Chapter 26 - Sora’s Big Headache

On board the Lightning Blossom...

Sora was currently sitting down on a chair watching the girls. They were 4 years old, and they had to be treated like four year olds. Sora was upset. He didn't want kids yet. Not that they were actually his children, but he didn't want to have to take care of children yet.

When he originally learned that his weapons finally reached Rainbow Class and formed a human form, he was excited. He imagined them all to be like Kyori. Or at least, he expected them to be mature. Why were they ACTUALLY four year olds?

Sora thanked God they knew how to use the toilet by themselves at least. Considering how much they clung to him, he was afraid they would force him to follow them into the toilet using that as an excuse! He'd never hear the end of it then. Moreover, the twins didn't even try to interact with anyone else! Now his wives resented him because he was the only person they liked.

Celeste and Trishula wouldn't even try to talk to anyone other than Sora, Kyori and Mystic! 'What happened to my max luck?? How is having to take care of a bunch of children lucky? Is it because they're cute? Ok so what? They may be cute but they won't leave me alone!' He thought.

It's not that he disliked them. He just didn't like being the only person they allowed to take care of them. Mystic was fine, she interacted with others a little, but the twins wouldn't even interact with toys he got them from the system unless he participated. 'Maybe Tsuru knows!' He suddenly thought. He found a way to excuse himself from Celest and Trishula temporarily and went to his cabin. Inside, he took out his den den mushi, which wore the same cowboy hat he did, and had yin-yang tattoo below it's right eye. It's shell was blue with a lightning bolt symbol on either side. He quickly called Tsuru hoping to get some advice.

Purupurupurupuru KACHA!

Tsuru: "Hello?"

Sora: "Hello, mother. I have a very important question for you."

Tsuru: "What is it? I was in a meeting!"

Sora: "Have you ever dealt with children closely before? I got three children here and two of them are particularly attached to me. They won't even talk to people other than me! I'm not opposed to them liking me, but they shouldn't be so clingy!"

Tsuru: "..."

Sora: "Mother?"

Tsuru: "Did you say you had children?"

Sora: "Yes, three children that are four years old."

Tsuru: "Where are you?!"

Sora: "I don't know, we left Ushikau Island about 5 days ago. We should be reaching a new island soon."

Tsuru: "Hold on a second, Sora."

On Tsuru's end of the line she quickly bathed into the meeting room after telling Sora to wait.

Sengoku: "Tsuru, what's gotten-"

Tsuru: "SHUT UP, SENGOKU! Quick, tell me what the closest islands are to Ushikau Island!"

???: "Uuuushikaaauu? Isn't thaaat near Big Berry?"

Sengoku: "As Aokiji said. Ushikau is near Big Berry Island. No other islands are nearby since Ushikau is kind of out of the way."

Tsuru: "Thank you, Sengoku, Aokiji! Sengoku! I'm going to leave for awhile. I have very important matters to attend!"

With that she turned and hurried out the door. On her way to call her crew she went back to her call with Sora.

Tsuru: "Sora? Are you still there?"

Sora: "Yes, what happened?"

Tsuru: "Nothing, you stay at the next island you arrive at until I get there! I must meet my grandchildren!"

Sora: "Wait, Mother-"

Sora didn't get to explain to her that they weren't his children before she hung up. In the first place why would his children already be four years old? Did she get too excited and forget? Sora shook his head and smiled helplessly. 'I guess we'll meet at the next island.' He thought.

Just as he finished the phone call, Celeste and Trishula barged into his room.

Celeste: "We want-"

Trishula: "-to play!"

Sora: "Fine, fine. I'm going. You two should try to get along with everyone else, you know."

Celeste: "But they're-"

Trishula: "-not Master!"

Sora: "You should also finish your own sentences!"

Both: "No!!"

He sighed and shrugged. 'Oh well, maybe they'll stop as they grow.' He thought and followed them out to the deck. He had recently taught them how to play soccer. It didn't exist in this world, but he found it fun in the past and figured they would too. He was right. Everyone loved it, including the twins, and it was the only time he saw them smiling apart from when they were with him. They even communicated with other sometimes by calling for the ball!

He played a game of soccer with everyone on board the Lightning Blossom, eventually tiring Mystic, Celeste and Trishula out. When they were tired out was the only times other people could touch Trishula and Celeste, making it the favorite time of all the women. It started fights among them, even. The fights started because the first time they played soccer one day after leaving Ushikau, Sora had asked Kaya for help putting them to bed.

Everyone was surprised to see that Celeste allowed Kaya to carry her! At that point they fought over who would carry Mystic since Sora was carrying Trishula. Nami won, earning the right to carry Mystic and tuck her in. Now, even Sora would have to fight if he wanted to be the one to put them to bed! He didn't though, instead he and everyone else who lost would follow the winners to the trio's cabin and wish them a good night. 'Come to think of it... why didn't Tsuru just ask to meet them in my world? Oh well, she must have her reasons, I guess." He thought that night as they moved toward the girls' cabin.

After putting them to bed Sora headed for his own cabin with Hina. It was time for some de-stressing now.