Chapter 27 - Big Berry Island Arrival

Two days later...

The Lightning Wing Pirates finally arrived at Big Berry Island, an island with a gigantic berry at the center of it. The island was fraught with plant life, particularly berries, cherries, and other smaller fruits like grapes. Sora looked at it before he got off the Lightning Blossom, wondering whether this island had any affiliation with Big Mom. He didn't see her jolly roger anywhere, but the island did have a lot to do with food.

Sora: "Maybe this island isn't something she pays attention to too much, since most people just eat a lot of different meats in this world. She eats a lot of sweets though... maybe one of the islands in Totto Land has fruits and vegetables? But they why do I seem to recall all of them being some kind of sweet. Butter, chocolate cake... maybe theres other islands like this that are better?"

Nami: "What are you talking to yourself about? You're gonna creep out the girls!"

Sora snapped out his thoughts and saw that all the women except for Kyori were looking at him like he just stole their greatest treasure. He wanted to make a witty reply, but he had to admit standing there talking to himself is kinda weird. Just as he was going to apologize, Mystic turned to Nami and spoke, "Whatever Master does is amazing! There's no way we would be creeped out by him! Right?"

Trishula and Celeste: "YEAH!!"

Robin: "That's right! And it's also important! Right?!"



No reply. Robin really tried these days to be liked by Trishula and Celeste. She tries the hardest out of everyone, in fact. She had succeeded in befriending Mystic, although she still didn't allow Robin to touch her, but no matter what she did they didn't even look at her if they didn't have to. She didn't give up though. 'Eventually they'll warm up to me!' She thought.

All the women looked at her pitifully. They knew how hard she tried to even get a reply from them. Sora just ignored this as he was used to it by now. Instead he got off the Lightning Blossom and began to search for someone to tell him what this whole island is about. He didn't understand what this islands purpose was. He wondered if maybe it was a big food producer?

He was followed by Kyori, Mystic, the twins, Nami, Robin and Kaya. Nami and Kaya followed saying they need to ensure Sora took proper care of the children, while Robin followed because the children followed. Kaya was the only person who the girls would allow to take care of them aside from Sora as of the day before. It had been a shock when Trishula and Celeste had actually greeted her in the morning after being woken up by Sora.

Now they walked through the streets of Big Berry Island together; Sora holding Trishula and Celeste's hands while Kaya held Mystics.

At some point Sora had been recognized by a brave local. This man walked up to Sora and demanded he let go of the girls, thinking Sora was kidnapping them. Sora ignored him and continued looking for a guide. He had noticed that much of the town on the island centered around the fruits growing everywhere and wondered how they tasted.

Sora soon decided he didn't need a guide and would just go get some berries himself. Nothing could happen to him anyway! Sadly he was unable to because as soon as he relayed his idea to everyone Nami punched him in the head.

Nami: "We're pirates but why do you want to make us look like some low class thieves?! A pirate with a 273 million berry bounty is here robbing fruits?! Oh, I can see the head line already. They'll probably lower your bounty on account of how pathetic it is!"

Sora: "Okay, okay. I just want some fruit..."

And so they went back to wandering the town. Surprisingly no shops sold any of the fruits around the island, even restaurants only sold meats. Of course this made Sora start to think about just stealing fruits again. Without him even saying anything Nami had already punched him.

Sora: "Why??"

Nami: "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! We'll just have to ask the locals. Excuse me, why doesn't anyone offer the fruits on the island?"

???: "The fruits? Nobody would dare touch them, much less eat them. One of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Big Mom, claimed this island and all the fruits as hers. The people living here are just meant to make sure the plants all continue to grow in abundance."

Sora: "Yo, if Big Mom owns this place then why isn't her jolly roger hung up anywhere?"

???: "The Big Mom jolly roger isn't hung up anywhere because she doesn't want marines interfering with her island. After all, she lives in the New World and Big Berry is in Paradise."

Sora: "It figures Big Mom would own a food related island. Well, theres nothing we can do about it then. We'll just have to ask her for some later. Hey do you know when the next time Big Mom will send someone here to collect some food?"

???: "Someone should be arriving within a week."

Sora: "Perfect."

Nami: "Kaya... why is Sora not acting out after hearing it's Big Mom's island?"

Kaya: "I don't know. I'm surprised too. Normally he would've taken fruits by force and declared war."

Sora: "It's actually very simple. Big Mom has dozens of daughters and I want a few of them!"

Both: "Figures"

Sora: "Come on, let's get back to the ship! We have to wait for Tsuru as well as the person Big Mom's sent!"

Nami and Kaya sighed as they trailed behind. Kyori just smiled and followed. Robin grabbed Mystics hand since Kaya wasn't holding it, and Mystic surprisingly let her. Celeste and Trishula as before held onto Soras hands as they walked.

'Maybe thing'll get fun soon?' Sora hoped.