Chapter 10 - Arlong

It had been 10 months since Sora tamed Makino.

She now recognized herself as his wife and began to train after getting her own soul weapon from Sora, a dark blue steel fan.

Everyones stats had reached SS+ and now they had started training in mastering haki. Sora had also shown Dadan his world, where he planned to offer her a mountain near his castle full of resources. Dadan immediately claimed the mountain as hers even without Soras offer though. Since Garp was going to pick him up soon, he was making sure Dadan and her family could live happily since as much as she complains, he could see she really cared for them.

He had also given everyone the same white rong he had given Zephyr to get back in. Sabo wasn't shot down by a Celestial Dragon since he just hid in Sora's world. Sora had never payed too much attention to his world, so Sabo was the first to find out that the seas in his world worked like the Grand Line and he would need a Log Pose to navigate them.

After find out, Sora was a little surprised before he remembered he had wanted to incorporate the powers of the world within his own. He just guessed it was a power the world itself had and that's why it got brought in.

Other than that, sometimes he would visit Makino for some 'disciplining' and he finally turned seven and got his aura. Not that it was noticeable, since all the females around him already had 100/100 affection displayed when he looked at their status or close to it.

Now all he had to do was wait for the day Fisher Tiger set the slaves free and Arlong arrived at Cocoyasi Village. He had already sent Tori to Ohara. She was going to save everyone and take them into his world, except Nico Robin. The plan was to make the illusion that the events that were suppose to happen, happened. Tori was to watch over Robin afterwards, in whatever way she wanted. Tori had decided, without telling Sora, that she would convince Robin to find Sora and only rely on him.

Just as Sora was wondering what he should do today he got a system prompt.

[Quest: Save Belle-mere

Description: Arlong has arrived at Cocoyasi Village, forcing everyone to pay a tribute to the Arlong Pirates. Belle-mere is unable to pay for herself, Nami and Nojiko, therefore, Arlong wants to make and example out of her. Save her before it's too late!

Reward: Book of Vehicles: A book with information over the creation of all types of vehicles and their maintenance

Failure: Belle-meres death, -1 summon ticket

Time limit: 5 minutes.]

Reading his new quest, Sora grinned. 'Finally!' He had already mapped out Cocoyasi Village, so he directly teleported to the roof of Belle-meres house where he would make his cool entrance. Looking down, he saw Nami, an orange haired little girl, and Nojiko, a blue haired little girl, crying while watching Arlong,a tall man with blue skin and a saw tooth nose, pointing a gun at a woman with fuchsia hair in the style of a chelsea hawk.

Sora: "Hey! What does a weakling like you think he's doing pointing a gun at one of my wives?!"

Hearing a new voice, everyone turned to look at where it came from. They were shocked to see a child standing on the roof of the house without anybody having noticed him. Arlong was angry seeing him, angry that a HUMAN had called HIM, A FISHMAN, a WEAKLING.


Sora: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, loser, you're pointing a gun at my wife, so I'll kill you now, cool?"

Stepping into the void, Sora appeared before Arlong, shoving a bolt of black lightning down his throat. "Eviscerate." He said calmly, and in front of everyone Arlong turned into ashes before fading in the wind. Turning to look at his crew, he took out his Twin Celestial Slaughterer sending a bullet at each of their heads, except for the octopus. "You go, since I don't sense any malice from you. And give everyone their money back, too."

[Mission Complete: Save Belle-mere]

Belle-mere, Nojiko, and Nami, having finally recovered from their shock, stepped forward to thank Sora, but he spoke first. "No thanks necessary, it's natural to protect my wives. My name's Sora, by the way. I'm going to be one of 4 Pirate Kings in the future!"

Belle-mere: "Wives? Pirate King? Actually, what do you mean one of 4 Pirate Kings?"

Sora: "Of course, I mean you three will be my wives, as well as my other wives. Though, since I can't always be there I will put you all through training. And yes, Pirate King! Me and my brothers will be Pirate Kings since nobody ever said there can only be one!"

Nami and Nojiko blushed a little hearing Sora claim them as his wives, proving his aura along with his first impression were working, while Belle-mere was dumbfounded. "I'm much older than you, though? And I used to be a Marine, so what makes you think I would approve of my daughters marrying a pirate?" Belle-mere questioned.

Sora smiled. "Age doesn't matter to me! Also! My mom is Vice-Admiral Tsuru, while two of my friends are the grandsons of Marine Hero Garp!"

Once again they were shocked. Nojiko had already begun to like Sora since he gave off the impression of a hero when he saved them. Now, listening to him, he just kept getting better and better in her eyes, so she threw herself at him!

Nojiko: "I don't care if you're a pirate, husband!"

Sora smirked, while Nami, who had similar thoughts began pulling Nojiko off him. "Get off my husband, Nojiko!!" She yelled. Belle-mere smiled helplessly at them, trying fo come up with something to say.

Sora pulled Nami into his embrace with Nojiko saying, "you're all my wives." Then looking at Belle-mere he said, "You will follow me in the future." Not giving her any time to reject, he directly took them with him into his world, where he gave them each their own mini-system, Great Sage, and soul weapon. Belle-mere could only accept things as they were. She chose a rifle for her soul weapon, while Nami chose a bo staff and Nojiko a great sword.

Giving them each one of the white rings he decided to call the 'Realm Ring' and leaving them to do some training, he left to do some sniping. Taking Star Striker out, he looked through the scope towards Fishman Island, literally half the world away. Then he shot Hody Jones, saving Queen Otohime, the mother of one of his future women. Of course, this wouldn't be possible normally, even with his sniping ability, but he made use of his Law of Space to look past the Red Line, and get his bullet past. Although Hody wouldn't kill her yet, Sora didn't feel like waiting. He could've also killed Vander Decken, but he needed him to do his thing in order to propose to Shirahoshi himself.

After doing that, Sora returned to Mt. Colubo where he would wait for Garp to come pick him up.

———— Meanwhile, Loguetown, East Blue ———

Tsuru stood in front of her ship with Hina, a battered Garp behind them. She had come to let Sora know if he wanted to be a pirate she wouldn't get in his way, but he couldn't be one of those evil ones. Hina was following since her husband was going to become a pirate.

Tsuru planned to put Hina in charge of making sure he didn't fall under any bad influences. She was going to let Sora stay with his friends in East Blue and make Hina stay as well. Since East Blue was the weakest sea, she didn't have to worry about his safety. She also brought him a young den den mushi. It would serve so she could contact him later.