red, and green. Of course, they all came with sheathes. Sabo had a silver pipe. Luffy had a pair of plain red fingerless gloves, while Ace had a pair of bright orange fingerless gloves with a red flame pattern on the back of the hand.

Peculiarly, Kaya had a book, which Sora recognized as a grimoire. "I asked for something which will help me keep everyone in perfect health," she explained. "It says that it can help me heal everyone no matter the condition the better I get at using it, as well as possibly resurrecting even the dead when I'm strong enough."

Sora:"That's great! Now to take you guys to training. Luffy, Ace and Sabo, we'll have to come back soon to not worry Dadan. But don't worry, we can come back any time. I almost forgot this too," he said taking out 6 space pouches. "These are so you can store things like your ships right now. Just think of what you want to go in or out." Then everyone took the pouches, putting whatever they didn't need in them; leaving only them and their weapons.

Sora proceeded to take them into his world and explain all about it while leading them to a walled off area he had made filled with ITGs near his castle. "You'll each train in one of these room. The difficulty setting sets automatically. You'll probably experience death A LOT, but you won't actually die. I remember I died tons when I trained. Since I know haki, you'll also be taught haki in there. Good luck everyone! And before I forget, your Great Sage will be a great advisor in a lot of things, and it can tell you the time outside of my world."


I decided to give Sabo the darkness fruit instead since Sora basically already has most of its abilities. He also wouldn't like to give his women increased pain even if they happen to be masochist, save that for the bedroom.