Chapter 33 - Water 7

A day later Sora and his crew arrived at Water 7. Sora had decided to wait for Luffy here. Although the events wouldn't happen the same since Robin isn't here. She's inside his own castle at the moment either training or relaxing. He wondered how Franky would join the strawhat crew now.

Regardless, Sora was just here for Kalifa. He'd just persistently tali to her until his charm worked its magic on her. He wasn't over reliant on it, after all if he was a truly unlikeable person he couldn't possibly get even one woman, much less a harem.

Now that they were at Water 7, Sora just needed to find Galley-Law Company that's located here and 'coincidentally' meet Iceburg, the one who runs the company. He had to meet Iceburg because Kalifa should be his secretary right now.

Kalifa was a CP9 agent, basically secret agents of the Wolrd Government. She was raised from a young age as an orphan to be one of these agents, so it would probably be a little difficult to convince her to accompany Sora, but that wouldn't deter him. He knew their boss, Spandam, was a piece of garbage that would blame mission failures on them. Although he wasn't sure what would happen without Robin, in the anime CP9 was disbanded because of the failure to acquire Pluton's blueprints and Nico Robin. Hopefully the same thing would happen with only failing to get the Pluton blueprints.

If it didn't, Sora wondered if he could just give her everything and hope she wouldn't tell anyone else. Shaking his head he looked towards Water 7. There were water-ways and canals everywhere with sidewalks next to them. They probably substituted for roads. There were horses with fish tails and fins moving boats along the canals. Sora knew these were called Bulls. He didn't know why.

Sora then looked for Anna. He had a job for her he had forgotten all about until he saw Katakuri's method of transportation.

Sora: "Anna, I have a job for you!"

Anna: "What is it, Sora?"

Sora: "Can you make me a personal ship like how Katakuri had his own?"

Anna: "I could, but I don't know if I can acquire any materials here. After all, thanks to certain king if mine we have no money."

Sora: "Damn. Who is that lousy asshole? Oh well, Luna let her get whatever materials she needs from the shop!"

Luna: [Sure! Hey, Sora! I want a body, already!]

Sora: "Alright, but will that stop you from having access to the system and doing stuff for me?"


Sora: "Good, then in the next world, I'll create you a body!"

Anna: "What? Create a body?"

Sora: "Yeah, Luna wants a real body, so I'm gonna make her a body. You can just ask for whatever materials you need from the shop."

Anna: "Alright, your personal ship will definitely be done before we leave!"

Sora nodded and walked away. After he got off the Lightning Blossom, he began to search for the main building of Galley-La Company. It wasn't hard to find since it was a gigantic building. After he found it he began to roam around in the vicinity. He was aware this was a little suspicious, but he didn't care. He was a pirate, how much worse could it get?

A few people tried to ask what he was doing, but he simply ignored them. They were neither beauties nor his friends. Eventually, after half a day of loitering Iceburg himself stepped out of the building. Like others before him, he came with the intention of asking Soras intentions. Behind him was Kalifa. Sora let out a bright smile seeing her, 'finally!'

Iceburg finally arrived in front of Sora and opened his mouth to ask Sora for his intentions.

Iceburg: "Welcome, what are your-"

Sora: "Hello, miss. What's your name?"

Kalifa: "Kalifa."

Sora: "So you're Kalifa! Mind if we chat, random guy?"

Iceburg was baffled that this stranger had completely ignored him and instead talked to his secretary. He thought this must be his original goal and shook his head before walking back to Galley-La. Kalifa attempted to follow behind, but was stopped by Sora. He stepped in front of her and blocked her face while maintaining his smile.

Sora: "How about it? Wanna chat?"

Kalifa: "No. I have a job. I'm not so free like you pirates. Neither do I want to converse with a pirate like you."

Sora: "Oh? So you know I'm a pirate?"

Kalifa: "Of course. Everyone know about you "Lightning Storm" Voi D. Sora."

Sora: "Hmm? 'Lighning Storm?' Wasn't it 'Reckless Lightning?'

Kalifa: "Your new bounty poster just came out this morning. 400,000,000 berries. The brother of Fire King Ace and Dark King Sabo."

Sora: "Oh. They should add a few things to that. 'Pirate King,' 'Strongest of Four Brothers, 'Devilishly Handsome,' 'Coolest Person Alive' and 'Owner of Pluton Designs.' Maybe the my bounty would skyrocket. That would be fun!"

Kalifa felt like she had been punched in the gut with every title Sora gave himself. The last one especially. The reason she was acting as Iceburgs secretary was to find the Pluton designs with the rest of CP9! This meant Sora knew. How? She sent a questioning gaze at Sora only to find he was already walking away. If he really did have clues about the designs she had to get them from him. She quickly followed him wanting to know more about this information.

Kalifa: "Wait! Maybe we can talk..."

Sora: "Oh? What happened to 'neither do I want to converse with a pirate like you?' You hurt my feelings! Now I can't talk to you anymore until I'm over it tomorrow! See ya!"

After that Sora turned into a bolt of lightning and left. He would surely return the next day. Kalifa was left standing there with a difficult expression on her face. After awhile she sighed and decided she had to tell the rest of CP9 before Sora returned the next day. She knew he was strong, but she didn't believe they couldn't beat him if they all teamed up.