Chapter 11 - New Mission

A day later, Foosha Village

Tsuru arrived on the island with Hina following closely behind. Garp led them up Mt. Colubo cursing Sengoku for telling him Tsuru wasn't in the room that day. He swore he would turn Law into a pirate too as revenge.

Halfway up the mountain, he saw Sora, Luffy, Sabo and Ace fighting. He almost fainted seeing Ace turn into fire, Sabo absorbing attacks and Luffy using armament haki. Meanwhile, Tsuru renewed her anger with Garp seeing Sora turn into lightning. The fight continue for awhile before Garp finally yelled at them to stop.

Garp: "Brat! Did you teach them all that?"

Tsuru: "Shut up, fool! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't bring him here without my permission! Sora! How have you been?"

Sora: "I've been great mother! I even got 8 more wives!"

Calling them out, everyone, including Zoro, came out from his world and began to introduce themselves to Tsuru. Tsuru held a smile the whole time, although she was annoyed she had gotten 8 more daughter-in-laws without her knowledge. Introducing herself, she explained Hina as the first wife he had, though Sora himself said there would be no positions like that.

Tsuru: "Sora, since you want to be Pirate King, I won't stop you. You have to remember not to be an evil pirate though, or I will hunt you down, personally. Hina will stay with you in the future, since she is you wife, after all."

Sora: "Yes, mother."

Finishing that conversation he took everyone into his world. Garp and Hina hadn't know before, so they were shocked. They quickly got over their shock though, when Sora started explaining things to them. After he explained he gave everyone the usual things, recommending Hina use chains for her weapon. He also gave them an extra soul weapon, Realm Ring, a pill which would give the mini-system and Great Sage, and a pill to restore youth for Garp. The extras were for Smoker.

He told them to make sure Smoker wouldn't tell anyone before giving them to him, and that Zephyr was already training his son in Soras world. He showed them to an area where Smoker could train before leaving his world. After that, Tsuru gave the den den mushi she brought to Sora.

Tsuru: "Although we could meet in you world, I can't be sure you'll enter your world when I do. This den den mushi will allow us to contact each other later, and I already recorded my number on it. When it grows up in about 3 years, it will adapt its look to be the same as yours."

Sora had always wanted one since seeing them in the anime, so he was really happy to get his own. "Thank you, mother!" He exclaimed as he threw himself at her, giving her a powerful hug. Tsuru smiled seeing Sora so happy. It was a great joy to her to know she could make him so happy.

They all proceeded to have dinner together. Tsuru and Garp stayed for a week before returning to Marine Ford. Three weeks passed after they left. Sora spent those days training and sparing with everyone, while also flirting with all the women.

Now, Sora just waited until the day Fisher Tiger would free the slaves, so he could get himself a few more wives. To prepare, he had already used his Law of Space to locate Sabaody Archipelago and made his way over by teleporting.

[Quest Received: Free The Slaves!

Description: Fisher Tiger plans to free the Celestial Dragon slaves tonight, help him by freeing other slaves

Reward: Fate Changer Card: Can be used to alter a world before entering. Changes made may not be major.

Failure: -1 Summon Ticket

Time Limit: 10 hours]

Looking at the mission, Sora thought it would be simple. The reward was great, but not too great since alterations couldn't be large, while the losses due to failure were the same. Sora pondered what he should do, since it wasn't time to start yet.

He decided he would kill time by sleeping. Finding a comfortable tree, he lay down to nap for three hours.

————————-3 Hours Later————————

Sora woke up as the night set in. 'Luna, can you get me something to mask my appearence?'

Luna: { There's this mask that makes your whole figure blurred. }

Sora: 'I'll take it!'

Putting on the new mask, Sora made his way up to Mary Geoise, the home of the Celestial Dragons. There, he lay in wait, listening for the sounds of Fisher Tigers rampage. Patiently, he waited for a whole hour before he heard shouting, screaming and crashing sounds.

Grinning, Sora quickly made his way through the various home of World Nobles, freeing any slaves he saw. Every time he freed slaves he would drop a bunch of good weapons before leaving. Soon, he arrived inside a house where he found a young girl, about 11 years old, on her hands and knees wiping the floor with a smile on her face. She had dirty, unkempt orange hair with brown eyes.

"I won't cry. I wont stop cleaning. Please don't kill me" she said. Sora knew this was Koala. He lamented her state for a second before silently walking over and slinging her over his shoulder

Sora: "Don't make a noise, just stay like this and watch."

Moving on, he continued to free slaves and hand out weapons while looking for Stella and the Boa sisters. Soon, he arrived at a set of cages. Going through and freeing every slave, he finally found Stella. She was a woman with long orange hair and blue eyes.

Opening the cage, he took note that she struggled to walk by herself. He quickly used his law of space to grab her and carried her with him like that.

Sora: "Don't worry, I'm a good guy. I think. I don't know, actually, I'm not really good or bad. I'm just looking for wives and enjoying my time!"

After telling her his purpose, Sora moved on, looking for the Boa sisters. Finally, he arrived at large cell, where he found them. Freeing them, he had them follow him. After this was done, he located Fisher Tiger, a salmon pink fishman with a thick beard and sideburns.

Fisher Tiger: "Are you the one that caused all this extra chaos?"

Sora: "Yup, now lets leave. Have all the ex-slaves gather and leave. I can teleport them all away."

Fisher Tiger gave him a look before nodding and turning to tell some people to have everyone gather. After awhile everyone gathered, and Sora sent them all to a field in his world where Zephyr was waiting. Fisher Tiger was shocked, but soon turned and left.

Hancock, Marigold, Sandersonia, Stella, Koala, and Sora remained. Sora made sure Fisher Tiger escaped before teleporting with everyone back to Mt. Colubo. He also took the liberty of erasing their slave marks.

Hancock: "Where are we?"

Sora: "We're at my current home."

Finished speaking, Sora took off his name before introducing himself. Of course, like always he didn't forget to mention he was their husband. Likewise, they introduced themselves

Sora: "By the way,Sandersonia, if you want I have a way to make you head and body smaller. More like Hancock and Marigold. I don't mind if you don't though."

Sandersonia thought for a bit before agreeing. Although she didn't dislike her body, she also wanted to be more 'normal' like her sisters. Hearing her agree, Sora directly bought a pill that would help her and gave it to her. After eating it she became a little shorter and her wide head became narrower.

Sora: "Also, you guys come from Amazon Lily, right? The island of women?"

Marigold: "Yes!"

Sora replied good and took them to his world, explaining everything and giving them the usual items. While he explained everything, he got them a large dinner. Koala cried during dinner, finally realizing she was free.

Sora gave Koala the skill for Fishman Karate, which he bought from his sytem. He also helped her choose some gloves as her weapons, like Luffy, Ace and Garp. Marigold had a guandao, like in the anime. Hancock choose a pair of boots, for kicking. Lastly, Sandersonia picked a pair of revolvers of her own after seeing the revolvers holstered on Soras belt.

Sora: "So how about moving Amazon Lily into my world? We can find a large Island nearby to move everyone to. Of course, we'll also warn people against going there in the future."