Chapter 12 - King, Summons

After suggesting bringing Amazon Lily into his world, Sora asked Stella to take Koala to take a bath. Monet, who walked by, offered to lead them around the castle. She had been acting as his secretary whenever she could, so Sora accepted her suggestion.

Monet was just happy she could help her and her sisters savior. He had already done so much for them, making them absolutely loyal to him. This was similar to how Doflamingo saved them in the original anime, making them loyal to him. Sora even went beyond that and gave them opportunities to improve their strength, as well as getting rid of the water weakness of their devil fruits.

Sora had already noticed her and Sugars loyalty. He usually had them just make sure everyone ate, but he would eventually let them deal with formal matters for him. After all, he just wanted to have fun, and being able to help him made them happy.

Sora had told them before, noting that such things might start when he reaches the age of 17 since he'll begin his pirate journey then. Monet was over-joyed since Sora also gave her the spot of his Vice-Captain. He had long taken note of her abilities when he saw the anime, and knew she would be a perfect Vice-Captain for him. Sugar had once said her fruit wouldn't be helpful to Sora, and frankly, he had to agree. With the help of Luna and his system, he was able to remove her fruit from her and give her a new fruit. This fruit was one Sora had never seen before that he found at Syrup Village when he went to find Kaya.

Luckily, or maybe due to Soras luck, the fruit was useful. Sugar had obtained the earth fruit, a logia granting her control over the earth and its various forms. She could make it extremely hard or extremely soft, as well as sink into the earth itself and travel through it. She could also fortify her body with the earth, giving her a stronger defense. Sora noted that his max luck was really over powered. The earth fruit was much stronger than the lightning fruit! Sora decided he would just let her do what ever she wanted, making her do one specific thing would hold her back.

The day after rescuing Koala, Stella and the Boa sisters, Sora sent the Boa sisters back to Amazon Lily with Monet. Monet was to deal with everything needed in order to move Amazon Lily into his world. He also sent Aoi with them, since they couldn't teleport like him or fly all the way there. The Boa sister, Koala and Stella were immensely shocked seeing the large azure dragon, but everyone else thought it was normal since they had already met all his 'custom monster girls.'

While they left to bring the women of Amazon Lily, Sora decided it was about time he use his summons.

Sora: "Luna, is there anything special I need to know about summoning?"

Luna: {Yes, summons also have rarity. Rarity is classed the same as everything else, and once a summon is done, you will receive a card which will be the color of the rarity. Of course, all characters obtained from the summon are able to get stronger, but the strength they start at is based off their rarity. For example, if you get a Rainbow Class character they will be stronger in some form to start with than a Black Class character. It may be that they have similar stats, but the rainbow class character has more skills or something else like that. All summons will be copies of the original character, and they will see you as their creator. Their weapons will all be soul weapons.}

Sora: "Alright then first summon, let's go!"

There was a bright flash and a rainbow colored card materialized in front of him. Reaching out and grabbing it, he looked at it with joy.

[Summon Permanent:

Name: Anna Testarossa (Rose)

Rarity: Rainbow Class

Description: Summon card to permanently summon Anna Testarossa (Rose) from the game, Elsword. Rainbow Class allows her to utilize all her jobs as she switches to the weapons pertaining to them. Hand Cannons - Tempest Burster, Revolvers - Black Massacre, Rifle - Minerva, Auto-guns - Prime Operator. All status will begin at SS+(One Piece World)]

Smiling, Sora held the card up and said, "Summon."

Luna: {Sora, that's not how it works, you have to put the card down and focus your Law of Creation on it.}

"Oh." Sora said. Then, with a plain face as if he didn't just embarrass himself by being a chunni, he set the card down on the floor a few feet away and focused his Law of Creation on it. As he began to do that, Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Kaya, Kuina, Nojiko, Nami and Sugar entered the room. Luffy was about to talk when Stella stopped him, pointing out that Sora was concentrating. They all then stopped and watched him. They only wanted to ask him where Monet was anyway, since nobody came to tell them to eat.

After a few minutes they noticed a glowing light rising from the card on the ground. The light continued to grow in intensity before there was flash. When everyone was able to finally see, the card was gone and in its place was a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a black tight fitting dress that showed the top half of her large breasts with a cut at the left thigh revealing her long, smooth legs, and a white and gold coat which he kept at her elbows. It revealed her shoulders. She also wore black gloves and carried a white and blue auto-gun on her left hand.

This woman was Rose.

Rose: "Hello, I am Anna Testarossa, my title is Rose. Your majesty may call me which ever."

Sora: "Thank you, Anna, but why 'your majesty'?"

Anna: "Yes, since your majesty created me, you are naturally my king!"

Sora: "Alright then. You can just call me Sora in the future though, since I would like to get to know you personally too. I want you to be my wife in the future."

When he finished speaking, Anna turned red like a tomato, and smoke came out of her ears before she fainted. Sora chuckled before continuing his summons.

[Permanent Summon:

Name: Task Force - Queen of Hearts

Rarity: Rainbow Class

Description: Summon card to permanently summon Seth, Harpy and Silvi Lee from Closers. They will all be at the level of their Task Force called Queen of Hearts. Status will all begin at SS+(One Piece World)]

Sora: 'Luna, getting multiple like that is possible?'

Luna: {Sora, you have max luck. I wouldn't be surprised if you got all Rainbow Class summons and some of them were entire armies.}

Sora: 'WHAT THE FUCK? My luck is that high? That's fucking disgustingly high, dude, what the fuck?! Then that's way better than I thought though. Good shit!'

[Permanent Summon:

Name: Uraraka Ochaco

Rarity: Rainbow Class

Description: Summon card to permanently summon Uraraka Ochaco from Boku No Hero Academia. Though she may not start off very strong due to her original world in general not being too strong, her gravity quirk has the potential to evolve into the Law of Gravity, making her have immense potential. It evolves when her all her status reach A. Status' start at C+]

[Permanent Summon:

Name: Tsukuyo

Rarity: Rainbow Class

Description: Summon card to permanently summon Tsukuyo from Gintama. She is the head of the Hyakka, who are summoned by her side. Tsukuyos status begin at S+]

[Permanent Summon:

Name: Evangeline A.K. McDowell

Rarity: Rainbow Class

Description: Summon card to permanently summon Evangeline A.K. McDowell from Negima! She is a vampire, a master of magic, and lacks the weaknesses of a vampire. Though she was originally unable to age is Negima!, she will be able to age normally until the age of 20 once summoned. Her status' begin at SS+]

After the summons were done, Sora had everyone introduce themselves first before he introduced himself the same way he did with Anna. Everyone reacted in similar ways, except Evangeline. She threw herself at Sora happily. Understandable as in the original story she was basically alone all the time and now she got a husband and big family. Afterwards, he took them to the area in the castle he had specifically designated for training in ITGs.


I give up on describing everyone, there's way too many people and there'll be more too. If someone doesn't know what they look like you can look em up. Even if you don't it's probably ok.