Chapter 28 - Fun, Tsuru

It had been 3 days since they arrived on Ushikau Island. Frankly, Sora was getting bored of waiting. He could freely travel using his abilities, but that would ruin the adventure. It on this day he decided it was time to make use of his True Form for once. Although he had it, he couldn't think of much use for it before going to a world where cultivation and mythical beasts exist. He figured now would be the best time to use it.

Leaving the children in the care of Kaya and Kyori, he thre himself into the ocean and dove deep. Once he was satisfied with the depth, he transformed. He made his size similar to some of the biggest Sea Kings.

Sora: "Sahahahaha! Now it's time to go ssscare some foolss!"

It seemed he also got infected by the characters of One Piece and began to laugh in his own unique style. In his Storm Lord Serpent form he quickly swam a far distance from Big Berry Island and searched for his prey. Any other Sea Kings that saw him followed him from a safe distance. They had been able to recognize he wasn't one of them and were filled with curiosity. One of the smaller ones even went to search for bigger ones to spectate.

Eventually Sora found his prey, large cruise ship that carried a World Noble. Sora immediately swam up, breaking the waters surface before he let out a threatening his towards the ship.

???: "Just some lousy fish dares get in the way of me? I'm a Celestial Dragon! A child of God! Slave! Kill this fish!"

'Fish? Dude, I'm a fucking snake for crying out loud. And who even call Sea Kings fish? Is this guy some kind of idiot??' Sora questioned in his head while a Navy Captain moved to attack him. The random captain tried to cut him up with a sword, jumping from his own ship towards Sora. Sora simply unfurled his wings and flew into the sky, causing the Captain to fall into the ocean. Seeing that the Captain had failed, the Celestial Dragon began to yell for everyone else on the ship to attack Sora.

Sora watched in amusement for awhile, dodging any attacks launched at him. Finally, he shot a bolt of thunder from his mouth at the Celestial Dragon. Nobody could react in time to save him, thus he died a pitiful death, the idiot probably didn't even know how he died! Finished with that, Sora dived back into the water and searched for more ships. This time, he simply scared any ships he came across. Eventually, the Sea Kings began to join him in scaring the ships, even the larger ones!

Funnily enough, he managed to run into the Kid Pirates and scare Kid too! He did honestly like Kid in the anime. Although he was notorious for causing a number of civilian casualties during his activities, he was at least an honest man in Soras opinion. He also thought Kid had a pretty similar personally to him, Luffy, Ace and Sabo, minus a few things. Maybe in the future he could include him in their group of brothers. He looked forward to the rivalry between him and Luffy, he found it very funny in Wano; they even competed over who could eat the most!

As it became later, Sora eventually returned back to the Lightning Blossom where he found Tsuru waiting for him.

Tsuru: "Sora! Where have you been? Aren't you suppose to be taking care of these children? Also, I realized they definitely wouldn't be my grand children on the way, so you don't have to tell me that."

Sora: "Uh... Sorry, mother, I was scouting the ocean to make sure there weren't any dangers."

Tsuru: "Don't lie, I know you went off because you got bored. Anyway, just introduce them to me. You're not planning on doing anything to them right? They're too young!"

Sora nearly passed out hearing Tsuru's last question and statement. "Of course I wouldn't do anything!! What kind of monster do you think I am?! The twins are Celeste and Trishula, the one with the blue hair is Celeste, the one with the red hair is Trishula. The green haired girl is Mystic." He then went on to explain that they were in fact his weapons and would grow like normal humans with time. He also introduced Kyori.

Tsuru nodded lowered herself to be just a little taller than the girls. "Hello! In the future, I will be your mother, Tsuru. Especially when you grow up, you're so cute Sora will definitely want to take you as brides." She said, introducing herself. Sora nearly coughed up blood. He had never been so embarrassed in his life, not even in his previous life. 'Did she have to say that?!' He wondered.

All three: "Hello, mother!"

Everyone on the ship was surprised seeing the three reply to Tsuru. When she was about to ask why, Robin stepped forward and told her how the twins usually wouldn't interact with anyone other than Sora, Kyori, Mystic or Kaya. This made Tsuru proud. She presumed the girls naturally liked her as soon as they met her.

The real reason they had quickly warmed up to her was because she had said Sora would marry them in the future. This made them all extremely happy. At this point, Tsuru made a big decision that would give Sora another headache later while also providing him some entertainment. She stood up straight and looked at the girls seriously.

"Girls," she said. "You must know that Sora has one goal in life. And that is to enjoy it. You should know the relationship between marines and pirates right? So how would you like to be marines? You'll have to separate from Sora and come with me now. Before you reject, let me tell you, with you three chasing after Sora in the marines, you'll be able to provide him with plenty of fun! So how about it, will you do it for Sora?"

Sora: "Hey, hey wai-"

Nami: "You shut up! Let me them choose on their own!"

Kyori: "Don't worry, even if they go, I'll stay, Master."

Mystic: "Will this really make Sora happy too?"

Tsuru: "Yes, it will. He'll be able to have a lot of fun. Besides you can still see him whenever you're chasing after him.

All three: "We'll go!"

After they agreed, Tsuru quickly took them to her ship. They had to get their own marine uniforms before they could hunt Sora! "Don't worry! I'll make sure none of those Celestial Dragons or creeps go near them!" She called back as they left.

Robin: "Well, since they're gone, I'll enter your world and join my mother, Master."

As she left, all the other women retreated to their rooms. Although they were sad to see the children go, now they would be able to get some revenge on Sora for being so whimsical! Besides, they could still see them. And they had future worlds to try and get along with them.

Sora was left standing on the deck wondering what just happened. He knew the three children had lower stats than him, but they were still strong. Moreover, he would never hurt them. If the three of them teamed up he would have a massive headache when he messed with the marines. 'Okay, I'll just avoid anywhere I hear Tsuru is.' He resolved as he moved towards his own cabin to sleep.